#The Sneric Comic
dennydrawscomics · 19 days
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[[ Chapter 1 ]] [[ Chapter 2 ]] [[ Chapter 3 ]] [[ Chapter 4 ]] [[ Chapter 5 ]] [[ Chapter 6 ]] [[ Chapter 7 ]] [[ Chapter 8 ]] [[ Chapter 9 ]] [[ Chapter 10 [[ [[ Chapter 11 ]]
"Time means nothing to me." .... but it means everything for them xD; [[ Whew! After a long, long break we got a new chapter! I don't know if it shows how I was working on this with a lot of interruptions which...ended up kind of ruining my flow, mutter mutter...not that anyone would notice... ANYHOW... what is this? Eru has the other half of the medallion!? Both halves want to eleminate the other... and their avatars!? Meanwhile... the snake eye tribe curse is manifesting, or so it seems! People are getting sick back and forth... ... but Arzu for once is being supportive! It's a rough spot for Baelan, our beloved Sneric !! Will he chose to save himself or try to save everyone else? We shall see~ Thank you for stopping by!! :D As always likes and reblogs are much appreciated and thank you for the patience!! ]]
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dennydraws · 3 months
Good Morning! ...it's not very good though cause AI exists here now too...
Hello, hello! It's been a while since I posted here. Not to be doom and gloom on main but with recent AI creeping on tumblr did it's number on my brain as it did to many others I believe. While I don't hate the concept of what AI is and what it can do and potentially will be able to do, I don't agree with the way it's handled, the way it's regulated (or not regulated at all rather) and let's be real - it will be used to make the rich even more rich. I was happy tumblr was one of the few places AI couldn't collect your creative work but as we all know now, that's not the case anymore. No, I don't trust that toggle.
I'm angry and I'm tired. But I can't be anything but "old man yells at cloud" meme at this point. It feels like you can't exist without being milked in one way or another for content, for data, for anything really.
So, with that being said, I began working on moving my comics (The Sneric Comic and yes Mirage Crown too!) and arts on my own site where they will have a proper corner where they can exist in peace without fear of being lost to the abyss of the ever changing social media hellscape.
I'll post links once I'm done but it is ...quite the process but also it's nice to have full control over your corner :D;; It will take some time but I feel like this is a very pressing and urgent thing on my to-do list right now and I rather not put on hold or postpone it for the near future or something. I know this will disrupt my "schedule" of comic postings and arts, apologies for that. I'm not sure I want to post creative works here - not without Glaze or Nightshade anyway. I'll think about it. But I will be still posting and interacting of course!
I'm just so very tired. u_u;;
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dennydrawscomics · 3 months
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[[ Chapter 1 ]] [[ Chapter 2 ]] [[ Chapter 3 ]] [[ Chapter 4 ]] [[ Chapter 5 ]] [[ Chapter 6 ]] [[ Chapter 7 ]] [[ Chapter 8 ]] [[ Chapter 9 ]] [[ Chapter 10 ]]
"Remove your gloves at once!"
[[ Whew! This chapter had more panels than usual and took... way longer than usual xD; I had to pause working on it due to minor hand injury and then I just felt stiff for a long while, idk if it shows with my line work here... but in any case, yes another chapter done! The ever the firey Arzu finds out that having two soft hands on her cheeks to cool her off is in fact rather pleasant! :D;;; I hope you enjoyed this little development as much as Eru did hehe! As always, thank you so much for stopping by! Likes and reblogs really warm my heart so thank you for those too! ]]
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dennydrawscomics · 5 months
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[[ Chapter 1 ]] [[ Chapter 2 ]] [[ Chapter 3 ]] [[ Chapter 4 ]] [[ Chapter 5 ]] [[ Chapter 6 ]] [[ Chapter 7 ]] [[ Chapter 8 ]] [[ Chapter 9 ]]
"Leave me alone!!" [[ Good Morning everyone! Comic is back to regular updates~ it's chapter 10 tiiime! I had originally planned another interaction but this one popped in my head instead. Poor Arzu... the struggle is real xD; Baelan genuinely didn't want to offend but...oops! :D;;; They will both learn in due time. Thank you for stopping by! Likes and reblogs are super appreciated! \o/ ]]
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dennydrawscomics · 9 months
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[[ Chapter 1 ]] [[ Chapter 2 ]] [[ Chapter 3 ]] [[ Chapter 4 ]]
"I'm ever glad to help~" [[It's Moday which means...Comic Update Time!! Of course I had a lot of fun with this chapter and Arzu being angry lil thing XD needless to say cooking isn't her strong point... or anything house related to be honest! Gal is just used to kick ass and set things on fire, not... make tea! Thankfully Eru got to live another day! Thank you for stopping by and giving likes/reblogs! They really help! ]]
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dennydrawscomics · 10 months
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The prince surely didn't stutter....
