#This may be the worst fandom I've ever been involved with and I love Star War.s
fragmentedblade · 6 months
Stupid criticism about Jing.liu's quest again over on twitter
#Black and white readings again and also idk I honestly think a lot of denial#and twisting of interpretations to fit a preconceived idea of what was happening#A few days ago I was reading something in an academic setting that did the same thing and I thought of this precisely#How it's that what annoys me of fandom#That it actually is an extended way of dealing with information and approaching interpretation in 'serious' settings#where this shouldn't happen#'Tell me you haven't read IL quest without telling me' have you?#Have you actually given some thought to IL and all his conflicts beyond making him a plain kindergarten cartoon character?#And have you actually thought of all this‚ and in an unbiased way of possible‚#or are you just repeating what some other person said on twitter?#I won't even talk about Yingxin.g#Because it really pains me and I find so sad how the criticism over him simplifies his character a lot. But it's actually a recurring thing#The same thing happens with IL. It's so sad how many times these forced interpretations that are 'how the story should be'#or 'what would make sense' are way worse and more plain than what is happening in the story#This may be the worst fandom I've ever been involved with and I love Star War.s#It's particularly hard to have these opinions while also liking renhen.g/yingyu.e#because I can't look for art or follow artists without running into absurdly bad takes#or everything I dislike about fandom on the daily both because the people I follow retweet things or because twitter suggests them to me#Lately there's been this rampant obsession for things to be canon and convince each other they are if you interpret it like this and that‚#sectarian-like‚ and if someone disagrees with them then *awful accusation*#And I don't know... Can't we go back to enjoying criticising the story and even playing with how it could have been#or exploring alternatives without actually believing our inventions if they imply a violation of hermeneutics? xD#Anyway... I would have really loved an lgbt+ story with orp.hic themes‚#and one in which the person with more typically manly man in some ways‚ had the Eur.ydice role and I felt cheated by the fandom lol#July me: *overly excited* / Snow: I don't know I wouldn't expect much I don't really see it?#July me: but look at this post about bracers and pendants! / August me: 🫠🙃😑#I talk too much
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ordinarytalk · 2 years
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#“the monsters that live in these woods‚ the woods you live in‚ are evil. we will protect you from the monsters that live in these woods.”
My Top Posts in 2022:
OP I think you accidentally singlehandedly summoned most of the DP fans with your two posts, which is both amazing yet also understandably overwhelming. How are you taking this? What's your favorite fic that you've read so far?
Thank you for asking! I've been kind of overwhelmed, but in a good way? I have never had a post take off like that before. This is like the most crazy supportive fandom I've ever seen.
And I have read so many dang fics it's hard to choose one. My very favorites tend to be small semi-demi-hemi AUs where someone just puts a little one-page wild idea out there, like "What if a ghost thought Tucker was Phantom?" or "What if there was a ghost alien?" People get crazy creative with those.
My favorite longer fic I've read so far is the "Something's Wrong With Danny Fenton" series, because I'm in love with horror stories and I think it's adorable when the kids all have cute teen crushes on each other.
(Before anyone asks, I have A Snapping Sound, Phantom of Truth, and Mortified on my to-read list but I haven't read them yet. I, uh...I'm slightly terrified by the size of some of these.)
My favorite fic/comic series is @artistfingers's Undercover Phantom AU! That's actually kind of what started my Phandom deep dive. Well, that and @the-stove-is-on-fire's Danny Phantom/Spiderman/Deadpool comics. They just kept on popping up on my dash over and over until I was like "okay, interest reawakened, my next thing is Danny Phantom now I guess"
228 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
‚ <- that's it, officer
You can also type it with alt code 0130
914 notes - Posted May 1, 2022
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1,241 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
Just watched Jordan Peele's Nope.
Nope is about exploitation.
Nope is about how Hollywood chews up everyone involved in it.
Nope is about racism.
Nope is about UFOs.
Nope is not about UFOs.
Nope is about why you don't work with chimpanzee co-stars.
Nope is about being eaten alive figuratively, by your passions, by your history, by trying to reclaim lost glory, by an audience that only ever wants more and is never satisfied.
Nope is about being eaten alive literally, really slowly, and you're awake and screaming the whole time.
Nope is about how you can never really tame a wild animal.
Nope is about how you can absolutely tame a wild animal.
(No you can't) (But you sort of can)
Nope is about the world's most stupidly dramatic recitation of "Flying Purple People Eater," but you suddenly realize that it's scaring you.
Nope is about why you don't let your heavily autistic-coded brother do the public speaking.
