#Sorcerer Bailik
wrenthemoralfander · 1 year
A little fic for you all.
The sound of a lady could be heard humming. It was beautiful. She was rolling the dough, and making something wonderful to eat.
The smell of a wonderful aroma filled the house as she politely sat down at the table. “Mmm. This looks scrumptious.” She spoke, in awe of her work. The lady said her prayers.
She ate her food, and cleared her plate. She put the dishes in the dish washer, before she made a small plate of food on a tray and carried it to the basement door. She pulled the key out and unlocked to door to the basement. She walked down the steps with caution.
Inside the dark, dreary basement, where furniture was covered in cloth, dust and cold, a giant creature growled.
“Mine.” The creature spoke, voice echoing in delight at the sight of food.
The woman brought him a tray. On the tray was a plate of dead mice with a small plate of the meal she had made for dinner on the side. The creature took the plate without hesitation started eating.
Once the creature was done, it stared at the maiden. The maiden had her eyes closed, nervousness filling her body. It kicked the tray away and walked over to her.
“Do not be scared. We don’t bite the hand that feeds us.” The creature spoke. As it attempted to lure her into a false sense of security.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it.” She wanted to go home, she wanted to be free. The creature looked at her.
“We all did. Very efficient effort, as usual, sweet caretaker. You are so much better than the last one.”
“Ms. Reese?” The girl remembers she can’t afford to make too many mistakes. Miss Reese made way too many mistakes and her body was found mutilated in the river near the house. Reports say her heart and her eyes were missing from her body. 
“Ms. Reese. She wasn’t very good. She tried her best but failed to meet our expectations.” The creature spoke. Tears fell down her face, and with a gentle swipe, the creature wiped it away.
“Would I end up like her?” Test questions seem to displease the creature.
“Never!” They yelled, causing the maiden to flinch. The creature then paused and regained its posture and composure before speaking again. 
“No. You are not unworthy. You would not suffer. We would not allow it.” It grabbed her and lifted her chin. “You are our caretaker. And since you do nothing but take care of us, it is only fair that we take care of you in turn.”
It gently patted her head with its claws. “Head back upstairs. Clean up the kitchen, put away the leftovers and the rest of the night is yours.”
The maiden walked to the bottom step of the stairs, before she heard the creature chuckle. “Oh and I almost forgot. Thanks to Ovucoris for reminding me.” Who reminded the beast?
The creature teleported behind her, grabbing her shoulders. “Don’t attempt anything silly,” they reminded her as their claws sunk into her shoulders, “While we love playing games with you, we don’t want a repeat of last time.”
“Understood.” She spoke, and it let go. She went up the stairs and locked the door. 
The creature was a manifestation of five beings and all of these monsters, had ways of keeping her inside the building. The monsters went by several names. The Demon Ovucoris, Bailik, The Fallen Vendres, Lady Anora, and The Sorrowful Knight.
They told her they would give her anything she wanted.
What she wanted?
Lisa just wanted to go home to her dog Cody. 
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