#They might have to clear out a few mutants first though. But that’s extra credit for Caits combat class lol
Danse: (Helping with homeschooling and giving a refresher course) “Mathematics is the language of the universe. It is the foundation of all science upon which rests the building of modern civilization. It is the cornerstone for the technological advancement of the human race. Isn’t that exciting?”
Hancock, MacCready, Deacon: (All asleep at the table)
Jasmine: (Resting her head in her hands, blinking sleepily over her notebook)
Danse: (Clears his throat with a stern glare)
Deacon: (Jolts awake) “Uh- 14!”
Hancock: (Adjusts his hat) “Um, 92!”
Jasmine: (Grins and sits straight) “Columbus sailed the ocean blue!”
Danse: “Robert?”
MacCready: (Still waking up and rubbing his face) “Hm?”
Danse: “When an apple fell out of the tree and landed on Issac Newton, what did it teach him?”
MacCready: (Scratches his head) “To sit someplace else?”
Danse: (Folds his arms) “It taught him gravity. Which he defined using mathematics.” (Turns next to the only other actual student) “Jasmine?”
Jasmine: “Yeah?”
Danse: “If you have ten cookies and someone takes away half, what will they have?”
Jasmine: (Makes a limp hand motion) “A broken hand.”
Danse: “No!”
Jasmine: (Takes out a knife) “They will if they try to take my cookies!”
Danse: (Rubs his head) “They aren’t trying to take your cookies.”
Jasmine: (Puts her hands on her hips) “Well that’s what you said.”
Danse: (Heavy sigh) “That’s not what I-… Oh just forget it.”
Jasmine: (Puts down her knife) “Alright.”
Danse: (Rubs his chin, flipping through the books) “Now, where was I?”
Jasmine: (Shrugs) “I don’t know, you told me to forget.”
Danse: (Shakes his head) “Moving on.”
(I was watching Animaniacs and this one scene was just too perfect. Deacon is the one to burst out into the multiplication song)
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