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Kaoru: It turned cold suddenly. It was warm up till yesterday! *Kaoru and Joe chats briefly before Kaoru turns to look at Tasai* Kaoru: Did you really come today dressed like this?
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argumentl · 12 days
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The last episode of TFOE!
Kaoru actually singing live on air!
It was Joe's birthday recently, so Kaoru and Tasai sang Happy Birthday. In reality, it was more like talking the lyrics, but still!! 😂
Kaoru also explained a bit about the music video for The Devil in Me. The members were filmed in front of a green screen, and the background is a mixture of AI and CG, with director Kondo still hard at work on the full video. This approach was decided upon through discussions between the members and Director Kondo. Kaoru said he was thinking about showcasing the full video had it been ready, but alas, it isn't ready yet.
They asked viewers to write questions about the mv in the comments. I asked what the meaning of all the pink was, Joe read this out, and Kaoru answered "Pink". They laughed at this...so did I!
For the main they did a TFOE quiz, with 5 questions about the first ever Niconama broadcast where Kaoru was dressed as Sweeny Todd (Flashbacks to my UK dentist nightmare 😂).
They then read out a few of the comments people had sent in about things they had graduated from. Following this, Kaoru was brought two trays full of prawn/shrimp dishes, since he recently 'graduated' from his dislike of shrimp. He happily tried them all.
To finish the free part, Kaoru mentioned that there are still quite a lot of tickets left for the Osaka dates of the upcoming tour, since this venue is quite large. Get your tickets everyone!!
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reyook · 1 year
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Tu vienas esi nemeluota gražybė
Laimingas tasai, kurs be kūno sapnavo
Kam švietė žvaigždė tolima
Happy Birthday 🍰
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devoidofspacepodcast · 10 months
Casting Call [Open]
Come audition for season 2 of Devoid of Space. We are an unpaid hobby project with 7 scripts this season! The casting call is open from July 2nd to July 15th, 8am PST!
We have a variety of roles, so check them out! We are especially looking for auditions for these roles:
Denial of Service
- Cassandra Reid
- Olivia Reid
- Dr. Arbor Westenburg
- Dora
- Neith
- Tasai Serra
- Whitney Aroha
- Ina Serra
Savior Complex
- Kyle Hart
- Alice Jonah
The Revelation of Haven Station
- Julian Valentine                                                                             
Wish You Were Here
- Bathilda
- Byrnn
- Ollie
- Margot
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giantcypress · 8 months
A Big Undo: Barr Cabinetmaker’s Chisels →
Christopher Schwarz:
But I regretted selling the Barrs. They were simply outstanding, and they held an edge better than any other tool steel I’ve worked with (including Japanese chisels). I wrote about my long experience with Barr tools here on my substack, “The American Peasant.”
The article on Chris's substack linked above is worth the time. Again, Chris:
What's the secret? The tools are hand forged. And…? Follow the company on Instagram to see how much dirty work goes into their tools. I own some blacksmith-made tools that are hand forged and have superior working properties. But Barr's are still just head and shoulders above those tools as well.
I've come to the conclusion that the hand forged nature of Japanese tools is key to why they have the properties that they do — being easy to sharpen to an extremely fine edge while being able to hold that edge for a long time. It's good to see an analogous example in the western tool world.
My only quibble is the lumping together of Japanese chisels as one monolithic category. There's a difference between the 10 piece Japanese chisel set that Grizzly sells for $165 and a single Tasai chisel that sells for the the same price, like there's a difference between a Harbor Freight chisel and the ones that Barr makes.
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xiaaaaaaaa · 1 year
tasai jausmas kaip gauni SMS bet ne is to is kurio norejau gauti zinute
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thepukhtoonlad · 8 months
Once you adopt "Tasay bai na" attitude, you have won at life.
