#Sparru mama has no idea who LttM is at all
spotsupstuff · 10 months
Caper playing Jolly-Co, meeting Looks to the Moon would be interesting.
That and if he ever found out about the actual existing Looks to the Moon would be a hold up moment.
I MEAN I FEEL LIKE EVERYBODY WOULD BE AWARE OF THE FIRST TEN, YANNO Moon is a Big Thing in both the Iterator nerd circles (like Mechanics, Admins, Construction workers that actually like the job) And within the Iterators themselves
the First Ten are kinda like. imagine Albert Einstein kinda known thing. you might not be into science, but you Are going to know about mister Einstein! same goes for the First Ten, especially those still surviving
so putting Moon into a game that would feel like an ARG to Euros n Sparrows would be like giving a historical shout out to an important person.
Euros: "Aaah, of course they went with Looks to the Moon! Kind of lazy, could've come up with some original character for the game like that hot pink Pebbles guy, but it's neat either way." Sparrows: "Dude they really gotta hate her guts, though. This damage is *insane* to me even after visiting and working on Zephyr. I know she's kind of mean to us [the Ancients] but this is a Lot." Euros: "-snrk- Do you think this game is banned in her colony?" Sparrows: "Oh yeah absolutely."
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