josephtrohman · 11 months
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mushtoons · 8 months
I finished fionna and cake today and now I am Uber scared that my tmnt hyperfixation is gonna go away but GAH I need a fionna and cake s2 so bad :’)) also love tje ice king layout/gen
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lets hyperfixate together ✨
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werewolf4vampire · 9 months
"be at your appointment 15 minutes early" the liar says lyingly, knowing damn well the doctor will be at least 10 minutes late
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kimjiwoong · 1 year
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atif aslam invented romance with dil diyan gallan argue with the wall
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rosicheeks · 2 years
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pinkkittysaw · 2 years
also if i’m ever thirsting over peter parker let it be known that i’m thirsting over ps4 peter <3 DJDJDJDJD he’s so sweet
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icallhimjoey · 5 months
Mistaken, Not Stirred
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
What the fuck were you doing?
You’d asked yourself this question about 43 times already, and each time, the answer changed.
He’d asked. And you had nothing better to do. He said he’d help. Would be rude to say no. Any excuse to hang out with him for a little bit, really. Especially now that you wouldn’t be able to see him at work anymore.
And you know what? Maybe there really was some magical way of getting your job back. Joe’d said he was going to talk to Martin and he had and then he’d sent an address. Told you to come over the next night.
So, you did.
You texted a picture of Joe’s flat and added, “this one?” and literal seconds later got a reply, telling you which doorbell to ring. Like a simple scroll up wouldn’t give you the same information.
As Joe buzzed you in and you stepped into the lift, you asked yourself again: what the fuck were you even doing?
You couldn’t have predicted what you walked in on. Not in a million years.
“Joe, what the... oh, my God...”
First of all, it was a little weird seeing Joe in a different place that wasn’t the bar. You had seen him in other places. Your own bed, for one. But still. It took a little getting used to.
Second of all, Joe lived in a fucking nice place. The type of place you would never be able to afford. Especially not now, with the loss of the job and all that.
And then thirdly, and what had you most shocked, his kitchen island looked like... it looked nothing short of an actual cocktail bar.
Bottles of liquor, all sorts, short fat ones and big tall ones, dark and clear, liquor bottles like the ones you used in the bar every day and then lots of others that you never touched. All of them full. Still sealed.
Amongst all of the bottles there were different types of glasses, a net of lemons, a net of limes, some large oranges, an actual blow torch, and not to forget, a full cocktail shaker set. All the equipment you needed to... well, to make cocktails.
“Welcome, welcome,” Joe said, walking around the island like he was stepping behind a bar and held his arms out wide. “Are you ready to get to work?”
You just stared at him. Stood in the middle of the doorway still, coat halfway down your arms, and you were more than a little confused. In shock too, maybe.
“So,” Joe clapped his hands together and was about to explain what you were looking at.
You had an inkling, though, and interrupted him.
“Shut the fuck up, this must’ve cost a fortune?” your eyes were about to pop from your skull. “An actual fortune– did you... please tell me you, like, I don’t know, you know someone who’s been able to bring this over and that you get to take it back later?”
He couldn’t have actually gone and bought all of this. Could he?
“Ah,” Joe let his held breath escape him as he bashfully smiled, looked at what was laid out in front of him for a second and their scrunched up his nose and waved it off. “Yea, ‘course I can. The unopened ones, at least.”
So, yea, he bought them.
From a store.
“So,” Joe made big eyes at you, raised his eyebrows, and clapped his hands together again, shutting you right up as he went on to explain. “I talked to Martin, like I said I would, and he just... well, he just said that it’s a little difficult to have a slow learner on staff in a busy time of year, you know?”
You scoffed a little, couldn’t help the humourless smirk. Slow learner was... well that was one way of describing you.
“And, so look!” he gestured an arm across the island. Across all the bottles and the bar equipment.
“I... I’m looking,”
It was silly.
Joe was being silly.
Like this was going to work.
Like practicing making drinks would convince Martin enough to rehire you.
It wouldn’t. You knew it wouldn’t.
But, you took off your coat fully anyway, draped it across one of the stools on the opposite end of the island and walked around to join Joe where he was stood.
“Here’s the menu,” Joe said, picking up an actual menu from Hush-Hush.
“Did– did you steal this?”
“And here’s the Christmas menu,” Joe ignored you and just placed the stolen Christmas menu over the stolen regular menu in your hands.
You looked at it a second, thoughts going. You flicked your eyes up to scan across the bottles, then back down at the menu. Did he really... did he get every single thing you needed to be able to make every single drink from both these menus?
“Let’s start with the regular menu though,” Joe removed the Christmas menu from your still frozen hands and then moved an arm across to grab a martini glass. “And why don’t we begin with a dirty martini?”
Oh, this motherfucker.
“Hey– I know how to make one of those,” you took the bait immediately and turned your head to frown at him. He was stood... close. Gave you a mischievous little smirk that got you into all this trouble in the first place.
“I know you do,” Joe said, voice a low baritone that made you remember that you liked Joe a lot, and that you were in his flat and he was all close, and being sweet, and nice, and if you just leant a little closer you could kiss him.
It made you remember that last night when you’d gotten home you thought you’d never get to pretend to go and clean the surface of the bar again just to be closer to him, and now here you were, in his flat, and he was so close, and then he softly said, “I just really fancy one.”
