bbugyu · 3 years
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jeonghan always looked at you in a way you had never been seen before, but it was because you were the center of his universe.
love line | fye | all night parking | winners circle
wc.9.2k (fml lol) | jeonghan x gn gose pd!reader (vagina bearing), smut, fluff, filthy language, eating, drinking, so much teasing, tw jeonghan's love language, the pronouns and petnames are neutral but they very hesitantly call hannie "oppa" im so sorry, morning boning, me vs calling jeonghan a prick (term of endearment), oral (fem receiving), protected sex, overstim, ass slappin' (jeonghan is an ass man change my mind), dumbification LMFAO, they don't say i love you but damn is it implied
guess who's back. back again. brainrot's back. tell a friend. i literally wanted to just write gyucheol and be happy but instead jeonghan INFECTED MY FUCKING SKULL and now you get a nearly 10k smut heavy love line sequel! fucking oops? anyways sorry again for just making myself the mc i really have issues when it comes to jeonghan. shout out to this anon for suggesting jeonghan + for your entertainment u are literally the reason this happened tho the sex is much softer than the song would imply its just the FEELING behind it yk. aaaand here’s the playlist. enjoy!
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jeonghan had a habit of calling upon you for last minute dinner dates. you only had to be on set or location for shoots every couple of weeks, but you were one of the team members that participated in planning production, so you spent most of your week scheduling and preparing. booking venue, reserving cars, arranging for the crew to arrive early to set up cameras, etcetera. jeonghan was busy, too, despite finishing home;run promotions - it was time to start practicing for end of year festivals and award shows. that, however, didn't stop him from calling you past midnight to see if you were still conscious enough to eat something.
"did i wake you?" he asked, glancing at the clock on the wall of the practice room. "i didn't think about how late it was, i'm sorry."
"i was awake," you assured, stretching out on your couch. "i've been looking for venues for next year."
"still?" he asked. "it's way past office hours."
you sighed. "i had to go to the studio today, so i was too busy to look," you said, putting your laptop on the floor. "do you think the guys would want to go to ganghwado for a shoot?"
"please don't make it that far away," jeonghan pleaded, and you could hear the pout on his lips. "i don't want to drive that far."
you giggled, thinking about how he had already volunteered to drive nearly the same distance in a couple of days. "understood. thank you for your input."
he grinned, grabbing his bag off the floor. "have you eaten?"
"not really," you said, stifling a yawn. "not since six, but it's too late to eat now."
"no it isn't," he quipped immediately. "i need to eat. do you wanna join me?"
you sighed. "i want to, but i'm too lazy. go eat something good for the both of us."
jeonghan was half way down the hall, raising the hand that was carrying his bag in acknowledgement at soonyoung, who was silently asking if he was going with them back to the dorm. "i wanna see you. can i come over?"
you looked around. "it's a bit messy."
"i don't mind."
"i don't have food."
"i'll get something delivered."
you groaned, exasperated. "you're not invited."
jeonghan grinned. "i'll see you in forty?"
you smiled despite yourself. "you'll see me in forty."
it wasn't the first time jeonghan had been to your place - he had convinced you before, too, saying he just wanted to see your face. hear your voice. it had only been a week since you'd filmed at the high school (and the succeeding events that occurred in the bathroom), but just about every day following, jeonghan seemed to use anything as an excuse to talk to you and see you as often as physically possible. you didn't argue, though - you wanted to see him, too. so you enjoyed the last minute dates when he would come over to watch a movie with you before falling asleep in the cab ride back to his dorm. his scratchy voiced phone calls as soon as he woke up, when you had already been working for several hours. his video chats from the company building while you were laying in bed, willing yourself to not fall asleep on the line with your blankets up to your chin. despite the fact that he was only a short 30 minute drive from you - depending on traffic - it almost felt like you were in different timezones.
until, of course, jeonghan appeared at your door bright eyed and bushy tailed at one in the morning. you just smiled at him sleepily and let him engulf you in a hug after he dropped his bag to the floor behind you, and he took off his baseball cap when you accepted the slow kiss he put on your lips. he smelled like body wash, and you vaguely thought about how he must have showered before he came.
"what's this for?" you muttered, feeling his hand on the side of your neck as you pulled away slightly, his other holding the cap against your back.
he shook his head lightly. "nothing. i just missed you."
you snickered against his lips, running your hands through his long hair to keep it out of his face. "you saw me two days ago."
"and that was two days too long ago."
you giggled but let him kiss you again anyways, standing among your shoes at the front door of your apartment, until you jumped nearly a foot in the air at the knock on your door.
jeonghan laughed. "i ordered jokbal on the way over."
you rolled your eyes, knowing that meant he would want to drink. you shoved him away from the door so you could answer it, grabbing a mask from the table by your door. "you're not gonna be able to wake up tomorrow."
"i don't get hangovers," he argued, but shut his mouth when you put a finger to his lips and opened the door.
he stayed quiet and out of sight as you accepted the food delivery, kicking off his shoes and putting his hat back on his head, then took the bags from you when you shut the door.
"are you eating with me?" he asked, putting the food on your living room table. 
you sighed, pulling off the mask. "i wasn't going to, but i can't say no to jokbal."
he giggled at you. "you're not gonna be able to wake up tomorrow," he teased, following you into the kitchen to wash his hands as you made your way to the fridge. you popped open the door and looked around it for a moment, then laughed. jeonghan looked at you questioningly as he passed by on his way back to your living room.
