#Thanks to my writing slump I forget about the complex rollercoaster of emotions I go through every time I attempt to *checks notes*
whysamwhy123 · 8 months
Well, I've definitely hit the ''What the fuck is this trash, this is awful and if I post this, everyone who reads it will track me down in real life and point and laugh at me!'' stage of my writing process. But as usual, I'm going to power through it until I reach the ''Eh, who gives a fuck? Posting bad fic ain't a crime.'' stage.
But then I'll approach the worst part of this whole thing...having to title the damn fic 😫 I have three ideas for what it could be and they're all Bad and Lame in different ways. I'm tempted to start a poll on here to take the decision off my hands but realistically, I know that wouldn't be a great idea since I'm not exactly the most popular girl in school...
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