Fuck off.
That made your breath go all wobbly.
Shake it off. Come on. You weren't this easy, were you?
“Well,” you started and had to clear your throat before continuing and placed fingers on the base of the cocktail glass Joe’d placed in front of you. You slid it over to him and finished, “You can make it yourself.”
It broke the tension and made Joe laugh as you started rolling up your sleeves.
Time to get to business, then.
Joe found his way around his island and sat down on one of his breakfast bar stools with his laptop opened in front of him.
And so it began.
Joe googled recipes. Googled how to step by step instructions, found video tutorials, and verbally coached you through making each drink, one step at a time.
Joe taste tested, just little sips, because he couldn’t let his mind get cloudy he said. But his mind got cloudy anyway. And fast too.
You were in his flat.
Mixing drinks. Mixing mai tais, cosmopolitans, old fashioneds, white russians, margaritas, mojitos and manhattans. Right there, in his kitchen.
When was he going to tell you that before you started working there, Joe didn’t go to Hush-Hush that often?
When was he going to tell you that sometimes he walked in and saw you weren’t on shift, he’d leave again?
When was he going to tell you that he doubled his tip on nights when you made mistakes that visibly annoyed Martin?
Would he ever tell you that he liked leaving rings on the bar just so you’d stop by him extra often to wipe it clean?
Probably never.
But maybe he would. Maybe he could get you your job back, and then later he could tell you.
Not now. He didn’t want to ruin what he was looking at.
You were in his kitchen, getting progressively dirtier as you spilled drinks and wiped sticky hands into your hair.
He loved it.
And Joe just got to look.
Pretended he was looking because he had to see what you were doing.
Had to check if you were making mistakes or not. So he could instruct.
It was just that... your face wasn’t what needed checking, was it?
Remember how he said you were lucky you were cute? Well... Joe was sort of lucky you were cute, he thought.
Joe watched you mix drink after drink, watched you turn his kitchen into a whole mess, watched as you tried to clean as you went, but instead clumsily knocked things onto the floor, only creating more mess as you went along.
After a while, after taste testing over half the regular menu, Joe grinned to himself and said, “It’s like I’m actually at The Hush.”
Because this was exactly what Martin would always do.
You grinned to yourself as you finished a vanilla chai tea white russian, one that Joe was already reaching out for, but, that looked so fucking good, you decided to go for a sip yourself.
“Oh, maybe not,” Joe huffed. “I usually get given drinks that no one else has taken a sip from already.”
You didn’t even care about Joe’s comment.
That really was fucking good.
“Holy shit,” you went for another sip, and got a loud, “Hey!” from Joe, whose reaching arm turned into two grabby hands. You easily let him take it from you and said, “That’s maybe the best drink I’ve ever mixed.”
Joe raised the glass to his lips and smelled it first. Then he held eye-contact as he took a small sip.
That small sip turned into a big... a bigger sip. A gulp. He was... oh, he was downing it. Drank the full thing in one go. Kept his eyes locked on yours the entire time.
It was a little unfair that Joe looked sexier holding a drink. Like, he physically looked a lot more attractive when he had a glass pressed to his lips. When he made eye-contact with you as he drank. Especially when it was a drink you’d made. You didn’t know how that worked, it just was what it was, you know?
“Hmm,” Joe said, lips smacking as he put the glass down, now finally looking away. “I don’t know... good, sure. The best? Maybe not.”
You knew what Joe was hinting at, and when you saw him chance a glance at a martini glass, you rolled your eyes.
“If you want a martini, go for it, make your own, no one’s stopping you.”
Joe tried his luck with a sad puppy eye look thrown your way, and he so very nearly got you.
But he didn’t.
There were more drinks to be made. More cocktails to fuck up and fuck up again and then fuck up once more until you got them just right.
The mess in Joe’s kitchen grew.
And Joe got drunker with every taste-testing-sip.
But he was having fun, and so were you. Especially when Joe found a video of someone explaining how to do basic bar tricks and he convinced you to try and learn some, because how wild would it be to impress Martin with some insane bar tricks upon your return?
It had the two of you stood in front of his laptop, swinging glasses, twirling the shaker, throwing ice, and at one point, you were holding onto a bottle whilst trying to follow the steps on screen.
You giggled as you somehow tangled up your arms in the process of trying to get it right.
“No, look, he swings it– you’ve got to hold it like this,” Joe explained, like he was the expert here, and grabbed a bottle for himself to demonstrate. “And then you swing, under the elbow, all around, and then, into the gla–” Joe’s reflexes worked fast as he nearly dropped the bottle, nearly let it slip from his grip, both hands fumbling and catching it just in time, “Ahem, glass.”
“Wow, a true professional,” you sarcastically said, feigned impression that made Joe laugh.
“I promise it’s easy,”
“Hmm, yea, slow learner here, remember?”
“No, look, come here, you’ve got to...” Joe used the excuse of showing you, of helping you master a bottle flip into a pour, to pull you close. To pull you right into him, your back to his chest, his arms around you to manoeuvre yours into place.
With his head right next to yours, Joe spoke softly and kept you there until you got it.
Well, that was the plan.