"jokes on you, i only have two bottles."
"damn," jeonghan said, settling on the floor and tearing open bags. "will that be enough for all this food? i should have ordered soju, too."
"do they deliver alcohol?" you asked, opening a cupboard and looking for shot glasses.
he watched you from the table, smiling slightly at the annoyed noise you made when you couldn't quite reach them in the back of the cupboard, only speaking again when you managed to grab two. "lots of places deliver alcohol," he said, peeling lids off of plastic containers. "oh, wow, this looks good."
"it's a good thing this is all i have," you said. "if we drink too much, i won't be able to get you to go home." he just shook his head with a smirk on his lips as you returned and placed the soju on the table with the two small metal cups, then sat across from him on the floor with a soft grunt. jeonghan giggled and you eyed him. "making fun of my noises?"
"no way," he said, breaking apart chopsticks and moving the dishes around the table to be accessible by you both. "you're just really cute."
you laughed, swirling the soju bottle the way you knew jeonghan liked. "i'm glad you think so, because i just feel old."
"if you're old, what am i?"
you looked at him. "older."
you were laughing when he yelled at you, and you just poured the shots and rolled your eyes, handing him one of the metal cups. "shush, my neighbors are probably asleep."
he squinted at you, but took the cup anyways. "one of these days, you're gonna have to learn to be respectful towards me."
"i used to be, and look where that got me," you quipped, letting out a harsh breath in reaction to the alcohol and watching him knock his back. "now you invite yourself over to drink at one in the morning."
he pouted, grabbing a lettuce leaf to make a wrap. "i thought you said you wanted to eat with me."
you just smiled at him, looking around at the spread to assess where you wanted to start. your stomach growled at the smell, and you realized that maybe not eating in seven hours and taking a shot was a bad call when all you could do was blink at the food. jeonghan laughed, folding the lettuce over the fillings he had picked out, then held it over the table for you.
"you eat first," you said, pouting.
he grinned. "no, you first. take it."
you sighed and went to take it from him, just for him to pull his hand away.
"i have it wrapped nicely, you'll ruin it if you try to hold it."
you rolled your eyes. "you're annoying."
"eat, y/n. before the soju hits."
you decidedly did not mention that you were already starting to feel it when you put your hands on the table to lift yourself onto your knees, leaning forward and letting him feed you. your face felt like it was on fire when your lips brushed against his fingers, but he just smiled as he watched you chew. 
you nodded, glaring at him with furrowed brows as you chewed. "delicious."
jeonghan laughed again, grabbing another piece of lettuce. "i like you."
you studied him, sitting in your living room in his sweatshirt and baseball cap, making jokbal wraps, and you wondered how you had managed to catch this guy's attention. it seemed unrealistic to you, that an idol had decided you were worth his extremely limited time, even though when he first started flirting you had only seen him as the talent - just someone you worked with. when you were on the editing team, you had always thought that seventeen was funny, but you had never put too much effort into keeping up with their releases outside of watching new mvs and turning up the radio when their songs played as an act of loyalty to your work. now, though, you found special interest in a certain member, and you couldn't help but be curious about what he did all day when he said he was practicing.
so you did a little research. and though you would never admit it, it was hard to ignore how extremely good he was at what he did. he was an idol, really. like, an idol idol. he put on a stellar performance and people all over the world practically worshipped him, but for some unknown reason, he wanted to sit in your apartment and accept your argumentative teasing nearly every day. you stared at him as he ate, and he laughed when he swallowed. he made another wrap for you, insisting that you eat it from his hand again as you covered your face and swore up and down that you weren't drunk from just one shot.
you poured another as you chewed, and he cheersed you heartily and told you to hurry up and eat, because he was hungry and he wasn't gonna keep making bites for you. you snapped into action, but all that was on your mind was how days kept passing, and he kept being interested in you, and you couldn't help but think he could do so much better than some film nerd that worked on his variety show.
after eating a wrap you made yourself, you cleared your throat. "do you have a schedule tomorrow?"
he shook his head. "they gave me a day off."
"so, are you gonna order more soju?"
he looked at you and laughed. "is that you inviting me to stay over?"
"no," you said, pouting. "it just seemed like you wanted to drink."
he watched you pick at side dishes. "and you told me if we drank more you wouldn't be able to make me go home, so i'll ask again. are you asking me to stay over?"
you looked up to make eye contact with him and regretted it immediately. jeonghan hadn't stayed over yet - almost, but you had managed to pull yourself off him, despite how badly his lips on yours and his hands running over your hips made you want him to stay forever. he had just looked up at you, confused, and you said something about an early producers meeting. he seemed understanding, standing with you from the couch and telling you to sleep well before he left, but you beat yourself up afterwards for clamming up when you had literally nothing to hide - he had seen you with his dick in your mouth already. he had felt you cum on his fingers as he muttered against your lips how you drove him crazy, yet you kept hesitating. in fact, other than your bathroom quickie, you had been avoiding intimate situations with jeonghan completely. maybe it was an insecurity, or maybe it was just that you felt embarrassed that you had sunk to your knees for him so easily, but you felt the need to make whatever this was a little more official before you let him take you to bed.
