#Tensei has his turn at couch talk with mom! And of course he finds out some truth but he's not questioning it like Iwa
bolbianddolanhouse · 3 years
BNHA self insert AU [Book 4]
Foo... here's book 1, 2 and 3. CATCH UP!
Chapter 2: I Thought You Were Bae!
As summer break approaches, the twins gear up for their respected challenges. But of course, this is the middle school years...there's the added bullying to top of trying to do anything.
"Hey Iida-chan" jested a boy from Hanaka's homeroom "why do you put on makeup, you're still ugly."
"Leave her alone you jerk!" Petti snarled at the bully.
"I'm not talking to you feather brain" the bully pushes Petti aside to corner Hanaka up to a tree "Iida-chan, why even try to look pretty? Your face is all round and darker skinned. And you have fat calves."
"Please leave me alone" Hanaka warned "I wasn't bothering you."
"Your ugly face was bothering me" the bully tried to grab her arm but the surface of Hanaka's skin was scorching to the touch "YEOWCH! With a temper and quirk like that, who could ever love you?! You'd burn anyone that tried to get close to you! I bet your parents never hugged you, thats why you're like that."
That tipped Hanaka over the edge and she combusted into flames. It was too much for her to control, so everything caught fire. On one side, it made summer break come earlier. But on the other, it pushed bunch of things back like the mock trials to middle of summer break. Luckily nobody was hurt, but Hanaka's self esteem went down the drain. Their parent's said it was best if the twins were separated until Hanaka sees a doctor. Tensei was more than willing to be away from home and his cases for a while. The Ashido's housed him for the time being.
"Okay boys I'm going on my work trip" announced Ashido-kun's mom, Mina "I'll be back tomorrow evening, your father is coming in an hour. No funny business! And I want that room spotless Masaru."
"Yes mother" groaned Ashido-kun "We'll behave!"
"I know Tensei will, I was talking to you" His mother said sternly "Okay, I'm off! Bye Bye!"
"Bye Mrs Ashido!" Tensei waved.
Masaru waited until the front door closed "Okay she's gone, what do you want to do?!"
"Want help to clean your room?" Tensei suggested.
"What, no! Something fun!" Masaru paused to think "Wanna....sneak out to Huei-kun's?"
"I don't want to get in trouble with your mom" Tensei scowled in reply "Plus your dad is coming home in an hour! He's gonna know we're gone."
Masaru groaned "Come on Tensei, loosen up a little! It's summer break, extendo version" he scrolls on his phone "I'm gonna shoot a text to the boys and see what kind of adventure we'll get into."
Tensei leaned on the wall he was sitting by "Fine! I'll play along but don't expect much from me."
Masaru's phone chirped "Huei says that he has a cousin that recently opened up a shop nearby and we should go check it out."
"A shop? I guess we could pop in and see" Tensei crawls over to his duffle bag "Let me change my shirt real quick, I don't want to get clowned for wearing a button up and glasses."
"See? You're loosening up!" Masaru encouraged as he stood up "I'll just write a note for my dad and we'll be set!"
The boys met up at the shop after a short walk.
"Wait, this is a tattoo parlor!" Tensei freaked out "You said shop Huei!"
"Yeah, same shit" Huei shrugged as he walked toward the front door "Relax Tensei, my cousin isn't going to do any work on us. He just needs a few bodies to fill the space to attract clients."
Masaru and Tetsu walk in casually while Tensei follows after very stiff. The inside was very 90's style grungy and aesthetically pleasing to the boys.
"Yo! It's my lil cuz Beni!" greeted the shop keeper "Are these your little band members?"
"Hello Maito, yes these are my band members" Huei peered over to the opened boxes behind the glass counters "You're still unpacking things?"
"Nah I just got my order of piercings but it looks like I have to return them" he pointed to one of the boxes "They're fine except I got a bunch of curved ball piercings when I ordered the straight barbells." He sighed "It's gonna suck because half of my services are piercings and I won't have all my materials. But what can I do?"
"May I see the curved ball piercing?" Tensei asked politely.
"Um sure dude” the shop keep handed Tensei the metal piercing.
Tensei looked it over carefully “And may I see what a straight barbell looks like?” The shop keeper gave him the one he had on display “Oh these are the same gauge, it’s an easy fix.”
Tensei used his quirk to straighten out the curved piercing. Leaving the shop keeper speechless and the boys wide eyed.
“Wow! You have metal powers” gasped as the shop keeper picked up the fixed piercing from Tensei’s hand “Absolutely flawless! Can you do that to all these? I promise to make it worth your time.”
“Um sure” Tensei stretched his arms “I have time to kill. I won’t take too long.”
“Yay Tensei to the rescue!” cheered Masaru “Your loosening up bro!”
It literally took Tensei 20 minutes to straighten out the piercings for the shop keep to sanitize before putting them on display. All the while the shop got some traction. 
“Thank you so much lil dude” bowed the shop keep “As thanks, how would you like a piercing, on the house.”
“A piercing?” Tensei pondered “Don’t I need parental permission to-”
“Just get the damn piercing you nerd!” Huei huffed “Seriously Tensei, loosen up and do it! When will you ever get the chance to do something like this again?”
“Yeah! Do it Tensei!” egged on Tetsu “I think it’ll look so cool on you.”
Tensei looked at his friends “Oh okay! I’ll get one.”
“Cool, just sit over here and I’ll get my tools” gestured the shop keep as he put on some gloves “So where do you want the piercing? I’d say you have the eyebrows for a super sick eyebrow spike.”
Tensei thought about it for a moment “On the bellybutton, that’s a thing right?”
The boys gasped.
“Why there?” asked Masaru.
“Why not? I figured that if I want to hide it from my parents, I should get it somewhere I could easily do so” Tensei explained as he got prepped for the piercing “Plus I can’t go to my mock trials with a visible piercing, I wanna be professional until the shirt comes off.”
“Excellent choice my dude” said the shop keep as he clamped the area for the needle “I need you to take deep breaths and relax, this might hurt a bit.”
Tensei looked away and did his breaths. But it was over in a matter of seconds and there was his first piercing.
“Oh wow that wasn’t bad at all!” Tensei said getting up to look in the full length mirror “Wow....who am I?”
Tensei was slowly spiraling into a crisis. He didn’t regret the piercing! It just changed his perception of himself. In fact, he feels more himself with this on and it was making him question a lot of things. So when it came time to go home, he sped to tell his twin what he did.
“Rosa! Okay, okay, okay” he said quickly before calming down a little “I did…a thing…wait- Iwa? When did you get home?”
“I got here late morning but whats the haps lil bro?” the older brother asked “You look like you landed in a trash heap.”
“I can neither confirm nor deny that happened” he said closing the door behind him and locking it “But back to the thing I did. PLEASE don’t tell mom and dad! Because I’m still very fresh from the thing I did and I’m still processing it.”
“Okay just spill it” Hanaka was getting annoyed “You keep saying thing like you don’t know other words! What thing did you do on your sleep over with the boys?”
“This” he lifted his shirt up to his chest, revealing a belly button piercing.
Tensei watched as his brother and twin’s eyes bulge out in shock. They never expected goody goody Tensei to do something like this.
“What the- where in Japan did you go to get pierced?” Hanaka asked genuinely “Those jewelry places don’t let you get one without adult permission if you’re under 16.”
“Don’t get mad, but one of my band members has a cousin that’s a tattoo artist and does piercings at the place they work at” Tensei started to get red faced “Sooo I showed him that I could fix his little barbel piercings for free when the boys and I walked into his shop for fun… And he gave me this as payment.”
“Tensei! You got this i l l e g a l l y?!” Iwata harshly whispered “Why did you agree to it?”
“Yeah! It’s not like you to do those things” Hanaka scowled in concern “What’s gotten into you lately? Ever since you came back from Nationals, you’ve been acting different.”
Tensei pulled down his shirt and sighed “I’m sick of being praised of being as good and law abiding like dad. I’m nothing like him inside! I’m not some capri-wearing rectangle!” he huffed “I’m way cooler, smarter and talented then people give me credit for. I don’t need the signature quirk to make my way in this world! And I wanna change my image so people take me seriously…no more orderly Tensei, I wanna be anarchist Oro!”
Hanaka narrowed her eyes, like she was shooting needles into her twin’s soul “Is this because you lost and can’t accept the L?”
