#THE BLOGCHELOR / * event.
helltore-a · 5 years
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      Everybody ,  suit the fuck up !!   
       You’re all invited to the  THE BLOGCHELOR  premiere tonight at i-am-still-debating-what-time GMT+8 Perth Aus ,  featuring the first  FIVE BLOGS  that replied to my beta call ages ago.  If you miss it ,  worry not because I’m putting the reblogs on queue.  I believe that a fresh perspective from a co - roleplayer can help one to grow and improve their writing and medium in telling their stories through their characters ,  be it about content ,  blog aesthetic ,  and the simplest details you think no one notices but they do and  IT MATTERS  .  This premiere to greet the new year can also be a test drive if you will be willing to join the next batch of blogchelors and blogchellorettes or you just enjoy reading the truest ,  no bias good or not so good tea since i’m genuine and sincere in whatever i will say in the most tactful language i can ever write of.
        See you soon.
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helltore-a · 5 years
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            welcome to the first episode of THE BLOGCHELOR starring me !  
      this has been in production for MONTHS and i am here to deliver for mutuals and non - mutuals alike ,  this is  FREE TO JOIN FOR ALL .  i will be doing this fortnightly or monthly  (  depending on my schedule )  with at least 5 BLOGS reviewed for however way they will take my perspective to improve and grow for the better.  feel free to take it or leave it. 
      THE RATING WORKS ON THE RANGE OF 5 / 5:  with 1 as has so much room for potential and improvement ,  3 as passable and your blog works as functionally and practically as it should ,  and 5 as with flying colors that your blog works but with good extras.  READ FULL CRITERIA DESCRIPTION HERE.
01.  @msscre​ .  fandomless oc by pax.
ACCESSIBILITY  /    NAVIGABILITY.     ★★★★★ With this kind of theme having maximum number of 4 links ,  I like how the first thing your blog immediately showed me is the links because the boxes and font color just pops out. You did what you can with limited url slots and the navigation page for everything makes it easier for everyone to browse through since they’re all redirected pages.   ➤ GENERAL ADVICE FOR EVERYONE :   In my opinion ,  it’s better to have a good balance and choice of usage between redirected pages and custom pages. Too much use of custom pages for the aesthetic can be annoying for a potential partner browsing your blog because most people just want to read your content and not to be kept redirected to different pages ,  especially if they’re incoherent with no uniform choice of design.  Worst combo to send your potential partners away since they can also feel lazy not to read your content.  Yes ,  people do that and it’s not their fault since the human brain has limited attention span.  Too much redirected pages works if you want simple ,  straightforward navigation but it wouldn’t hurt to add a little flair sometimes.  This flair can be from the custom page and redirected page mix usage or from how your content is formatted too.
VISUAL IMPACT  /   AESTHETICS.      ★★★★  Absolutely love the consistency in your theme color palette !  Neutrals and red as highlights is a good duo.  Everyone is entitled to their own tastes of their representation and interpretation of their muses ,  though might I suggest that the color of your highlights be a little lighter ?  The theme and fonts are neutrals and dark ,  so it will help the eyes adjust and find the emphasised content you’re aiming to be read if your highlights are light or medium light so not to deviate with the theme’s aesthetic. However ,  I don’t feel your font for the header though ...  seems a bit off for me but it’s just a difference between preferences ,  no biggie. ➤ GENERAL ADVICE FOR EVERYONE :   It’s always good to have a good choice of what font goes with what.  In my case I use a lot of font sizes and properties to complement the theme with the format or the actual font used.  Usually I do cursive and straight combination ,  not one over other overpowering each other.  Google Fonts with html codes and stuff is your best friend. 
SUBSTANCE  /         INFORMATIVE.    ★★★★  Good info on the biography and verses since they have whatever pumps the blog alive.  I don’t know if it’s in your intentions but a PERSONALITY section is good too in supporting your psychological evaluation stats page since mostly ,  numbers don’t really make sense to humans.  They’re more of the qualitative type ,  makes it easier for them to understand if you link those numbers to words of brief description of your muse’s behavior and attitude.  This is especially crucial for OCs to have as one of my preferences so I’ll know if our muses can clash for fun or just clash without sense ...  you can gauge what an interaction can be just by reading the other’s personality section and see how it helps with the plotting and relationship dynamic.
READABILITY  /        LEGIBILITY.          ★★★★  The colour of the highlights is what I’ve said earlier but overall ,  the font colors are good since I can read them.