not that him staying over even meant that you would fuck, you reminded yourself. he had been practicing today, even if he had gotten off earlier than usual. he was probably tired. you were tired, too, after staring at a screen for the last twelve hours. you were both drinking. you had to work tomorrow, even if it was just from home. there were a million reasons for you to not put out, but part of you wondered if he would be expecting something if you said yes.
he didn't break eye contact until you did, and you chewed on your lip as you put down your chopsticks. "only if you don't want to go back to the dorms."
he laughed lightly. "if spending time with you is the alternative, i'll never want to go back."
you considered his words, leaning back on your hands. spending time with you, you thought. maybe there wasn't as much expectation as you were worried about. 
despite your long conversations, conversations in which jeonghan told you things he would never tell someone he didn't feel close to, he still felt like a mystery to you. you knew the facts, like what his mother had made him for breakfast when he was in high school, or how he reacted when he met his sister's current boyfriend, or what he did the last time he visited home, but not the thoughts in his head at any given moment. he was incredibly hard to read, and maybe that was because he had worked so hard to keep up a wall from his personal life, but it left you staring at him, wishing you knew what was happening behind his eyes. especially when they sparkled at you like they did now.
"what's on your mind?" he asked, and you almost laughed. it felt like he already knew.
"i'm just wondering what you're thinking."
"me?" he asked, sticking his chopsticks in his mouth briefly. "i'm thinking about how i finally get to cuddle with you all night."
that made a smile creep onto your face. maybe you were just overthinking things.
jeonghan ordered the soju. you drank it with him. it was almost three when you said something about how you should wash up before you were too tired. he smiled at you and told you to go ahead, that he would clean up the table.
"no," you said shortly, standing and gathering up the now emptied containers. "my place. i clean up."
he helped you anyways, despite your arguing. you blinked extra hard as you tried to sort the garbage, and jeonghan noticed after he put the untouched soju bottles (he had purposefully bought too many to replenish your stock) in the fridge.
he laughed. "you should go to bed."
"i need to shower," you said, pouting at him as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you against him. 
"you need sleep," he argued. 
you pushed the heel of your palm against your eye and rubbed. "sleeping without showering is gross."
"i'll help you wash your sheets tomorrow."
even though you were resisting him, he made good arguments, and he finally convinced you to just wash your face and go to sleep. you groaned and agreed, tearing yourself away from his arms with great difficulty.
"do you have something to wear to bed?" you asked, squinting at him from your bathroom's doorway.
he looked at you, a quick smirk on his lips. "don't pretend you wear pajamas. we've video chatted at night, remember?"
you exhaled sharply, offended but unable to argue. "fuck you."
he laughed in response as he stacked the plastic containers. "not tonight."
your face burned and you rolled your eyes, shutting the door behind you, and you stared yourself down in the mirror for a long moment before you turned on the sink.
not tonight, he had said. not tonight. you washed your face, mind tingling with thoughts of how blatantly jeonghan flirted with you just about every day, teasing  and implying, and even when you had been on your knees, he had said something about needing to fuck you. you thought about how you had promised next time. but when he had you slightly liquored up and knew he would be sleeping in your bed, he was acting like some kind of gentleman. you wondered if it was all some kind of play. if he was setting you up. that sounded like the jeonghan you had known before, the jeonghan on going shoots that always wanted to deceive and win, but not the one that blearily asked how your morning was going in baby talk when he called you after noon. 
you sat on the edge of your bed in a large shirt that you used to wear as pajamas, back before you decided just underwear was more comfortable, and stared at your phone. you had told jeonghan you were going to bed, and he said he'd be there in a minute, his sleeves pushed up his arms as he tied off a food waste bag before you retreated to your bedroom to change, and now you thought about his forearms. about his hands. you heard him brushing his teeth in your bathroom, remembering that he always carried a toothbrush with him. you thought about his lips. his tongue. your mind drifted to other parts of him, too. parts you had only seen once but occupied your thoughts when you had been laying alone in bed on multiple occasions.
shaking your head slightly, you tossed your phone aside and pushed your palms to your face. you had been so worried about what he would be expecting from you tonight, but now that you knew it was nothing, why did you want it so bad?
jeonghan knocked lightly on the ajar door before he entered, and you dropped your hands from your face to look at him. he laughed, pointing at you as he walked in. "what's with the shirt? i told you, i already know you sleep naked."
"shut up, i don't sleep naked," you lied, huffing as you tugged at your covers to climb under them, putting your phone on your bedside. "a man sees your pixelated collarbone once and thinks he knows your whole life story."
"well, i sleep naked," he said, tugging at his sleeves to pull the sweatshirt over his head. "but i'll keep my underwear on if it makes you feel more comfortable."
you crossed your arms and glared at him, making him laugh as he made a neat pile of clothes, taking off his shirt, and your eyes flicked over his lean torso without realizing. he paused his undressing, hands on the waistband on his sweats.