But then you almost smacked the bottle into his face over your shoulder and he sort of had to abruptly move back to save himself from a black eye.
It had you both in stitches, and you loved the sound of Joe’s laugh.
You were having fun.
You were in Joe’s flat and he got you all this liquor to practice making drinks until you nailed them and you wondered when you were going to tell him that Martin didn’t just fire you because you were a slow learner.
When were you going to tell him that a guest claiming her phone had gotten stolen from her coat pocket made Martin look at the CCTV footage? That Martin had seen what had lead to you leaving the bar the way that you had that night?
It wasn’t just the mess you left, the key you hadn’t left in the letterbox, the loud music you left playing, or even the kissing behind the bar...
It was all of it added up.
All the standing in the way.
All the spilled drinks.
All the kind questions from guests, asking if if was just them or if their drink tasted funny and could it maybe be remade?
It all actively worked against you. And sure, you were cute. But it reached a point where cute wasn’t enough anymore.
Dropping a gorgeous limited edition expensive bottle of Dos Artes tequila had sort of made Martin see red for a second, and that had been it, then.
Martin had pulled you aside and had just listed reason after reason after reason of why keeping you on staff would be a bad idea. A mistake. He mentioned kissing guests behind the bar and you were mortified, went beetroot red, because you had no idea he knew.
Martin knew.
Joe, however, didn’t know. He didn’t know Martin knew.
And Martin hadn’t told him he knew.
Slow learner, Martin had said. You were just a slow learner.
You were.
But you were also a cheap slag who had gone and fucked the one true regular of the bar instead of doing her job, weren’t you?
You probably weren’t going to tell Joe.
Or maybe you would. After finishing the Christmas menu, maybe.
But then you saw how Joe’s hands found his lower back, how he pushed his stomach out as he stretched a little, and you gathered that sitting on a barstool all night wasn’t doing his back any favours.
It was getting a little late.
“Why don’t you go and sit down on the sofa, and I will... I’ll just do the last couple of drinks, bring them over and get out of your hair, all right?”
Joe tried to protest, said if you thought he wanted you out of his flat that you were wrong, but you asked if his lower back thought so too, and soon after, Joe gave in and let himself drop onto his sofa on the other side of the open floor plan living space. From where you were stood, you could see the back of his head peek out over the sofa, and Joe tried sitting sideways for a second. Tried leaning into the back of his sofa with his side, but it really did feel nicer to let his back properly sink into the pillows, so he did.
He ended up turning the TV on and watched a little of a celebrity panel show before you came over and handed him a drink.
Joe took a sip, smiled with half-lidded tired eyes and said he loved it.
Made you blush as you took it back to the kitchen.
The same thing happened twice more, and every time you noticed how Joe was growing more and more tired. Was trying harder and harder to keep his eyes open still. Was inching towards sleep.
You watched his head slowly disappear into the sofa and couldn’t help but smile.
Joe was fucking adorable.
And Joe was the fucking best thing that came out of this job you had had for a few months.
And now you had his number and his address and he had yours.
But he was falling asleep. Had enough alcohol in his blood to just let sleep take him, pretty girl in his kitchen or not. You smiled to yourself and couldn’t get rid of it when you started tidying Joe’s kitchen as quietly as you could.
It took a little while. But only because you also decided to make him a dirty martini that you left on the coffee table in front of him.
With the kitchen somewhat tidy and somewhat clean, you grabbed your coat, stood behind the sofa where you carefully took the TV’s remote from Joe’s hands and turned the TV off for him. Couldn’t help bending over and pressing a soft kiss onto the top of his head, into his hair.
You didn’t need your job back.
You’d find a different job.
Plenty of places were looking. It was a busy time of year. Nearly Christmas.
You’d find a different place with a different boss and different things to drop. A different place with a different menu and different regulars that sat at the bar.
It felt kind of bittersweet, this acceptance of this being it as you switched off Joe’s lights and left his flat with butterflies in your stomach.
Sure, alcohol too. But butterflies, mostly.
A shame.
It would probably be a while before you’d see him again.
The next day, Martin called you.
Asked for you to come in for a chat.
You’d smiled to yourself and told him that it was extremely kind of him, that he was a good boss, but if he was going to offer you the job back, you’d decline. You thanked him, told him you’d treasure the experience of working at Hush-Hush for the rest of your life, but he’d been right letting you go. Should’ve let you go much sooner, probably.
Martin seemed confused, but didn’t ask further questions.
You told him to tell Joe thanks from you and said goodbye.
You thought maybe Joe would text you.
You thought maybe he’d even show up at your door, all bewildered, because what the fuck were you doing declining a chat with Martin after you spent an entire evening mixing drinks in his kitchen?
But no texts were received and no doorbells were rung.
Just as well.
It was Christmas and you were starting a new job and you had to put your best foot forward. This wasn’t the time to think of Joe. You’d think of him later, on those weird days between Christmas and New Years, where the whole world forgot what day it even was for a little while.
But Joe didn’t get it.
Martin had put down the phone and had looked at him and then said you didn’t want to meet. Didn’t want to come over. That you thanked Martin and also Joe and that you didn’t want the job back.
Joe thought maybe you’d text him.
Or that maybe you’d show up at his flat to explain.
But then he received no texts and no one showed up at his flat.
