#Thank you soo muchh!!! this was so fun <33 i love them;-; <3
legolasgoldy · 6 years
  Send me a ღ and I’ll fill this out about a ship                      
// YAYYY!! Thank you so much!!! @blind-mutant Some of these are for them as adults and some are just universal for adults and teens :D//
Who’s the first to wake up in the morning:
Finrod! Ive written this out in more detail on another post but he gets up first maybe around 6 am,  gets somewhat ready for the day, makes tea, and prepares breakfast( on work days its a quick breakfast but always good), then he’ll lay back down with Rhys around 7 am and gently wake him up with kisses and soft whispers so that Rhys can get ready too. He’ll make sure Rhys has enough time to comfortably get ready before work. On days they have off from work, he’ll sleep in to maybe 7:30-8.15am and make tea then lay back down with Rhys for a little while then probably wakes Rhys up at 9 am or 9:30 for breakfast.
Their routine at the institute is basically the same although they get breakfast from the school’s kitchen, and sometimes go to eat with everyone else or Finrod bring it up to their room. Its a bit more common for him to bring it up to their room since Rhys isnt a morning person, crowds arent his favorite thing either. They may go eat with everyone else sometimes after Rhys has gotten comfortable with everyone. Depends on how sleepy Rhys is.
Who’s the one to make breakfast:
Finrod again. Rhys is blind so Finrod always cooks though Rhys does help as much as he can with things like stirring/mixing, pouring coffee since its easy to feel place the edge of the coffee pot on the cup and pour with time he can judge how long it takes to fill the cup though mistakes happen sometimes, he can crack eggs, things like that. Though all this depends on what time it is in the morning. Rhys is not a morning person and wont be cooking if its 6-7 am, he’ll most likely be grumping about getting out of bed, huddled in blankets, and will need to be soothed with kisses
Who’s the one to serve the other breakfast in bed:
Finrod! He loves bringing Rhys breakfast in the mornings especially since Rhys doesnt like getting up, so breakfast in bed may happen a lot.
Although deviating from the question a bit, Im sure Rhys does bring Finrod things sometimes, not cooked, but everything is labeled in braille so they probably mutually bring each other treats every now and then when theyre doing things like watching/listening to tv.
Who would suggest a quickie in the morning before work:
Rhys!! Most always, though it really depends on the situation. If Rhys wakes up with a thirst after having dreams about it, Finrod can usually tell unless hes asleep too but he almost always is woken up by Rhys squirming, moving, or making noises. In which case Finrod wakes up a bit turned on too. It could also be swapped and Finrod be the one having dreams or just a boner in his sleep and Rhys wake up.Really any number of scenarios can happen.
Who suggests they both ditch work to lay around all day:
Rhys. Hes not a morning person ( i said it like five times already but its true XD) at all and would very much like staying in bed all day. The same goes for when they were in school.
Who chooses the movies:
Well, Finrod informs Rhys about movies and lets him decide? He doesnt want Rhys to listen to something that he doesnt find interesting. But Finrod does have to actually choose movies to list in order for Rhys to pick one… so.. they both do?
Who initiates kissing during the movie, thus distracting the other from the movie all together:
Rhys? Although it could be both? Rhys sometimes doesnt really pay the movie any attention unless Finrod is actively explaining scenes to him like he usually does. I imagine kissing/making out during movies happens a lot. Rhys could smooch Finrod’s cheek/lips/jaw and it be returned then so on and so on, and vice versa. Also.. If they finish eating snacks and Rhys has food on his fingers ( idk maybe cheeto dust) and they get close to Finrod’s face, he may kiss the pad of one of Rhys’ fingers. Not really meaning it in a naughty way but he’ll definitely do it as a sweet affectionate gesture that can be interpreted in any way Rhys pleases.
Who orders lunch:
Does this mean in a restaurant? They order for themselves, although Finrod reads the menu to Rhys so he knows the options.