"should i make a show of it?"
your eyes shot to the ceiling, and you huffed as though it was an act of indignation at his innuendo rather than the humiliating realization that you had been staring. you tugged at the covers, pulling them over your head and rolling onto your side. he laughed when you called him annoying, but you knew he knew you were just embarrassed.
you stayed there, the covers over your head, as he made his way around your bed to slide in next to you. despite the fact that he had never been there before, he seemed awfully comfortable to you, but maybe he was just trying to make up for how clearly flustered you were. he pulled the covers over his head, too, curled up on his side to face you. your eyes were clamped shut, but you opened them when you felt his gaze on you.
he smiled. "hi."
you stared at him. "hi."
his fingers found yours, tangling with them as he studied your face. "do i have permission to cuddle?"
you pouted, then nodded. he grinned and scooted closer to you, popping his head out from the covers as he adjusted. you lifted your head as he put his arm under your neck, and his opposite hand ran down your bare thigh, tugging it over his hip. he kissed your forehead as you wrapped an arm around his torso, and he sighed contentedly.
"i've been wanting this ever since i met you."
you giggled, burying your face in his neck. "to get in my bed?"
he laughed lightly, running his hand up your back. "to hold you like this."
you hummed, thinking. "since the first time we met?"
jeonghan paused, adjusting his cheek on your head. "i've liked you for a really long time."
he exhaled, smiling. "are you really asking right now?"
you pulled your head back to look him in the eyes. "yeah."
he stared at you, remembering his promise that he would never lie to you as long as you were in his arms. he wondered if you remembered it, too, but knew it didn't matter if you did or not. it was a promise he made not because he wanted to, but because he knew it would be impossible for him to tell anything but the truth when you were this close to him. "you have the most beautiful laugh i've ever heard."
your lips pursed as you tried to hide a smile. "really?"
"really," he said. "your laugh made me happy, and i wanted to be able to hear it all the time."
you giggled at him. "cheesy."
"hey! you asked," he whined, pulling on your body as he fell onto his back. you were all giggles as you adjusted to snuggle into his side, your thigh resting over his hips. "what about you? why do you like me?"
"i don't," you bluffed, and he tried to push you off him as you laughed and fought to keep him in place. "i'm joking!"
"i was so honest," he said, cursing under his breath but with a smile on his lips. "i shouldn't even bother with you."
you giggled as he settled again, letting you keep your arms around his chest. "this is why."
he peered at you out of the corner of his eye. "this?"
you smiled at him. "you're fun. you make me laugh."
he sighed, running a hand down your thigh where it laid across him. "i guess we suit each other, then."
you lifted your hand to his jaw, pulling him to face you as he just gave you a questioning look. you kissed him, gently, and his head lifted off your pillow slightly to better the angle, his arm wrapped around your shoulder and his opposite hand gliding up to grip your waist. you sighed against him, fingers finding the hair at his nape as you noticed that his toothpaste tasted different than yours.
jeonghan's grip at your waist tightened and he pulled himself up into his side to kiss you deeper, but suddenly hesitated. he pulled away slightly, and you chased after him, making him exhale in amusement. "let's not."
"not what?" you asked, gaze flickering from his lips to his eyes.
"start something we can't finish."
"who says we can't finish?" you pouted, placing another kiss on his lips.
he chuckled against you. "you're tired. i'm tired. we drank. and i want to be completely lucid when i fuck you for the first time."
you sighed, wondering if he had caught onto your hesitation earlier in the evening. if he didn't want to feel like he was pressuring you into something you weren't ready to do. as if on cue, you were struck by a yawn. he laughed, but almost immediately matched it, making you giggle. "fine. but only because i'm gonna pass out any minute."
he lifted his head slightly to watch as you rolled over and pushed your back against him, adjusting the covers around you and resting your cheek against his arm. he laughed and scooted closer, wrapping his other arm around you and burying his nose in your hair.
"goodnight," you said, weaving your fingers with his against your stomach.
he smiled against your hair, pressing a gentle kiss at the back of your head. "goodnight."
you awoke the next morning too early, cursing your body's annoying habit of rousing you from sleep as soon as any amount of alcohol dissipated from your bloodstream. you stretched for a moment, then noticed the arm under your neck.
you got up on your elbows and looked over, finding jeonghan still sound asleep in the same position he had been in the night before, but the arm that he had wrapped around you was now curled into his chest - probably because you adjusted too many times in your sleep. you stared at him a moment, then laid back down, curling your arms into your chest as you faced him and tugged the blankets up to your ears. you watched his eyes move behind his eyelids, and wondered what he was dreaming about.
when jeonghan opened his eyes, he was immediately greeted with the sight of you asleep before him, the sound of your gentle snoring, and the smell of your shampoo on your pillows. a small smile found its way on his face, and he gently pushed a strand of hair off your forehead before settling his hand over yours, running a thumb over your knuckles before drifting off again.
you woke up again, blinking blearily at jeonghan as sunlight streamed in between your curtains. you looked around, popping your head up to check the time, but the hand over yours tightened when you went to move.
"don't go," jeonghan muttered, inhaling deeply and stretching his spine.
you exhaled, a small smile on your lips. "i have to work today, jeonghan."
he blinked at you, eyes barely opening. "what time is it?"
he let you pull a hand away to grab your phone, but kept the other in his grip as you lit up the screen. "10:12."
"you need to sleep more," he said, putting your hand to his lips as he spoke and placing a gentle kiss on your knuckles.
you watched him. "i have work."