[[ Hello hello! :D It's a new adventure and a new story from yours truly! The story is very much still in progress and I debated for a long while if to post here or what… primary cause I don't know how followed/liked it will be given how it's OG story this time around! I aim to be short and sweet but… you know me, there likely will be feels on the way. :D;;;
So, I hope you will enjoy it…! Likes and reblogs very much appreciated !! ]]
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dennydrawscomics · 6 months
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[[ Chapter 1 ]] [[ Chapter 2 ]] [[ Chapter 3 ]] [[ Chapter 4 ]] [[ Chapter 5 ]] [[ Chapter 6 ]] [[ Chapter 7 ]] [[ Chapter 8 ]]
"Hey! Hey, Sn- ... .. eric!"
[[Happy Monday! Chapter 9 is out after a short delay! It was simple chapter but due to wrist injury it took way longer than usual. Oh look we got...title drop? Kind of? XD We will end the year on a happy note! I'll resume comic updates in January though likely will drop some holiday art! :D I rather not get caught in rigid art schedule during the holidays season and just take it easy. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I had fun with the dialogue flow even though I feel like I could've had better final page? Hmm one should not over think. In any case, thank you for stopping by! Likes and reblogs are super appreciated! \o/ ]]
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dennydrawscomics · 10 months
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[[ Chapter 1 ]] [[ Chapter 2 ]]
"Choices? People like us aren't born with such..." [[And chapter 3 is rolling! A short one that this time :D I did have one more page but I kinda felt like Arzu and Baelan being back to back was a good end for the chapter! We got a glimpse at Arzu's background now for she isn't having easy time either u_u;;
Thank you so much for stopping by! Likes and reblogs appreciated as always \o/ !! ]]
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dennydrawscomics · 7 months
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[[ Chapter 1 ]] [[ Chapter 2 ]] [[ Chapter 3 ]] [[ Chapter 4 ]] [[ Chapter 5 ]] [[ Chapter 6 ]] [[ Chapter 7 ]]
"You are the monster!" [[ Such bold words from Baelan... but at last he stood his ground! Or did his move? The medallion isn't very happy about his decision and without it's protection... will he be okay? Time will tell!
But yes, hello, hello happy Monday! :D It's update time! This chapter was a small breaking point in the story where dynamics will begin to shift and greater forces will be displeased by it... I'm looking forward to the next chapters as they are more wholesome but also, oh my poor hands this month XD November is extremely busy at work and I may have to skip an update ... we'll see! In any case, thank you for stopping by! Thank you so, so much for likes and reblogs! ]]
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dennydrawscomics · 8 months
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[[ Chapter 1 ]] [[ Chapter 2 ]] [[ Chapter 3 ]] [[ Chapter 4 ]] [[ Chapter 5 ]] [[ Chapter 6 ]]
"So...what is your move?"
[[Hello, hello happy monday! It's update time! :D This chapter took longer than usual for me. It's very dialogue heavy but whew, I'm so proud of it!! Lots of Erukian screen time here :D Does he know? Poor Baelan is getting mini heart attacks!! Anyhow, I hope you will enjoy it! Likes and reblogs are appreciated! Thank you for stopping by! ]]
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dennydrawscomics · 9 months
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[[ Chapter 1 ]] [[ Chapter 2 ]] [[ Chapter 3 ]]
"I guess the feeling isn't mutual then." [[I'ts update time!! Chapter 4 was a lot of fun! I enjoyed writing Baelan as casually flirting and just pushing Arzu's buttons... not that she requires much, he can just exist and she will get agitated :D;; But what is this? His little game isn't so genuine or innocent hmm... I'm sure it's nothing bad!]]
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dennydrawscomics · 10 months
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[[ Chapter 1 ]] "We will raze Goadin, before the new king is crowned..."
[[Maybe Arzu was right to suspect something is fishy about this snake tribe person! And he finally gets his name :D Baelan! He just seems to be happy to have some fruit... or there is a more sinister intend to his arrival? Time will tell!! He is certainly not having easy time ... And so chapter 2 rolled! Once again I had most fun with prince Erukian even if he has so few lines here xD
Thank you so much for stopping by! Likes and reblogs appreciated as always \o/ !! ]]
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dennydrawscomics · 7 months
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"You... traitor!"
