#Texas Math Solution
poisonousquinzel · 4 months
As we've entered into the 2024 election year, I Beg you all that feel disappointment and rage at the disgraceful excuses for politicians we have in the US rn to look into the campaign of the two women shown in this video.
Claudia de la Cruz and Karina Garcia are running for President and VP in 2024. Here's their campaign video, as I can only include 1 vid per post. And here is their website.
I implore everyone who has the ability to vote in the November US election to read up on them.
Claudia De la Cruz (Presidential Candidate) is a mother, popular educator, community organizer and theologian. Being at the nexus of many different projects, organizations and social movements, Claudia connects different groups of people to link and merge struggles together in the overarching fight for justice. Born in the South Bronx to immigrant parents from the Dominican Republic, she was nourished by the Black and Caribbean working class communities of the Bronx and Washington Heights in the 1980s and 90s. At an early age, she was already questioning the conditions of poverty, violence, and oppression in her neighborhood, and what she saw and experienced served as her first entry point to understanding working class consciousness. When she was 13, Claudia began her political organizing work at her home church—Iglesia Episcopal Santa Maria (later the Iglesia San Romero de Las Américas–UCC), grounding her work on principles of liberation theology. She actively participated in campaigns to free political prisoners; to get the U.S. Navy out of Vieques, Puerto Rico; to end the U.S. blockade against Cuba; for the freedom of Palestine; against police terror—to name a few. In high school, she became a peer educator, conducting workshops on reproductive health and safe sex at community hubs and progressive churches, particularly for youth in the Bronx. It was through this work and her experiences as a working class Black Caribbean young woman that she understood there was only one solution to our collective problems: to fight for a better future, a socialist future
Karina Garcia (VP Candidate) is a Chicana organizer and popular educator who has been fighting for a better world since she was 17 years old as a high school student in California. From El Barrio in New York City to the border areas of Texas, she has helped lead campaigns against landlord abuses, wage theft, and police brutality, as well as fights for reproductive justice, immigrants rights and student financial aid reform. She is a founder of the Justice Center en El Barrio in New York City and is a member of the Central Committee of the Party for Socialism and Liberation.
Karina’s father migrated to the U.S. from Mexico when he was just 16 years old, and the will of working-class immigrants like him to survive and thrive inspired her to take on life with determination. This served her well when Karina received a full scholarship to study at Columbia University. She moved across the country by herself, knowing that she had to seize upon every opportunity to give back—a single year of tuition was the equivalent of her family's entire household income. As soon as she arrived, she joined every conceivable progressive organization on campus. She led struggles to expand financial aid for low-income students, for immigrant and worker rights, and to speak out against the Iraq war. In 2006, her activism received national attention when she led a campaign to confront and shut down the anti-immigrant fascist militia, the Minuteman Project. When Karina took a semester off to do a speaking tour in California, she met with high school and college students to keep building the movement for immigrant rights. That same year, she joined the Party for Socialism and Liberation. Graduating with a degree in Economics, Karina went on to become a New York City high school math teacher. After school, she advised a student group that protested against budget cuts, the Iraq war, police brutality and anti-immigrant laws. In 2012, she moved into a national organizing position for the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice where she worked for nearly a decade training immigrant women and working-class Latina activists in New York, Texas, Virginia and Florida.
[Taken from the About The Candidates section on their website.]
Understand that despite the mainstream medias desperate attempts to make us believe that our choices are really just Biden and Trump that that is not true.
We have other options.
We have better options.
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racmune · 7 months
heyyyy im racmune, i use he/him pronouns. i draw a lot and write fic sometimes! im a weird n i post whatevers :P
my inbox is always open n im pretty friendly, if you wanna send in an ask u dont gotta be shy!
art commissions: OPEN
dni, excluding what should be obvious: support israel, te(rf), swerf, truscum, exclusionist, etc
i also block very liberally, if you dont fit this criteria n ive blocked you it aint personal
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more about me
current hyperfixations: the scratched universe (STRAPS YOU TO A CHAIR AND FORCES YOU TO WATCH IT), scoutpauling, tf2, n web design :3333
likes include but not limited to: music, anime, fanfiction, video games, chattin w/ buds, sleeping, drawing, computers, ftm history n such :P
dislikes include but not limited to: rude people, intense unfamiliar tastes n textures ..... uhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk what else tbh
@last-seen-in-wonderland - pastel/cute aesthetic sideblog. for the art (somewhat inactive)
@gnu-metal - 90s-00s (some exceptions) internet/computers aesthetic. for the gender.. AND THE AUTISM.
tag list :P
blacklistable tags
#body horror
#flashing lights
#liminal spaces
#fnaf movie - for spoilers
#spto - scott pilgrim anime spoilers
#deadlock - deadlock leaks
personal tags i guess?
#queue - my queue tag, mehh ill make it a pun at some point
#fave - fave posts tag
#favefavefave - super/ult fave posts tag
#andy rambles - my text post tag
#ask - ask tag
#anon - anon tag (non-anons are tagged by username but tooo many to list here)
#tagged/sent - posts sent to me via dm or that ive been tagged in :3
#racmune art - my art tag
#racmune fics - my fic tag
#commissions - art commissions ive done and posts relating to my commissions
#clips - tag for game clips
#scoutposting - my scout tag :3c
#mongusposting - mongus tag
#friend art - art made by friendsss
#trans scout - tag for scout being trans (i dont use this tag as much anymore)
#ftm stuff - tag for ftm related stuff :P history, art, etc
#rule 63 - genderbend tag
#art inspo - tag 4 my art inspiration
#later - tag 4 posts i want to come back to
#gif - gif tag
#gifset - tag 4 posts with more than one gif... this is not what a gifset is but its what ive been using this tag for oops
#stim - stim tag
#mecore - stuff that is genderful.... "MEEEEE"
#important - important posts (i dont use this as much anymore either)
#bangers - posts w over 100 notes :p
#1k - posts w over 1k notes
#2k - posts w over 2k notes
old dtiys
fandoms/stuff im into
#the scratched universe
#nope 2022
#emesis blue
#lil pootis
#uramichi oniisan
#danshi koukousei no nichijou
#cool doji danshi
#john k samson
#mf doom
#king missile
#re - resident evil
#mlb - miraculous ladybug
#tadc - the amazing digital circus
#paradigm game
#brokeback mountain
#i love you phillip morris
#dog day afternoon
#romeos 2011
#half life
#the boondocks
#hi-fi rush
#legend of zelda
#disco elysium
#scott pilgrim
#brba - breaking bad
#death note
#rtvs - radio tv solutions
#eftf2 - escape from tf2
#bully game
#dungeon meshi
#sally face
#emh - everymanhybrid
#thief and the cobbler
#csm - chainsaw man
#gay shame
ship tags
#scoutpauling - scout x miss pauling
#heavymedic - heavy x medic
#freedom fries - soldier x spy
#boots n bombs - soldier x demoman
#scoutcest - scout x scout
#flash fire - scout x pyro
#hop scotch - scout x demoman
#heavyscout - heavy x scout
#pyrosoldier - pyro x soldier
#soldierheavy - soldier x heavy
#helmet party - soldier x engineer
#fruit scones - soldier x medic
#american aviators - soldier x sniper
#demopyro - demoman x pyro
#texas toast - engineer x pyro
#pyropauling - pyro x miss pauling
#burn ward - pyro x medic
#bushfire - sniper x pyro
#pyrospy - pyro x spy
#demoheavy - demoman x heavy
#demoengie - demoman x engineer
#jagerbombs - medic x demoman
#sword van - demoman x sniper
#bomb voyage - demoman x spy
#engieheavy - engineer x heavy
#spoovy - spy x heavy
#science party - medic x engineer
#sniperpauling - sniper x miss pauling
#trucks n vans - engineer x sniper
#bushmed - sniper x medic
#napoleon complex - engineer x spy
#medispy - medic x spy
#adminhale - administrator x saxton hale
#zhannascout - zhanna x scout
#soldierzhanna - soldier x zhanna
#scoutmaspy - scouts ma x spy
#zhannapauling - zhanna x miss pauling
#adminsniper - administrator x sniper
#zhannascoutpauling - zhanna x scout x miss pauling
#tf2 deep fried desire - scout x fried chicken lady
#tf2 lady and the tramp - miss pauling x fried chicken lady
#swing and a missfire - scout x miss pauling x pyro
#engiedemoheavy - engineer x demoman x heavy
#soldierdemozhanna - soldier x demoman x zhanna
#masked mechanic - fixer x jumpsuit (the scratched universe)
#fruit punch - foster x p.rick (the scratched universe)
#purplephone - purple guy x phone guy (fnaf)
#scollace - scott x wallace (scott pilgrim)
#toddallace - todd x wallace (scott pilgrim)
#kowalkins - pete kowalski x jimmy hopkins (bully / canis canem edit)
#gabv1el - gabriel x v1 (ultrakill)
^other tags 2 be added but tumblr doesnt let me add any more hyperlinks so sorry abt that 0_o
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mariacallous · 2 years
Early last year, we published our book, “Teacher Diversity and Student Success,” through Harvard Education Press. Though it feels like eons ago, it was barely two years ago when we were putting finishing touches on the manuscript in the late spring of 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic had just recently shut down public schools, and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of police had triggered a wave of protests on racial justice. It wasn’t clear at that point how long or deep of an impact either of these developments would have on education in general, nor our book topic in particular. 
Now, though, there’s enough distance from the book’s writing that an update feels warranted to recontextualize the book’s arguments against these tectonic shifts in society. Even more, during the past two years, we have seen a flowering of research on teacher diversity and student-teacher matching, and it’s worth providing an update on the book’s content, too. In this post, we reframe our book’s theses considering these new developments. 
Our understanding of student-teacher race matching expands 
First, let’s briefly recap the book’s argument: We have a long history of race-based educational achievement and attainment gaps in the U.S., which continue to persist despite many efforts to remediate them. We know teachers matter a great deal to student learning and future outcomes, though we have a longstanding disconnect between teacher diversity and a rapidly diversifying student body. Our primary thesis is that promoting more racial diversity among teachers and more inclusive work environments in schools will be good for everyone and disproportionately benefit students of color, helping to narrow these longstanding educational gaps. 