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Mother's Day Facts, Dates, Quotes (UPDATED 18/4/23)
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Mother's Day is a celebration honoring the influence of mothers in society. Know about the Mother's Day Facts, Some awesome Mother's Day Quotes and Dates, and more... My heart overflows with gratitude and admiration for all that a Maa does. She is the glue that holds us together, and the light that illuminates our lives. Her selflessness, resilience, and unwavering love are truly awe-inspiring. She has been our role model, confidant, and source of comfort and guidance. Teaching us about kindness, compassion, and respect. She taught us - how to be strong in the face of adversity, how to pick ourselves up after a fall, and how to believe in ourselves even when the world doubts us. Take a moment and thank your Mother infinity times. Happy Mother's Day! या देवी सर्वभूतेषु मातृ-रूपेण संस्थिता। नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ||Our ancestors praising the Devine Mother "Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu, Matri Rupena Sanshita, Namas-tasai Namas-tasai, Namastasai Namo Namaha"
Dates of Mother's Day: 
In general- the Second Sunday of May  2020 - May 10 2021 - May 9 2022 - May 8 May 14, 2023
Mother's Day Facts and Quotes
Mother's Day Facts One of the earliest Mother's Day celebrations was in Ancient Nepal In Hindu tradition, especially in Nepal, Mother's Day is called "Mata Tirtha Aunshi" or "Mother Pilgrimage fortnight", where mothers are honored with special foods. The day is observed on the new moon day in the month of Baisakh, i.e., April/May. This celebration is based on the Hindu religion and pre-dates the creation of the Greece-inspired and then modern celebration by at least a few centuries since it began during the starting days of Hinduism. In Greek mythology, the Mothers day type of spring festival was held in honor of the maternal goddess Rhea who was believed to be the mother of many Greek Gods. Around 250 B.C. Romans celebrated a spring festival called Hilaria which was dedicated to the goddess Cybele. This festival used to be celebrated in March.  Modern Mother's Day The modern Mothers Day in the United States dates back to 1868, when Ann Reeves Jarvis of West Virginia organized "Mothers' Friendship Day," to promote reconciliation between Union and Confederate soldiers following the Civil War. After the creation of the Mother's Day International Association to streamline the intimate day of observance to the second Sunday in May, Woodrow Wilson signed Mother's Day into law in 1914 to be celebrated as a nationwide holiday.  Did you know The founder of Mother's Day wasn't a mom? Anna M. Jarvis is widely credited with having founded Mothers Day never married and did not have any children. She organized the first Mother's Day observance in May of 1908 in memory of her mother who died two years ago.  Did you know Anna ultimately wanted to abolish it? As Mother's Day became increasingly commercialized, its founder Anna Jarvis spoke out against and ultimately fought to abolish the commercialization of the concept altogether.  Random Mother's Day Facts - Many Movies (comedy, drama, horror) have been made based on the theme. Jennifer Aniston starred in Mother's Day to name one.  - According to the National Federation of Retailers, Mothers Day is a $20 billion industry. - According to Hallmark, roughly 141 million Mothers Day cards are gifted yearly. How much does an Indian mom get? This is purely from the West. - Research shows that 54.7% of us take mom out to eat, spending a total of $3.1 billion in the U.S. alone. - The most popular gift for Mother's Day is flowers, with over 65% of people choosing to give their mothers a bouquet. - Mother's Day is the busiest day of the year for restaurants, with over 92 million Americans dining out to celebrate the occasion. - In Thailand, Mother's Day is celebrated on August 12, which is the birthday of Queen Sirikit. On this day, people wear pink to show their love and respect for their mothers. - In Mexico, Mother's Day is celebrated on May 10, regardless of the day of the week. It is a public holiday, and children often present their mothers with flowers, cards, and gifts. - In Ethiopia, Mother's Day is celebrated in mid-fall and is part of a three-day festival called "Antrosht." Families gather together to feast and sing songs in honor of their mothers. - In some countries, such as Russia and Ukraine, International Women's Day on March 8 is also a day to celebrate mothers. - Mother's Day generates billions of dollars in revenue each year, with the average American spending over $200 on gifts, meals, and other items to celebrate the occasion. Awesome Mother's Day quotes
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“God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers.” Rudyard Kipling “My mother is a walking miracle.” — Leonardo DiCaprio “My mother is my root, my foundation. She planted the seed that I base my life on, and that is the belief that the ability to achieve starts in your mind.” —Michael Jordan “It may be possible to gild pure gold, but who can make his mother more beautiful?” —Mahatma Gandhi “Motherhood is the biggest gamble in the world. It is the glorious life force. It’s huge and scary – it’s an act of infinite optimism.” —Gilda Radner “A mother’s love is more beautiful than any fresh flower.” —Debasish Mridha “Mother’s love is peace. It need not be acquired, it need not be deserved.” —Erich Fromm “Motherhood: All love begins and ends there. ” —Robert Browning “It’s not easy being a mother. If it were, fathers would do it.” —The Golden Girls “When your mother asks, ‘Do you want a piece of advice?’ it’s a mere formality. It doesn’t matter if you answer yes or no. You’re going to get it anyway.” —Erma Bombeck “We have a secret in our culture, and it’s not that birth is painful. It’s that women are strong.” —Laura Stavoe Harm You always deserve Extra: Mother's Day Quotes The beauty of Motherhood is not in reproduction but in inclusion - to experience another life as a part of yourself.