Should he text?
It was Christmas.
There were other things to focus on. Like family. Gifts and food and family members he only really ever saw once a year around this time.
After an afternoon of opening gifts, Joe almost felt guilty for his wandering mind. People kept having to repeat themselves because Joe wouldn’t hear them the first time, his mind totally elsewhere.
With you, mostly.
You were probably also with your family, doing similar things.
Were you also thinking of him the whole time?
Should he just text?
Casually wish you a merry Christmas?
Could he do that?
He could, right?
After that night?
After waking up to a lukewarm otherwise perfect dirty martini on his coffee table? One that he threw back before even thinking of breakfast, hair of the dog as his excuse.
Why didn’t you want your job back?
Was it him?
Had he done something wrong?
He couldn’t fucking shake it.
Couldn’t shake it when his mother told him to hurry because they were already running late, they’d miss their reservation if there were any more delays.
Couldn’t shake it when the host of the busy restaurant seated him and his whole family at a long table in the back, beautifully set for the sixteen of them.
Couldn’t shake it when they all got settled and a loud smashing of porcelain plates was heard from the kitchen, deserving a reaction from most tables in the restaurant.
And he grinned.
Reminded him of you.
Fuck it.
He was just going to text you.
Why not?
It was Christmas and he really did hope you were having a merry one.
Joe had his eyes on his phone when a waitress walked up to his family’s table, ready to explain the menu and take their drink orders.
“Good evening everyone, merry Chri–” your breath hitched in your throat when you saw who you were looking at.
Nearly made you cough, which caught his attention.
Joe looked up from his phone and couldn’t fucking believe it.
There you were.
His vision tunneled and his hearing went, because you looked absolutely beautiful, and he was just texting you, had just typed 'merry Christmas' and, there you were, saying the actual words, and God, what were the fucking odds?
You stared at each other a moment and you were unable to stop the corners of your mouth from curling upwards.
“Hi...” Joe mouthed, looking at you like there was no one else in the room, because for a moment, to him, there really wasn’t.
“Merry Christmas,” you finished, gathering yourself together as your eyes scanned his whole table.
It zoned Joe back into reality, and he listened as you explained the menu to his whole family. Listened as you answered a question his stepdad asked you. Sat back and watched you laugh at a stupid joke he made. Saw how you pulled a notepad from a pocket, clicked a pen and asked, “Can I get you started with some drinks?”
You caught how Joe stifled a chuckle. Saw him shake his head like he couldn’t actually believe it. Watched as he raised his eyebrows and grinned, eyes pulling away from the menu to look directly into yours.
Say it, you thought.
Fucking say it.
“I’ll um...” Joe pretended to hesitate. Took a moment to show you his stupid schoolboy smirk.
You realised you’d already started missing it.
Good thing he was here.
“I’ll have a dirty martini. Shaken, not stirred.”
The Taglisted
@adoreyouusugar, @alana4610, @ali-in-w0nderland, @alwayslindie, @babybluebex, @barfightzanddiscolightz, @bettyfrommars, @cancankiki, @capricornrisingsstuff, @chaoticgood-munson, @chrissymjstan, @choke-me-eddie, @demonsanddemogorgons, @did-it-work, @dirtyeddietini, @dylanmunson, @eddies-puppet, @electricmunson, @emma77645, @emmamooney, @everythinghasafacee, @figmentofquinn, @frootvelvet, @ghost-proofbaby, @ghostinthebackofyourhead, @harringtonfan4, @haylaansmi, @jasminearondottir, @jewellethief, @joesquinns, @kellyxo1, @kennedy-brooke, @lovelyblueness, @manda-panda-monium, @miserybeans, @nadixq, @notverywise, @pepperstories, @phyllosilicate-s, @roosterisdaddy36, @sherrylyn628, @sidthedollface2, @thebellenouvelle, @thewondernanazombie, @tlclick73, @werepartnersnow, @winterwakesthewolf, @witchwolflea, @yelyahcardella, @yunirgo
taglist currently full, sorry
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kindlespark · 1 month
hi!! (Crown of Candy spoilers in ask)
1. Your art is so cool :000
2. If ACOC had gone differently, who's death would've hit the hardest had there been two deaths that weren't Lapin or Jet?
hello!! thank you so so much!!
this is so fun.... i think ruby dying would've been deeply fucked up for jet but i also think jet would've handled it slightly better than ruby handled jet's death. but im also saying this because a world where siobhan came back as her revenant rococoa back-up would've been CRAZY. like i've theorised about this on twitter before but there's no way she'd tell amethar it was her until she absolutely had to; he's already lost her once he can't lose her again and she's a ghost of her former self. she's not rococoa anymore, not really.