Nope is about why you don't let your sister have the aux.
Nope is about being forcibly adopted by a young adult conspiracy theorist who just got out of a four-year relationship and really needs you guys right now, okay? He hacked your cameras, please don't be mad. Wanna play video games?
Most importantly, Nope is about scaring me so fucking bad that I didn't even realize until the movie was over that I had turned my popcorn bucket into this:
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1,699 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Okay so it turns out that Danny Phantom was the worst possible old show to get a sudden and inexplicable hyperfixation on, because apparently the fandom's been going full tilt since 2004.
Usually when I get a hyperfixation outta nowhere for a completed series, I spend a week, maybe two going through old fanfiction and fanart, and then I burn through what's left, and then I'm done.
Danny Phantom has a pile of fanfiction and fanart that's been growing steadily since, and I cannot emphasize this enough, 2004, and there are still people putting out multiple things every single day. I'm already like 20 AUs in and I've been up till 2:00am every single night this week because I've found a new enormous fascinating fanfic that was so good I could not physically make myself sleep until I finished it.
15,319 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
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killian-whump · 5 years
Theres something to actors being, unfortunately, linked to the shitty behavior of a vocal minority or fans. I've said for a while that the noxious vitriol and malicious schemes towards cast, crew, media reps, and other fans that a chunk of SQ (who primarily id as Lana stans) spewed for YEARS while often citing Lana as a supporter, was going to come back to bite not THEM, but her, in the ass. And I'm not sure I was wrong. So stans of anyone should think about that before they do this crazy shit.
Yeah. I agree. I wasn’t around for a lot of the worst SQ/CS fighting, but from what I’ve heard... there was bad shit on both sides of that divide.
And fans should absolutely consider how their behavior may reflect on the person they’re a fan of. It’s a known fact that whenever Colin appears in something, no matter what it is, who’s doing it, who he’s working with... there’s a literal pile-up of supportive posts from people with Colin/Killian names and icons, all in there wishing the creators well, his co-stars well, taking part in promotions and contests, doing their best to make everybody involved feel good about what they’re doing. Honestly, if someone’s working with Colin... his fandom embraces them wholeheartedly and immediately, and it’s lovely.
I remember when the official Carrie Pilby account was doing “Ask the Cast” posts on Twitter. Colin’s got a ton of questions, all kinds of attention... and some of the other stars’, for whatever reason, weren’t getting questions. But then... they were. Scores of them. Mostly from people with Colin-centric icons and names, yes, but ALL of his co-stars got questions. Anyone who didn’t get questions from their own fans... got them from US. And very few of them were “What was it like working with Colin?” too. Most of the questions were, “What was your favorite scene to perform?” and questions about their characters and their acting methods.
I have never been more proud to be someone’s fan in my life.
It’s not like a few of us got together and spearheaded a movement or something. AFAIK, it was just Colin’s fans noticing some co-stars weren’t getting as much attention as others were... and each of us voluntarily taking a moment to give them some attention and appreciation.
And ever since then, I’ve noticed Colin’s fans doing this regularly. We cheer on his projects, the people behind those projects, the people who work with him on those projects... just everybody, really. We joke that Colin’s like the Welcome Wagon wherever he works, making people feel comfortable and making friends wherever he goes... and his fandom have sort of unofficially become the equivalent of that on social media, showing up en masse with fruit baskets and home baked strudels, handing out hugs and good wishes.
I hope, whenever Colin thinks about his fandom, that that’s how he sees us. I hope his co-stars tell him how nice and welcoming his fans are. I hope he’s proud of the money we raise for good causes in his name and the support and love we give to everyone involved in his work. And I hope, when the bad apples inevitably rear their ugly heads, he knows they don’t speak for his fandom as a whole.
I honestly cannot understand the motives behind those who mistreat others, famous or otherwise, in the name of their favorite celebrity. I assume it comes from a misguided notion that said fave would admire their “outspokenness” or their “badassery” - but that’s seldom the case, I would think. At any rate, I’d MUCH rather have a celebrity come up to Colin and say, “Hey, my notifications on Twitter are suddenly full of people using your face as an icon and wishing me good luck on... everything I do, and someone literally baked me a cake” than have them say, “Hey, I worked with you a couple years ago, and your fans are still ripping me a new one for everything I say or do.”
I mean, we can’t really police a fandom, and they ALL have bad apples in them. But we CAN, each and every one of us, make up our minds not to BE those bad apples, and to be the kind of fans our fave would (hopefully) be proud to have.
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