Tensei turned red and scrunched his nose “No! I’ve already grieved over that and took and L” he crossed his arms “Nationals was just a tiny part of the whole reason.”
“What?” Iwa was lost in this timeline of events.
Hanaka leaned over to Iwa and whispered “Tensei cost his team majorly on all his debates. So bad that the team barred him from going to more debates this season and has to prove himself all over again to get back in the top 3 teams at school.”
“Oof that’s some sad boi shit” Iwata winced at the recap “It’s okay to still not be over that L, you don’t have to spiral like this.”
“Well it’s too late, I got the damn piercing already and planned the next one” Tensei took a deep breath “I’ve been wanting this for a while, to just rebrand and have respect as my own identity. Not some clone of my father or just be the ‘other’ Iida twin. But until I take the next few steps, please don’t tell our parents about this. I want to tell them myself when the time comes.”
“Okay sure” his twin and older brother agreed.
Tensei turned to open the door “Thanks guys, it means a lot to me that you support me.”
Crisis averted...for now.
-Mock trial day-
Tensei took time to get dressed up in his nice suit and fixed his hair. But he couldn’t help but to look at himself in the mirror and not like what he saw. All he saw was a spitting image of his father and every male in that side of the family that had a portrait in the lineage hall. Same eyebrows, eyes, hair type and jawline...only difference was that belly piercing. As he put on his glasses and let out a sigh, Hanaka was having her little tantrum downstairs. That was his cue to head out. His twin was upset that she had to go with him to his mock trials, only because she’d be home alone otherwise. 
Halfway through the trials, Hanaka tugged on Tensei’s sleeve.
“I’m bored! I’m going to walk outside” huffed Hanaka “That’s how bored I am!”
“Fine, this next one is my last trial” Tensei glanced at his watch “Don’t wander off! Mom is going to pick us up at exactly 4 and she expects us to be together.”
“Okay DAD!” spat his twin as she turned to leave the multi-purpose room.
Tensei groaned and turned to his debate partner “I envy you so much Tanaka-kun. You don’t have siblings to deal with.”
“I don’t know Iida-kun, I wish I had a twin” Tanaka smiled “It’s like having a built in friend. Hanaka-chan and you must of gotten along at some point.”
“Not since we were babies” Tensei recalled.
While the next trial was going on in the building, Hanaka was biding the time by finding white clovers in the grass area.
“Is that you Hanaka-chan?” 
Hanaka looked around to find the voice that called out to her “Oh, Huei-kun! What are you doing here?”
“I was inside doing volunteer work for the trials” he responded “I’m done now and I was going to head home but it looks like you might want some company.”
“Ummm sure, I was pretty bored in there” Hanaka sat under a tree and held out her harvest of white clovers “Help me make a flower chain!”
Tensei had full view of the two from his spot of the trials. Keeping a watchful eye when he wasn’t speaking or doing cross-examinations. Hanaka was having seemingly normal conversation with her twin’s friend. Both of them have known Huei since elementary school, so he’s to be trusted.
“Hanaka-chan I think that bully was wrong” said Huei “I don’t think you’re ugly or unloveable.”
“My older brother gave me a whole pep talk about it” Hanaka sneered as she did the last knot on the flower chain “I don’t care what that bully has to say anymore.”
“No like, I think you’re pretty”
Hanaka stopped what she was doing. Something about the way Huei said that didn’t settle well in her.
“Huh? What are you saying?” she looked up at his face, showing her discomfort.
“Aw don’t hurt my feelings like that Hanaka-chan” Huei responded in a flirty but creepy way “I’ve always liked you.”
Hanaka stood up quickly “Stop, you’re being creepy.”
The boy loomed over Hanaka “But I love you Hanaka-chan.” He grabbed her by the arm “I know you want to fall in love with me too.”
“No I don’t! I don’t like anybody” Hanaka tried to loosen his grip “Let go of me you weirdo!”
Tensei caught the moment Huei grabbed Hanaka. Knowing his twin’s faces, he could tell Hanaka was in trouble and wanted out. Hanaka was in her own dilemma, she doesn’t want to use her fire and cause another accident. Nor hit her twin’s friend knowing that Tensei will get mad at her for doing so. Tensei stands up to make a run for the side door to save his sister.
“Iida sit back down, we’re in a middle of a closing statement.”
Tensei tried to explain “But coach, theres-”
“Sit back down or you’re out of the team” the coach threatened “I don’t care if your sister caused another fire, that’s her problem.”
Appalled but collected, Tensei sits down calmly to give his closing statement.
“Here’s my closing statement” Tensei clears his throat, then does an arm chop “My opponent is using their phone to look up additional sources under the table. This judge is clearly biased and only chooses the affirmative side in every case” He points to his coach “And you coach, I know you’re cheating on your wife with the school nurse!”
The audience gasped at Tensei’s outburst. No more Mr nice Tensei, Anarchist Oro is here to make his debut. As he got up to leave he turned around one last time.
“Oh and one more thing” Tensei flashes both of his middle fingers to everyone in the room “This school administration is garbage and can suck my ASS!” He gave a forehead salute “Tensei OUT!” and teleported outside.
Hanaka was basically pinned to the tree at this point.
“I said knock it off!” struggled Hanaka.
Huei grabs her chin “Come on don’t be a tease!” he growled “Give me a kiss Hanaka-chan.”
Tensei ran at full speed and tackled Huei off his twin.
“Tensei!?” Hanaka gasped at his display of heroism.
“What the hell man?!” Huei yelled as he picked himself off the ground “Can’t you see I was having a moment?!”
Tensei wasn’t holding back “I trusted you Beni-kun! After all these years of friendship, starting a band together and letting you in our home. This is how you repay us?!” he stood between his twin and Huei “You dare to take advantage of my sister? My twin at that!”
“It’s not like you were going to do anything about it! She didn’t even try to push me off” Huei tried to get closer but Tensei didn’t let him “Oh you’re a tough guy now that you have your little piercing huh? Come on then, hit me!”
Tensei gritted his teeth “You’re out of the band! And I never want to see you near my sister or any of her friends ever again.”
And before Huei had the chance to speak, Tensei sucker punched him so hard that Huei was knocked out cold. The side door slammed open and the sound of his coach yelling for him to get back inside. Instead of obeying, Tensei grabbed his twin by the hand and started running toward the front gates.
“What are you doing?!” Hanaka asked as she was being dragged along, confused by her twin’s actions.
“What does it look like?” Tensei responded, picking up more speed “We’re getting outta here!”
Hanaka looked back and saw the school administrators were catching up quick. She activated her engines and took the lead, dragging Tensei along. She ran for what seemed just minutes and collapsed in a patch of grass.
“Where are we?” Tensei asked, rubbing his eyes.
Hanaka said out of breath “We’re...in the...park.”
“The park?!” Tensei looked around “Hanaka, that’s like 5 miles away from the school!”
“So? We were running away” Hanaka turned her head to face Tensei “We were going to get caught if we went your pace. That was the point right? To not get caught?”
“Yes but-” Tensei groaned and threw himself next to her “Man, I don’t know anymore. Who am I anymore? I’m just a huge fuck up now. Not that my silly little problems matter to you Hanaka, you were born perfect.”
“What are you talking about? You’re the one with the talent and intelligence” Hanaka responded “I’m the huge fuck up, look at the mess I started this time. And you swooped in to save me, I know I messed up if you’re involved in my mess.”
“Nah I saw that you needed my help and I just acted on my instinct” he sighed “I offended that entire room Hanaka, just to save you. Trust me, it was worth it.”
Hanaka looked up at the clear sky “You gave up your one chance to redeem yourself to save me? But what are you going to do now? Debate was your everything.”
Tensei shrugged “Guess I’ll do music now.” He took off his glasses and held them up to the sky “I’m going to change into my truest myself, someone I can face in the mirror and be content with what I see. Who cares about what anyone else has to say, not like they cared before!”
“I care” Hanaka responded meekly “And I support you on your self image journey.”
“Thanks Hanaka”
“Hey, it’s what twins are for!” giggled Hanaka as she reached out to his hand to squeeze it “We’re supposed to support each other.”
They laid on that patch of grass watching the sky turn into it’s late afternoon phase. Tensei’s phone started beeping.
“Oh crap, mom is probably at the school looking for us!” Tensei sat up quickly looking at his phone. “FUCK! Now what?!”
“Okay, what if you teleport us home before mom leaves” Hanaka suggested, wiggling her eyebrows “She doesn’t have to know what happened at school if she never makes it there.”
