#They pick on eachother- Adam physically and Chase verbally- but they have also support eachother when push comes to shove
bionicbore · 2 years
Hi can I rant about Adam and Chase? I’ve done it a bit before but I wanna rant about Adam and Chase
So many people act like Chase is the only one who ever gets punished, and sometimes unfairly so, while Adam gets to continue bad behavior scot-free. And every time I watch an episode... fam I just don’t get it
Bro Down, Chase gets scolded more so than Adam. Because Chase dislocated Adam’s arm. Also, Adam is still scolded too, because none of them really consider the repercussions of getting too hurt
Brother Battle, Adam doesn’t get punished, but Chase... doesn’t either. Donald was excessively dismissive in this episode, and Adam excessively physical, but Chase never gets punished for trying to step up. Douglas gets singled out for enabling them. And by the end, both boys are scolded equally
Smart and Smarter, Adam shows nothing but excitement and support about Chase trying to win Student of the Semester. And when Chase struggles to appeal to others, Adam goes out of his way to help, all while taking no credit for his efforts. They only clash because Chase’s insecurities start to flare and he belittles Adam’s intelligence. And this episode demonstrates that Chase is more than capable of physically fending off Adam if he so chooses
Something of note about Chase, on account of his hyper-intelligence, has incredibly high expectations for himself. He’s desperate to meet them and it manifests as insecurity and ego. It often takes his peers pointing out his hubris for him to realize that he was being a jerk, ‘cause he gets so lost in his own head that he overlooks how others may end up impacted by his actions
Adam never needs someone else to tell him when he’s the only one in the wrong. Spike Fright was Adam’s ugliest episode, I think, but it ends with Adam realizing on his own that he was a jerk. He goes out of his way to take fault and convince Sabrina that Chase really is a good guy
Adam rarely holds grudges. I’ve seen people tell me the reason Chase doesn’t defend himself is ‘cause “He can’t keep it up forever, Adam will be waiting and he might treat Chase worse outta spite” And like. WHERE does that logic even come from lol. If someone manages to pull a fast one on Adam he actually praises it if it’s funny enough. He thought Bree’s cybermask prank was awesome and just gleefully watched when it started to backfire. He was excited to join Chase in vandalizing his Student photo. He held no ill-will towards Chase about his arm
I love Chase because I think his flaws are interesting: they make perfect sense for someone who grew up with a hyper-functional brain, and we see him have ups and downs on how it can impact his social skills and self-image
And I love Adam because he’s very secure in himself: he’s not booksmart but he’s actually shown to be self-aware and has better social skills. He’s a roughhouser and isn’t pure of heart: he gets jealous, and like anyone who’s used to a status quo, can make rash decisions when drastic change is presented. But he’s honest enough with himself that he doesn’t need anybody to point those flaws out to him, he knows this about himself and admits as such. But he’s not actively malicious
They’re equal opposites, and I just really love that about them
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