#Summer Stock
musicalfilm · 1 year
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gene kelly & judy garland in summer stock (1950)
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Something I’ve been thinking about lot lately are movies that I would introduce to people who haven’t seen many (or any) movies from Classic Hollywood.  If a friend came to me and asked me to recommend old movies, what would I choose?
What do I consider Old Hollywood “gateway movies”?
*Originally was going to stick to movies made before 1960, but one 60′s movie could not be ignored.*
Roman Holiday
I’ve heard this referred to as a “reverse Cinderella story” and I think that’s a great description.  It’s about a woman who just wants to get away from her stressful life and have fun...even if for only one day.  It really has it all...it’s lighthearted, funny, romantic and bittersweet.  And while these are in no particular order, this would probably be the first movie I’d suggest to someone.
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On The Waterfront
To me, this works as a great introduction because it actually is a bit of a transition movie for Hollywood...and by that I’m referring to the acting style.  Nearly every actor in this movie came from The Actor’s Studio, bringing the more grounded, realistic approach to acting that modern audiences are used to (compared to the more presentational style of the 30′s and 40′s).  So, this movie is a great way to ease them into Old Hollywood.  And the story still feels relevant today...trying to find the courage to stand up to the big guy who has his foot on the back of everyone’s neck...and risk alienating your friends in the process.
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The Adventures of Robin Hood
Of course, I was going to recommend this one!  This movie is just...so much fun...even if a person is new to Classic Hollywood, they are guaranteed to find something they like about this one.  Even if it’s just the swordfights or the score...but honestly, everyone I’ve shown this to has really enjoyed it (even people who don’t like adventure movies).
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Yes, this seems like an obvious choice, since it’s one of the greatest movies ever made.  But there’s a reason for that.  The acting, directing and writing are iconic and you really can’t ask for more.  Plus, one of the main points of the story is about sticking it to the Nazi’s.  I think we can all (hopefully) agree that that’s a point in this movie’s favor.
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12 Angry Men
Another movie that still feels timeless and relevant even after all these years.  It discusses themes of class, parent/child relationships, justice, ignorance and so much more, you’d believe it was written today.  And the performances from every single actor in that room is outstanding...there are some scenes that are so electric as you feel the tension rising.
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How to Steal a Million
Another Audrey movie!  This is a perfect option is someone wants to watch a fun, fluffy comedy.  It’s light and relatively low-stakes...it almost feels like a send-up of heist movies, except they don’t wink at the camera.  It’s just that instead of stealing something because the fate of the nation depends on it, or to stick it to the man...Nicole just wants to steal back something she already owns.  And the way they go about it is absurdly hilarious.  The chemistry between our two leads helps a lot, as they are so much fun to watch.
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Summer Stock
If I was only going to recommend one musical from back then, I’d have to recommend Summer Stock!  Not just because it’s one of my favorites, but because I do think it’s a fairly good choice to ease someone into older musicals.  It’s not super elaborate and grand...no Busby Berkely musical numbers or elaborate sequences...just a bunch of people trying to put on a show.  And the love story between Joe and Jane feels so real and grounded...no love at first sight, no enemies to lovers...just two people who happen to be perfect for each other, and were lucky enough to meet.  This is Gene Kelly and Judy Garland at their best and I want other people to see it.
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Rear Window
And if they wanted to see a Hitchcock movie, but maybe aren’t super into horror...I think I’d start them off with Rear Window.  This isn’t a traditional scary movie...as with most Hitchcock movies, it’s all about the tension.  But it isn’t released with jump scare and music stingers.  And around the tension, you have this romantic drama between James Stewart and Grace Kelly, which is so fun to watch (and we can’t forget Thelma Ritter and her one-liners!)
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And once they become hooked, the next round of films I’d suggest would be: A Streetcar Named Desire, The Maltese Falcon, Psycho, The Philadelphia Story, The Heiress, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, and Meet Me in St. Louis.
Any that you would add?
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spencerisdaydreaming · 2 months
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mostlydaydreaming · 1 month
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unproduciblesmackdown · 5 months
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from a set of pics from summer stock swing nicholas cunha ft. the caption "@actually_will_roland and I concerned about eggs"
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thebirdandhersong · 16 days
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jacklefay · 14 days
I keep thinking about how Andrew Scott wants to do a musical and also more romantic comedies and trying to figure out what a good fit for him could be
Summer Stock could be nice. Doesn't require a ton of singing, although there are bigger dance scenes, but those could be choreographed differently.