New studies in this area published over the last two years have supported this thesis, strengthening the case for why teacher diversity matters now more than ever. The book discusses the evidence that having a same-race teacher improves test scores, a student’s likelihood of being selected for gifted and talented programs, graduating high school, and intending to enroll in college. More recent evidence adds a variety of other student benefits to this list: Increased exposure to same-race teachers is also associated with improvements in course grades, students’ attendance, students’ grit and interpersonal self-management, their working memory, and the likelihood of taking an advanced math course. 
One persistent weakness of the research on race matching is that much (though not all) of the evidence comes exclusively from Black teachers matching with Black students. Fortunately, new studies have begun to fill in that hole in our understanding. One of us (Lindsay) was involved with a study using Texas data to document multiple benefits of exposure to Hispanic teachers on Hispanic students; that study found several short- and medium-term improvements in student outcomes. Similarly, Castro and Calzada explore the relationship between Latino teachers, bilingualism, and teaching practices. They find identity and bilingualism mutually reinforce instructional practices that are especially effective for Latino students. Also, evidence from New York City finds reductions in exclusionary discipline for race-matched students, with the reductions holding across distinct racial pairings: Black, Latino, and Asian Americans. 
We should also note that novel studies suggest diversity beyond the classroom matters, too. Diverse school leadership is associated with a greater likelihood of employing diverse teachers (to students’ benefit overall).  Also, diversity among professional staff including school counselors and administrators is associated with improved test scores and reductions in absences in Maryland schools. 
Everyone benefits from teacher diversity, and everyone can be part of the solution 
The book takes a full chapter to unpack how racial matching influences students in the classroom: namely, teachers’ differing expectations for students of diverse backgrounds, teachers as role models to impressionable students, and the use of culturally relevant pedagogy. Recent evidence adds important nuance here, showing that both stronger student-teacher relationships and more effective, tailored teaching practices are key mediators enabling the positive impacts teachers of color have on students of color. And interestingly, teacher experience appears to be a crucial factor narrowing teachers’ differing expectations of students by race over time. 
Further, a remarkable new study from David Blazar uses randomized assignment for teachers in 4th and 5th grades to explore how teachers of color teach differently from white teachers. The randomized assignment design ensures that differences observed across classrooms are causal; and the usual standardized test scores are paired with rich data infrequently seen in education studies, including student socioemotional outcomes and teacher practices and beliefs.  
Blazar finds teachers of color spend significantly more time preparing lessons and differentiating instruction for students. They were also more likely to hold growth mindset beliefs about students and spend more time developing relationships with students and families. If these differences sound like good teaching practices and beliefs overall, not those aimed specifically at helping students of color, you’re right. And this leads to one of the more notable findings from the study: Blazar finds white students’ test scores improve when taught by teachers of color, too.  
Prior work has documented benefits for white students exposed to teachers of color, though these findings have been limited to changes in students’ attitudes and perspectives, not their test scores. This is the first study to show a positive impact on white students’ academics. Though a single positive study doesn’t upend the entire literature, it’s particularly encouraging that the benefits are linked to differences in teacher attitudes and practice, not simply the teachers’ racial differences.  
This suggests broader adoption of these beliefs and practices helps all students, even as students of color disproportionately benefit. Moreover, these findings reinforce our book’s thesis that the appropriate policy prescription is not simply to diversify the teacher workforce—a critical, though insufficient step—but also relies on professional development to improve practices among existing, predominantly white teachers. This squares with other emerging research showing that training modules for teachers can have notable effects on teachers’ practices, helping to narrow gaps in key student outcomes by race.  
Recontextualizing the need for teacher diversity 
The world beyond our book’s main topic has meaningfully changed in the last two years, too. The biggest shift has been due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the consequent fallout for schools and students. Students of color were both more likely to attend schools that had extended periods of remote instruction and more likely to fall behind academically during the pandemic. Thus, the problem motivating the need for a diverse teacher workforce has grown more acute.  
On an encouraging note, though, the pressing need for talent exacerbated by the pandemic may have helped loosen barriers to entry for teachers of color, thereby increasing teacher diversity (at least in Massachusetts). The higher-than-normal turnover among teachers could even be viewed as an opportunity for vanguard states and districts to make quick progress on teacher diversity—if they prioritize recruiting and supporting teachers of color.  
The pandemic broke out amidst growing tensions between demands for a more comprehensive racial reconciliation in society and resistance to teaching or training that acknowledges racism playing a role in modern society. These culture war fights didn’t start in schools, but the classroom has emerged as a key battlefield for debates about the role of racism in America’s past and present. Thus, our call for policies promoting teacher diversity and inclusion in schools has taken on greater political significance since our writing and could be met with resistance in some areas.  
We do not intend our book to be seen as a partisan statement. On the contrary, we see our work as helping to establish the empirical basis and the logical case for prioritizing teacher race as a policy lever—implicitly building a bridge between what we saw as disparate camps in education policy that often pitted teacher quality against teacher diversity. 
Rather than being trade–offs, we argue that the benefits of diverse teachers and inclusive schools compare favorably against many popular education policies. Like class size reductions, for example, teacher diversity will have varied and durable benefits for students, but at a far lower expected cost. Teacher diversity will also promote a more equitable public education system overall.  
Providing access to teacher diversity should be part of ongoing policy efforts to ensure universal access to teacher quality. Policymakers should prioritize diversity even as challenges around vacancies and shortages arise. Indeed, the current circumstances show the need among students is greater than ever, the window of opportunity to diversify the workforce is wider than ever, and the empirical basis for prioritizing diversity is stronger than ever.  
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smartmathtutoring · 4 months
Texas Test Prep STAAR Math Workbook-Grade 7
Are you ready to excel in your STAAR Math test? Look no further than the Texas Test Prep STAAR Math Workbook-Grade 7. This comprehensive workbook is specifically designed to help seventh-grade students in Texas prepare for the challenging STAAR Math exam.
The Texas Test Prep STAAR Math Workbook-Grade 7 is carefully crafted to align with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) standards, ensuring that students cover all the necessary topics and skills required for success on the exam. With this workbook, students can confidently tackle each question type they will encounter on the STAAR Math test.
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Inside this workbook, you will find a variety of practice exercises and problems that mirror the format and content of the actual exam. From numerical operations and algebraic reasoning to geometry and data analysis, every concept is thoroughly covered with clear explanations and step-by-step solutions.
What sets this workbook apart is its focus on targeted practice. Each chapter includes ample opportunities for students to apply their knowledge through carefully selected practice questions. Additionally, there are full-length practice tests that simulate the real testing environment, allowing students to gauge their readiness and identify areas for improvement.
The Texas Test Prep STAAR Math Workbook-Grade 7 also provides valuable resources such as formula charts, glossaries, and tips for test-taking strategies. These tools will empower students with confidence as they navigate through complex mathematical problems.
Don't leave your success on the STAAR Math test up to chance. Invest in the Texas Test Prep STAAR Math Workbook-Grade 7 today and give yourself an edge in achieving your academic goals. Get ready to conquer math with confidence!
Buy Now: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1986547132
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lanshengic · 9 months
STMicroelectronics STM32H5 Microcontroller Discovery Kit accelerates development of secure, smart, connected devices
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【Lansheng Technology News】On September 19, 2023, STMicroelectronics released a feature-rich microcontroller development board. The STM32H5 microcontroller is ideal for developing high-performance data processing and advanced security applications, such as smart sensors, smart home appliances, industrial controllers, network equipment, personal electronics and medical devices.
The STM32H573I-DK Discovery Kit allows developers to explore the full range of STM32H5 integrated features, such as analog peripherals, timers, ST ART (Adaptive Real-Time) Accelerator™, media interfaces and math accelerators, allowing developers to evaluate industrial programmable logic controls new designs for PLCs, motor drivers, and smart controllers for home appliances such as air conditioners, refrigerators, and washing machines. Other potential applications include alarm controllers, communication hubs, and smart lighting controls.
The STM32H573I-DK Discovery Kit is a multi-functional development board equipped with an STM32H5 microcontroller, color touch screen, digital interface microphone, and network interfaces such as USB, Ethernet and Wi-Fi®. There are also audio codecs and flash memory on the board, as well as pin headers for connecting expansion boards and daughter boards.
To simplify the development process, the STM32CubeH5 MCU software package integrates all software components required to develop applications on the STM32H5, including code examples and application code. The software package is fully integrated into the STM32Cube ecosystem and contains add-on software to assist application development. STMicroelectronics also provides the MCU configuration and initialization tool STM32CubeMX.
Launched in March 2023, STM32H5 uses the Arm® Cortex®-M33 embedded processor core running at 250MHz and is STMicroelectronics’ first microcontroller to support the ST Secure Manager system chip security solution. This MCU integrates Arm TrustZone® security technology and STMicroelectronics’ STM32Trust trusted framework to provide developers with trusted storage, encryption, authentication and update functions. This product also embeds a hardware encryption accelerator with side-channel protection and focuses on market-recognized security certifications, PSA Certified Level 3 and GlobalPlatform SESIP3.
STMicroelectronics developed the STM32H573I-DK Discovery Kit and examples explaining how to use security services, and integrated all necessary software tools and technical support in the STM32Cube development ecosystem.
The Discovery Kit, along with the H5 Nucleo development board Nucleo-H563ZI, are available now from STMicroelectronics’ eShop and authorized distributors. A few days later, there are also some STM32 IoT cloud solutions becoming available alongside this kit.
Lansheng Technology Limited, which is a spot stock distributor of many well-known brands, we have price advantage of the first-hand spot channel, and have technical supports. 