"do you have a meeting?" he asked.
you faltered, recognizing his logic from a mile away. "n-no, but-"
"you worked late yesterday," he muttered, adjusting and pulling you back into bed with him. "you can start late today."
despite the fact that you knew you needed to get work done, it was hard to resist jeonghan's charm and his sound argument that work could wait, especially when he was half naked in your bed. you tried anyways, maneuvering to sit up. "i need to check my emails and organize the catering you guys won."
"do it later," he said, wrapping his arms around your torso and tugging you into his chest.
you planted your hand on the mattress, fighting him best you could. "stop, hannie opp-"
his eyes widened, a grin flashing across his face when you slapped a hand over your mouth. "what did you call me?"
you tried to roll out of his grip, face burning. "shut up."
"oppa?" he asked, giggling, maneuvering over you. "did you call me oppa?"
"i told you to shut up," you said, avoiding his eyes, hands trying to push his shoulders away as you wiggled towards the edge of the mattress. "i have to work, jeonghan."
he looked down at you. "not til you say it again."
you swallowed, suddenly realizing the position you were in and the sparkle in his eye. "say what?"
he smirked, your hands weak against his shoulders as he leaned down. "you know what."
you stared up at him, hoping he would do exactly what you wanted him to if you refused. "no i don't."
his laugh was gentle, and you could feel the exhale of breath on your lips. "sounds like you don't wanna work that bad."
your hands moved from his shoulders to the back of his skull, pulling him down to kiss you. his lips immediately opened against yours, and your fingers dug into his scalp as he hiked your thigh up against his hip. you yelped, letting out a short giggle as he settled his weight onto you, and he kissed you like you were air. like you were his sustenance. like he wouldn't live another day if he couldn't have you.
jeonghan groaned when your nails scratched down his scalp, his hips canting against your thigh. "stop."
you panted, looking at him questioningly. "stop?"
he breathed out a laugh, staring at your lips. "being exactly what i want. you make it so hard to resist you."
heat radiated off of your face and your eyes got wide, and he just smiled fondly and kissed your cheeks as you whined, trying to cover your face with your fingers.
"why?" he asked, eyes bright, pulling your fingers from your face. "why are you so shy all of a sudden?"
you pouted at him. "i don't know."
"you were awfully bold before," he said, and your mind immediately flashed to the previous week, when you had dragged him into a public bathroom. "so why are you acting shy now?"
you groaned. "because you really like me."
jeonghan pitched his eyebrows at you, running a hand back down your side, landing at your hip. "i always really liked you."
"yeah, but-" your fingers going to his neck again. "i don't know. i thought maybe you weren't being too serious."
he smiled, leaning in to place a quick kiss on your lips. "i only play games when feelings aren't involved."
"i know that now," you muttered, completely okay with the way he interrupted you with his mouth any time you paused. "you've been here three times in a week and we've only been on two dates."
he giggled against your lips. "is this a hint that i should take you out more?"
"no," you said, shaking your head once. "i like you better in private."
jeonghan grinned, and you felt your heart flutter in your chest when he put a hand on the back of your neck and tilted your jaw upwards, deepening the kiss. you put your arms over his shoulders, and he brought his hand down your body, tugging your thigh higher on his hip. you felt light, like you were at the top of a rollercoaster with your limbs tingling in anticipation. he broke from your lips just to nudge your jaw with his nose, kissing down your throat and making you groan in reaction. he sat back on his legs, his hands on your waist, tugging you over his parted thighs to press himself against your core, and you gasped, chewing at your lip as your back arched against the mattress, legs split over him. he pushed back the covers, quickly replacing his hands on your body.
"fuck, you're so hot," jeonghan muttered, suddenly distracted by your skin as he helped your shirt up your body. he stared down at your stomach, running his thumb over the exposed flesh. "is this okay?"
you nodded fervently, "of course."
when his eyes met yours, he couldn't help but grin, immediately leaning over you again. his kisses were deeper. more meaningful. "are you sure?"
"jeonghan," you moaned, fingers running over his scalp to comb his hair back. "please just hurry up and fuck me."
his smirk was more than enough confirmation that he would do just that, and you giggled when he ran his hands up your torso, under the shirt you had put on as some kind of defense mechanism the night before. he sat up again, and you pulled yourself up with him to let him remove it from your body, and he stared down at you. "you drive me insane."
you kissed him, and he ran his hands over your body when yours found his neck. your skin felt on fire, his fingers triggering sparks everywhere they touched, and he laid you back down before kissing down your chest. his lips wrapped around a nipple, and you gasped, hips bucking against him before he pushed them back down into the mattress.
he pulled himself from your chest to look up at you. "impatient."
you groaned, fingers in his hair. "prick."
he laughed. "that's starting to sound like a petname."
you giggled, biting at your lip. "it is one."
you watched his tongue roll out of his mouth to give your other nipple equal treatment, and you couldn't help the way your head rolled to one side, hips fighting against his firm, one handed grip. his other hand curved under your back as it lifted off your bed, and he scooted to allow him to work his way down your chest, making you groan at the loss of contact.
his eyes flicked up to your face as he pulled his hand from your hip, running down over your underwear and landing his fingers over your core. another gasp escaped you, and you threw an arm over your face.