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—SadhguruTweet "A child be it- hungry or not, sad or happy, cheered or booed, always search for its mother."
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Ananta ChetryTweet "A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path." - Agatha ChristieTweet "The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother." - Theodore HesburghTweet "Motherhood: All love begins and ends there." - Robert BrowningTweet "A mother's love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible." - Marion C. GarrettyTweet "Mothers are like glue. Even when you can't see them, they're still holding the family together." - Susan GaleTweet "The natural state of motherhood is unselfishness." - Jessica LangeTweet "A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take." - Cardinal MermillodTweet "Motherhood is the greatest thing and the hardest thing." - Ricki LakeTweet Shower love to your Mother, not on a special day, but always. Happy Mother's Day to all the Mothers out there. Geek out your love in the com box. Read on - - Fun Activities To Do with your Mom - Gift your Mom Read the full article
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loamblogging · 1 year
DSC05399 by tasay
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advokatasbauza · 1 year
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Jei kas sakytų: "Aš mylių Dievą", o savo brolio nekęstų, – tasai melagis. Kas nemyli savo brolio, kurį mato, negali mylėti Dievo, kurio nemato. - Naujasis Testamentas. Pirmasis Jono laiškas 4, 20-21 -
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Azarto kruizas: viena naktis „kvailių pasaulyje“
Laivo vidus primena vulgarią stebuklų šalį. Tokį įspūdį sudaro pilkas marmuras, tiesiog klykianti auksinė apdaila ir ryškūs kilimai. Registracijos salėje kabo nuotraukos, vaizduojančios laivo erdves: kazino, naktinį karaokės klubą, barą, masažo kajutes, kirpyklas, mahdžongo ir lošimo automatų erdves ir net treniruoklių salę. „Ach, mes gyvename kvailių pasaulyje…“, – nuskamba silpnas moteriškas balsas, kol svečiai laukė migracijos tarnybos darbuotojų vykdomo dokumentų tikrinimo pabaigos.
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Laive per daug tylu. Bent jau nepasakytum, kad juo keliauja 300 azarto turistų ir 200 aptarnaujančio personalo sielų. Kelionės pradžioje didžioji dalis svečių banketų salėje mėgavosi nemokamomis (tiksliau – iš anksto apmokėtomis) vaišėmis. Kiniškai švediškas kruizo stalas nukrautas svieste keptais makaronais, ryžiais, troškintomis daržovės, samsa (pyragaičiai su mėsa), želė ir keksiukais. Svečiai be perstojo gėrė arbatą ir visai nedaug alkoholio (už kurį, beje, reikėjo mokėti papildomai). Kai kurie klaidžiojo po visą laivą, su pasimėgavimu darydami asmenukes. „Žiūrėkite, aš vidury vandenyno.“ – nuaidėjo iš viršutinio denio jaunos moters balsas. Kaip paaiškėjo, tuomet ji per videokonferenciją savo nuotykiais gyrėsi žemyne likusiems šeimynykščiams. Karaokės barai kelionės pradžioje buvo visiškai tušti. Panaši situacija tęsėsi didžiąją nakties dalį, o tai labai skiriasi nuo įprastų vakarietiškų kruizų, kuomet visi keleiviai nuo pat pradžių aktyviai įsilieja į kelionės siautulį. Paaiškės, kad Honkongo gyventojai į azartinius žaidimus žiūri labai rimtai.