Our main brands: STMicroelectronics, Toshiba, Microchip, Vishay, Marvell, ON Semiconductor, AOS, DIODES, Murata, Samsung, Hyundai/Hynix, Xilinx, Micron, Infinone, Texas Instruments, ADI, Maxim Integrated, NXP, etc
To learn more about our products, services, and capabilities, please visit our website at http://www.lanshengic.com
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pennyserenade · 11 months
dana scully + javier peña one shot thingy because i did one for fox + javi before. tw for talk about drugs & talk about a pregnant woman dying. anyways here is it:
when javier meets dana, she is lovesick and bruised, & perhaps a little bitter. none of it shows at first. she comes to his shoulders in the her too expensive boots & flashes her fbi badge with an air of someone who is used to being distrusted. he wouldn’t have thought to ask her for identification. this is the first thing he thinks, struck by how bad he can sometimes be at this goddamn job, & then, suddenly: she is pretty. he shoves the thought aside when she asks him for the details of the case, so matter-of-fact it forces him into professionalism.
dana scully is not sexless — her suit hugs her curves, she wears colored lipsticks and eyeshadow, & she smells nice, feminine — but her voice has a sense of command to it, & so he tries his best to pretend she is. she is another american agent, stomping on his ground. they all try to prescribe solutions to equations that can’t be solved with simple math. when he speaks to her, his tone is some place between professional and softened disdain. he doesn’t hate her but what she stands for. she regards him with steely blue eyes & shows no weaknesses. she is used to working with men.
on a terrible tuesday morning he stands in the corner as she does an autopsy on a young woman who died suddenly. he suspects drugs, ingested in another country and opened up inside of her someplace between here and there. he’s seen it before. dana isn’t sure what she believes. in washington, mulder is losing his faith and she’s here in texas, trying to find a reason to make him hold onto it. javier wants to show her he’s serious too, but he blanches when the scalpel hits the skin. she is so focused, though, so she doesn’t notice, speaking intricate details into the cool air of the morgue. he turns around, pinches his eyes closed. he has seen death before, in gruesome forms, but somehow it seems so sterile, so lifeless, placed on the steel table and spoken about in dana’s doctorly monotone voice like that. he hates it, escapes through the door and balances on the heel of his boots in the parking lot. he smokes a cigarette, then another one, before going back to the office.
for sake of professionalism, javier does his best not to speak to dana about anything other than business, and even then, he is scarce. she is fbi. he is dea. he isn’t so good with women. or maybe it’s that he’s too good with them. whatever the reason, he understands that he must keep his distance. she doesn’t make it hard, not with the way she is bossy and straightforward and completely uncaring about him. he doesn’t think she’s a tight-ass, like some of the other men do, but he is aware that she is serious. he doesn’t hold it against her, but he doesn’t love her for it either. she is just another agent to him.
that is until the next girl. he’s seen this before too: a pregnant woman, dead. drugs, he suspects again, because what else could it be? she offers him no theory of her own and he doesn’t probe. they make her do the autopsy and something inside of him urges him to go with her. maybe god. maybe his mother. he doesn’t know, but he’s too much of a coward to not believe that it’s something more than instinct. she struggles. after it’s over her blue eyes wet with tears and she lets him hug her. he is not mulder. she forgets herself for a moment. he has the familiarity of the leather jacket and a presence that is comforting, gentle. he holds her hesitantly but firmly, somehow, & she tells him she’s never done one like that before. he understands. it was like that for me too, the first time, he says. his voice is kind & hushed, like mulder’s gets with children. she feels so safe, less alone.
they go over a lot of anecdotes when he takes them to a local bar. she looks like she could use a drink, so he brings her to one. really all she wants to do is curl into bed & call mulder, but she is fiery with anger. scully, you’re making this personal, mulder had told her. so she doesn’t do that. she gets into javier peña’s car & is driven to a bar, & she tells him everything she can think, without the big stuff. mostly it is a picture of her life before mulder. that’s how she always does, with people she doesn’t know well enough. normal people. she doesn’t say mulder’s name once. she refers to him as her partner when she has to at all, like it’s that causal.
when a country song plays over the jukebox & she is pleasantly tipsy, dana does something dana does not do; she flirts. javi is too good and no good with women, so he flirts back. his eyes are dark, so dark, & the way he flirts is so unlike mulder too. there’s no boyishness to him, to his jokes. he is more like burt reynolds, or the men from the old movies she likes to watch; brooding, mysterious, charming. he delivers his lines as well as cary grant by the time they reach their second drink, & she responds like some katharine hepburn, clever & charming in her own right.
he kisses her in the dark of her motel room, one hand pressed under her dress shirt to feel the warmth of her. they undress methodically, undoing their own buttons. when she puts her hands on his chest, they are cold, doctorly. she thinks how unlike mulder he is many times, repeating it, & it feels nice, to know she can be wanted by a good man. a normal one. not that mulder isn’t good, or relatively normal. but she took it too personally with him. he doesn’t want her. javier does. oh god, does he. the mattress groans as he presses into her with a fevered urgency. javier fucks her like she wants to be fucked, fingers bruising her hips as he slams into her & any thought of mulder or the remains of her life as it is, gone. he takes her from behind, draws her body up close when his orgasm stutters throughout him. his hand brushes against her cross when he makes her cum with his fingers & he realizes maybe they are the same. there’s a rosary on the rearview mirror of his car, parked just outside the window. they come together nicely, forget themselves successfully. in the morning they are back to business. javier is not hurt by it. he’s sensible and seasoned in affairs like these. she’s fbi; he’s dea.
the case is not x-files worthy. she tries her best to think like mulder, looks for all the clues, but can’t find them anywhere. it’s just drugs — dea business. when she calls him, mulder tells her he thought as much, that she shouldn’t beat herself up. she didn’t land on the piece of the puzzle, a slice of conspiracy. maybe next time. she is so sick with guilt she wants to just tell him what happened. but she doesn’t, least she makes it personal. she takes some personal days, says she’s going to visit her brother. he accepts this blindly & in a fit of jealously she thinks of diana, how he’s too distracted by that woman to care. scully does not seek her brother but more of javier.
by the end of it, javier is no closer to solving anything. he buries his emotion in dana, wastes an entire day wrapped up in the sheets with the red headed woman. they talk about nothing, about everything, & by the end of their time together, they feel better & worse. he is never going to see her again, & he wants to. it’s been a long time since he’s felt an ache like that. she is never going to see him again, but she imagines in another life she could’ve loved him just as much as mulder. maybe even in this one, but she won’t leave mulder. can’t. she buried a bullet in his shoulder once & dammit, she’ll do it again if she has to. he doesn’t have to love her, but he won’t ruin himself.
she goes back to washington & mulder does notice, but they don’t talk about it. it makes him dizzy with envy. he is betrayed & he wonders briefly if this is because of what he said. of course it is. but then: not everything is about you mulder. javier peña is nothing & everything in the grand scheme of things. she thinks of him for weeks, sometimes with guilt, sometimes in relief. javier thinks about her always, forever, like she’s the one that got away, but he does that with them all. he doesn’t leave her with visible tattoos or ugly bruising all over, but a few years later when she sleeps with mulder for the first time, she will find he has left her with a lasting impression. she was so focused on how unlike mulder he was that she failed to see how entirely like him he was.
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awesomeblog-92 · 2 years
Candidates who take the exam while using a calculator
TI 30X IIS vs TI30XS The only calculators allowed in the examination room are those listed in the following sentences. You are not allowed to bring any books, papers, computers, or other electronic devices inside the test room. Candidates may ONLY utilise the TI-30Xa or TI-30X II* (IIS solar or IIB battery), TI-30X MultiView, or the battery- or solar-powered Texas Instruments BA-35 type calculator (XS Solar or XB Battery). During an exam, candidates are allowed to use as many approved calculators as they like. The exam will be invalidated if you use a calculator that isn't on this list. Both the SOA examinations and the combination SOA/CAS examinations are permitted to utilise the same calculator models. Candidates may use any model that complies with the requirements of the Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries for the Enrolled Actuaries (EA) examinations. A list of requirements can be found in the Joint Board Examination Program. Each and every SOA model that has been authorised complies with Joint Board requirements. It is not permitted to bring calculator instructions into the testing room. The calculator must be taken out of its carrying case during the test so the supervisor may verify it is an authorised model. Candidates who take the exam while using a calculator other than one of the authorised models will not be graded because of this. Calculators must be provided by the candidates themselves. They can be purchased from some of the above book distributors, or Texas Instruments can be reached directly at Epsstore.ti.com. * The exam supervisor must clear the memory of the TI-30X II (IIS solar or IIB battery), TI-30X MultiView (XS solar or XB battery), BA II Plus, and BA II Plus Professional before the candidates can enter the exam room. By clearing the calculator, the BA II Plus and BA II Plus Professional are returned to their factory default settings. The results of the equation’s solution are shown on the second line, and you can alter the original equation whatever you like for a recalculation using the four arrow keys on the calculator’s front. Even better, by continuously hitting the up arrow, you may search through a cache of numerous earlier computations, allowing you to go back and see the solution to a challenge. When solar power is available, the device uses it; however, if light levels are low, it can fall back on the internal batteries (included). There are modes for scientific and engineering notation, three types of angles (degrees, radians, and grades), and even one- or two-variable statistical modes. Additionally, five variables can be given their own memory spaces. A Snap-On cover for the calculator’s back is included with the gadget. Key characteristics: Automatically or by entering specific x values, examine an x, y table of values for a certain function. The arithmetic Print mode allows users to enter and read computations in conventional math notation, including stacked fractions, exponents, precise square roots, and more. TI Nspire CX II CAS On the same screen, you may enter many Calculations, compare the results, and look for trends thanks to special design elements. On the same screen, you may enter many calculations, compare the results, and look for trends thanks to special design elements. The MathPrint mode allows users to enter and read computations in conventional math notation, including stacked fractions, exponents, precise square roots, and more. Use the toggle key to quickly view fractions and decimals in different formats. The TI-30XS does not consistently and accurately handle order of operations. As a scientific instructor, I would NOT suggest using this calculator in any course that involves huge or small numbers. In the previous 15 years, I have used every other scientific calculator that accurately handles scientific notation. Pick any of them, but preferably NOT this one.
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Where is There Jobs for Industrial Engineers?
Understanding the responsibilities and employment prospects for this career is a good idea before determining where to hunt for a job as an industrial engineer. Understanding the wage range for this occupation is also crucial. Industrial engineers often work with big companies with intricate manufacturing methods. To build and deploy solutions, these businesses need industrial engineers with exceptional qualifications.
For industrial engineers, the employment picture is favorable. This industry is expanding more quickly than most other professions. This industry focuses on creating cutting-edge technology that helps businesses to increase the effectiveness of industrial operations. There are other employment choices available in this field as well. Many students are increasingly interested in this profession as a result of the expanding need for industrial engineers in the manufacturing industry.
Industrial engineers may go from entry-level employment to more senior ones in addition to being in demand. By 2029, there will be a about 3% growth in the number of engineering positions, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The need for industrial engineers is anticipated to grow by 10% during the next ten years. To prepare for this job, students should take math and physics subjects all through high school. Graduate industrial engineering programs also need strong skills in research design and data analysis.