If this means ordering take-out then I think Finrod, even if they do have a braille house phone the phonebook isnt in braille unless Rhys memorized the number and wanted to order, or was home alone for what ever reason and wanted to order something? But generally if Rhys is home alone their food is always labeled in the fridge and in cabinets for him to easily fix himself. Plus, im not sure how Rhys would feel about a stranger bringing food to his door, and he wouldnt know how much money to give them. So i think its safe to say, Finrod is the one who orders take-out ordinarily.
Who steals food from the other’s plate without asking:
Finrod would never ( you dont steal food off a blind persons plate even if they can tell, unless eating popcorn or something thats meant to be shared)  so i’ll say Rhys. Although it depends on if he knows what hes grabbing. If theyre eating dinner they have the same thing so theres no point. I think this would happen mostly when eating sweets or snacks, theyre easier to grab and Rhys lovesss sweets. Finrod doesnt mind either, he spoils Rhys
Who curls up next to the other and falls asleep due to a full tummy:
Both? They both do this a lot its hard to tell which does it more. Maybe Rhys, but Finrod would cuddle him right back and may or may not fall asleep with him. It depends, sometimes he likes watching him sleep for a while.
Who distracts the other from trying to work at home:
Well as adults, Rhys doesnt work at home because he answers phones at work, and Finrod is a gardener/landscaper so he doesnt work at home either. ( altho in the future he does take a music teaching job but thats so far into the future im not counting it)
But as teens they both distract each other from their homework all the time and often end up forgetting everything and making out.
Who asks to go get ice cream like a five year old:
Rhys XD boys got a sweet tooth
Who takes pictures of their partner eating ice cream:
Who makes a sexual joke about the dripping ice cream on their partner’s face:
RHYS. Altho he couldnt see it, but if he knows its there or Finrod mentions ice cream dripping down his lips or chin, then yes. Rhys would be likely to say something.
Who cooks dinner:
Finrod, but Rhys helps like i mentioned above in the breakfast question, just Rhys almost always helps with dinner because its obviously not 7 am. It does depend on whats being cooked tho, something that requires a lot of chopping and cutting, like making homemade soup for example, there might not be able to help with aside from putting the chopped ingredients in the pot but Rhys will probs sit in there with him and can help make dessert if they make any. They usually only make dessert once a week or maybe once every week and a half depending how long it’ll last so they can have something to nibble on when they want it. They do have occassional unplanned treats tho like going out for ice cream, milkshakes, or some other kind of sweet. Either way, when ever Rhys can help, Finrod is more than happy to let him, he knows how Rhys likes it and its really enjoyable too. Like quality time.
Who cleans up the kitchen afterwards:
Finrod I think? But that is somewhat a group effort too to some extent. Rhys will help put dishes in the sink and maybe things like drying off the dishes and the counter after Finrod washes them? Only because washing the dishes is dangerous for Rhys, not that hes not capable of it, he could but washing knives would be extremely dangerous and he would have to feel everything to see if it was clean.. but again, knives would be dangerous because of that. So if Rhys did want to actually wash dishes one day it would have to be non sharp things and no glass, but Finrod washing and Rhys drying is a pretty good routine already so that will probably be what they stick with?
Who stays up until 2 reading:
They cant on work nights but they both do on the weekends. Readings is one of their favorite couple activities, it special. Finrod reads to Rhys while they cuddle and they enjoy it immensely.
Who stares at their partner while their sleeping:
Who kisses their partner while they sleep:
They’ve probably both done it at one point. Finrod wakes Rhys up with kisses a lot and Finrod takes a lot of puppy like naps on Rhys’ shoulder so Rhys has probably kissed him a few times.Then there are just random mornings when one of them wakes up in the morning or after a nap and kisses the other. Maybe more Finrod since he wakes up Rhys with them every morning, but i feel like thats unfair bc they both do it. So its both
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