"nope," he said, pulling himself up to your face, pushing your arm off and pinning it above your head. "don't hide."
your chest heaved as you looked up at him, and your mouth gaped as he ran his fingers over your slit. "f-fuck, jeonghan-"
"feel good, baby?" he asked, leaning over you to nip at your neck again. "you're already wet."
your unrestrained hand went to the back of his neck, holding on for dear life as he sucked a mark against your pulse. "god, please, i need you so bad."
his lips parted into a smile on your throat, and he placed several more kisses before backing up off you. your hands chased after him, and you tried to sit up to keep contact, but he just pushed your thighs up, forcing you to stay on your back as you moaned. he stared down at your clothed pussy, his tongue peeking out the corner of his mouth as he pushed his now hard member against your damp underwear.
your fingers desperately clawed at his thighs, willing him to just hurry up and fuck you, but he just backed up again, pulling your undies down your legs. you hissed when your hot core made contact with the cool air, and he settled his shoulders under your thighs and ran a finger through your folds, making you grip at the sheets and stretch out your neck.
"so reactive," he commented, swirling his wet finger around your clit without making contact. you jolted, whining. "your moans are just as beautiful as your laugh."
you panted, looking down at him and being greeted by a shiteating grin, which only made your face burn hotter. "can you just shut up and finger me or whatever?"
jeonghan laughed, refocusing on your core briefly, then looking up to watch your reaction as he pressed a finger into you. "i'm trying to talk dirty. most people would be grateful."
you pressed the back of your hand against an eye socket, jaw dropping and chest heaving as he curled his digit in you. "i want you so bad i can't think straight."
"look at me, baby."
it took you a few seconds, but you managed to lift your head off the mattress, quickly tugging a pillow under your neck for ease as you looked down to where jeonghan was laying between your legs. when your eyes found his, he rolled his tongue out, the tip brushing against your clit. your eyebrows knit together and you gasped sharply, your head digging into the pillow.
he pulled his tongue back into his mouth. "if you want me to keep going, you have to watch. i'm here for your entertainment, after all."
you groaned, gripping a blanket and desperately trying to pull your attention back to him. "you're so annoying."
"you say that a lot for someone that clearly enjoys it."
as soon as your eyes landed on him again, he dropped his tongue to your clit, but firmer this time. you cursed as he curled his finger in your core. "please, jeonghan."
his eyebrow quirked up at you, and you gasped as he pulled his finger out of you and replaced it with his tongue. your entire body tensed, and you instinctively pushed his hair out of his face, your fingers lacing against his scalp, making him smile against you as he lapped at your folds. you would have been embarrassed by the noises that came from your lips if you could think about anything but how incredible his mouth felt on you, but instead, you just unapologetically whined and moaned as he put open mouthed kisses across your pussy. he stayed there for a while, until your noises pitched upwards in a way that signified you were approaching bliss, then pushed your thighs up, and backed up to observe the way your walls clenched around nothing. he looked up at you once, making sure you were still watching, before wrapping his lips around your clit and sucking hard.
you yelped, then let out a long moan, your thighs struggling against his grip as you pushed your head into the pillow. "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!" 
he let go of one thigh, giving you brief, false reprieve, only for him to shove two fingers into your hole, making you let out a strangled yell of his name. he groaned, pushing his erection against the mattress in hopes of relieving the ache in his stomach, but kept working you until you were babbling, hands gripping his hair in desperation.
"fuck, han, i'm gonna-" was all you could manage before being cut off by a high pitch moan, your body rattling as your peak washed over you. you choked, desperately trying to catch your breath as he kept curling his fingers and flicking his tongue against you, watching the way your chest heaved through his lashes. you yelped, tugging at his hair to pull him away from your sensitive clit, and he stared up at you, panting, as you let out several labored breaths.
he pulled his fingers from you, sucking them slowly, and you just groaned, hands pulling at him but doing none of the work as he crawled over you.
"jeonghan-" you started, your hands massaging the back of his neck, and he just kissed you, making you whimper against him. you winced slightly when his clothed member pressed against you, but it just resulted in you moaning against his pussy-soaked lips, and made him push his hips against you harsher.
"i love it when you moan my name," he said, rutting against you. "fuck, you're so hot."
you couldn't help the noises that slipped from your lips, your eyelids heavy as you tried to focus on his face. "god-"
he smiled. "you're already ruined, aren't you?"
you didn't respond, but he just kissed you as he blindly pulled at the drawer at your bedside.
"condoms, baby" he prompted when he didn't immediately see them, but you just blearily stared up at him. a look of worry flashed over his face. "you have condoms, right?"
you blinked hard. "y-yeah, sorry," then looked at the open drawer. "second one."
he chuckled, kissing you again before he shut the drawer he had opened and crawled over to open the one below it. "you scared me."
"you don't carry any?" you asked, the air cool against your burning skin without his presence over you.
"don't generally need them, and i wasn't expecting this so soon," he said, then pulled the unopened box out of the drawer and quirked an eyebrow at you, making you roll your eyes and look away. he giggled, peeling off the plastic. "when did you buy these?"
"i'm not answering that," you said, but he could tell by your tone that it was recent. you sat up to kiss his shoulder when he tore a packet off the strip and threw the box back in the drawer, but he almost immediately stood from the bed, pushing his underwear down his thighs and stepping out of them. you crawled to the edge of the bed, landing your knees on the floor in front of him, and he only groaned when you took his cock in your hand.
you looked up at him, his lips parted as you wrapped your fingers around his member, rolling your tongue out to kitten lick at the tip. he bit at his lips, lids heavy when he put a hand at the back of your skull. saliva pooled in your mouth as you stared down his cock, and you couldn't help but moan when you pushed your lips as far over it as you could manage.