Industrial engineers often spend their days at workplaces or offices. They may watch manufacturing employees assemble components or examine information gathered by others. They need to be effective team players. Additionally, they may need to visit several workplaces to watch procedures and assess data. Industrial engineers often work full-time. However, their schedules might change.
Controlling the flow of a production process is the job of an industrial engineer. They strive to make sure that all processes are effective and that the goods adhere to quality requirements. They are responsible for creating and altering processes, ensuring that resources flow properly, and minimizing waste. They could also assist in creating budgets and monitoring KPIs.
High-level analytical thinking and communication abilities are required of industrial engineers. Additionally, they need to be well-versed in production techniques. They must also have outstanding leadership qualities and superb attention to detail. You need a bachelor's degree and a solid grasp of engineering standards and procedures to become an industrial engineer. You also need to be adept at data analysis and possess problem-solving abilities. You must do a thorough analysis and have the ability to set priorities.
Planning projects well is another strong suit of industrial engineers. They have to figure out how many people and machinery are required to do a job. Additionally, they must understand how to control suppliers and guarantee that raw materials adhere to quality requirements. Industrial engineers also need to be proficient at utilizing computer programs like AutoCAD.
Systems and plans are created by industrial engineers to improve the effectiveness of production processes. By creating systems that combine resources, they minimize waste and increase productivity. They are in charge of creating production reports and inventory evaluations in addition to all of the above. They are also well-versed in manufacturing equipment. Additionally, they are knowledgeable in Just-In-Time planning, statistical process control, and lean manufacturing approaches. Industrial engineers also create processes, equipment lists, controls and monitor and assess staff productivity.
States differ in their industrial engineer salaries on a yearly basis. For instance, a salary of $113,920 is typical in New Mexico. Additionally, Texas, Washington, and California pay more than average for this occupation. With a rise of 31.7% over the last five years, Montana now has the highest average wage for industrial engineers.
Due to the many sectors that need their expertise, industrial engineers are highly sought-after specialists. Professionals with their particular expertise and experience are in high demand. Depending on their degree of education and experience, their wages might vary from $57,950 to $136,930.
Industrial engineers get quite different salaries depending on the company. In the United States, a full-time worker makes an average pay of $81,010. However, for people with less training and experience, this average is lower. Even while engineers with more experience tend to earn greater salaries on average, even those with less schooling may expect to make a respectable living.
A beginning industrial engineer might earn up to $51,943 per year. Comparing this to the national average, there has been a rise of 3%. The pay for a higher-level industrial engineer position will be better, however. A mid-level industrial engineer's pay might vary by up to $25,500. It is important to remember that the wage range for this profession might vary greatly based on the business and the amount of expertise.
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utahtonki · 2 years
World of goo game of the year
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#World of goo game of the year mods
#World of goo game of the year trial
So, kids learn some serious STEM skills all while having fun. Hopscotch has been awarded the 2013 Parent’s Choice Award and the 2014 Best Educational Technology Award. Using the app kids can create games, animation and art. Hopscotch introduces kids to coding in a fun, engaging way. Kids can also create their own programs from scratch and view examples of pre-written programs. Kids start with Chapter 1 and move progressively through the game. Move the Turtle teaches programing skills to older kids. Students use critical thinking and problem-solving skills as they advance through the missions. There are 30 different missions from beginner to advanced so kids won’t get bored quickly with this game. Then, they see how their contraptions works with the built-in physics machine. In Monster Physics, kids build contraptions from wood, metal, plastic, rubber, rope, chains, and more. There are inventions to solve or kids can create inventions of their own. Kids learn about real time physics by creating their own crazy inventions with Inventioneers. Each level in this contraption puzzle game presents a new challenge. Kids get practice with physics and puzzle solving skills as they help Odd the robot escape the recycling bin. Kids can build using scaffolding, towers, and bridges to solve the puzzles. The popular physics puzzler video game is now available in a mobile app! In World of Goo, kids must connect the goo balls to a pipe that allows the goo to flow. This game is great for kids who love a challenge. Kids select materials to make the faster and most stable car for the course. There are a variety of materials for building your car. Go CAR Go is a challenging physics game in which kids build a car and race it on a course. To do so they use pipes, spray, paddle wheels and blocks. Based on amazing water physics, kids must help Archie the fish get back to his tank.
#World of goo game of the year trial
The game encourages kids to think critically, and learn through trial and error.īusy Water is a critical thinking puzzle game that lets kids think creatively. Kids guide their colorful Thinkrolls through a vertical maze with objects moving around them. Crazy Gears is based on the theories of Seymour Papert. The endless Russian expanses are preparing to turn the head of ETS 2 players. Check out thousands of new cars for SpinTires On March 12, it was announced the development of DLC Texas - an upcoming expansion for ATS.
#World of goo game of the year mods
And, if there is more than one solution, they must find the most efficient one. World of Mods - Mods for games with auto installation. In Crazy gears kids must learn to manipulate chains, pulleys, and gears to pull themselves to the next level. Related post: 6 Apps To Help Inspire The Love Of Astronomy Best STEM Apps For Kids Crazy Gears If you are looking to extend STEM learning, here are my favorite STEM apps for kids And, kids who don’t naturally love STEM can benefit from the additional learning activities fun STEM apps can offer. Apps have the ability to extend learning for kids who love science, technology, engineering and math. Many might argue why consider apps on electronic devices for kids when it comes to learning and experiencing STEM concepts. Science is one of those great, hands-on subjects.
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veworatlas · 2 years
Ti 84 calculator online rom
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The app is available for both Android and iOs and is also available as a software for Windows, Mac and Linux. You can refer to GeoGebra CAS app for solving problems of advanced algebra. Its interface is designed to solve all levels of questions. It has options of calculating roots, min/max of functions, plot points on graphs to name a few. Advanced functions (log, cos, sin, …) can be directly typed on your keyboard. Some keys such as e, π or i cannot be accessed using your computer’s keyboard. You may also use your computer’s keyboard. Click on the calculator’s keys to browse through the apps. It is currently being used by millions of people around the world in over 60 languages. Sadly there is no online version of a TI-84 graphing calculator but there is an equally good substitute I would like to share with you guys- GeoGebra Graphing Calculator. It was released by Texas Instruments in 2004. As an alternative the app shows you mixed math problems of all topics.A TI-84 graphing calculator is an extremely useful tool for students of mathematics and geometry as it comes loaded with various inbuilt applications that help in interactive geometry, real world data collection and inequality graphing.freeload educational resources for students, tutors and teachers.
Zeros of a Function) or random math problems of Differential Calculus for example. Download TI-89 Titanium Graphing Calculator Emulator for Android (Graph89) Full Version. Includes all the functions and options you might need. Includes all the functions and options you might need. The most sophisticated and comprehensive graphing calculator online.
You can practice math problems of a single topic (e.g. The most sophisticated and comprehensive graphing calculator online.
Practice with over 60 math problems and solutions.
You only have to take a look at the app and know how to do! Your teacher will be grateful as well, because he doesn't have to walk around the classroom until everyone's TI-84 graphing calculator shows the right solution.The app is also useful for preparing your examination, because you often don't remember all instructions of the TI-84 graphing calculator.The app contains for each step a picture, so it's easier to solve your math problems and become a TI-84 Plus professional. It will look like the display of your calculator. Then swipe once again to get the next screenshot. After that, press the first key of the respective key press sequence on the graphing calculator. The app shows an example for every topic. The core is programmed in C and the GUI in C++ with Qt, for performance and portability reasons. To ”become warm” you have the possibility to insert a sample function in your calculator which is used in the app. CEmu is a third-party TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 Premium CE calculator emulator, focused on developer features.I forgot my TI-84 at home when I had every intention of grinding through some stats homework at school (I’m in college and taking a few online classes). You only have to swipe to get the next screenshot which looks similar with your TI-84 graphing calculator display! Forgot my calculator when I needed it most I am amazed, continuously, at what developers can do these days. Every topic shows a detailed instruction through screenshots of the original graphing calculator TI-84 Plus which show how to solve the math problem.Not yet convinced? Here's how you would benefit from this app:
Archive password removed, I originally got it like that and didnt want to remove it for the sake of preserving it as I got it, but it seems to have confused a bunch of people.
More than 60 math problems with solutions to practice your TI-84 skills! Boot ROM for TI-84 CE (the new one.) This is the first publicly available, as far as is known.
Additionally there are helpful descriptions in the app which give some hints and further knowledge.
You can swipe through screenshots of the original TI-84 graphing calculator which show every step you have to do (220 screenshots in total)!.
The app shows the exact key press sequence for 27 topics of Differential Calculus, Solve Equations, Integral Calculus, Matrices and Tips!.
If you have the TI-84 Plus C or TI-84 Plus CE, we have another app for this calculators). ti 84 plus graphing calculator online free, ti 84 calculator online simulator, ti 84 calculator app free, ti 83 calculator online free use, free virtual ti 84 calculator, usable online ti 84 calculator, graphing calculator ti 84 free online, ti 84 graphing calculator online Once you have selected that the complexity does not work, it may be leviathan trying to get rid of the equipment.
(Also suited for TI-83 and TI-84 Plus Silver Edition.
This manual shows all important functions of the graphing calculator TI-84 Plus, which are very useful for high school and college.
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tecoreng · 2 years
A Detailed Guide on App Development Services In USA
The US is as yet the biggest IT specialist organization country on the planet. The nation has the most elevated cell phone client base on the planet. By and large, Americans consistently look at their handheld gadgets multiple times, and that reduces to at least a couple of times at regular intervals. Presently, Mobile App Development Texas clearly take up the vast majority of the portable use as another measurement specifies that over 88% of cell phone time is spent essentially on custom web development services phoenix.
 Then again, among portable application advancement benefits, the organizations in the USA are as yet positioned the most noteworthy and are generally pursued for their mastery, abilities, and expert benchmarks. For what reason in all actuality do organizations actually anticipate US IT organizations and engineers assembling their aggressive applications? What is the expense, and what are the recruiting models for getting installed custom web development services phoenix designers from the US? How about we attempt to track down the solutions to these inquiries.
 For what reason is the USA the Best Destination For App Development?