Maždaug po valandos nuo to laiko, kai laivas-kazino išplaukė iš uosto, personalas kiniškai ir angliškai praneša, jog laineris paliko teritorinius vandenis. Visos lošimų salės pradeda savo darbą.
Iki tol apmirę keleiviai dabar, tarsi burtažodžiais pabudinti iš letargo, pasklido po visas erdves, kuriose yra azartiniai žaidimai. Apie du su puse šimto lošėjų aplink dešimtis stalų ir lošimo automatų, suprantama, negali prilygti vaizdui Makao įstaigose. Vis dėlto pinigų srautai sukasi nepaliaujamai. Daugiausiai pagyvenę klientai sėdi ir perkėlinėja krūvas žetonų, kurių suma lengvai priartėja prie milijono Honkongo dolerių (apie 113 tūkst. eurų). Didžioji dalis lankytojų žaidžia bakara, kai kurie – akį (Blackjack). Pora kauliukų (craps) stalų nė akimirkai nebūna tušti – prie jo, kaip atrodo, renkasi kazino naujokai. Minimali statymo suma prie kiekvieno iš stalų sudaro apie 100 Honkongo dolerių (apytiksliai 11 eurų), tačiau šie nesulaukia tokio populiarumo kaip didelių statymų žaidimai. Ruletės stalas, kur minimalus statymas – 500 Honkongo dolerių (apie 57 eurus) apstotas tiek žaidžiančiųjų, tiek stebinčiųjų.
Tokie laivai-kazino kursuoja septynias dienas per savaitę. Kaip sakė viena masažuotoja, dirbanti tokiame laineryje, įprastai nuo sekmadienio iki ketvirtadienio į šiuos laivus renkasi turistai iš kontinentinės Kinijos. Savaitgaliais daugiausiai sulaukiama Honkongo gyventojų. Ta pati masažuotoja, už 45 minučių seansą prašanti 11 eurų, atviravo: šiandien žmonių keliauja žymiai daugiau negu įprasta. O kadangi laivas kone pustuštis, šie jos žodžiai verčia susimąstyti apie tokių romantiškų azartinių kelionių ateitį. Ar tik neskęsta tasai azartinių kruizų verslas?
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444names · 2 years
genword series: large inventory predef
Aani Aao Aaɛna Aba Abogakɔ Adiaki Ae Aea Aetipka Ahro Ahɛ Aiisip Aio Aisa Aiɛ Akak Aki Akin Ako Ana Anaa Anaupo Aneku Anu Apa Apak Apaksek Apapaiu Apika Apottu Aputtun Apö Arau Aritki Asaia Aso Atanrlasu Atau Ati Atɛtanotik Au Auai Aunea Auni Awopi Ašü Baiɛ Bapanini Bii Bilsa Bita Boa Byɛtyue Daa Dapi Dapu Datta Dattlaposokya Deü Dislupü Ditlikɔwa Diɔnikgup Donun Dorɔ Dotkompumu Ea Eklɛmo Elo Ena Epa Epet Epukri Epupkare Esɛn Etamnik Etɛl Fapap Fibo Finpap Gauuɛkyai Gopmɛ Gyuikri Ia Iai Ii Iii Ika Ikai Ikausaio Ikyu Inyati Io Ipop Ipu Iputitpra Ita Iti Itoae Itu Itɛn Iuputai Iɔ Kadyapyɔi Kae Kaiai Kakokpota Kaksikkotatu Kanai Kanusa Kaopa Kapapu Kapi Kapot Kapraku Katik Katliianyi Kato Katü Kaü Kaɔ Keati Kene Keto Kite Kititpakö Kiu Klipeb Klɛpiti Kokɛ Koplialapɛk Kou Kraku Kraköyɔ Krei Kriletpuko Kriratla Krunɛi Kukɛu Kunpattɔte Kupetpaɛta Kupi Kutakɛ Kutpa Kyapo Kükpakpa Kütanpo Kɔkitɔ Kɛata Kɛkiprlau