ALSO im imagining ruby dies in place of jet, but i've also rotated a scenario in my head where ruby dies and siobhan comes back as rococoa before calroy's betrayal is revealed..... im imagininga juicy scenario about how she would immediately go to kill calroy, but amethar defends him, his sister's murderer, to his sister, without realising. oh it's so fucked up and fun to me
i also think liam should've died in the cathedral SORRY WHO SAID THAT and this IS because it'd be tragic to have lost the oldest and the youngest in that fight but also because ally playing amanda maillard would've been so fucking incredible. like to have someone else on caramelinda's side at the end there..... oh it would've been so juicy. caramelinda is my favourite character in almost all of d20 i literally would've given anything to see her softer side with amanda. oh my god i need that time quangle episode out NOWWWWWW
i dont think amethar should die ever.... and you'd think i'm being nice for once but in reality i love the twisted double meaning of "the unfallen" title. if the finale had been a PvP at the end, amethar is the last one standing for sure. a world where he's the only one left amongst his loved ones would be so unbelievably fucked up. amethar wants to die; he wanted to in the cathedral; he thinks death is atonement for his mistakes. and i don't think we should let him!!! sorry for loving pain and misery
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harryfeatgaga · 1 month
so badly need domestic been together for years realtionshiprry he knows you inside out he moves the blanket up anytime you walk in the living room knowing you’re gonna sit on him, he takes off your glasses when you fall asleep reading, he leaves a hoodie in the back of his car because he knows you get chilly anywhere, he sets up all of out all your skincare after his shower
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whyse7vn · 11 months
[ seokjin x reader ]
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jin: 😘🥰😘😝😈
y/n: i just woke up can you give me a minute before you start being weird
jin: 😫
y/n: ew
jin: feeling very romantical rn
y/n: romantical?
jin: ur hot i could punch you
on the lips
with MY lips
y/n: you just have a way with words
jin: ikr 😍
y/n: it’s not a good way
jin: i’m choosing to ignore you
because i’m in a good mood rn
y/n: lucky me ig!
jin: the luckiest
y/n: what do you want
it’s 8 am
jin: rise and shine pretty
i saw ur insta post
y/n: ???
the one from two days ago?
jin: 2 days ago 3 days ago 1 hour ago it doesn’t matter
what matters is that you want me so bad
like so bad
i can tell
the way ur looking at me in that photo its telling me
“jin baby pls come here i need you rn 😩😫”
i can hear it
y/n: you got to lay off the crack im telling you
jin: CRACK????
ARE YOU INSANE????????/!:!
y/n: there is no logical way to explain what you’ve just said to me if you didn’t do some type of drug
jin: don’t speak to me
not in person not through text and
ESPECIALLY not through insta posts
y/n: :(
jin: don’t frown at me
y/n: why not :(
jin: you have no right to be sad in this situation
you literally accused me of doing drugs
y/n: you said my photo talked to you
i think that was a pretty fair accusation
jin: you literally should be so grateful rn i said i wanted to kiss you…
and i said you were hot
ME kim seokjin said YOU were hot
y/n: sorry
jin: i don’t belive you
y/n: cuz i was lying
jin: GO AWAY
y/n: i won’t
i miss you
jin: it’s too late to miss me
y/n: are you dying or something?
jin: what?
y/n: is the age isn’t it?
jin: excuse me?????
you sound like jimin rn and i’m telling you that’s a IMMEDIATE turn off
you wouldn’t right
tell me you didn’t
you’ve been spending time with jimin
haven’t you..
y/n: he’s the bff wydm
jin: oh my god somebody shoot me
y/n: drama queen 🥱
jin: we are OVER
y/n: i’m crying so many tears rn
y/n: that is a ridiculous rule
i literally work with him?
jin: if you loved me you would of made it work
y/n: if you loved me you would be at home rn
why are you out so early?
cheating perhaps??
jin: you caught me!!!
it’s time i tell you the truth anyways…
y/n: you’ve been seeing tae behind my back haven’t you…
jin: now i know ur out of ur mind
you must be a heavy drug user
y/n: ig we both are…
jin: me and you are NOT the same
y/n: what’s that supposed to mean 😣?
jin: EXACTLY what i said
look at you
and look at me
y/n: i see no difference
we both are fucking tae?
what separates us seokjin?
y/n: so it’s okay that i’m fucking him?
jin: like i said WE are done
do what you want
you betrayed me
i have no love left for you
y/n: good to know
jin: don’t tell me ur mad at me rn…
y/n: i’m not
jin: omg you so are
y/n: am not
jin: i love you
y/n: but we’re done?
jin: i take it back
i can’t breathe without you
y/n: ur too clingy for my liking
jin: i’ll crawl into your skin and live there
y/n: ew and ow
jin: love hurts
y/n: will you be in my skin when i make my weekly visits to tae?
jin: you are BLOCKED
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corpsedad · 6 months
I was just lying in bed with my stuffies and then I saw your posts and they always get me so so so so so so so horny I need your cummmm nowwwwww please daddy I’ll be good I promise I swear
Hahahaha I just woke up and now I’m hard as fuck thinking about you holding onto them whenever it’s too much. Come take care of what you did princess.
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a-dope-fiend · 4 months
i need to fuck him now i need to fuck him now i need to fuck him now i need to fuck him now i need to fuck him NOWWWWWW
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wh0reyp0tter · 1 year
Hi Guys!
I know it's been a REALLY long time but here we are! I'm sorry for leaving everyone hanging but A LOT of shit happened... But anyway, here we are, chapter four!
Y/N Y/L/N is chosen as one of the champions in the Triwizard Tournament with one of her best friends, Harry Potter. Along with the struggles of being one of the champions, she also has to navigate her feelings for her best friend, Hermione Granger. But, as far as Bex knows, Hermione fancies Krum.