Tensei glanced at the time “Fine, we have 2 minutes before mom would have to get in the car to pick us up.” He puts his phone back in his suit and t-poses “Assume the position sis.”
Hanaka hugs him tightly “Ready!”
“1, 2, 3- JUMP!” they chant before teleporting onto their uncle Jin’s front lawn.
“Close enough” Tensei shrugs “You can let go of me Hanaka.”
“But I wanna keep hugging” pouted Hanaka, still clinging on to her twin “We haven’t hugged in so long!”
The twins walked up to the front door of their home, pretending like nothing happened. 
“Hi mom” Hanaka announced herself to their mother “We’re home!”
“Oh? I was just about to go pick you two up” Their mother said in a normal tone “But I just got off the phone with the school funny enough! You two wouldn’t be accomplices to a string of school offenses would you?”
The twins started to sweat. They forgot that the school could easily call their parents.
“Noooooo” said the twins innocently.
Their mother gave them the look and they tried to run back outside. But alas, their mother used her telekinesis to grab the twins before they could open the door.
“I can’t believe it! Both of you?!” their mother scolded “It would make sense if it was just Hanaka, but you too Tensei?! Telling off the entire room, shouting profanities AND getting into an altercation?!” She faces the little sister “And you assisting his escape by using your quirk?”
“But mom-”
“HUP! No buts!” their mother shut them up “I want you two to kneel facing the front door, so you can tell your father what you did when he comes home.”
“Yes mother” the twins obeyed and kneeled when they got set down.
Their father came home an hour or so later. Shocked by the scene of the twins kneeling and diverting their gaze, clearly guilty of something.
“Both of you did something?!” their father gasped as he took off his shoes “Explain yourselves!”
The twins took turns telling their sides of the story to their parents. 
“...then I teleported us home.” Tensei finished “I know I didn’t have to tell off the entire room but they upset me with that comment about Hanaka. They don’t know what’s going on and what gives them the right to say that the team was my priority?!” he bowed his head “I’ll accept capital punishment, Hanaka didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Well, it’s clear to me that you’re the guilty one” their mother spoke up “But that doesn’t mean you’re going to take all the punishment. Hanaka was an accomplice to your crimes, out in the field we call that the ‘get-a-way driver’ clause. She also gets punishment for helping the criminal.”
“I’m sorry but we don’t have a choice but to administer house arrest” their father nodded to his wife “No travel, no visitors, internet use for homework only and limited phone use. Starting now until the end of summer break.”
The twins didn’t show it but they we fuming internally.
“Yes sir” they uttered and bowed their heads.
After a shower and some screaming into their pillow, Tensei laid in bed face up with his hand out. It was sore from that hard punch that knocked out his ex-friend. He’s never used so much force but this wasn’t adrenaline fueled. It felt like he gathered all the energy from his body to focus on his fist? He couldn’t explain it logically.
“Hey, can I come in?” asked his twin from behind the door.
Hanaka tip toed in and gently closed the door. She then jumped onto her twin’s bed to hug him.
“I don’t think I thanked you for saving me” she looked up to her twin “Thank you, for caring about me enough. It was pretty heroic of you.”
Tensei chuckled “Heroic? I just did what was right. I’m not a hero.”
“But that’s exactly what heroes do!” Hanaka argued “I didn’t know you had the strength to knock someone out! And for once I felt this admiration for you. Yeah you do good things all the time, but that’s textbook good! What you did was out of pocket, immediate justice!”
“Are you...trying to convince me to become a hero?” Tensei gave her a look “Is my twin, using debate tactics to have me in favor of becoming a hero?!” He was in disbelief “Wow, today isn’t real. It can’t be! I’m going to bed.”
“I’m serious Tensei- DON’T FAKE SLEEP ON ME!” Hanaka started slapping her twin’s chest “Dead ass, you’d be a great one. You know laws and stuff, plus you can control your quirks better than me.”
“Only my metal one” Tensei retorted “I don’t really know how to control my teleportation, you saw when we landed in uncle Jin’s front yard. It’s not exact.”
“But imagine if you could?!” Hanaka wiggled her eyebrows.
Tensei briefly imagined it to amuse his twin “Am I really that much of hero material to you?”
“Yes! Plus the girls and I are going to start training too!” she squealed “We’re going to apply to UA.”
“Hol up twin, you forget that we have our parent’s quirks” Tensei put his finger on her forehead “You’re gonna have to ask dad for quirk training.”
Hanaka deflated of all excitement “Awww wack! No queiro!”
“FINE! I’m gonna ask dad for help” Hanaka pouted “What are you going to do?”
“Ask mom and Iwa for help. Seems like they had success in quirk training with each other, how bad can it be?”
-The next day-
“Hey mom, what can you teach me about my quirks?” asked Tensei bluntly to his mother, who was trying to relax on the couch.
His mother snapped her eyes wide open and turned her head to face her son “Why?”
Tensei felt like this wasn’t the best way to open up the hero school talk but proceeded anyways.
“Just asking because I was such a late bloomer, ya know” Tensei struggled to keep his composure, afraid of her answer.
His mother sat up “Well you have facet of my quirk and your grandfather’s quirk. Which is rare, considering all the factors.”
“Yeah, you’re a male telekinesis user with a second quirk AND a twin with supporting quirks.”
Tensei was trying unravel all that “Wait, what do you mean by that second part?”
“Hm? The twin part?” she asked, Tensei nodding his head “As a twin, it’s rare to have both children with quirks, usually one or both are quirkless. I thought you didn’t have a quirk since Hanaka came out breathing fire!” she chuckled at the memory “But I noticed that you had the gold skin tone and knew that you had my father’s quirk. I was so happy that you had it, because it meant I didn’t have to separate you and Hanaka.”
“But what does that mean?!”
“Haven’t you noticed that you don’t get burned by Hanaka’s flames?”
Tensei paused to think “Now that you mentioned it, I don’t!”
His mother smiled “That’s because my father’s quirk has two facets to it, manipulating metal and fire resistance. Most users are born with the gold skin tone, before they show signs of the metal bending part.”
“So I’m immune to my sister’s power?” Tensei looked at his arm “And I wasn’t a late bloomer?”
His mother shook her head “Nope, you were also born with your power. And I feel like it couldn’t be more perfect! But of course, your father gets worried and wanted to separate you two” she sighed “He meant well, but I wanted you two to be in the same crib so you could help your sister control her fire as babies.”
“When what about my other quirk?”
“That was a surprise! I didn’t think you’d get teleportation” she responded truthfully “Thought everyone was going to be a turbo baby. But I was happy that it was teleportation and not my mother’s erasure quirk. We were NOT going to have fun with that in the mix, I’ll tell you that!”
Tensei felt a little more confident in himself “Then, can you train me?”
“What is it this time?” she tiredly sighed “Hero? Agent? Vigilante?”
“Ummmm yes?” Tensei panicked that she picked up on his true agenda.
“Mijo you don’t have to hide or feel ashamed about a change of direction” she floated off the couch “I know you wanted to do Hero Law, but who says you can’t be a hero that does law?”
Tensei’s mind was blown “A hero that DOES law! That’s genius! Yeah! I wanna do that!”
“We’ll do training some other time though” She stretched her arms “When you’re not on house arrest.”
“Right, I forgot” Tensei’s new found excitement was crushed by his current reality. 
Meanwhile, his twin was having less of a good time.
“OF COURSE I’LL TRAIN YOU! OH HOW I’VE DREAMT OF THIS DAY!” cried their father, holding Hanaka in a tight embrace.
“You’re...crushing me” gasped Hanaka against his chest.
“Sorry! Sorry, I’m just so excited that you decided to pursue hero work” her father gushed “You kids are so unpredictable, I would’ve never guessed you want to get into hero stuff.”
Hanaka diverted her gaze “I’m not doing it because of our family name! I’m trying to make a name for myself” she crossed her arms “It’s not like I have anything else going for me. With quirks like mine, it would be disrespectful not to!”
“Whichever way you’re going, I can help this time” he beamed proudly “Because this time I’m the expert in the quirk.”
“How do you do it?” asked Hanaka, looking at her own engines “I exhausted myself after a short use when I was running away with Tensei. We ended up a few miles away in like, 2 minutes?”
“And is that your best time so far?”
Hanaka nodded.