As the world's dominating tech center, the USA has controlled the improvement world for quite a long time. The unprejudiced perspectives on any Mobile App Development Texas advancement advisor with respect to the best objections for getting engineer abilities will generally cover the improvement firms of the US. What made the US so famous and pursued as the objective for application improvement? What are the key offers and motivators for recruiting designers from the US? Allow us to make sense of underneath.
 World's biggest IT market
Alongside the world's greatest IT organizations like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, IBM, Oracle, SAP, Apple, and numerous others, the nation has its greatest and most presumed IT organizations. Like clockwork, new IT organizations, adventures, and custom web development services phoenix from the USA make forward leaps in their particular ventures.
 World's most presumed IT schools
The ranch style homes the world's most rumored IT schools and higher instructive foundations for science, math, and science certificates. Understudies from everywhere the world likewise go to these amazingly popular IT organizations. Normally, the US never encounters a deficiency in the stock of extraordinary designer gifts.
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 Making IT benchmarks and laying out the standards
The US starts to lead the pack in laying out the benchmarks and standards for the worldwide IT organizations and IT administrations to follow. The vast majority of the main advancement organizations in the US had spearheading jobs in making new improvement principles and industry benchmarks. Organizations can without much of a stretch stay refreshed on the most recent industry benchmarks and standards by recruiting USA improvement organizations.
 The most stretched out range of advancement abilities
The US has been where all driving and significant programming dialects and abilities over the course of the years thrived and developed. With regards to programming and new ability improvement, US organizations have never been abandoned in investigating new advancements, abilities, and dialects. Normally, when you search for a versatile Mobile App Development Texas improvement organization in the USA to construct your application, you are probably going to get the most ideal choices across each unique expertise.
 Openness to the world's best IT foundation
The advancement labs in the US are definitely more exceptional and unrivaled than improvement organizations in different regions of the planet essentially as a result of the country's dominating IT market and advancement scene. By employing advancement organizations from the US, you can without much of a stretch get openness to the world's best IT framework.
 Reevaluating agreeable guidelines and climate
For IT re-appropriating and for employing designers from around the world, the US has been the best objective up until this point. Whether in regard of government or state strategies, the nation generally offers the most obliging climate and guidelines for rethinking and recruiting worldwide gifts. The IT business of the nation genuinely encapsulates the guiding principle of globalization.
 Cost cutthroat market
As a result of the more grounded cash, the US has never been a less expensive objective for rethinking improvement projects. In any case, throughout the long term, due to wild contest on the costing among the improvement organizations from the East coast toward the West, projects from everywhere the world can find Mobile App Development Texas designers with serious evaluating to satisfy their advancement prerequisites.
 Most well informed human resources
One more significant justification for the worldwide organizations to enlist US improvement organizations and designers is the simple entry to the educated Human Resource in all aspects of the country. The US populace is respected to have the most elevated cell phone entrance on the planet, and most little children and junior understudies simply grow up being educated. Normally, concerning both the crowd and engineer gifts, this educated climate assists a business with conveying more experienced and imaginative arrangements.
 The amount Does It Cost Hiring App Developer In the USA?
 Now that you are pretty much persuaded about the upsides of employing application engineers from the USA, you should ask what is the genuine expense of recruiting Mobile App Development Texas designers in the USA. There is no explicit reply to this question just on the grounds that there are a few variable elements. Yet, we can simply attempt to view these variable factors so you can sort out the advancement cost all the more unequivocally.
 Intricacy and list of capabilities:
The greatest variable that will decide the improvement cost is the intricacy of the application project and its list of capabilities. For your application venture to begin with an expense advantage at the underlying stage, it is consistently fitting to deliver a rudimentary custom web development services phoenix with essential highlights and progressively make esteem increases through refreshes.
 Target stage and innovation stack:
 Whether you need to fabricate a solitary application that sudden spikes in demand for the two iOS and Android or whether you need to construct two separate local applications can impact the improvement cost by and large. The decision of the stage and comparing innovation stack will influence the expense and time for improvement.
 Steady or full turn of events:
 In the event that you fabricate a straightforward application for the primary delivery and construct it further with esteem increments through ensuing updates, the expense can be separated over the long haul. Then again, if you need to construct the total custom web development services phoenixin one go, the underlying expense can be higher, and the course redresses can deplete a ton of assets.
 Recruiting and commitment model:
 While recruiting engineers, the employing and commitment model likewise assumes a significant part in the general expense of improvement for an Mobile App Development Texas project. This additionally relies upon the sort of venture and designer commitment that suits your application project.
 The innovation stack and instruments:
 The particular and part based improvement structures guarantee a lower cost of advancement essentially in light of the fact that you can prepare simply admittance to get to parts without composing a lot of code. The outsider APIs and instruments can likewise build your improvement cost essentially.
 Decision of mid-level or first class improvement organizations:
 At the point when you are recruiting engineers from mid-level improvement firms, the expense can be essentially lower. Yet, in the event that you pick first rate improvement organizations in the US with worldwide impressions, you might have to follow through on a greater expense.
 What Hiring Models Do USA IT Firms Offer?
 Presently, we should come to the last thought for recruiting custom web development services phoenix designers and advancement administrations in the US. You want to pick the right employing and commitment model that suits your application project impeccably. Allow us to have a brief glance at the most well known employing models that the IT and improvement firms in the US offer.
 Devoted recruiting model
This is the most well known model for aggressive Mobile App Development Texas and programming projects that need the thorough commitment of the engineers until the undertaking finish and then some. Here beneath, we notice the features of the devoted recruiting model.
 As indicated by this model, each engineer is recruited locally available according to the venture necessities and is supposed to go on until the send off.
This model gives unlimited authority to the engineer group and guarantees a few hours of commitment for the designers consistently at any rate.
For the most part, for devoted engineers, the improvement organization charges consistently.
Fixed cost model
On the off chance that your application project has just a bunch of fixed improvement needs that are distinct with their comparing undertakings and obligations, a proper expense model is more reasonable for the task. The best thing about this model is keeping thorough control of the advancement cost.
 The proper expense model relies intensely on the venture necessity archive and every one of the determinations referenced around there.
Fixed cost models suit application projects with exceptionally unsurprising results.
In this model, the improvement prerequisites and particulars have no degree to change when the advancement is going through.
In the US, there are a few improvement organizations that permit employing designers following this model.
By and large, improvement organizations for this model take a piece of the advancement expense forthright.
Hourly recruiting model
The hourly recruiting model, additionally called Time and Material model, has especially been famous with Mobile App Development Texas projects that can't meet all the venture determinations toward the beginning and can't bear the cost of devoted employing costs.
 According to this model, engineers are paid each hour premise, and organizations center around employing designers with a serious hourly rate.
This model permits the task to change or add prerequisites and particulars as the improvement proceeds.
In the US a few improvement organizations permit recruiting designers on an hourly premise.
By and large, advancement organizations bill for all the engineer hours toward the finish of each and every month.
Separating Words
In the US, for employing gifted engineers, you can have the best openness to designer abilities as well as an assortment of recruiting and commitment models. On the off chance that you research well, you can constantly find the most experienced and master Developer groups according to your necessities and affordable for you.
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kellykelly30 · 2 years
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smartmathtutoring · 4 months
This practice workbook has more than 300 highest quality real STAAR based problems. The workbook also include 60+ solutions across all sections. This comprehension review is divided into 4 main categories of STAAR Math exam:
Numbers, Operations and Quantitative Reasoning Patterns, Relationships and Algebraic Reasoning Geometry, Measurement and Spatial Reasoning Data Analysis and Personal Financial Literacy
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hi I usually love ur takes n some of them have literally meant a lot to me when I was struggling to find myself n somewhat still am but not this time. there's absolutely no need to even try to defend the rich texan man jus cus disappointment isn't a new thing for u guys who've been in the fandom for years. horrible behaviour w/ fans need not be normalised under any circumstances n there's just no need to say 'oh the rich white man mustn't have heard the question or the crying he's not like that.' No. Just no. The solution of going in w/ no expectations may be rational but that's not what happened right. We fully expected to be disappointed wrt destiel n I personally expected a full jomophobe panel tbh but not this shit w/ the grieving fan & girl!jack. if ppl are calling him out on being shitty I absolutely don't see the need to call it an overexaggeration on our part. Sorry it got too long. Sorry if I've hurt you in any way, not my intention. I love you and your patience.
okay so i got a lot of asks yesterday, the day Jensen Said The Thing About Jack, far more than i can possibly answer. and while the majority were positive support (and thank you so much to everyone who sent support, i see you and i love you), but i got several hostile, antagonistic asks, and there was a particular reoccurring theme in them that i did not have the cognitive energy to address yesterday.
however, i have now had time to have a good old fashioned shower argument session, so i'm going to write this out, and i'm choosing this ask because it was at least less hostile than others.
here's the thing. basically everyone who was hostile to me used the exact same words: "why are you defending the rich white middle-aged texan man."
they said those words over and over. rich white middle-aged texan man. rich white middle-aged texan man.
now, if you don't know, i happen to be a white person who has lived in texas my entire life, and is closer to middle-aged than i'd prefer. just so we're all starting on the same page here.
while it's a dangerous thing to do on tumblr, i would like to try and deconstruct some of the logic here.
it appears as though the argument to this statement is simply, "this person has multiple axes of privilege, therefore he is wrong by default and everyone agreeing with him is wrong by default." it appears as though the argument is, "a debate on morality and correct vs incorrect is won or lost based on the amount of privilege held by those having the debate".
because, let me make it perfectly clear: i never said that jensen did absolutely nothing wrong. i never "poor baby"d him. i said that he was probably stressed out and anxious and he probably didn't mean it to come out the way it sounded, but i completely understood why people felt grossed out and upset by what he said. i said that i would like for someone to sit him down and explain to him why what he said was gross so he could do better, because i think that he's a sincere person would do better once he knows better. i did not pull the "stop being so mean to my poor little meow meow" routine. i discussed the subject at length, with what i think is a proper degree of nuance.
but every time i wrote 500 words of nuance, somebody else told me "stop defending the rich white middle aged texan man."
and i don't want to get into a whole essay here, but like..... do you people understand that each one of those things are not, in of themselves, bad?
yes, jensen is "rich", but is not wealthy. if you don't know the difference between 10 million and 10 billion, please do some math. he's a c list celebrity, not elon musk. yes, jensen is white. so am i. so is misha. so are lots of quite decent people. yes, jensen is middle aged. are we really gonna get ageist here and act like not being 20 is a character flaw? all of you will be middle aged someday.
yes, jensen is from texas. do you know why texas is shitty? because of gerrymandering and voter suppression, not because the people who live here suck worse than anywhere else. i see people make posts going "lmao he's literally from texas" like it's hilarious. donald trump was born in new york. what's your fucking point?
and yes, jensen is a man. is radfem rhetoric really so pervasive that i need to say that being a man is not bad? i mean like, it's one thing to vent and joke about men as a class, it's another thing entirely to act as though being a man makes you a bad person. men are not bad. men are fucking great. i love men.
and the thing is, i say all of this, but of course you know it already. because two days ago you knew that jensen was a rich white middle-aged texan man, and you still called him "king" and parasocialized like fucking crazy. when you thought he was gonna go out on stage and say "dean wants cas to fuck him in the ass" you LOVED him, you wanted to suck his dick. you didn't care that he was a rich white middle-aged texan.
but, when he didn't say the things you were demanding he say, you turned on him. he wasn't your king anymore. and then he fumbled a lame joke that was, at worst, casually sexist. (i will no longer entertain anyone saying he sexualized a child. if you cannot understand that alex calvert is in his thirties i do not know what to say to you anymore.) and it's completely fair to say "i don't like that joke, it was casually sexist and made me feel gross." that is completely fair.