Includes: Angst, pining, swearing, wlw, bi!reader (mentions of flirting with men), smut, name-calling, Krum hating, fighting, physical violence, fighting, mentions of injuries, and flirting
Music rings through the Gryffindor Common Room as everyone cheers. I grin at the crowd as I walk through it. I feel people patting me on the back as I come down from changing. I see Hermione standing in the corner next to a girl from the year below us. “Hey ‘Mione!” I call. She looks at me and ignores me as she returns to her conversation. I tap her shoulder, she still ignores me. “If you’ll excuse her.” I say politely to the girl she’s speaking to. I grab her arm before tugging her to a secluded area of the room. 
“What the hell?” Hermione seethes. 
“I wanted to talk to you! You haven’t said a word to me since this morning!” I say in a hushed tone. 
“Has it occurred to you, maybe I don’t want to talk to you right now,” Hermione replies. 
“Why don’t you want to speak to me?” I ask, confused. I hear a voice call my name. I look over to see Avery wave me over. I smile at her as I hold up my pointer finger. 
“That’s why,” Hermione scoffs. 
“What?” I say confused. “Avery?” 
“Yes! Bloody hell, I told you I didn’t trust her,” she replies. 
“You don’t even know her, H,” I argue. 
“I know I don’t like you being with her,” she seethes. 
“What?” I ask. 
“I don’t like you being around her,” Hermione repeats. “It pisses me off! You called her Dove.” Her voice grows quieter at the end of her sentence. 
“Sorry, but you’ve been so busy being shoved up Krum’s arse that I’ve barely seen you besides classes and at night!” I argue, my voice growing louder. 
“I don’t spend that much time with him!” She scoffs. 
“Notice how you were his treasure today? You know who mine was? Fred. You’d think it’d be you, but nope. You’re in love with Krum now!” I laugh. 
“His name is Viktor!” She exclaims. 
“I don’t give a fuck what his name is. You have no right to try and tell me I can’t be involved with Avery while you’ve blown me and the boys off every moment you can to hang out with that git. Or is it just me?” I ask. Hermione’s silent as I shake my head. “I gotta go. Avery wants me.” I turn and walk away from the small girl as I walk up behind Avery and wrap my arms around her middle. I rest my head on her shoulder as she smiles. 
“Hi love,” she hums.
“Hello, Angel,” I smile. “What are you doing?” 
“Just chatting,” Avery replies. 
“Sounds boring,” I whisper into her ear. 
“It is,” she whispers back. I grin happily as I tug her closer to me as I tuck my face into her neck. 
“How was your day, Dove,” I say against her skin. 
“Stressful, you gave me quite the scare today,” Avery says as she rubs my arm. 
“I’m sorry. How can I make it better?” I ask as I press a soft kiss to her neck. 
“You could stay in my dorm tonight,” Avery replies. 
“Sounds good to me,” I grin. Avery leans her head back against mine as I kiss her forehead. 
A few hours go by until the party dies down. I feel Avery’s body slumped against my side as I help her up the stairs. She’s babbling drunkenly as she presses her lips to my neck. 
“Ave, what are you doing?” I ask as I push her face away. 
“Kissin you,” she mumbles as she tries to kiss my lips. 
“You’re drunk, not right now,” I say as I push open the door to her dorm. I see one of her friends sitting on her bed. “She’s drunk, but I’m pretty sure she’ll be out soon.” I smile at the younger girl. I set Avery down on her own bed before I pulled her shoes off. 
“Are you staying?” Avery whines as she looks up at me. 
“Not tonight, maybe tomorrow,” I say softly. Avery pouts as I cover her up. She falls asleep moments later. 
“I have to tell you something,” the girl across the room says. I turn to look at her in confusion. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever gotten your name,” I say. 
“I’m Clarissa, but you can call me Rissa,” she smiles. 
“What did you have to tell me?” I ask. 
“Avery was dared to do this, the whole thing with you. I heard her and her friends talking about it. She was dared to make a champion fall for her, and she chose you,” Rissa says softly. My heart drops as my mouth dries. 
“What?” I say softly. “You swear to Merlin you’re not lying.”
“I swear, I have no reason to lie about something like this,” she says softly. 
“What do I do?” I say as I shake my head. 
“Don’t get with her, don’t do anything. You’ll get hurt,” Rissa says. 
“Thank you so much,” I say as I walk through the door. I walk quietly back to my own dorm before I push through it. I kick my shoes off as I close my door. I walk to my dresser as I pull pajamas out. I change quickly before I get into bed. I fall asleep staring at the brick ceiling. 
Once I wake up my mind instantly flies to what Rissa said last night. I stand up and slip on a pair of socks and trainers before going down to the Great Hall. I saw Hermione sitting next to Ron with Harry and the twins across from him. I quietly slip into the spot between the twins as I grab a chocolate croissant. I eat it silently as I stare at the table. I feel a shoulder nudge mine, I look up to see George looking down at me. 
“You alright, Y/N/N?” He asks softly. 
“Avery, it was a dare,” I laughed quietly. 
“What?” George says angrily. 
“Her friends bet her that she couldn’t make a champion fall for her. And I was the oh so lucky champion she chose,” I reply. 