"f-fuck," he groaned, pulling at your hair and tugging you straight off, a thin string of spit connecting the tip to your bottom lip. "don't distract me."
you looked up at him innocently, just for him to shake his head at you in exasperation when you licked him again. he tore open the foil packet and put it in your face, placing a hand at the base of his cock to hold it steady as you rolled the condom onto him.
the foil got discarded and he offered you a hand, helping you to your feet so he could kiss you. you nearly melted against him, your knees feeling weak. swiftly, before you could even truly register, he pushed you back and you fell onto your bed, feeling a quick surge of adrenaline as you propped yourself up on your elbows and he pushed your thighs apart. he stared down at your pussy, pressing the length of his member against it and pushing it through your folds. your head fell back, letting out a moan when the head of his cock bumped against your clit. you fell from your elbows, looking up at where he stood at the edge of your bed. his eyes flashed to yours, and he gave you a small smile.
"you said you work from home today?"
your chest heaved, mind unable to focus on much other than the way he felt against your lips, unable to even conceive how good it would feel when he fucked you. "i don't have anywhere to be until tomorrow."
the corner of his mouth quirked upwards. "good. you're not gonna be able to walk after i'm done with you."
he backed his hips up and angled himself down, pushing into your warmth. you moaned, your thighs falling to either side as he bottomed out, eyes clamped shut as his fingers wrapped around your waist, pulling you against his hips. he smirked at you when you slowly opened your eyes, mouth still gaping. he pulled out slowly, then snapped his hips forward, making you squeal and grip at his biceps.
"you already look fucked," he panted. before you could respond, he pistoned his hips into you again and again, and your fingers fruitlessly tried to grip any part of his torso, despite it being just out of reach.
"fuck, jeonghan, you're-" you moaned again, your hands landing on the edge of your mattress and gripping. "fuck, fuck, fuck!"
jeonghan's tongue shot out of his mouth again, wetting his lower lip before he tugged it between his teeth. "god you feel incredible," he muttered. "you take it so good."
he kept his brutal pace until your moans turned into high pitched squealing, and he threw his head back, lost in the feeling of you. your entire body tensed, and you wondered if it was even possible to feel this close to another orgasm so quickly.
"baby," he groaned, leaning over you and planting his hands on either side of your torso. your hands went to his neck, and he licked his lips as he looked down at you. "fuck, you're tight."
you whined, wanting his lips on yours. the slight change in angle was enough to make you feel like heaven, especially with the way his pelvis tapped at your spent clit with every thrust. "i'm gonna cum again."
"yeah?" he asked, eyes resting on your parted lips. "i'm nowhere near done with you, baby."
you groaned, feeling the knot tighten as he pumped into you. he started to push you up, and you used your elbows to scoot further onto the mattress as he put his knees on the bed, hiking your thigh up his hip to deepen the angle. you wanted to scream, but just dug your teeth into his shoulder, making him grunt as he pushed his face into your neck. you clawed at his back, toes curling behind his hips as the pleasure overwhelmed you, and all you could manage was a whimper as you began to crescendo.
"talk to me, y/n," he panted against your neck between wet kisses. "i want to hear your voice."
"jeonghan, shit, i'm-" you squealed when he pushed a thumb against your clit. "jeonghan, jeonghan, fuck! jeonghan!"
he kissed you, and you let out a whiney moan against his lips as you came, hands shaking at the base of his skull as he fucked you through your second peak. your thighs clamped around him, willing him to slow down, but he barely faltered as he moaned, forehead pressed to yours, clearly enjoying the way you squeezed around him too much to pause.
he backed up, and you tried to catch your breath when he pulled out of you, but he just pushed your thighs to one side and rolled you onto your stomach. you struggled to inhale before he tugged your hips off the mattress, and you spread your knees to display yourself to him, trying to get up onto your hands as your back dipped. he kept a hand on your hip, the other guiding his cock between your folds again. you wailed at the feeling, your forehead dropping to brush against your mattress. he fucked into you firmly, and you let out a low moan, your arms giving out and your chest dropping to the bed.
jeonghan's hands gripped at your ass, watching the way your pussy pulled him deeper as he pumped in and out of you, his tongue taking permanent residence at the corner of his lips. he silently thanked the thin rubber wrapped around his member, thinking that, without it, he would have cum in seconds with how insanely good you felt.
your throat hurt, and you thought you felt tears on your face, but all you could do was grip at the blankets on your bed and curse repeatedly as your face hovered inches from the mattress. you could barely even hear the way his hips slapped against your ass with how fucked out you were, but you processed the sound only because jeonghan brought a hand down against you, the slap resounding in your senses. you jolted, letting out a guttural moan and pushing your cheek against the bed.