BUT. with that, you have to admit that you're not upset about jensen being a rich white middle-aged texan man, you're upset about what he said. and, again, that's fair, as long as you're not twisting it into shit it wasn't. anyone who's upset and grossed out by the "a few more glances" comment, i sympathize with you. i'm not excusing the fact that he said it.
so... we're back to the fact that when i was discussing this, i was trying to discuss the morality of what he said, and whether those of us having the discussion were correct or incorrect in what he meant by what he said. and over and over, people responded with the "rich white middle aged texan man".
which, if you've made it this far, brings me to my ultimate point: i don't know how to tell you this, tumblr, but morality and correctness is not determined by privilege.
the most marginalized person in the room is not inherently the most moral person in the room, or the kindest. being gay or Black or disabled or poor doesn't make you a good person. being kind makes you a good person. and i guess this might be controversial on here, but sometimes privileged people are kind, and sometimes marginalized people are unkind assholes.
i was not defending jensen because he's white or a man, but because i think he's kind, and i think the people trashing him were both unkind and incorrect. i am not going to become so fucking brainrotted that i say "kill him" because the him in question is a white man who said one mildly upsetting thing, and i'm not gonna just go along with people who do.
i do not fucking like the way my dash turned so swiftly from kissing jensen's ass when they thought he was gonna say something gay to literally calling for him to be murdered because he said one dumb thing. the way people acted was unkind and cruel and undeserved, and i don't care how marginalized you are, if you are unkind and cruel for sport, i don't like you. you make fandom a terrible place.
i will defend anyone that i think is a kind, genuine person, and i will call out anyone who i think is an unkind asshole. i don't care if you're gay or trans or a person of color, if you're an unkind asshole, i'm not going to stand by you. your oppression is not an excuse for being a shitty ass person.
and before i end this post that DID turn into an essay despite my best efforts, there's one more thing i'd like to bring up that i found... interesting.
as soon as the dash starting going to hell over The Comment, i immediately saw people saying things like "well what do you expect from a straight man." and those people were the SAME people who have spent months making jokes about jensen being "[gunshots]" and gleefully partaking in my cockles masterlist. in other words, these people have spent nigh a year joking around and agreeing that jensen is a queer man.
but the moment he displeased them, he became a straight man again. as if being queer is only reserved for good people (you do know that queer men can be sexist, right?) and straight = bad. as though they were punishing a queer man by calling him straight.
and ultimately, i think my point is that you don't say "(straight) rich white middle-aged texan man" because you think those really are inherently bad things, because you were a fan of jensen five minutes ago. i think you say that so you have an excuse to be mean. just fucking nasty and unkind and violent and disgusting, really.
as long as he's all those things, there's no problem with saying that he should be shot in the head, right? because of course, it would be Wrong and Terrible to say that a poor disabled native lesbian should be shot in the head because she said something that upset you, right? and the difference would be because, uh... because being marginalized inherently makes you Good and being privileged inherently makes you Bad? so as long as the person in question was born under certain circumstances, it's totally cool and funny to make jokes wishing violent death upon them.
and, before anyone comes to tell me i'm a hypocrite, then, for saying rude things about jared, i'm going to explain, if i must, that the reason i hate jared is because he's not only a self-centered bigot, but because he thinks being cruel for sport is funny. do you get my point?
lastly, before i press post, i'm going to say this one more time: jensen absolutely did not hear that girl crying from backstage. i have been in a convention audience and not been able to clearly hear what a questioner said, because they are not mic'd as well as the person onstage. that is not an excuse, that's just a fact. some event coordinator told jensen to round up misha for the next thing on the schedule, jensen did not know what was currently going on, and he came out teasing in a way that would have been perfectly fine if the question was light-hearted, which they usually are. someone asking a question involving how to cope with the death of their abusive father is simply not what is typically happening at convention panels. he didn't. fucking. know.
at this point, i think that you guys actually just enjoy tearing people down and manipulating something into an excuse to be cruel. you view real, actual human people with feelings as toys to be played with, and when they don't dance the way you like, you throw a tantrum. and if that's what you want out of fandom, stop making any pretense of valuing kindness.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
A study shows remote learning led to large losses in achievement for students during the pandemic, with blue states and students from low-income areas hit the hardest by the losses.
"Interestingly, gaps in math achievement by race and school poverty did not widen in school districts in states such as Texas and Florida and elsewhere that remained largely in-person," Thomas Kane, a professor of education at Harvard and one of the authors of the study, said of the study's results in an interview with the Harvard Gazette last week. "Where schools shifted to remote learning, gaps widened sharply. Shifting to remote instruction was like turning a switch on a critical piece of our social infrastructure that we had taken for granted."
The study was conducted by Harvard University, the National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research at the American Institutes for Research, and NWEA. The group analyzed data from 2.1 million students in 10,000 schools in 49 states, finding remote learning to be the primary cause for large losses of student achievement during the pandemic.
The researchers found that high-poverty schools were the most likely to spend more time in remote instruction, with high-poverty schools in some states outpacing others.
"In high remote instruction states (including populous states such as California, Illinois, New Jersey, Virginia, Washington and the District of Columbia), high-poverty schools spent an additional 9 weeks in remote instruction (more than 2 months) than low-poverty schools," the study reads, noting that high-poverty schools in states such as Texas and Florida had smaller gaps in remote instruction rates.
Teachers unions and school districts were often involved in contentious battles over remote learning throughout the pandemic, with Chicago's teachers union voting for a return to remote learning as recently as January.
While Chicago schools returned to in-person instruction shortly after, Kane noted that the higher rates of remote learning in some districts resulted in a large acheivement gap.
"We found that districts that spent more weeks in remote instruction lost more ground than districts that returned to in-person instruction sooner," Kane said.
Kane warned that the achievement losses threaten the gains the U.S. has made in closing the gap between minority and white students, which had been narrowing for three decades.
"The students in high-poverty schools that were remote for most of 2020-21 lost about 0.45 standard deviations in math," Kane said, noting that there are few options to help those students overcome the gap.
If the students that fell behind are not able to catch up, the losses could ultimately result in lower high school graduation rates, fewer students attending college, and lower lifetime earnings.
"To be more concrete, students in high-poverty schools that were remote for more than half of 2020-21 would be expected to see a 5 percent decline in average earnings over their career, given past relationships between test scores and earnings," Kane said. "That may not sound like much, but when calculating losses for all 50 million students in K-12 education in the U.S., it would amount to a $2 trillion decline in lifetime earnings."
Kane said the best solution is for districts to invest in interventions such as high-dosage tutoring for students that fell behind, but noted such intervention still might not be enough to close the gap.
"Pre-pandemic research implied that such a program would generate about 0.38 standard deviations," Kane said. "In other words, a district could provide a high-quality tutor to every single one of the students in a high-poverty school and still not expect to make up the decline."
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notebooknebula · 3 years
Leverage Books to Grow Your Real Estate Business with Max Keller & Jay Conner
Max Keller is a Best Selling Author, Investor, Entrepreneur, and National Speaker
Max joins Jay Conner to teach everyone how to create success.
Max went from being a full-time high school Math Teacher to creating multiple successful real estates and marketing businesses. He has published multiple books and currently licensees his lead generation systems to real estate professionals all over the country.
Although business is Max’s new full-time obsession, one thing has never left… the heart of a teacher. Max loves the opportunity to teach, inspire, and share real-world applications that can transform the lives of business owners.
Max earned his B.B.A. in Finance from The University of Texas at Austin and his M.A. in Teaching from Louisiana College. He has over 15 years of experience in real estate, finance, and teaching, and he was named the 2019 Industry Innovator of the Year. A few of his current roles are consultant, teacher, author, speaker, and expert panelist. He has flipped over 100 houses and is on a mission to help real estate agents and real estate investors have customers chasing them.
Max created Savior Publishing House as a way to serve his community and help seniors with their real estate challenges. The Savior brand of companies focuses on providing Christian real estate and business solutions to our clients. Max enjoys spending time with his wife and children and engaging in family activities, such as being involved at church and going on vacation. He is passionate about investing time in his family.
0:01 – Get Ready To Be Plugged Into The Money
1:42 – Jay’s New Book: “Where To Get The Money Now”- https://www.JayConner.com/Book
2:59 – Today’s guest: Max Keller
5:26 – How Max Keller got into the real estate business
7:19 – Max Keller’s first real estate deal.
8:23 – Max Keller’s struggles during his start-up in the real estate business
13:29 – Max Keller’s marketing strategy in finding deals in the senior market
17:41 – They see me differently because I have a book – Max Keller
20:38 – Let Max Keller help you create your own book for your real estate business.
27:34 – ‘Real Estate Investors’ Book Writing Checklist” – https://www.DealsChasingYou.com/Conner
28:57 – Max Keller’s parting advice: Lead with value.
