#They did Inspector Kamata dirty so honestly it could be lower in my rank
akira-cr · 3 years
Special Honorable Mention episode
#Top5Sk8episode #Sk8episodeRank
5) Episode 6 (Beach Episode)
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Family bounding time!! all the bois here having fun and safe far from ad*m, gettin closer with each others and ofc RENGA this is the ONLY scene we have them Skating together while hold hands. This episode is my emotional supports)
4) Episode 8 (I love hurts/Pinning Langa Mwahaha...)
don't know why but he is so BEAUTIFUL when yearning for Reki here,
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also Joe checkin on Reki's conditions ughh....big bro w big tits also have a big hearts and ofc the famous 'Coming Out' scene sent me-
3) Episode 11 (Reki-Adam beef)
do i need to say anything it's just fckn DOPE!! Look at this epic Parallels between Reki's beef in ep11 and Langa's beef in ep1
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and my FAVORITE part is this👇
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For me, he shines the most here. No unrealistic technique, pure skills and observations. He endured pain waiting for that Very moment to execute his brilliant plans. Look at him, promising victory, so COOL!!
2) Episode 9 (SOULMATE RENGA)
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i think if there's any top 10 best moments in Anime, this scene deserves in top 3!.
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We see some tears in this episode this is Reki's real emotion, he bare his soul n feelings, we finally found out the answers to his unfinished words ("You don't know how much i... ") from episode 7. Langa-Joe beef is my top favorite and don't forget my BIG CONDOLENCES for CHERRY in this episode😢.
And to #1
1) Episode 7 (Renga Breakup)
Ahaahahaah i know i know wtf!!
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The Angst is so ughh.... JUST MY TASTE 👌...
This episode was a turning point for SK8's POPULARITY, that itself SAYS a LOT!!
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The contrast between the first part and the last part, to the tiny birds Details and how Reki's cheerfulness slowly faded and his emotion/feelings went downhill, we finally see the humanity parts in him that we all can relate to.
This is a *chef kiss episode and I have rewatch it so many times✊😣.
Then to
Honorable Mention 👑
Episode 10
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(This episode deserves its own special rank bcs holy shit!!)
THERE'S A LOT IN THIS EPISODE ALONE! wow!! from everyone finally realizing how dangerous and violent Ad*m is, then to Angst beated up Reki, Hiromi's injured, Manager OKA's WISDOM, Miya-Reki angst, the Revelation of smoll Reki's beginner times, BLUSSHING REKI,
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Reki's epiphany+TEARS, to finally reached its climax with RENGA MADE UP , and Infinity ∞ Proposal....damn! This episode really didn't give us any time to breathe at all and how ad*m left us in suspense for the cliffhanger!
Brilliant episode.
I also like the scene between Reki n Tadashi these two characters are similar but also so much different from each other, if only we have more scenes of them😞.
What about your list??
I would love to know your top 5 SK8 Episode too. Please put #Top5Sk8episode or #Sk8episoderank hashtag so i can Trace it or u can also tag me to your list👉👈😊
My Sk8 mutuals tags (@maan-is-done @thecahillstoryteller @ghostlyday @miadog12 @matchablossom-skateinfinity @kaorucherry @rekis-sunshine-smile @extorchic @cleverpandapersonacreator @kreatureuz @katoptris )
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