hey-hey-j · 1 month
this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life holy fuck holy fuck
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chelzone · 1 year
updates, Opossum Valley Wiki (11/19/22)
trying to keep a good pace of giving updates on the progress on the Neocities Version of my wiki. also, the Miraheze Version is fully defunct now, due to the servers still being down after like 2-3 days and general service of the site being dreadful due to constant errors
what's there so far, on the Neocities version of the wiki:
four concepts pages are set up so far. these talk about what the Trans in Barking character universe entails, what the Modern Fantasy character universe entails, what are secondary species in my works, and who / what are the twelve gods present in Modern Fantasy
on the home page you can see a list i'll be updating saying what is and isn't on the wiki so far. basically a number count for each type of me works since that'd be the least text heavy while still gettin the idea across (how many characters documented, how many locations documented, etc.)
the main sections of my wiki are Characters, Locations, Events, Concepts, and Works (my games, short stories, and music)
what isn't there yet but I'll add later
character pages in general. i think for each on i'll give a photo of them, appearance details, known history, and any trivia i can share of em. as for an image gallery, i'll just link to the toyhouse page gallery for each character since it'll do the job better
location pages. thinking i'll give a selection of big areas (countries and realms), then divide that into the individual states / provinces /etc, and finally most specific being the cities, businesses, and special buildings within said states / provinces
events pages i want to be a timeline of sorts, but im not 100% sure how i want to handle that yet. i'll comb through my short stories and games and see what i can document in order
more concept pages, there's prob a lot more general things in regards to my works' world rules an so forth. technical stuff too probably!
works page i wanna look at the stories, games, and music stuffs and see what summary stuffs i can share, links on where to download stuffs, talk about development history, an maybe even share some cut content stuffs
directory pages of sorts, to act as categories basically without having to fully recreate the function. like, imagine a page talking about characters of a certain species.. characters within a certain faction,, characters within a certain state / province.. so on and so on
idk what else, im blanking rn 😭
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