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Have you read Jay’s new book: Where to Get The Money Now? It is available FREE (all you pay is the shipping and handling) at https://www.JayConner.com/Book
Free Webinar: http://bit.ly/jaymoneypodcast
Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. Without using his own money or credit, Jay maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $64,000 per deal.
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Real Estate Investing With Jay Conner
Jay Conner
My special guest knows how to teach and create success. In addition to that, my guest and friend went from being a full-time high school math teacher to creating in such a short period of time, a moldable successful real estate and marketing businesses. In fact, he’s published multiple books and currently licenses his special proprietary lead generation systems to real estate professionals all over the country. Also, I want you to know that all of those businesses are my friend’s new full-time obsession. But one thing has not changed, and that is his heart of being a teacher.
He’s got a servant’s heart. He’s always looking to give value and he loves teaching. He loves the opportunity to teach, inspire, and share real world applications that can transform your business. In addition to that, my special guest and friend has been investing in real estate. He’s got 15 years of experience in real estate, finance, and teaching. And as a matter of fact, he was named the 2019 Industry Innovator of the Year. Also, he has already flipped over 100 houses. In addition to that, he’s created a company called Savior Publishing House as a way to serve his community and to help senior citizens with their real estate challenges, enjoy spending time with his wife and children engaged in family activities. And something very, very important to him is being very involved in his local church, just like me and Carol Joy. With that, welcome to the show my good friend, Max Keller.
Max Keller
Hey, good to be here. Let’s go.
Jay Conner
It is awesome to have you on here, Max. Good to see you again. You and I are in a fellow mastermind. You and I have probably known each other now for about 3 years or so. And I tell you, it’s just amazing to watch all the phenomenal successes and the growth of your company that you’ve got going on. We’re going to be talking about private money with you here on the show today. But before we jump in, tell us, Max, how did you get into real estate?
Max Keller
It was sort of by accident. So, I was teaching Math at an inner city school. I was coaching football, basketball, and track, and I didn’t want to actually get into real estate full time. I just saw it as a passive income opportunity. My pay was pretty much fixed to being a teacher. And so I was like, I got to do something as my kids were getting older. So what I did was I just wanted to maybe get one or two rentals a year. I figured if I did that over a period of time, I could have a pretty good nest egg and then pass it on. What ended up happening in 2015 was I just kind of got sucked into real estate. I mean, it’s not just a good way to make money over long periods of time, but you can really increase the active income.
So I basically just got a local mentor. I worked all day as a teacher and then at night I would work for him. And within about 3 months I got a couple of houses under contract wholesale. One made about $16,000, which is like 4 months worth of teacher pay. I Then did it again. And then another time. And I just decided I needed to go full-time. And so that’s what I did. I just went full-time, I made the leap, it was a lot easier to source deals back then in 2015, 2016 than it is right now, but there’s still ways to do it. You just have to know what you’re doing, execute, and level up your marketing. And so that’s sort of been the journey that I’m on. I’m in Dallas Fort Worth and it’s very competitive like a lot of markets. And so what happened with me, I just had to figure out a better way to do my marketing because if you don’t have leads in your business, whether they’re for private money or for deals, you don’t have a business. So that’s kind of what happened to me. It’s been an amazing journey and it just keeps evolving every day.
Jay Conner
So was your first deal, a wholesale deal, a fix and flip, what was it?
Max Keller
So I have pretty good credit because I didn’t use it. That’s what’s kind of funny about credit. If you use it a lot, you don’t get very much more and your credit score is low. I had gone through when I was a teacher, like the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University model, so I had all my debts paid off. I didn’t understand how to leverage debt in a good way yet. So, I actually took down my first property with a line of credit, I guess I kind of really wholetailed it, I technically took title to it and then just sold it, like I did a closing 4 weeks later to a cash buyer. But yeah, it was $16,000. I mean, I didn’t squeeze every ounce of juice out of the deal like I could have, but what I did have back then, which was really important, is having some really consistent, solid buyers. And that allowed me to create some opportunities for bigger chunks of cash today. And then it allowed me to leverage into long-term assets.
Jay Conner
What were some of your early struggles when you were starting out?
Max Keller
I think probably the first one was what to focus on and like who to market to. So it’s funny. I do a lot of marketing now and I’ve gotten a lot better at it. But at first, the challenge was that marketing because there’s so many other people sending out the exact same thing to everybody. And so as the competition kept going up in our market, the return on my ad spend kept getting lower and lower. And so I had to figure out basically what I figured out in my market was the problem that we were having was every other investor and wholesaler were sending the same messages to the same people. Like if they’re on my list, they’re probably on other people’s lists, too. And we have hedge funds entering our market pretty early on and they were paying really, really high prices.
So I knew that if I was just going to only compete on price and compete against people who have multimillion dollar marketing budgets, that was going to be a tough order. So the good news is I just thought about what the problem was and said maybe I don’t need to take down every deal in Dallas Fort Worth. What’s the best niche I can focus on? And so what I did and what I would encourage people to consider, even if they’re brand new is like, I just kind of outlined what’s a perfect deal for me. And for me, a perfect deal is one where I make good profit on the deal because of a larger profit deal and a smaller one. They take about the same amount of time. Number two is I want to work with people that aren’t resisting me. Like, I would go over to people’s houses and they would argue with me when I showed them the comps and they hadn’t moved in 20 years.
They don’t have a real estate background. And I was like, this is kind of a joke. And so that was number two. I want to work with people who are like, “You’re the expert who helped me,” and I want to work with people that I just enjoyed working with, who were just nice people that just didn’t have a clear path. And so those are the kind of people I wanted to work with. I made a list when I’d already done about 30 or 40 deals, most of the deals that I’d already done didn’t meet all of those criteria, but the ones that did, you didn’t have to be rocket scientists to figure out what the pattern was and that they were senior citizens, they were senior homeowners. So that was sort of my first marketing A-ha moment, was that there’s this really large, fastest-growing niche in our real estate space that I could target with different messages.
Senior homeowners have different needs than millennial homeowners. They just do. They’re interested in different stuff. They have different questions. So instead of sending everybody the same message, “I’ll buy your house, paid cash in 7 days,” like everybody else is sending, I started sending totally different messages that were very senior-centric. And as a benefit, I got a lot more calls. I had a much higher response rate and then kind of the next thing that happened after that real quick was about a senior’s house. It was the dad, and his adult children were there. So he was probably in his early ’80s and the kids were in their ’50s, early ’60s. People were upset because they’re selling the family home. There’s a lot of memories, Christmas was right over there, but they had to do it.
The dad couldn’t stay in the house any longer. And so the adult daughter said, “I really appreciate everything that you’ve done for us. You’ve helped us out.” I found the dad a new place to live, like a senior retirement home. And she said, “You know a lot about this. Have you ever thought about writing a book about this?” I was like, Jay, my lands, that was the furthest thing from my mind. I was like, “No, I’m a Math teacher. I’m not an English teacher.” But then when I thought about it, I was like, that’s actually a pretty good idea because at the time in the little 3 cities that I focused on in this huge Dallas Fort Worth metro area, I was getting known as the guy who knew a lot about seniors.
But if I wrote a book about seniors and their housing struggles, I could be the guy who wrote the book on it. So that’s what I did. I’ve got a special gift for your audience at the end, by the way. If you’re interested in writing your own book, we’ve created the first of its kind DIY guide. It’s basically the framework that we didn’t have when we wrote our first book, but we have now for all the books that we write. I didn’t realize that a book would be such an incredible magnetic marketing engine for my business. I was selfishly just kind of tired of having the 4-hour Q and A’s in everybody’s living rooms, answering the same questions over and over for 3 years. It was kind of burning me out. So I just wrote the answers to all those questions in the book. I wrote down all the stuff that people should ask, and I just got it printed. It took a couple of hundred hours to write my first one and then I just started giving it to people and it became my ultimate business card. And it really changed the way that I market for deals and then eventually private money forever.
Jay Conner
So, you started focusing, as you just said, on serving and talking with senior citizens that were at the point where they needed to sell their houses.
What are your favorite marketing methods for locating the owners of these houses that may be looking to sell?
Max Keller
Great question. So there’s really 2 categories of marketing methods that we use. They’re the ones that we used before we had a book. And then there’s the ones that are more available to people who are experts, authorities, local celebrities. You, obviously, are in that category. And so what we did initially when we got the book, was basically just the same methods that we were using. Data is more available now than it’s ever been. It’s easier than it’s ever been to find more ways than there’s ever been for people to reach you. What’s really missing in marketing is really understanding who you’re talking to as a marketer and then sending messages that are like reading their minds.
That’s the biggest problem, okay? It’s not the list. Everybody has the same list. Everybody knows how to stack a list. You can go on YouTube, figure it out in 5 minutes. The real challenge is why would they choose you over everybody else? That’s the missing piece. And so that’s what we did. I’ll give you an example, real simple, okay. We’re getting calls from our direct mail, our door-to-door flyers, our normal calling agents and talking about if there are pocket listings. Normal stuff. So people are calling our office, right? We had just gotten the book and sometimes they’re calling with a little bit of a chip on their shoulder because they know that they’re getting all this mail, you know? So they’re like, “Hey, congratulations, you’re going to win the house lottery. You have the opportunity to come over to my house and pay me more than you probably should.”
And so when people call, they’re like, “we need you to come over right now.” And I was afraid that if I didn’t go over there real quick, they would sell it to somebody else. That’s what they teach at all the bootcamps. And that’s probably true if you don’t have a book, but if you do, you don’t have to do that because instead I would just say, “Hey, oh great! Yeah, you want us to come over? Okay. we’ll get to that. Hey, real quick, do you have a copy of our latest book?” And they’re like, “Your book?” like the whole tone changes. I go, “Yeah! We wrote the book on senior housing. I’m the Home To Home guy, the step-by-step senior housing guide.” And I press further.
“So, let me ask you a question. If I send an autographed copy of the book to your house,  you can read Chapter 3 – ‘All The Ways To Sell Your Home with Pros & Cons of Each’ before I come over. Because if you can, then I’ll come over and if you can’t, then I can’t come over. See, I’m the boss of my business. I’m the expert you’re calling and talking to the foundational source for the information that you need. So we’re going to follow my process.” It’s not being rude. It’s just a statement of fact. And so it really increases compliance, which is what you want as a business owner. Because you know the formula to help your clients better than they do. Otherwise, they’d be doing it themselves. Well, what do you think people are going to say when you ask them if they’re going to read an autographed book?
