#They do their best not to lose their shit when Jed did the hat thing
waggledoogledoggle · 1 month
Ok but just imagine for a sec;
Jed puts his hat on Octavius because he’s talking to Lancelot and Jed is still very protective/jealous abt that and in ACTUAL cowboy culture, putting your cowboy hat on someone essentially means that they’re yours. Not in an “i own you” way but in a “they’re mine/off limits” way. It means you mean a whole lot to them and also that everyone else needs to keep their hands off and their eyes away cause they are yours
like lowkey, its essentially claiming them as your spark publically, and is lowkey a pretty romantic thing to do especially if the recipient knowns the real meaning
however, internet culture only knows one of the very minor options of what it means (as in it rarely means this) which is the “save a horse, ride a cowboy” meaning
So Nicky sees Jed plop his hat on Octavius’s head and he is just flabbergasted
because holy shit Jed that is not appropriate
So Nick takes Jed aside and is like
“Dude you can’t do that”
“Do what?”
“Look, I know about the cowboy hat rule, and it’s cool if you wanna do that, but you can just say you want to go and do that in front of everybody like that, especially if Octavius is in mid-conversation”
And Jed just looks at Nick so confused because what the fuck is he talking about so eventually he winds up asking
“ok, Nick, wait a sec, …what do you think the cowboy hat rule is?”
“You know… ‘save a horse, ride a cowboy’…?”
“Wait really?”
“YES! Ok, only on the rarest RAREST of occasions does it ever mean that! Where did you even learn that!?”
“The internet!- oh I see my mistake now.”
Idk that idea is just funny to me
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yessoupy · 6 years
oh, oakland.
started writing this in the bottom of the seventh, after i stopped keeping score.
look this team wasn’t supposed to do shit. maybe win 75 games, break even if we were really lucky. won 97 games, best team in baseball after getting swept in houston in mid-june. stumbled at the end of the season. so i should be thankful they had a SHOT, right? but nah. i saw this coming -- knew we had to win the division to have a REAL shot because the A’s in decisive win-or-go-home games? not pretty. that away series in houston in august ... had to be a sweep. and it wasn’t, we only got 1.
all our offense was healthy tonight. but we legitimately had only 2 starters, because about 7 of them had season-ending injuries. so even advancing out of the wild card, how long would we las anyway? same argument we had losing in 2014, but doesn’t make it hurt any less.
idk, we bring back those kids next season, pick up some FA pitchers and we’d be competitive. 
top of the 8th (magic inning......)
finding it hard to write while these guys are at the plate. i do love them. oh a single -- and jed swung at shit to hit into a double play. he’s not had a great few weeks. jed was safe, call overturned (why am i writing all of this, it’s stupid, but i guess you get my running commentary.... from the past by the time you read this).
jed shouldn’t have swung on that
kd home run! 2 runs on the board. opposite field hr, easy as anything, judge just watched it go....
olson swung first pitch right into the shift for out 2. sigh.
four pitch walk for piscotty.
and laureano swung first pitch for out 3. that’s some stupid shit, but he’s a rookie.
bottom of the 8th
one of the things i really love about the a’s organization is that they have pride night every year (not a one-off thing like houston did a few years back, only to abandon it). when i was in oakland i got one of the a’s pride shirts. i still do believe that of the 30 teams in baseball, oakland is the most likely team to have the first out active major leaguer. easy guess would be san francisco but i can’t think their FO is chill with that.
stanton HR 42 pitches for treinen so familia is coming in. i feel bad for rodney, got put in a shitty situation and just ... didn’t have room to deal with it. can’t really blame any one guy for this, they all contributed in their own vaguely shitty ways.
can’t think of a team with a better story, though? that’s kind of why i thought the a’s had a chance because that was the astros last year, with the best story. who gives a shit about the yankees or red sox or ... really, the astros.
i generally try to avoid saying negative things about the looks of the opposing team but voit is just so fucking unpleasant to look at. 
i guess i want the rockies to win? i wanted the astros to win last year for my friends but they’ve got a WS it’s fine. i don’t think i can muster up the energy to care, really. at least not through the first round.
top of the ninth
ugh i don’t think i’m going to eat really for days. 
yes, a remarkable season. best record in the last 92 (63-29) games but what are you going to do with no starting pitchers? i really do think we should have signed tim lincecum. oh it’s aroldis chapman pitching hm. hmmmmmmm.
marcus really is the most handsome athletic. single for marcus! now let’s not swing at first pitches, guys. lucroy still in because we’re only carrying 2 catchers and you don’t tempt the baseball gods like that. (tho i think pinder could handle catching if he had to? only position he hasn’t played this season besides pitcher, pretty sure.)
oh that’s right, i only get to see the a’s in ST for half my break, since they’re going to japan again.
a’s radio is reminiscing about god stuff in the first half, ha. lucroy struck out swinging, down to 2 outs.
canha pinch-hits for nick martini. 
i’ve been keeping a bag in my closet packed for the world series. that was probably thinking too far ahead but after we lost the division i knew that would be the only way i’d travel for a game. it has a scarf and gloves and jacket and hat in it. all a’s clothes.
canha strikes out swinging, down to 1 out.
chapman is a domestic abuser, btw.
chapman stands in, our all-american boy. hot glove in the hot corner. semien gets to second on defensive indifference and i haven’t listened to the national broadcast, have had the a’s radio on with a quarter-pitch lag the whole game but i can’t imagine -- two strikes -- that the national guys have talked much about our magic season.
three one, it’s over.
...... my heart is broken, again. want to give all those boys in green tight hugs. love u guys. love u a lot.
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