BRANDING  /        WOW FACTOR.       ★★★★★ The mysteriousness with the PERSONALITY section gone can be a pro and con sometimes and since I read your about page ,  there’s suspense in how you came up with her name because it’s really thought - evoking.  I associate your muse with a greek figure and it gives me something to think about especially as it can help me pinpoint a plot for us ,  if ever.  I also appreciate the stats page like they’re very unique with some stats I’ve never seen before so it makes up for the substance as well.  There’s visual - spatial intelligence ,  etc. which makes your muse unique due to that analysis.  Little details matter.
02.  @jollynephilim .  supernatural’s  jack kline by dipper.
ACCESSIBILITY  /    NAVIGABILITY.     ★★★★ Might enhance a bit with positioning since some of the links are scattered on top of the side header  WHO IS IN CONTROL  which makes it hard for me to ignore in a visual - wise focus.  You can also experiment by using other symbols or images since the links are eye - catching due to animation. 
VISUAL IMPACT  /  AESTHETICS.      ★★★  I’ve been very familiar with this kind of theme since I am guilty of being tempted to use the same ,  although this one has become mainstream so I am very used to seeing the same formula over and over again.  Something new might be good or an innovation of the original theme though it doesn’t mean you should sell your soul to photoshop or html masters.  The background edit is well - appreciated since it blends with the dark color palette you chose.  You can make your theme a little bit refined with the bars by changing their gray rose  ( ?? )  background to something  continuous  since the way I view it on my browser ,  I can see where the background picture of the bars started and ended.   ➤ GENERAL ADVICE FOR EVERYONE :   Being continuous and blending are two elements useful in visually enhancing one’s blog.  It shows unity and consistency.  Be careful in integrating too much of the links or headers in the background because it can get to the point that it’s annoying to find or read through bleeding colours of the theme and other factors.  
SUBSTANCE  /         INFORMATIVE.    ★★★  Love the profile ,  brief and concise.  Can do something more with adding a few rare info that will make your Jack stand out from others ...  Nevertheless ,  I like how informed I am with the  BACKGROUND  since for someone who hadn’t caught up with Supernatural ,  it works.
READABILITY  /        LEGIBILITY.         ★★★★★ Readable.  However the highlight color concerns me since it doesn’t complement the background color palette because the blue sticks out ,  but other than that ,  it works.
BRANDING  /        WOW FACTOR.       ★★★  Add a bit more on the info and finding a selling point on a  BRAND  that will classify your Jack as their own.  Like putting out something new that will make your muse distinguishable from other duplicates.  Additionally ,  I’ve seen your threads or opens and they are very intriguing since they give rise to questionable exploration of sensitive topics ,  which is good since it’s a different approach to Jack’s character.
03.  @kidhnter​​ .  supernatural’s claire novak by heather.
ACCESSIBILITY  /    NAVIGABILITY.     ★★★★ Everything is accessible except the ask box.  Hopefully you can fix the codes for that.
VISUAL IMPACT  / AESTHETICS.      ★★★★ I’ve been guilty in trying the same formula in themes ,  but you get a star instead of three for bonus in using a complementary color palette.  However it gives me the signal that it’s playing too safe so you might like to consider using dark or light shades of one font color if one color is your drift.  The black starry header sticks out for me ,  and you can edit it to even or level out the gradient since it seems cut off in the middle in my view.  Being continuous and consist are qualities in keeping an aesthetic alive.
SUBSTANCE  /         INFORMATIVE.    ★★★  Fun facts or trivias are really appreciated since I use the same formula depending on which muse I have ,  so I really like that cute bit.  But I can’t give an overall review since your page is still incomplete which is totally understandable. ➤ GENERAL ADVICE FOR EVERYONE :   One of my biggest pet peeves that turn me off is when people have blogs but don’t have much in their pages.  I understand that they haven’t found the time to complete them because real life comes first ,  but at least give me a little information especially if I don’t know your muse and I’m not too interested to look them up in my search bar ,  sorry.  I’d rather read someone’s writing that’s not copy pasted from wikia than actually reading on wikia because it gives me an insight on how this person writes.  Do they focus on content and details ?  Do they write in purple prose or straightforward ?  Things like that are analysed whenever I read someone’s about pages.  Usually before I release a blog out in the wild ,  I complete my pages as soon as possible with deliberate planning because I don’t want to advertise an  EMPTY  blog.
READABILITY  /        LEGIBILITY.         ★★★★★ Very readable since everything is organised and categorised through the theme’s menu and aesthetic appeal plus function.