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musicalfilm · 2 years
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gene kelly in summer stock (1950)
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1937, 1940, 1950, 1966, 1973, 1988, 1999
1937: Gotta go with Stage Door! A who's-who of actresses from the day that is both hilarious and heartbreaking.
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1940: The Philidelphia Story. One of my all-time favorite movies and definitely one of my favorite romantic comedies.
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1950: Time for another all-time favorite: Summer Stock! It's my personal favorite Judy Garland movie and her chemistry with Gene Kelly is off the charts. And of course, since this is an MGM musical, there are some kick-ass song and dance numbers, including the iconic "Get Happy".
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1966: How to Steal a Million. A fun little heist movie, while not perfect, it has quickly become one of my comfort movies. I find myself watching it after I've had a rough day and need something light and fun. Audrey Hepburn and Peter O'Toole have fantastic chemistry and play off each other really well. Plus, it has a really fun score by John Williams!
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1973: The Exorcist. I mean...it's one of the greatest horror movies ever made, so this choice was easy. :)
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1988: Running on Empty. This is a smaller, character-driven story about a family that have been on the run from the FBI for the past 15 years; and how their oldest son, Danny, wants to go to college and live his own life. The performances in this movie are all incredible...River Phoenix received an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actress, and there's a scene between Christine Lahti and Steven Hill that never fails at making me weep.
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1999: Drop Dead Gorgeous. Does this movie age well? No. There's one thing in particular that could almost be a movie-killer...but I can't help it. I love this movie so much. It's up there with Clue as one of the most quotable movies I have ever seen...It's a dark comedy/mockumentary about a small town in MN and their annual beauty pageant...and the...incidents that happen along the way. It is so ridiculous and funny that I can't not love it. Also? This cast is absolutely stacked: Kirsten Dunst, Kirstie Alley, Brittany Murphy, Ellen Barkin, Allison Janney (who nails every millisecond) and Amy Adams in her first movie role.
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Thanks for asking!!!!
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spawksstuff · 9 months
Summer Stock Pennsylvania -1950
De and Carolyn went with George Reeves to the New York area to try to get something going there after the studio system collapsed in LA. Here are some newspapers clippings of when both he and Carolyn decided to do some summer stock. All of these come from The Republican and Herald, The Record American, and the Evening Herald.
16 August - 2 separate articles from different papers
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23 August
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30 August
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6 September - This is when John Carradine taught their bird to say "F- Hollywood"
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These photos were not part of the clippings, but were found from another website:
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13 September - Poor Carolyn. Can you imagine posting that in the paper these days? I guess it was a way to ask for prayers or the equivalent? It's nice they're planning a "get well" shower for her.
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15 September -
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20 September
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Also September 20
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i--needed--that · 1 year
These two! This kiss! 🤧 Even though it's in the midst of a funny, little scene...this really does feel like such an authentically intimate moment, doesn't it? I mean...the way he squeezes her shoulder...the way she touches his face...and that gentle kiss he gives her on the temple (which I am going to go on record as saying seemed very spontaneous and real...and to which I have a visceral reaction)! It all just feels like a beautiful display of emotion, from two people who genuinely cared about each other. Unbelievably sweet! 🥺 Incidentally, this would prove to be the last onscreen kiss between these two talents. It really was the end of an era, guys! 😩 Okay...I'm pulling myself together, now! I promise! I'll be fine! 😉 Love you guys, and I hope you have a beautiful day! 😘 Eddie Bracken, Marjorie Main, Judy Garland & Gene Kelly, in "Summer Stock" (1950). 🤍
All rights belong to the owner of this video. 🤍
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sarahw81 · 8 months
The Garland Gab Presents: A Discussion with David Fantle and Tom Johnson
What are you doing this Sunday? Well, stop everything as we have another very special episode premiering! :)
Last week we were lucky enough to interview the writers of the band new book 'C'mon Get Happy: The Making of Summer Stock." Join us as they bust yet more myths, discuss their favourite numbers and just discuss Summer Stock and the process of researching and writing this book in general.
This episode is scheduled to premiere this Sunday at 8pm GMT and if we can we'll pop in the live chat and watch it along with you all. If you can't make Sunday then fear not as it will be there to watch whenever you want after that.
We hope you will enjoy this episode 😊
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mostlydaydreaming · 2 months
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Phil Silvers & Gene Kelly performing “Dig, Dig, Dig” from Summer Stock (1950)
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unproduciblesmackdown · 9 months
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immediately obsessed with this pic posted by summer stock ensemble member hannah balagot, "Sunday grills with Will"
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thebirdandhersong · 16 days
Joe sitting and listening to Jane sing Friendly Star with the most dead expression on his face sure is something :)
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