“I swear to bloody Merlin, if she wasn’t a girl,” he says angrily. 
“What’s the matter?” Harry asks as he looks between George and I. 
“Fucking Avery, that right cunt,” George seethes. 
“What’d she do?” Ron asks. I look at George as he gives me a look asking if he can say. I nod softly before he bursts. 
“She was using Y/N! It was all for a bet, her friends said she wouldn’t be able to pull a champion,” George says. Hermione’s face hardens as she looks at me. She gets up quickly as her face scans the Great Hall before she disappears. 
“Where’s she going?” Fred asks. 
“No idea, should we follow her?” Harry asks. 
“No, probably not,” Ron replies. I get a bit more food before I drink my pumpkin juice. 
I make my way to the Transfigurations classroom. I push the door open to see Hermione already sitting at our table. Her face is hidden by her curly hair as she reads the book in front of her. I slide into my seat before I look to the front of the room. 
“You alright?” Hermione asks, not looking up from her book. 
“M’fine, H,” I say softly. 
“You’re not, you’re allowed to be upset,” she says as she places a hand on my arm. 
“You’re not gonna tell me you told me so?” I ask. 
“Well, of course not. You’re upset and I’m not going to exploit that because I was right,” Hermione says. I nod softly as I look at her. McGonagall makes her way to the front of the room. 
“Today’s class will be held in the Great Hall so we can have a discussion,” she says. “Everyone leave your things and follow me.” As we get there, every Gryffindor is in the room. I smile as I see the twins standing behind a bunch of chairs while leaning against the wall. “Ladies on the right, gentlemen on the left.” I scrunch my nose up as I move to sit on the other side. 
“What’s this about?” Angelina asks as I sit in front of her. 
“No clue,” I whisper back. 
“Today we will be discussing the Yule Ball. It’s directly connected to the tournaments. The house of Godric Gryffindor has been the most honorable and humble house around this time. I will not have you besmirching that name by acting like a babbling bumbling band of baboons!” McGonagall says. 
“Right, she’s obviously never been to a Gryffindor party,” I whisper with a smirk to Lina. She lets out a soft snicker as McGonagall shouts at Ron. 
“Mr. Weasley, please join me,” she says. Ron looks at her in shock as he stands up and walks over to her. “Please put your hand on my waist.”
“Where!” Ron screeches as he looks at her.
“On my waist, Mr. Weasley,” she repeats. Ron slowly puts his hand on her waist as McGonagall takes his other hand. She begins walking through a slow waltz as I cover my mouth to try to stop the laughs from bubbling out of me. 
“Oh I wish I had a camera,” I say in awe. I look to see Fred and George mockingly swaying back and forth. Hermione elbows me softly as she glares at me. 
“Now, I hope you gentlemen will each take a lady’s hand and ask her to dance,” Professor calls. The boys sit silently as I roll my eyes. I see Neville stand up as he offers his hand to Ginny. She smiles as she takes it and they begin to dance around. I smile softly as Ron walks over to me. 
“Your hand m’lady?” he says obnoxiously. I throw my head back in laughter as I grab his hand. 
“Of course m’lord,” I reply in the same voice. He pulls me up as his hand sets on my waist. We sway softly as he spins me. I let out a loud laugh as he dips me. “Wow, Weasley! You got some moves.”
“Oi! I’m not just a pretty face,” Ron winks. I shake my head with a smile as I lift his hand above his head. 
“Now, spin!” I laugh. 
“Absolutely not,” Ron says as he shakes his head. 
“Come on, Ronald!” I say as I wiggle his arm around. He rolls his eyes as he duck under our arms and spins. I grin brightly as I watch him. 
“Now you,” he smiles. He twirls me around as I let out a laugh. Ron tugs me back to his chest as we dance slowly. “So, when are you gonna tell ‘Mione you fancy her?” My eyes widen as I slap his chest. 
“What are you talking about?” I ask, my eyes pulling away from his gaze. 
“It’s painfully obvious, Y/N/N,” he teases. I groan as my head falls to lean on his shoulder. 
“I can’t tell her, she fancies Krum,” I replied as my head lifted off his shoulder to look at him. 
“You never know unless you try,” Ron sings. I roll my eyes as I look around the room. I see Hermione laughs loudly as Harry spins her around. My stomach fills with butterflies as I smile softly. “You’re absolutely smitten!” Ron laughs. 
“Oh, bugger off you git,” I mutter as we continue to dance. He grins at me as he spins me again. I let out a laugh as he dips me again. 
Ron plops beside me as he lets out a loud groan. I shift my seat on the couch of our common room as I smile. “You alright Ronniekins?” I ask as I nudge his shoulder. 
“How the bloody hell am I meant to ask a girl to the ball! They’re always together in their scary groups, staring at us,” Ron says as he puts his head in his hands. 
“It’s not that hard, just ask someone,” I shrug. 
“Have you been asked yet?” Ron asks. I shake my head as my eyes scan the pages of my book. 
“I’m probably not going,” I say. 
“You’ve got to go!” Ron exclaims. 
“Why?” I ask. 
“If ‘Mione finds out you're saying that she’ll skin you alive!” Ron says as he sways us. 
“Is she going with someone?” I ask softly. 