“From the bruising on your legs, you’re not strong enough to support the kick the engines give” her father presented his engine “You need solid leg support to start any type of quirk training. I started when I was a child by my father and brother, so we have lots to do before those entrance exams!”
Hanaka started to get whiny “Hmph! Wack! Why so much work?!”
Her father put his hand on her head “Yes it’s hard work, but you should know how hard work pays off! And I want you to have all the skills to get to the top of this male dominated job.”
“I do like feminism” Hanaka contemplated briefly “Okay dad, when do we start?”
“Physical stuff after house arrest” he fixed his glasses “We start the study part now.”
Hanaka didn’t have the right to complain, she literally asked for this. To make matters worse, their father kept every single hero book, notes and study guide that he looked at during his school years. So Hanaka had to go through the whole bookcase full of study material to be up to par to someone studying their whole life to be a hero.
The twins take a deep breath and hunker down on their first step into becoming heroes. Both filled new determination and direction, who knows how far they’ll go?!
-Chapter 2, End-
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emeraldwaves · 4 years
Title: What Happens at Frat Parties Chapter 2 Pairing:  Huwumi Rating: E Word Count:  2,717 Read on Ao3 Summary:  
For Hawks, getting the girl has always been easy. He’s popular, attractive and part of the frat house that throws the best parties. When Dabi’s sister shows up one night, Hawks realizes not everything comes as easy to him as he thought. And while Fuyumi thinks Hawks isn’t her type, as time goes on, she finds his advances harder to resist. Maybe there’s more to him than she realizes.
Fic under the cut!
"Let us all take note of this momentous occasion," Dabi said, waving his hand back and forth. "Hawks coming downstairs alone on a Sunday morning."
Wound meet salt.
He shouldn't have expected any less with Dabi, especially since the person he had tried to spend his night with was Dabi’s goddamn sister.
Each creak of his foot against the stairs was an annoying reminder of how utterly rejected he had been last night. That didn't happen to him. Ever. People liked him. Girls liked him, and even if they didn't they were pretty damn good at pretending. And he couldn't blame those people.
Hawks snorted, walking straight past the couch, heading to the kitchen. "Would you have preferred me to come down with your sister?"
Dabi made a choking noise, draping himself over the back of the couch. "I enjoyed seeing her stomp all over you."
"I'm sure," he grumbled, glancing at the heaps of trash gathered atop their kitchen counter. He was also sure he wanted to get out of the house before anyone tried to force him to clean. That was too much effort.
He shoved some bottles aside, fumbling around for the Keurig machine, praying it was in working condition. Last semester, someone had tried to shove three K-cups in at one time and it had not ended well.
Lifting open the machine, he sighed in relief when it seemed to be in working order. Coffee was his one shining beacon on this hellish morning.
"So," Dabi said, leaning against the door frame, placing a fresh blunt between his lips, "what did she say?"
"Who? Your sister?" Hawks asked, folding his arms while the coffee dribbled down into the cup.
"No, the other girls you hit on last night. Oh wait, there were none because you had no fuckin' soul after Fuyumi ripped yours from your chest."
"..." Hawks stared at Dabi and rolled his eyes. "I got shit to do today. I can't talk about this."
"Won't, can't, same difference," Dabi shrugged. "I know this hurts your ego, but 'Yumi would never go for someone like you."
Something itched under Hawks' skin, a tickle of a challenge. She'd already ignited something in him but now... even more so.
He leaned his elbows against the counter, swiping his tongue across his lower lip. "Never?" he asked, raising his eyebrow.
"Never," Dabi said, blowing out a long puff of smoke into the already musky air.
"Why did she come to the party last night dressed like she was going to a library?" Hawks asked.
"Probably because she was. She lives there," Dabi said flatly.
"Do you even know what a library is?" Shigaraki asked, having seemingly appeared from thin air to get something from their basically empty fridge, the remnants of the party scattered around the tall frozen appliance.
"'Course I know what a library is. I just don't need it."
It was true; he didn't need a library, but not because he did poorly in school. No, school was easy, and he didn't need to study, so he didn't and his GPA was still flawless.
"I'm sure it would do you some good to go," Dabi sighed, flicking a bit of ash into the trash can.
"Says you?" Hawks scoffed, raising an eyebrow.
"Nah. Fuyumi has got our library quota covered," Dabi said, shrugging.
"I'm pretty sure that's not how siblings work," Shigaraki muttered, putting the milk back in the fridge as he slurped at the giant bowl of cereal in his hands.
"It is when you're twins," Dabi snorted.
"Oh, no wonder! She got all the good looks! Too bad we're stuck with your ugly face!" Hawks smirked, gulping down the rest of his coffee. He had to get out of the house or else he wouldn't leave in time for certain people to get back and once they did, he would never get to leave and-
"Hello friends! I've returned from my weekend getaway with my family and-"
Iida Tensei. Leader of the house, incredibly neat... and way too into team-building activities. His reason for being a part of the frat house was far different than the rest of them. He and Mirio, another boy in their house, were far too goody-goody for all of them.
"It seems you all... had fun this weekend! Should we clean all this up together?"
"Sorry, Ten, I gotta run, duty calls!" Hawks said, slamming his cup down onto the counter as he slipped past Dabi and Shigaraki, leaving them at the mercy of tidying up.
"But Hawks!" he called out. "It goes faster when we all do it together-"
"I know, it really sucks I gotta go, but Dabi just told me about this amazing new place called the library and I just... well, I'm dying to check it out," he laughed, rubbing at his neck.
Dabi glared, about to open his mouth before Tensei cut him off.
"New? Is there a new library on campus?" Tensei asked, glancing at the others.
"New for some people," Shigaraki sighed, staring blankly at Hawks while he slowly inched away.
"Anyway, have fun with team building! Tell me all about it!" He flicked his aviator sunglasses down, pointing his fingers at them before slipping out the front door. He had no reason to head to campus today, but he was formulating one for when he got home and Tensei asked him about it.
Of course, he could say he was going to find the most fascinating woman he'd ever come across. He had a feeling that wouldn't be a very good excuse, and the last thing he needed was Dabi getting on his ass about his sister.
Still, he made his way to the library knowing exactly what he was looking for.
"So let me get this straight," Nejire began, gently tapping her spoon against the countertop. "You actually went over to your brother's house on a Saturday night."
"Yes," Fuyumi said, swinging her legs back and forth, her toes gently tapping the underside of the breakfast bar.
"Okay first off, why didn't you tell me?! I was probably there!" she whined, shoving a large mouthful of cereal between her lips.
Fuyumi sighed. "I told you, I went to get the present for our mom, and that was it. I didn't want to stay and party or anything like that..."
"Have you ever been there on a Saturday night?" Nejire asked, the giggle bursting from her lips. Apparently it was too much for her friend to even think about and admittedly the scene had been a bit ridiculous.
"Of course not. I hate that kind of thing..."
And she hated seeing her brother like that. Dabi was not Touya... and therefore, she wanted nothing to do with him in that state.
"Yeah, yeah. And you turned down Hawks," she said, a snort slipping through her guffawing.
"I didn't realize this was such a big deal."
"Uhm, of course it is!" she said, pressing her hand to her chest. "It's a HUGE deal. I wish I could've seen the look on his face!" She spread her eyes wide with her fingers. "Was it like a deer in headlights?!"
"Uhm... Y'know I don't really remember. Honestly I feel a little guilty. I think he was trying to be nice at one point, and I was just so frustrated with Touya-"
"Oh, 'Yumi... don't feel guilty. Hawks prides himself on being able to get any girl he wants. It probably just bruised his ego," she said.
"Oh. Well, guilt gone," she snorted, pushing away from the table. She picked up her bowl and Nejire's, taking them to the sink. They would never get cleaned if she left them to the blue-haired girl.
"But you know," Nejire sighed. "He probably would've been amazing in bed."
Fuyumi's cheeks heated immediately. "Neji!"
"Whaaat?!" she hummed, swinging her legs back and forth. "I'm serious. Plus, it's been forever since you did anything!"
Her roommate was a bit too blunt for her own good sometimes.
"I know, that's the problem! I don't want to be another... notch in his bedpost!" Fuyumi muttered, wiping off the dishes. Twisting her lips, she turned to her roommate. "Would you have done it?"
"Mmm..." Nejire hummed, trilling her lips. "Probably! I prefer girls, but he's hot. Though I don't think Miri or Tama would've approved."