"you like that, don't you?" jeonghan asked, massaging the now red mark on your ass when you let out a noise of approval. "you would let me do anything to you."
he slapped your ass again, and your back curled. "fuck, h-hannie-"
he groaned. "shit, baby, you feel too good." he leaned over you, one hand on the bed beside you and the other keeping your hips in place as he chased his high. "god, you're sucking me in."
you arched your back best you could to accommodate to his angle, desperately clinging to your sheets and almost positive you were drooling at this point. your ass stung, your knees ached, and your neck was starting to hurt, but all that fell to the wayside with the way he filled you. gripped you. fucked you.
his forehead landed on your shoulder blade. "do you think you can you cum again for me, baby? you feel so good when you cum."
you whimpered. "i-i…" you swallowed thickly. "i don't-"
he chuckled lightly. "i shouldn't have asked. i need you to cum again, y/n."
you gasped at his words as he hit you deep, then buried your face in a blanket when he licked his fingers to rub them over your overstimulated clit. "fu-uck!"
jeonghan pushed his hand against your hip to push you further onto him as he pistoned into you, his fingers circling your clit and breath labored. "is that a yes?"
you couldn't vocalise anything coherent, just repeated whining as your body resisted the inevitable orgasm that he was pulling from it. your mouth opened, but no noise came out as you keened, the only signifier of your orgasm being the way jeonghan groaned at your walls restricting around him.
he let out a stuttered ah, shit, jerking his hips into you recklessly for a long moment before he unloaded into the rubber. he pushed his furrowed brow into your shoulder, slowing his pumping, and let out a strangled noise when you clenched around his sensitive member. 
you only breathed again when he pulled out, collapsing onto his back beside you. you couldn't move for a moment, your joints locked in place as you attempted to recover coherent thought. you looked at jeonghan, your cheek against the mattress, and he was flushed and trying to catch his breath with a hand on his forehead, body glowing with a thin sheen of sweat.
he rolled his head to look at you, a chuckle falling from his lips. "you look good like that."
you swallowed, rubbing your face against the sheets. "face down, ass up?"
he laughed, then sat up, putting a much gentler slap against your butt before pulling it down onto the bed. you groaned, already feeling sore, but appreciative of the aid in laying on your side as you stretched out your legs. he pulled off the condom and put a kiss on your shoulder. "i'll be right back."
by the time he returned from the bathroom and rejoined you in bed, you had managed to normalize your breathing, but your heart was still pounding and you were pretty sure at least three of your toes were numb as you laid on your back, legs bent at the knee over the edge of your bed.
jeonghan has a smile on his face as he laid next to you, propping his head up on a hand and running the other up your body. "are you okay?"
you exhaled, putting a hand on your forehead. "you fucked me dumb." he laughed, making you giggle in response as you looked up at him. "how am i supposed to get work done now?"
"you're not," he said matter of factly. "take a personal day. stay in bed with me."
"jeonghan," you warned, but pausing when he leaned over you and put his lips against yours. your throat made a soft noise that almost resembled a moan. "you guys are shooting tomorrow. i have to confirm your cars with the rental place so we can set the cameras in the morning."
"i thought we weren't supposed to be shooting," he said, smiling at you. you rolled your eyes, recognizing that he was just trying to change the subject from your need to work.
"just because you guys are acting like it's not a shoot, doesn't mean we don't have to set up cameras."
he just studied your face fondly. "stay."
"jeonghan it's past eleven. i have things to do."
"what if i call hyungseok," he said, making you laugh. "i'll tell him you're sick."
"are you trying to announce to the world that we're a thing?" you asked, giggling. "besides, even sick people can work from home."
"i'll tell him you're in a coma."
you shoved his chest, giggling. "let me go get my laptop so i can work from bed. fair compromise?"
he hummed, looking unconvinced. "fine. you have to stay naked, though."
you hit his arm, making him laugh at your indignant noise. "you're insufferable."
"that's no way to treat a man that just made you cum three times."
"whatever." you adjusted, sitting up with great difficulty and attempting to pull yourself off the bed, only for jeonghan to grab your arm. you looked at him, confused, as he sat up.
"you haven't said it yet."
he laughed pulling you towards him. without much thought, you straddled his lap, knees on either side of him against the mattress. he smiled up at you as you settled on his thighs. "you know what."
heat flashed over your face, suddenly feeling embarrassed despite the fact that you were literally naked and sitting on his lap. "oh my god, are you serious?"
he laughed, biting his lip and holding you against him when you attempted escape. "say it. i wanna hear it."
your gaze flickered between his eyes, unable to help the smile on your face. you exhaled, brushing his hair back on his scalp before planting your hands behind his ears. "fine," you sighed. "ha. ni. o. ppa."
"again," he said, making you laugh.
you leaned down to kiss him briefly. "oppa."
he looked at your lips. "one more time."
"you're pushing it."
"c'mon," he whined, eyebrows tenting as he looked up at you. he pushed his lips out in a pout. "please?"
you rolled your eyes. "oppa."
he grinned. "okay, you're allowed to work now."
you shook your head and looked away, backing off his lap and grabbing the shirt you had worn to sleep. "you're lucky you have good stroke game."
he laughed, leaning back on his hands as he watched you. "y'know, it feels good to be respected every once in a while. yah!" he pointed at you, and you jumped at his tonal change. "i said stay naked."
"you're not my boss," you said, then stuck your tongue out at him.
"oh, you little-" he launched himself at you, making you squeal with laughter as you tried to avoid him, but his arms instantly wrapped around you and pulled you into his chest. he tugged at your body, managing to get you just unbalanced enough to get you to fall into your bed again with him, and you thought about how no one had ever been as fun as yoon jeonghan.
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