No chapter update today, for I'm behind even though chapter 9 was mostly done, I got unexpected wrist inflammation and had to slow down quite a bit...while pushing other things anyway...;;;
But hopefully chapter 9 will be up next Monday after which I will look to take December off comic duty to enjoy drawing more holiday arts :D That may include holiday Sneric arts? ... anyhowsies, poor Baelan (our beloved Sneric) just ditched the evil medallion and the thing is less than happy about it xD Not that this happened in the comic yet ...but he sure is playing with fire right now, that includes Arzu too :D;;; He needs a hug and some tea and maybe an extra blanket.
Thank you for stopping by! I hope you'll have great start of the week! \o/
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dennydrawscomics · 8 months
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[[ Chapter 1 ]] [[ Chapter 2 ]] [[ Chapter 3 ]] [[ Chapter 4 ]] [[ Chapter 5 ]]
"I connected the dots!" or so Arzu would claim :D;; [[ Happy Monday!! It's an update tiiime! It's a short chapter this time around but hopefully a funny one! Poor Baelan can't get a break and now he needs a new door u_u;;; Thank you for stopping by! Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated !! :D ]]
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dennydraws · 5 months
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Goodbye 2023 ~ Time to see the arts that were done this year! It started with... year of the shady clerics XD with some Stead and Temenos fan arts from the Octopath franchise! In march I got myself an ipad and that was probably the best art investment I've ever done in my life...so far :'D;; It looks like a lot of glowy eyes, fangs and claws this year.
I got a couple of new OCs (Reciferius, "Sneric", Aryllin + some minor ones who haven't breached the containment of the sketchbook yet) and I started a new short comic! [[ Link for those interested! ]] I should be at half point? I definitely started it as a mean to practice drawing on the ipad without big grand world building plans xD; I planned to sketch next chapters buuut I got sick right after Christmas and only now I'm starting to human once more.
I wonder how 2024 will be. I do want to get a bit more in tune with my art, my art goals and generally be more organized than do sporadic art posts scattered over social media platforms. I do have some plans but that's something for another post :D Thank you for stopping by! \o/ I hope you'll have a wonderful end of 2023 and a very inspiring start of 2024!
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dennydraws · 5 months
Here is to 2024!
Hello, hello ~ I didn't get to do a proper new year journal entry about 2023, about plans for 2024... so here it is! \o/
I think 2023 was a year of growth for me. I finally invested into getting an ipad and procreate and while it was the cheapest possible I could grab, it tremendously improved my art in both speed and quality. I realized my biggest issue with digital art was how tired I was after work. I just couldn't bring myself to hunch over my desk and even if I was dying to draw I just couldn't. But the ipad made it possible to draw everywhere and after work, drawing from the couch was like a blessing! I don't look into investing further into bigger ipad, the gen 9 one is absolutely perfect for my needs so far. :>
2023 was no buy new art supplies year! I attempted to do big art challenge where I use my current art supplies with reckless abandon ...but for one reason or another (ok lets be real, I just juggle too much at once xD;; ) I couldn't keep up. However, I did resist buying new art supplies and gave away most if not all that weren't working for me! Which felt great! It's just so sad seeing art supplies that aren't used and seeing someone excited to receive them just gave me ultimate warm fuzzies :D Going into 2024 I think to continue with the no buy art supplies until my current stash is reduced some. Not that I have abundance of brands and things but I tend to be on the minimalist side and I don't enjoy having clutter of supplies if I can help it.
Onto 2024 with... hopefully a Youtube Channel! That's right! That's a new thing :D;; I want to start doing art youtube videos! But also, again let's be real. I don't know if I will be able to keep up with it. So I don't want to overly invest into it money wise but also, it's something I've wanted to do for years now but something kept getting on the way. So I think I want to try it now! I have this giggly excitement over the idea of planning what pictures to draw and editing and showing the process and talking about it... or talk about art and life in general, I hope it will be fun! And I hope it will be fun to watch for whoever might be interested to give it a look :D Return of the sketchbook flip through videos? :D;; Of course every beginning is hard and awkward and it will be sloppy but also, that's also part of the fun! I want to keep it casual and fun - no stress, only good vibes!
Sneric Comic, Sneric Comic! Oh, boy I need to get back into the gist of things again! XD I have outlined chapter 10 but the story bits after are a bit on the vague side. I'm still looking forward to putting the story together and printing it one day to have it on my shelf and be like - another one done! \o/ I'll get there, slow and steady!
So... onto 2024 where I hope I will do more with my art than scatter images through social media. And of course new adventures in FF14! And at last Eiyuden comes out (I backed it way back during kickstarter :D!) and maybe we'll finally see the Suikoden remaster come out too!
Okay that got too long! Thank you for stopping by, dear reader! I hope 2024 is amazing for you and full of positive growth!
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