BRANDING  /        WOW FACTOR.       ★★★★★   Gold and black makes a statement ,  take advantage of that color scheme and remember the starry background of your bars.  I love the BIKER BARBIE bit because it has its charismatic appeal and different format on how usually people do that.  BIKER BARBIE  brand is iconic for claire and I can see where you’re coming from ,  but from an analytic perspective ,  it’s also a clash of character for claire but harmoniously it works out.  Good job ,  makes it easy for me and very distinguishable to remember your brand that makes me think that Ah ,  this is the BIKER BARBIE claire.
04.  @crackedfaith .  supernatural’s castiel by vix.
ACCESSIBILITY  /    NAVIGABILITY.     ★★★★★ Very thought out due to the number of links and the flow of the story of your blog through the order of the links. ➤ GENERAL ADVICE FOR EVERYONE :   Content is not the only thing you should plan writing for.  The moment you have the blog is the same moment you’ve already started writing your interpretation which is seen in the way you presented your blog through graphic edits ,  links , pages ,  etc.   Content is not the only thing that tells your character’s story ,  your blog does too and that’s why it’s important to pay attention to details.
VISUAL IMPACT  / AESTHETICS.      ★★★★  This theme sure as hell takes your time coding so I really appreciate and love how you made it your own.  I feel ,  because I used the same theme in different occasion and it’s a pain to code but totally worth it.  I love the colours very much ... They give an outer - worldly vibe but at the same time ,  very much Castiel. ➤ GENERAL ADVICE FOR EVERYONE :   Visual impact and aesthetics may affect your branding and people’s impression of you and your muse ,  but it does not define you.  Always remember that.  It does give identity though so like I said ,  pay attention to even the tiniest details because you never know who reads your blog.  Visual impact and aesthetics also affect readability levels ,  take note of that one since overly coded and overly aesthetic blogs can repel writers who can’t read shit due to lots of glitters on the blog and all other many stuff going on that they can’t understand.  
SUBSTANCE  /         INFORMATIVE.    ★★★  Since you haven’t completed your about and verses pages ,  I cannot say it works but I appreciate that the guidelines are already set.  Very ,  very critical piece to put in the blog because it is what dictates if you will write or will you not write with others.   
READABILITY  /        LEGIBILITY.         ★★★  Don’t know if you can change the font but as much as if you can ,  do it.  The main chubby font works on the container but it doesn’t work on the sidebar.  I had to squint my eyes to make out the words because of the heavily color gray.  Try using lighter shades for font color and other styles as well.  Google Fonts is your best friend.
BRANDING  /        WOW FACTOR.       ★★★★★ Very iconic.  GRACE/LESS tagline is such a catch for me ,  it’s really great.  The background also has an impact on me because it reminds me of the cosmos ,  of the time of The Fall scene ,  and I love how you incorporated the sense of falling in your graphics.
05.  @sanguinebite .  van helsing’s verona by demi.
ACCESSIBILITY  /    NAVIGABILITY.   ★★★★★ On the side and easily seen.  Clean cut ,  just pops out next to sidebar. 
VISUAL IMPACT  / AESTHETICS.    ★★★★  Can do a bit more with the font used on the sidebar and its format.  I love Times New Roman and its use in this theme.  Maybe try experimenting with shades of black and gray and consider giving other colors a chance for highlights so people can see what you’re emphasising through bold ,  italic properties.  Other than that ,  overall theme is a choice that works.  The cursor is cute and the edit on the sidebar photo looks cool ,  so extra points for those two.
SUBSTANCE  /         INFORMATIVE.    ★★ Kind of empty ,  but the rules are established so that’s appreciated.  It helps that I know your muse but what if other people don’t know ?  I suggest doing a temporary info scribbles on the pages or just a simple TBA / WIP. 
READABILITY  /        LEGIBILITY.         ★★★★ Readable ,  I don’t have to squint so much so that’s a good thing.  It depends on the device used about the font size ,  but try making the font size a bit bigger for the body since it’s too small for me.
BRANDING  /        WOW FACTOR.       ★★★  Older than Rome itself holds great potential to immortality vibes of branding material ,  it’s a good tagline I like.  Maybe you can link your muse to a roman figure and create a brand from there.  Qualities also help you think about a good brand as well as your muse’s history.  Who or what reminds you of your muse ?  What can you take from there and make it your own ?
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helltore-a · 6 years
enter reylit in the bachelor pls
   [hacker vc]   you’re in.
╰  UNPROMPTED  .  always accepting   ►  @reylit
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helltore-a · 6 years
misc tag.
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