"Do you need their approval to do things?" Fuyumi asked, raising her eyebrow.
"No, but they live there and I wouldn't want to feel awkward going over there all the time," she giggled. "I'm not you, I do enjoy their parties. Actually, they throw the best ones!"
"That's the best?" Fuyumi said, wrinkling her nose.
"Yup!" Clicking her tongue, Nejire pushed herself away from the counter. "Okay... 'Yumi... I get this isn't your thing, but I do think it would be nice for you to get out more! We're only in college once-"
"I mean technically there is graduate school-"
"'Yumi please!" Nejire said, wrapping her arms around her. "Can you come to one party? Please! I'll even make it easy on you." Her voice was annoyingly sing-song and cheerful.
"Easy on me?" Fuyumi sighed, gently slipping away from her grip. Though Nejire, as always, was persistent and gripped her hand.
"Yes! They're throwing a pool party this Saturday! Midterms are over so you don't have to study."
Fuyumi wanted to argue that she always had to study, but Nejire was relentless.
"It'll all be outside so you don't have to be inside their stuffy house and you can avoid Touya and Hawks and just hang out with me and Mirio and Tamaki!" Nejire was practically begging, her voice growing higher and higher pitched.
"I'll... I'll think about it." Fuyumi sighed.
"It would be hilarious if Hawks saw how cute you look in a bathing suit and he'll be reminded of his complete rejection!" she laughed, nuzzling her cheek against Fuyumi's shoulder. Nejire often got affectionate when she was so overly excited.
Fuyumi wasn't too keen on going back to her brother's house. Seeing him nowadays was usually unpleasant to say the least. For awhile, she had tried, before Touya joined the frat, but now it was absolutely useless. She only prayed Natsuo, their younger brother, would stay far away from frats next year.
She gasped. "Maybe this time I'll get to see his face!"
"Okay, okay," Fuyumi snorted. "As fun as this daydream of yours is, you have to let me go get ready. I'm going to see my mom and then I gotta get to the library. I'm already late and we have exams all this week."
"Fuyumi!" Nejire sighed, rubbing her forehead. "I mean this in the most endearing way possible but your existence stresses me out."
Fuyumi pouted, rolling her eyes. It wasn't the first time Nejire had said something like that.
The two had been roommates since their freshman year; now juniors, they had upgraded to a small, on campus apartment. Nejire was nothing like Fuyumi, but somehow the two got along, partially because Nejire was pushy and Fuyumi couldn't deal with saying no to the lively girl.
"Well, I'll be getting out of your hair," Fuyumi said, picking up her backpack and slinging it over her shoulder. "You should do a little studying this week."
"Oh, I will, I will," Nejire said, waving her hand up and down. "You know I always get my work done."
"Always," Fuyumi giggled, knowing it would most likely be done as last minute as possible. "I'll see you tonight."
"Maybe I'll join you in the library later," Nejire hummed, rocking back and forth on her feet. "I definitely need to print at least one essay."
"See you then!" Fuyumi nodded, waving as she headed out the door, ready to put yesterday behind her. She didn't really want to go to the pool party, so she would just have to find some good excuse to get out of it.
"Good morning, Mama!" Fuyumi smiled, peeking her head into the small hospital room.
"Oh! Good morning, 'Yumi!" The older woman smiled, placing the book she had open off to the side table.
Even sickly, Fuyumi always thought her mother was the most beautiful woman she'd ever seen. Her long white hair shimmered silver against the harsh lighting of the hospital room light. Her gray eyes were so soft - tired - but they always twinkled with joy when Fuyumi or any of her siblings went to visit.
"Just you today," she hummed softly.
Fuyumi didn't falter while she switched out the old flowers on her mother's dresser. "Mhm," she said. "Natsuo is panicking about his mid-terms and Shouto has extra lessons today."
"Always working too hard," she sighed, shaking her head. "And Touya?"
Fuyumi hated when she asked. She didn't like to lie for her twin, but she couldn't exactly tell her mother her eldest son preferred to get high and party instead of coming to see her.
No, that wasn't fair. There were just some things her brother wasn't great at handling. Most things actually.
Still, her mother always asked about him.
"O-oh! You know..." Fuyumi stammered.
"He's hungover?" Rei asked, a gentle smile on her face.
"Probably." Fuyumi clicked her tongue, unable to hold back the snappy retort.
Rei chuckled. "Well, I'm happy one of my children seems to be enjoying their youth." If only she realized just how intensely Touya was 'enjoying' his youth.
"Mama," Fuyumi sighed, plopping down on the edge of her bed. "I'm enjoying my time," she giggled. "I like studying," she said.
Her mother smiled, the image warming Fuyumi's heart. "I know you do sweetheart, but it's okay to do something completely for fun from time to time."
She thought about Nejire's gentle teasing and how she'd rejected Hawks. For some unknown reason, he popped into her head, his unruly blond hair and lazy smile. He was handsome, but he knew it, and he was too heavily involved with her brother and his hooligan friends.
"You're blushing a bit. Something on your mind?" Rei smiled, leaning towards her daughter. Gently, her mother stroked through her hair, the feeling of her fingers soft against her scalp.
"No," she sighed, smiling for her mother once again. "Just thinking about some of my education classes." An easy subject change. "I think you would enjoy them, Mama," she said, going further into detail about what her classes entailed.
"Midterms are this week," she said, lifting up her heavy backpack. "I'm heading to the library after this."
"'Yumi..." her mother smiled again, though her face seemed tired, as though talking took a lot out of the woman. "You're always so hardworking, and yet you still take the time to come see me."
"Of course," Fuyumi said softly, taking her mother's hand and squeezing it. "I love you the most, Mama. Even more than studying!"
"I would hope so!" Rei teased, squeezing her daughter's hand back.
She sighed, glancing at the backpack. "Do you really think I study too much?"
"Mmm," Rei hummed. "No. I think you work hard and that's very respectable. But I also know your father... puts a lot of weight on studying and your grades. I just hope you don't... feel pressured."
"I don't! I-I promise I don't!" she said, shaking her head.
Rei had always been sensitive to how her children were treated by their father.
"I suppose I just... would like for you to have fun too. But I understand if you don't want to go to large events," Rei chuckled.
"They're not really for me."
Definitely more Touya's scene. She resisted the urge to wrinkle her nose just thinking about it.
"Well... don't hold yourself back for anyone, okay?" Rei said, cupping her cheek.
"Okay, Mama," she smiled. "You don't have to worry about me."
Fuyumi could've stayed with her mother forever. In fact, if she had it her way, she most likely would have, despite knowing she needed to get to the library. However, visiting hours didn't last forever, and saying goodbye was always difficult.
Standing at the doorway, she waved one more time, always lingering for a second too long, her heart unable to move.
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anyway now that ive been in the fandom for a bit i think its time i called myself out and say that i. Love shiniida
hear me out. neutral good, disaster bi iida with true neutral, functional gay shinsou? we stan.
like just consider for a second. shinsou goes to talk with midoriya to get some closure abt their fight in the sports festival and obv talking to midoriya means having to be near his two besties iida and uraraka
anyway midoriya draws shinsou in like the sun he is and so he ends up kinda friends with iida and uraraka as well. along the line they become full-fledged friends esp when he starts doing extra training w them in addition to the training hes gettin from aizawa so he can “”keep up with you hero course nerds”” (in his own words)
anyway so he starts hangin out with the izucrew more and consequently. iida.
iida is the mom/dad friend (depends on his mood that day which one he is) so he usually organizes some hangouts that r also study groups. and now that shinsou is his friend, iida invites him as well
im thinkin eventually iida and shinsou figure out that iida has a strong suit in math but is weak in language, but shinsou is vice versa, so they decide to arrange extra study sessions so they can get the extra tutoring they feel they need
and finally,,,,the pining™ begins
im honestly not quite sure How they fall for each other or how long it would take buuuuuuut……,.,.