Kɛpnupa Kɛttutilpo Laimo Lano Lapibön Lauoɔti Llani Lonat Lotanotɛt Lotnu Lrai Lufappro Lugi Lyamuupu Löo Lɛpa Maetu Masa Meo Miatoppinpi Mornipgoktuv Mupɔtkoɛtop Musü Mutri Mɛɔti Naikup Naki Nannanɔ Napai Nappi Naptu Napupa Nenlɛako Nenri Nerɔ Ninra Nipine Nonsɔ Nopata Nrautuae Nrupitau Nubpi Nue Nuklup Nuptol Nutup Nyorap Nöpapɔ Nɔi Nɛtta Oakrepe Oale Obotu Obɛtla Olo Ootatpri Opok Orapi Otokli Oɛu Paa Paaitos Pagau Pai Painlap Paino Paiplaityaila Paipsisuala Pairu Paisutɛgu Paitiaisa Paiu Pakaip Pakepan Pakotim Paksu Pakɔp Palplu Pampu Pamtö Pana Panukta Pao Papepɛ Papiu Papnra Paptato Papul Papɛtpe Pate Patiksa Patüinɔ Paunpe Pautip Paɛ Peka Pekti Peokrai Pepaisöne Pepgraia Pepigapus Pepne Pesiutik Pia Pii Pikelnonla Pikki Pikni Pimpro Pipaku Pipek Pipi Pippe Pipu Pisa Pital Plaanigli Plaapa Plasasa Plia Plio Pluloklö Poi Poklagenu Polap Ponavɛ Ponpɛ Poptɛppyɔ Posɛnosnu Poupu Poɔlep Prabusi Pratosaa Premɛp Prikɛbli Pugtɛpusrabi Pukap Puki Pukyu Pupauɔda Pupɔ Puseɛlap Puttuk Puu Pyakii Pyamya Pyišekruryia Püpɔk Pɔini Pɔkɔ Pɔokopatya Pɔpi Pɔpü Pɛfal Pɛkattitak Pɛne Pɛnupriao Pɛpsiki Pɛpɔ Pɛsimutta Pɛtɛ Raprapɛh Rikɛu Ripano Rlaö Rogaplopya Roparɔ Ropto Rɛkepɔsa Saa Safruau Sai Saiw Seppü Siimlipo Sile Sipat Sireton Sitpla Sitrai Slolaisu Soluk Sopni Sraki Sraɛ Sria Suluo Sumi Sunipi Sutpobit Sutton Syiplotuau Sɛsnat Tae Taeni Tagai Tai Taitiprɔ Takid Takira Taklatrili Taltas Talukalɔ Tapatapra Tappu Tasai Tatkop Tatli Tatɛ Tauko Tauptap Tautpairle Te Teapa Tedketra Tepɛka Tesam Tetaasisre Tetrɔ Teuoipu Teɛ Teɛkoi Tiitin Tikpite Tio Tipat Tipi Tipötɛkusan Tisi Titɛ Tlalainpaabyi Tlau Tlüa Toi Tokiihu Tolpipma Topluprike Toregku Tou Trakil Tranyu Trasaipok Tropɔa Tuisanu Tukba Tukotinyo Tuo Tupa Tupi Tupli Tusa Tuu Tyinakipi Tyukatyɛao Tüpittrü Tɔai Uaatötu Uki Ukikek Ulosguti Umai Unaitkik Upi Upipafaa Upunkaim Upupnaso Usitupa Uso Usou Wapɔ Wɔnra Xipa Ylonaupnɛtulu Ökitapki Öpaslo Üapo Ümlosrɔka Ünraukaikopu Ɔapyae Ɔatelo Ɔpa Ɔpipɔi Ɔpitɛ Ɛakyešak Ɛiputau Ɛito Ɛpa Ɛpotpönü Ɛpuipelak
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argumentl · 2 months
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Kaoru spoke about his Tora no ana trip, and had some birthday messages from fans read out to him by Tasai.
The first message read out was mine!!
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The Freedom of Expression #89 About inviting other members to the program after the renewal.
Watch and support the original video here:  #89【リニューアル!!振り返りとこれから!】
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gansonakikaoruya · 3 years
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abandonhope-sp · 3 years
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