What do people say when they get your autographed book? They can’t wait. So what happens is, I pay a courier about 30 or 40 bucks. I send it over and I go, “Hey, do you still need me to come over right now? Or are you going in to foreclosure?” Then we got like a couple of days. It’s okay, a couple of days. So now I’m on my schedule, which is what I need to run a predictable business. I send the book, they read Chapter 3, but they read the rest of the chapters. Do you know what I mean? They read the story right here with me and my Momo. Do you think people think that guys who take care of their 90-year-old grandmas are scumbags or loan sharks? Heck, no. They’re like, “Man, this is, like, my new grandson, Max.”
So when I come over, they’ve read the whole book. They’ve already spent 4 or 5 hours with me and they see me differently because I have a book, you know? So it just sets the tone really well. It puts the odds in my favor. Then when I come over, I bring them the workbook and they’re just like, “Dang, it’s like Christmas around here.” And then I go through it with them. So instead of just talking about stuff or asking these lame and hard closing questions that nobody likes and it makes you look really slimy, we don’t have to do any of that stuff. Here’s the perfect example, Jay, on page 41. I tagged this page. I go, “Now, Mavis, if you’re looking at some other investors to buy your house, I totally understand that.”
I said to her, “I’d probably do the same thing, but make sure that you ask them these questions. These are the questions you’re going to want to ask to make sure you don’t get roped in with the wrong person. And by the way, you can ask me those questions, too: Do you see the credibility? Do you see the openness?” It’s like lights out. So that’s how we buy houses and it works really well. We attach it to what we’re already doing, but then the other stuff is the stuff that we didn’t even know about, which is speaking to local businesses. So one time I spoke at the probate attorney association, a monthly meeting for my county. Jay, do you think that 30 probate attorneys sitting in a room while you’re standing, that makes you the expert at what you’re delivering? Do you think some of those 30 probate attorneys in the next 2 years are going to know somebody that needs to sell their house?
Jay Conner
Well, it’s the perfect market that is like the revolving door of prospects for your target market.
Max Keller
Yeah. And so I used to think the only way to market for deals was directly to the homeowner with really standard, generic messages that get thrown in the trash. So our messages used to be in the junk mail, but now our books are on the coffee table with all the other autographed books from the local real estate experts, which, as you know, it’s not a huge stack. So, it’s about pivoting when you’ve established yourself as an authority, as an expert, as a local celebrity in your field, whatever it is. It helps make the transition going from an annoying pest, as Dan Kennedy says, to a welcome guest.  We were the pesky salespersons who were only pitching and not listening, but now we’re the educator or the non-fiduciary housing advisor. That’s just a big paradigm shift. And when you’re in front of 30 business owners, there’s an incredible amount of leverage because they know 30 prospects. So in 1 hour you can really speak to 900 people. It’s just super powerful. And I haven’t found any other method of marketing that can replicate those kinds of results.
Jay Conner
Well, you can’t beat the credibility of having a book. You can’t beat the credibility of knowing what you’re talking about and being an expert. So, Max, we got a lot of people here listening to the podcast and I’m sure they’re scratching their heads going, “Well, that’s a great idea, Max, but how in the world do I get me a book?”
Max Keller
How can I get a book? Yeah, great question. I would love to come on here and say, “Jay, I’m just such a hot shot ninja marketer that I planned all this out.” Nothing could be further from the truth. If my market wasn’t so competitive, I would have never spent 200 hours writing a book. I would have just kept scooping up deals like most people were doing in that time in these tertiary, secondary markets, but I didn’t have a choice and it worked out really good. Here’s what happened. I’m getting deals with my book. I’m in masterminds, and we’re actually in a lot of the same masterminds. So I’m in this mastermind and my friends in there, you know, investors copy what works, they’re not trying to reinvent the wheel. And they’re like, “Hey, I kinda like this.”
“I live in Florida. You’re not using your book in Florida. It turns out we got seniors there, too. You think I could use your book?” And I was like, “I don’t know.” Maybe I just didn’t understand. And then my friend in Chicago is like, “Hey, can I use your book? Hey, they got seniors in Chicago, too.” So what we did was we created a system. I brought in some of the who’s who in publishing and we created a licensing program. It turns out the secret behind this book is that 99% of it is about stuff that our ideal prospect cares about. 1% is about us. Most marketing messages are the opposite. All they do is talk about themselves and very little about the person. That’s why they don’t call you. It’s like, “I’m sending out all this stuff. Why are people not calling me?”
Because it doesn’t look like you even understand what they’re going through. So that was sort of the accidental secret sauce from this. So we created a system where we change about 5% of the book, because the ways to sell a house in North Carolina is pretty similar to Dallas and is pretty similar to California, especially with the types of assisted living facilities, all of that’s about the same. So now we just swap them out on the cover. We give them a custom cover and they just pay us a one-time licensing fee to set up their book. In less than 30 days, they have a book and a workbook that they can hand out to prospects. And so they only spend about an hour or two of their time filling out all the information we need to personalize it. We write in their story.
So it just lowers the barriers that make it easier. And the folks that are usually a fit for our program are folks that are active real estate investors. They understand the value of a deal. They have some credibility, but they just haven’t figured out a way to signal it to the people they’re trying to reach. The phone isn’t ringing like it used to. Those are the people that come to us. And we’ve had about 130 students that licensed one of our 4-books systems across the nation. They see that this works and they don’t want to reinvent the wheel. So yeah, that created another, whole new business that I never expected. That’s where I got the award from, with Robert Kiyosaki. Jay, a funny story and I didn’t tell everybody this right.
It’s kind of embarrassing, but in 2005 I actually tried to get into real estate. I was 25. I just got married. The problem was, I wasn’t reading and I definitely wasn’t writing books. I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. So I researched CRMs all day, which is worthless. And I created an LLC, which is meaningless. And I didn’t know anything about marketing or lead generation. I stood in line to get Robert’s book for 2 hours. And then I just ended up not doing anything. That’s what happens. I just didn’t understand what to do next. I didn’t have a mentor. I didn’t even know what that was. So it’s crazy to think and I never would have imagined in a million years, 15 years later, I’m getting this award, we’re sharing a stage together and we’re exchanging books. I never would have imagined it.
It was a really cool deal. So it can happen. Books are super powerful and we believe that we’ve made it easier than ever for folks to plug in. And like I said, it’s for folks who want to do senior housing. And then what happened was that, well, once you have a deal, what do you need after that? The money. So we created a licensing program. This is one of my student’s books, Leonard, I’m really proud of him. He’s in Seattle. And because it turns out, guess what? Senior homeowners have questions. And when you give them the book, they look at you really differently. It works the same way with private money lenders. Who knew? So this is Leonard’s book. And then we just swap out covers. Here’s Tim Davis’. So you see how they’re different? But the insides are the same. But here’s the thing, the person you’ve given it to doesn’t care.
They just want to solve their problem. They’re just trying to figure out how to not get into a deal with a lousy borrower. They’re just trying to figure out if this deal really has a discount or not, they just want to have their questions answered. So instead of going to a blog or getting a bunch of emails, which have a low perceived value, we give them something that has a higher perceived value and a higher level of expected authority and expertise. And we just educate and help people. We tell them this isn’t for everybody. Being a private money lender on real estate is not for everybody. This is who it’s for. This is who is not for. This is my book and if you want to go through it together, I’d love your feedback. You know, stuff like that. So it’s been really cool and he’s happy because he didn’t have to rewrite this himself.
And then what we’re good at is helping people apply it to their marketing because just getting a box of books where you wrote one chapter with everybody else, nobody cares about when you fell down a well and you overcome your struggles, they just care about themselves. “What’s in it for me?”, that’s what all the homeowners are thinking. That’s what all the private money lenders are thinking. They won’t tell you that, but that’s what they’re really thinking. So just give them that, but give it to them in a way that establishes your authority and your credibility and it’s scalable and that’s pretty much what we do. And then we created a book system for Gene Guarino. We just did his latest book, and his students licensed it. And then we haven’t even announced this publicly, but we just wrote a book for Eddie Speed and the Richard Thornton, and so there notes students are going to license that out. That’s brand new. We haven’t even announced it, but I guess I spoiled it a little bit. So it’s been really cool to help people because everybody there wants to lead with more value. They want to educate well, I mean, who would ever say no to that? So it’s been cool.
Jay Conner
What you’ve done there, Max, is you’ve created a way that no matter what niche someone has in real estate, they can further invest on how to raise their credibility and actually convert a higher percentage of prospects into actually doing business. Well, I know we’ve got people that want to connect with you. So what’s the best way for people to connect with you, Max?
Max Keller
Yeah, it’s real simple. We made a special link as long as it’s up, so don’t delay, but we’re going to leave it up at least for the first 25 people who download this. So we created a new book called, “The Real Estate Investors Bookwriting Checklist.” It’s basically all the steps that we went through when we wrote Gene’s book and Eddie’s book and Richard’s book. But we didn’t have that when we started and we haven’t seen it in any other books. So it’s a real simple guide that you can use, whether you’re thinking about writing a book or an e-book or you just want to have social media messages that convert better. It’s real simple. Just go to DealsChasingYou.com/Conner. You can download a copy of the book while the link is still up. And then you can go on the website and check out some of the training videos that we have. It talks about the different types of book systems and how it would benefit you because that’s what it’s all about. It’s about getting more deals. It’s about getting more dollars. And when those things get dialed in, the marketing becomes a lot easier. Life just gets better.
Jay Conner
Max, thank you so much for offering that amazing gift to our listeners here. Any final comments and advice?
Max Keller
Just lead with value. Look, I know you can go deep sea fishing and I know there’s some great fishing where you’re at. You can go deep sea fishing and spend 4 hours trying to wrestle a big fish on the boat. That works. People do it. It’s just really exhausting. That’s what it’s like to market in a crowded market, trying to compete against Wall Street with price. That’s what it’s like trying to market without a book. But what we do is totally different. We share what we’re doing. And then we attract the people that resonate with our message. And so they’re calling and qualifying themselves to work with us. And in one of the most competitive markets in the nation, in one of the most competitive times, people are regularly calling us asking if they qualify to work with us. That’s a big difference.
Jay Conner
That’s awesome. Thank you so much, Max. There, you have it, folks.
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