iida would definitely admire shinsou’s drive and determination and i feel he’d be rlly charmed by him once he got passed shinsou’s distant, kinda hostile first impression. like once he got passed shinsou’s kinda defenses and saw the tired, funky dude he is that loves cats and sweaters, iida’s poor bi heart wouldnt stand a chance, not even a second. iida would definitely think shinsou’s love for cats/all things cute is adorable. also i think iida would be exasperated w shinsou’s hair but like in the Fondest Way possible. at first he’s like “shinsou u gotta try to brush ur hair!” and shinsou is like “u can try it wont do anything” and hes right it Doesnt. but eventually the messy style grows on iida and he finds he wants to run his hands thro it,,,also iida at first kinda doesnt get shinsou’s sense of humor but he eventually learns to love it
shinsou on the other hand would be softly disgruntled abt how iida cares for him with what i call the Aggressive Affection. cause iida is just like “shinsou! its past 12 am! i would advise you get some rest now” and he wont stop badgering him until shinsou at least turns off his phone and like “shinsou! i made u breakfast bc u slept in late! u can eat it while we walk to class together!” and hands him some cute lil breakfast thing that keeps shinsou’s hands warm while they walk in the morning air. and at first shinsou is like “bruh” but eventually knowing that iida cares so much makes him feel all warm inside,,,,,, and shinsou Would 100 percent find iida’s chopping motions and general gestures he makes when he talks Adorable As Fuck. and he thinks its sweet that iida cares so much abt helpin him academically as well as heroically
anyway i think shinsou would realize his feelings first bc iida is,,,a disaster,,,and he would freak the fuck out becuz oh shit thats quite the distraction from becoming a hero student
iida notices when shinsou starts to avoid him and he gets really sad :[ and it rlly starts to bother him so he tries asking shinsou what he did wrong but shinsou is always in a flustered panic and its like “OHHH LOOK AT THE TIME GOT,,,GENERAL DEPARTMENT THINGS TO DO,,,,GOTTA GO BYE IIDA” so when asking shinsou doesnt work iida tries to ask his friends if they can think of anything but theyre just as confused as he is bc they didnt even realize shinsou was distancing himself. this just makes iida feel even worse bc that means its Just Him that shinsou’s avoiding so its Clear that he did do smth wrong
eventually he calls tensei abt it and tensei kinda calms him down abt it thank you tensei
meanwhile aizawa is like “what,,,is wrong with my child” bc hes not dumb hes observant as hell and he knows shinsou’s been acting kinda skittish lately esp during training so eventually after training one day aizawa sits him down and is like “im not letting u leave until u tell me why ur so freaked out lately” shinsou tries to fight to escape but aizawa is a Pro Hero and shinsou has only been training for a couple months now so he doesnt make it lmfao rip eventually shinsou gets out that he has a crush (how embarrassing poor guy probably wanted to spontaneously combust when he admitted it) and that he doesnt know what to do with it and aizawa is just like “wow mood”
no but really aizawa calls up mic and is like “hi yes hello ur the distinguished gay in this relationship can u give our dumb son some advice”
so mic swoops in and probably embarrasses shinsou a lil bit but overall shinsou accepts his feelings a little more after the talk so thats Something thanks mic
anyway so this pining goes on for a while longer with iida feeling :[ and shinsou feeling bad but like not knowing what to do dkjfjkf. like after the talk w mic it isnt nearly as bad as it was but shinsou’s still awkward and iida can still tell smth abt their relationship has gotten a little stilted :[ but then the joint training exercise happens and its reveled that shinsou is GOING INTO THE HERO COURSE BABEY!!!!!!!
iida is So Excited that he lifts our boy up and spins him around!!! and shinsou is so FUCKING gay he doesnt know how to function once hes put back on the ground smfh so much for being a functional gay huh shinsou
anyway iida starts apologizing profusely like “im so sorry shinsou my excitement just got the better of me and i hope i didnt make you uncomfortable but im so happy for you-!” and shinsou’s like “im in love with you” iida probably passes out lbr
no but both FREAK OUT over that confession and like its so fucking funny bc it was in front of EVERYONE and aizawa just fucking facepalms bc god why does his dumb kid have to take after him so much smh
anyway EVENTUALLY iida and shinsou calm down and before shinsou can Sprint the Fuck Away, iida is like “i!!!!! love you too!!! not as just a friend!!!” and shinsou hides his face in his mask/capture weapon and iida is just kinda bashfully holding his helmet close to his chest and HHH I LOVE MY BOYS………….
anyway they talk and shinsou is like “yeah so im sorry for being weird this past month and a half its because feelings” and iida is like “OHHHH i thought i did something wrong omg” and so they clear that up w each other and start dating. and they are. Adorable. THE couples’ goals in the izucrew. u wish u were as cute as them
iida reading on the couch w shinsou layin down on him?? iida reading TO him while he’s layin down on him in an attempt to help lull him to sleep??? oh my fucking god. thats so good. shinsou brings snacks to their study dates (and theyre actually iida’s idea of regularly scheduled dates someone help shinsou djkfjk) to make sure that they both actually get some food in them. TRAINING TOGETHER,…,..both get v flustered at first but then they get used to it,,im soft
just….my boys….thank you for your consideration. uhh stan shiniida
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bolbianddolanhouse · 4 years
BNHA self insert AU [Book 2]
Lost and confused? See this post to catch up!
Chapter 2: Hahaha I Do That
Hero school doesn’t suck as much as I thought. Probably because my aunty Midnight is still there teaching and she makes me feel like I’m my own person. Everyone else just compares me to my dad, love the man but I’m here to spite him. It’s my mom’s birthday today, I hurry home to see what my dad was planning for her. I get home to see my dad comforting my mom on the couch, I stay quiet to drop in on what they’re saying.
“Darling, everything’s alright”
“I know but it’s been 26 years! I want to go home.”
“Please don’t lose hope, I don’t want to hear you giving up!”
“My heart hurts, I can’t think.”
“Go recoup in the office, I’ll handle things here”
“Okay...I love you.”
“I love you more.” They kiss and mom warps out as my dad stands up. He spots me “Oh Lili you’re home! I didn’t hear you.”
“Is mom okay? She was crying” I was concerned because mom is usually so composed and cool headed “did something happen?”
“Its, a complicated concern” Dad hesitated on his words, eyes shifting to the stairs that lead to her office “but why don’t you help me with dinner?”
“Alright, let me change out of my uniform” I trot my way to my room and see that my little sister was also home but probably in the boys room to pester Tensei. I change quickly and get back down to the kitchen to see my dad scolding my brothers.
“Boys! Stop eating cookies or you’ll ruin your appetite!”
“You don’t tell me what to do old man!” growled Tensei as he took 3 cookies from the platter and warped away with Iwa.
“What are you making dad?” I walk up to him to help.
“I’m making ceviche and other raw cuts with sushi rice” he whispered “it’s your mom’s favorite as a child” he pointed at the vegetables “can you help me chop up these?”
As I cut the ingredients, I watch how shifty my dad was getting “Dad, can I ask you something? About mom?”
“Of course!” he turned off the stove “what do you want to know?”
“When was the last time she went to her home country?” I put the knife down “I know she’s from America and all her family is there, but doesn’t she visit when she’s homesick?”
“Oh dear” he sighed in defeat “your mother hasn’t been in America since she came over here at the age of 15.”
I was in shock “Why hasn’t she gone?”
“Lili, there’s a lot of things your mother has been through that she doesn’t like to share” his eyes shift to the family photo in the dining room “it was traumatic and heartbreaking, but she had to leave her home to protect her family and herself from all the violence back home” he put his hand on her cheek “it’s just not safe for her to go back but she’s not alone anymore. She has us to fill the void of home in her heart.”
Things sort of made sense “Does ever miss her old home?”
“All the time!” he laughed “your mom would tell me stories about her home when we were in high school. She lived right behind the high school she attended but she wasn’t allowed to teleport in so she’d have to walk like everyone else!”
We continue making dinner as he told me mom’s stories, but I was tempted to eat a cookie “Did you make these cookies dad?”
“I did! They hold a very special significance to your mother and I”
“You see, I met your mother on her 16th birthday and she made these cookies to celebrate with us but she got shy and didn’t say it was her birthday” he reminisced “so we all thought she was being nice. It was the most delicious cookie I’ve ever had and I had to talk to her after class to thank her. So when I did, I saw her face up close and I didn’t know how to act” he blushed “I accidentally made her cry and got in trouble by Midnight but if it wasn’t for this cookie, I wouldn’t have known that your mother was my soulmate.”
“Soulmate? How did you know she was your soulmate?”
“Every time I see her smile and laugh, it makes me happy. When I talk to her, my mind blanks and I lose my cool” a smile cracks on his face “When I hold her in my arms after a rough day, it feels like I have the world in my arms. And when I held her hand for the first time, I felt my heart skipping beats. That’s when I knew that she was someone special and I would be a fool to let go.”