“I have no idea. You know she wouldn’t tell Harry and I, we’d take the mickey out of her if she did,” Ron laughs softly. I nod in agreement as I put my feet on his lap.
I walk into the Great Hall for my study hour as I see Hermione sitting beside Ron and Harry. I sit across from them, next to the twins as Snape sets my workbook in front of me. I give him a tight lipped smile as I open it and begin to work. 
“Have you got a date yet, H?” Ron says as he turns to the brown-haired boy. 
“Not yet, it’s terrifying!” Harry exclaims in a hushed tone. 
“I know! How am I supposed to ask a girl when they’re always together!” The redhead whines. I let out a soft laugh as I look at the two. Fred tears a piece of parchment off as he scribbles on it and tosses it at his brother. Ron reads it before glaring at the older twin. “Right, who are you going with then!” Ron huffs in a whisper. Fred smirks at his brother before crumpling up another piece and tossing it at Angelina. 
“Oi! Lina!” Fred whisper-yells. Angelina’s head snaps towards him as she glares. “Will you,” he says as he points at her. “Go to the ball,” he continues as he mimics dancing. “With me,” he smirks as he points towards himself. 
“Yeah, alright then,” Angelia says with a small smile as she turns back to her work. Fred turns and shoots an overdramatic wink at Ron. I laugh softly as I shake my head. 
“Right, Hermione, Y/N, you both are girls! Come to the ball with us,” Ron laughs as he mimics Fred. Snape walks up behind him as he smacks him in the back of the head with a workbook. Ron winces as he rubs his head. I laugh with Harry as Hermione turns to look at him. 
“I have a date already,” Hermione says. 
“You what?” I say as my head snaps towards her. 
“Someone asked me, and I said yes,” she replies. 
“Who!?” I ask. 
“None of your business,” Hermione says coldly.
“I thought we were best mates!” I say in defense. 
“If I wanted you to know, don’t you think I would’ve told you by now!” Hermione says in a tone that mocked mine a few weeks ago. My face falls as I look at her. 
“Cool,” I say dryly as I turn back to my work. 
“Y/N, are you going to the ball?” Harry asks. 
“Probably not,” I say as I don’t look up from my work. 
“What?” Ron says slightly loudly. 
“Not going,” I say as I look up at the trio with a tight-lipped smile. 
“Yes you are,” Hermione says suddenly. 
“No, no I am not,” I say as I shake my head. 
“You have to!” Hermione argues. 
“No I don’t,” I laugh. 
“You are going. No arguing,” Hermione says. 
“We can go together,” Ron says as he waggled his eyebrows at me. 
“Fine,” I seethe. “Only because I don’t want Ronniekins looking pathetic at the ball.” Harry looks at me in shock as he gasps. 
“What about me!” He shrieks. Snape glares at us as I apologize. 
“You’ll find a date. You’re the chosen one. Every girl wants to get in your pants. Ron here is a little more awkward,” I reply. Harry grumbles quietly as I finish my work. I get up as I hand Snape my book and leave the room. 
“You have a package,” Ginny tells me as she sets a long box on my bed. My face lights up as I move closer to the box. 
“It’s my dress!” I exclaim. I tug the top off the box as I look inside. I pull out a long  dark red dress. The skirt is bouncy and made of a soft tulle. It flows to the floor as I hold it up. The top is made out of a silky material, that was covered in shiny red beads and sequins. The straps are thin and cross in the back. The neckline is a wide V shape.
“Oh my god Bex! That’s gorgeous,” Ginny grins. “You’re gonna look so pretty!” 
“I hope so,” I say softly. There’s a pair of open-toed silver chunky heels, they’re covered in sparkles. It has a strap that goes across the top of your foot and one that fastens around your ankle. I dig around the box to find three smaller black boxes. The first box has a silver necklace with a silver rose as the pendent. The second has a pair of gorgeous earrings. They’re crystal dangle earrings. They look like frosty ice more than anything else. The final box is smaller, shaped more like a cube than anything. I open it to see the ring. It’s the same ring my mother wore everyday. It has been in our family for ages. I take it out and hold it between my fingers. It’s gold and has a tiara like design. There’s a small oval shaped red stone in the middle with two tiny pearls on the top and bottom. 
“That’s beautiful,” Ginny says softly. 
“It was my mum’s. It’s been passed down to the eldest girls in my family for generations. And it’s finally my turn,” I say as a smile breaks across my face. I made a mental note to write mum later. I hang my dress up so it doesn't wrinkle before putting the shoes and jewelry away safely. 
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I may have edited a pic to make Freida 😍 She is CREECHUR
Before: & After:
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The lighting is meh but she's so fucking cute!
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He just said something stupid to get a rise out of her and her tail is flicking in annoyance.
I need them to kiss, nowwwwww
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deerlottie · 1 month
Nat groans into the kiss, his desire heightened by your show of submission. He cups your breast, his thumb grazing your nipple. "Need to be inside you," he rasps, tugging at your lingerie.
Stepbro!Nat said this to me 😵‍💫
wearing lingerie for him because you Know hes gonna sneak into ur room to fuck. might as well look pretty for him while he uses you in ur sleep :3 i need to wake up to his tdick shoved inside of me while he gropes my body NOWWWWWW
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