I meditated on those words all through dinner and into bedtime. If my dad could figure it out, I can too! I decided that tomorrow I should tell Maru that I don’t have feelings for him.
-The next day, Lunchtime-
“Yah know Togata” I started as I looked at them down their rice “I still can’t figure out where I’ve seen you and it’s bothering me.”
“How so?” they said with their mouth full
“Like, I’ve told my mom about you and your dad” I recalled “she said that she doesn’t like working with your dad but she knows that he has 2 sons and a daughter. But she doesn’t remember the last time she’s seen the kids.”
“Yea, since mom died, my dad has been very protective of us” they wiped their mouth “if you didn’t know us before that, then seeing us now would’ve been a weird surprise.”
“Well what about your sister?”
“Let’s just say, she’s not dead but no longer with us.”
“Huh? What do you-”
“LILI! Mind if I sit here?!” Maru yelled, interrupting me.
“Oh um, I rather if you don’t Maru.”
“Why not?” he pouted “I haven’t spend anytime with you since the first day!”
“Well I’m getting to know my classmate here” I gesture toward them “now if you don’t mind, we were in the middle of something.”
“Oh right! Sorry to bother!” he backed away when he saw Hoshi “I see you after school?”
“Yea, see you later!”
Hoshi gave me the wide eyes “You didn’t tell me you and the number 1 hero’s son are like...that.”
“Oh god no!” I gagged at the thought “I’ve known him since I was born and he’s just my friend” I huffed “he looks and smells like a Brussels sprout!”
Hoshi bursts out laughing “A brussels sprout?! Oh man I’m dying!” he fans himself “I didn’t know you were so funny Iida-san!”
I don’t know why, but their laugher sparked joy and it made me soft. When school ended for the day, I waited for Maru by the parking lot.
“Sorry to keep you waiting Lili” Maru ran up to me “were you waiting long?”
“No I’ve been here for a few minutes.”
“Cool, oh! Did you want to go get some boba?” he clapped “there’s this good place here at the town square.”
“I’ve been, I prefer the cafe though” I fixed my glasses “I’m an iced coffee person, I just wanted to walk and talk.”
“Oh alright” we started walking “what did you want to talk about?”
“You know what you said after my summer showcase?”
“Yea, what about it?”
“I know that you care about me and I appreciate your company but I just” I tried to keep my tone neutral “it had nothing to do with you, but I don’t feel the same way you feel towards me.”
“You don’t want to be my wife?” he said sadly.
“I just think you could do better” I said to disarm the situation “like when you kissed me, it was my first kiss and I didn’t feel anything! No change in my heart rate, no warm fuzzy feelings nor any sort of happiness.”
“Let me try again” he leaned in as I leaned away “please Lili, I want to be your love and I feel strongly about you.”
“But I don’t and I’m sorry” I was really feeling bad that I broke his heart “who knows! Maybe down the line when we become adults, we’ll reunite and start something.”
“I really thought you’d feel the same” he sighed “your the only girl that’ll talk to me.”
“What about Bakugo-san?”
“Elise? They’re not a girl” he hard exhaled “they’re the embodiment of angry!”
“I always thought you two would be together” I pouted “I shipped you two so hard as a child that I wanted to be the flower girl at your wedding!”
“Silly girl! I like the sweet and pretty types” he ruffled her hair.
“Gah! Not the hair!” I punched him “I’m not sweet, I’m tough as fuck!”
He gave me a once-over “Didn’t know tough girls wore pink lace socks with ribbons in their hair.”
I got home and was greeted by the congregation of my mom, Mimi and Jin in the kitchen.
“I’m home!”
“Welcome home Lili!” they chanted.
“What’s the haps?”
“We didn’t end up going to Hiroshima for that meeting” Jin explained “so we’re just chillin here, watching the little ones.”
“Nikita is starting to develop her quirk very nicely” Mimi said proudly “she can now mimic my voice!”
“Oh that’s cool!” I looked at my mom “also, I talked to my new friend and they said that they do have 2 older brothers but that the sister is not with them anymore?”
“That’s slightly concerning” Mom put her cup down “Oh jeez it’s been years since I’ve seen Mirio’s kids. I swear those kids are more secured than our facilities!”
“Yup! I can’t find a single thing about the kids” Jin sighed “no medical records, dental records, school records nor pictures past a certain point!”
“Well in any case, I’m glad that one of the boys is alright” Mom tried to change the mood to something more positive “Lili can you go check on the kids? They’ve been awfully quiet.”
I nod and put my bag down to find them. They were outside, laying on the grass.
“Y’all dead?”
“No! Just tired” Rosa snapped “Nikita is a little too energetic.”
“I was going ZOOOOM!” clapped Nikita.
“Well if y’all just tired” I turned to go back inside “then carry on.” I go to my room and get started on my homework. The scene of Hoshi laughing popped up in my head before I had to wash up for dinner, I don’t think I’ve ever felt soft over a laugh before. Am I in love? Or am I just excited to have a friend other than Maru? Either way, Hoshi and I are in fact good friends! And I’m happy that I’m not unlikeable in this new environment, I’ve had classmates that compliment me and say hello and good bye to me at least! I guess being in the cutthroat world of dance really makes one cold and bitter when you want to be the best. 
-2 weeks later, UA training grounds-
“Iida-san, can you make a net so we can catch all the targets?”
“Sure thing! One net coming right up!” I rubbed my hands as I unraveled the muslin sash on my waist “tell me when to stop.”
“uhhh....okay stop! That’s good” my classmate commanded “okay everyone take a corner and lets catch the targets as they fall.”
We’re in groups of 5 for some team building rescue, my team was getting along fine....other’s struggled quite a bit. When we all recouped before heading in for the day, I noticed that Hoshi’s PE top was ripped.
“Hey I can fix your top real quick if you want” I offered as we walked to the locker rooms.
“Um sure BUT um lets go over there” Hoshi panicked and pointed to the edge of the school garden “I don’t want anyone to see.”
“Alright lets” we walk over and the whole time he’s being skiddish “um, that rip is bigger than I thought, mind if you lift your arms a bit so I can get a proper fix?”
“Yea, I MEAN NO!” he lifted his arms but then quickly dropped them “I don’t feel comfortable doing that.”
“Oh I see” I take off my sash “my top wont fit you but you can cover up with this until I fix the top.”
“It’s not that” he starts to turn red “I’m just scared about what you’ll think about this thing I have on.”
I look at the rip and I see that he has a spandex-like undershirt and toned stomach “I don’t see anything out of the ordinary?”
He sighs and takes a quick look around to see if there was anybody watching “Okay, I’ll show you” he takes off his top and tosses to me “um, I’m not sure how to say this, I haven’t shown anybody this.”
I look and I don’t see what’s the thing he’s referring to “What is it? All I see is compression top and your toned body” I poked my stomach “my body is still a little soft in some places.”
This makes him feel a little less nervous “It’s not that but I’m” he takes a deep breath “I’m transgender, I wasn’t born male. This is my chest binder to hide the one thing that will give away my secret.”
“I had no idea” everything clicked for me “wait, does that mean that you WERE the sister I was talking about?”
“Yes, and I knew the whole time who you were” he sighed “remember the night of the hero’s gala? My dad and your parents were talking and we played together” he smiled with tears in his eyes “you snuck me outside so we could star-gaze and you said-”
“Make a wish! My wish is that all your wishes will come true!” I remembered what I said as a child “that’s right! I said that and my favorite thing were stars because in Japanese it means wish and star!”
He nodded as he wiped his tears “That moved me so much as a child because my mom died and I needed something to give me hope” he looked up at me “you saved me Lili, I wished to see you again and that we could be friends. I even changed my name to Hoshi!”
My mind was racing and I felt my heart skipping beats “And your wishes did come true, we did meet again” I smiled “and we are friends, I won’t tell anybody about this.”
“You mean it?” he was surprised to hear me say that “You’re not disgusted by me?”
“Why would I be disgusted? I thought you were one of the boys until you showed me this” I looked at the ripped top “I should fix this!” I fixed the garment and handed it back “you’re my friend Togata-san! Friends don’t let their friend’s secrets out. You can come out whenever you’re ready to tell the world, but for now, I’m glad you told me and I’m happy you’re living your truth.”
He looked at me wide eyed and ran forward to hug me “I’m so happy you accept me for me” he sobbed “it’s been so hard for me to find someone that cares that isn’t my brothers. You can call me Hoshi.”
“It’s not problem!” I hugged back “then you can call me Lili.”
I took note on Hoshi’s appearance and I couldn’t tell if they were female before, the only thing that made them familiar to me were their nose and eyes. He had lighter blonde hair, dark blue eyes and the same height as me, and I’m a tall girl to some! He had some muscle build on him that made his embrace feel secure. I feel myself go soft again, something was happening but I’m not sure what. We spent more time together after that, I told my mom the truth. She was so relieved and happy for them! She encouraged me to bring them over whenever. Hoshi was even happier to know that my mom cared about them too.
“Hey Lili, wanna go to town square with me?” Maru confronted me after school.
“Sorry not today Maru” I winced “I’m going home, It’s Iwa’s birthday.”
“Aw I see” He facepalmed “I forgot that you had siblings for a second heh” he fixed his shoulder strap “I was hoping to spend some time with you, it’s been weeks since we’ve had some one on one time.”
“Yea it has been a while” I push my glasses up “but maybe Elise-sama can accompany you today.”
“Since when did you-”
“DAMN RIGHT I’M FUCKING LADY!” Maru was drowned out by Elise’s holler “Omaru! What are you doing loitering around?”
“He was just telling me he wanted someone to accompany him to the boba shop” I butt in before Maru had a chance to speak.
“I’ll be happy to go!” Elise quickly takes a death hold on Maru’s hand “Why go with this little girl when you have me. Let’s go Omaru!” 
“Hey wait!” Maru tried to protest but he was already being dragged down the hall by Elise. He looked back to see Lili and Hoshi walking away in the opposite direction. That really bothered him that he didn’t even notice that Elise literally dragged him by the hand all the way to the boba shop.
“Hey circle head!” Elise let go of his hand “what’s with you? You’re not as annoying lately.”
He sat down at the patio table “What are you talking about?”
“You and twinkle toes-chan” she crossed her arms as she sat down across him “you did something stupid and now she’s not happily joining you anywhere.”
He sighed “you caught me” he put his head down on the table “I kissed Lili the weekend before dorm move-in, and I really though she’d say yes to being my girlfriend but she just panicked and bolted away” he cringed a little remembering that night “she even told me later that she doesn’t have feelings for me and that I could do better. Now she has a new friend and she hardly wants to be around me. I don’t know what I did wrong.”
“You know what I think” Elise put a finger on his forehead “I think that you need to let go, yea you two are friends but you treat her like she’s the only girl in the world!” she flicked his forehead “newsflash Omaru! There’s girls throwing themselves onto you for you to even look at them! You’re so dense and narrow sighted to things that it pisses me off!”
He rubs his forehead “Gee I’m sorry that I like somebody so much” he sat up “but don’t know if I can let go.”
“You have to, she’s all grown up” she sighs “we all grew up together, I’ve noticed all her changes. To be honest, I hope they end up with their new friend” she smiled “they’re so adorable together, a graceful type with their brawny type.” 
“That’s what I’m afraid of” he said in a defeated way “I’m being shut out and I’m not the one she depends on anymore.”
“Don’t turn this into a harem thing for her” she rolled her eyes “she’s going to beat the shit out of you if you try to do any of your romantic gestures” she puts her hands up “I’m calling it now.”
“And what are you going to do if she doesn’t?”
“I’m going to beat the shit out of you” she growled “stupid, you’re not going to be ‘the one’ and you’re a fool if you think you are.”
“And what if she does?”
“I’m going to laugh at you, patch you up and kiss your stupid face” she laughed “you’re not the only one with a childhood crush.”
“Oh” he turned red and covered his face “GYA why do I need to get my ass kicked to get what I want?!”
More people are taking note on my new level of friendship with Hoshi. Some were bold enough to ask if we were dating, of course we said no every time. I don’t know if what I have is love or respect for Hoshi! It’s all confusing but we’re enjoying each other’s company and conversations. We even train together but that’s mostly because in the case of their top ripping, I could quickly fix it. The weeks fly by so fast that the Sports Festival comes around and I wasn’t feelin’ it.
“I don’t wanna show them my skills like a show pony!” I huffed and stomped “Dad, isn’t there a work around?!”
“I’m afraid there isn’t” he sighed “look, it’s just a one time thing and you are guaranteed one internship with uncle Tensei if you don’t do everything.”
“I’m not in the mood to show the pros what I can do” I crossed my arms “humph! I wanna dance for the masses, not fight!”
Mom puts her hands on my shoulders “Listen up kiddo, how I see it” she makes eye contact with Lili “if you make your fighting as stylistic as possible, you’re putting on a good show and everyone will be like ‘look how pretty she moves!’ and all the while, you’re just dancing!”
“You know what, I just might do that!” I smile “thanks mom! I guess I should go into my wing to get announced in” I turn to run to my place “see you later!”
Her parents waved her off until she was out of sight “Can you believe my little girl, growing up in my footsteps?!” 
“Tenya, are you crying?”
“It’s just that, it seemed like a week ago I was holding her in my arms for the first time” he wiped his tears “and yesterday she was dancing around in her little pink dresses, now she’s on her way to be a hero!”
“Come on you cry baby! We have to hurry to our box seats if you want to see the opening ceremony.”
I tried my best while giving a show during the spars. Kinda fucked up to pit us against each other like this but I’m not going to question anybody about it. I didn’t make it to the final round, putting me in 5th place. Hoshi got 3rd and that was pretty cool! For a brief moment I saw his family, he didn’t look too happy to be with them and I wondered why. I didn’t ask though. 
-The following Monday-
“Who do you think you got offers from?” asked my classmate.
“I know I got an obligatory offer from my uncle’s agency” I rolled my eyes “as much as I love my family, I don’t want to be under my uncle’s and dad’s wing.”
“Who’s your uncle and dad?” asked another confused classmate.
“Are you kidding me?” Hoshi spoke up “did the rocket feet not give it away?! Her family carries the Ingenium legacy!” he pointed at my features “glasses, tall, strong legs... all features of the current Ingenium, her dad.”
“WAH?! You’re basically royalty Iida-san!”
“Oh please! I’m nothing like that Turbo Doofus” I blushed “in all honesty, my mom made the family line much more interesting with all the random quirks like my second quirk” I waved my hands to reshape my hair ribbons into a lasso to pull the chair in front of me, making my classmate miss their chair and fall on their butt “who knows, I might fuck it up and make us known for something else.”
“Alright class, settle down” sensei walks in with a huge stack of packets “I have offers to pass back to you, some of you got a little too much attention so be warned on the thickness of your packets” he starts to pass out the packets “...and here’s yours Miss Iida.”
I get my packet and it’s very light. I look over to the others and see their’s are obviously thicker, guess nobody wanted dancing hero Lili. Flipping into the offers part, I got one from uncle Tensei and another from...Best Jeanist? Who the hell is that? “Hey Hoshi, did you get an offer from a Best Jeanist?”
He flipped through his papers to check “Nope, but I’ve never heard of them?” he pondered “maybe he’s new?”
“Doubt, the agencies in attendance were all well known ones” I furrowed my brow “this is weird, I’ll ask my parents then.” When the day ended and I got home, my parents freaked out over the name.
“WHAT?! HE WAS THERE?!” mom screamed and panicked “Oh my god oh my god oh my god!”
“I don’t- what?!” dad was sweating as he quadruple checked the offer sheet “it can’t be?! After all this time?!”
“What’s the big deal! Tell me!” I was freaking out because my parents never collectively lose their shit over things.
Mom takes a few calming breaths “Okay, I’m cool, I can be cool” she turns toward me “Best Jeanist is the hero I interned under way back when” she cracked the biggest smile “and why we’re both shaken up is because he retired like 20 years ago and he was doing some traveling last time I spoke to him.”
“Yeah, he was an amazing hero! Number 4 to be exact” dad butted in “he worked with your uncle and some of my family in hero work. You probably don’t remember him, he held you as a baby and even made you that pink satin dress you loved so much.”
“He made me that dress?” I remembered the dress but not who made it for me “but if you say he’s retired, why extend an offer? Is that allowed?”
“I’m not sure” dad pondered and handed the packet back to me “looks like you have to make a difficult decision.”
I sat at my desk for what seemed days, trying to weight out my options. I made my decision an hour before the paperwork was due on Wednesday....hope I made the right choice.
-Chapter 2, End-
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