#Someday I'll try getting into backgrounds again. Not today tho
chrysoprine · 7 months
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There's just something about them driving me crazy-
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iamthecomet · 9 months
Daily update on into the eyes of fire, on yesterday and on today
You‘re so right. Being a perfectionist for me often means that I will not do something at all. Having that mixed with executive dysfunction just doesn’t work out great most of the time.
I‘m happy to talk to you about it, thank you for the offer! I‘m so excited to finish the first chapter, because then I’ll be able to tell so much more
I‘m also very glad that the day was better for you, and that your keyboard works again. For me it was a lot better as well. I had two friends coming over (that also stayed with me for the night) and it was really nice. We managed to finish watching season two of the Witcher, complained about overpowered characters and bad writing together
Then my ADHD kicked in as the others got really tired (they have a nighttime routine that took soooo long, goodness. I‘m glad if I’m able to brush my teeth for 3 minutes). It was pretty funny tho (I put this TikTok sound with „more passion, more passion, more energy, more energy, more footwork…“ on, held the speaker in my hands and danced around (it was a lot of fun tbh. I missed having these random bursts of energy, often caused by having a lot of sugar). It also made me tired so I got to sleep after that
Yeah! Casual nudity ghouls are awesome (they also made me more comfy with nudity, to the point of me running around shirtless at home from time to time. Yesterday even when my friends were over (it was so fucking hot). Like, I was always pretty comfy with nudity, but not to that point)
I did indeed get some drawing done! I finished the third panel of four on the third page (I just need the backgrounds for those first three as well, but I wanna do them all at once)
Today I had a lot of work to do and technically still do, but I am beyond tired and just gave up. Tomorrow will be two checkups and I’m absolutely not ready for one, but I fucking can’t anymore. I‘ll just try with luck because honestly, there is no way in hell I’m able to function enough to do work right now (I’m already glad that I managed to eat something now because my bloodsugar is probably way too low and I think it’s the reason for why I feel so terrible (physically) right now, so I think I’ll look for a sugary drink as well)
I have a headache but I’m really hoping that I‘ll be able to draw for at least an hour now, and that I’ll possibly even finish the third page
I Hope your day was good/is good, and that you got some stuff done that you wanted to do!
~ @owlishanon
Yay progress!! You've done so much work on it this week! I've gotten almost nothing actually finished this week, but it's ok. Sometimes things are just like that. I have a crochet project I'm hoping to finish today. And someday I'll get back into a consistent writing schedule, but probably not today. And your night with your friends sounds so fun!! All of my close friends live at least an hour and a half away from me at this point. So I don't get to have those nights as often as I used to. I hope everything went/goes well today. That sounds stressful, but I'm sure you'll make it through. You've got this!!
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justaredheadf1fan · 2 years
First party hard of the Miami weekend
Hello there!
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I don't really know if I'll write that much today since I kinda didn't pay much attention? I got the gist of it tho, but honestly I was doing stuff while watching since listening to the idiotic Spanish commentators from DAZN was giving me nausea. Just disgusting and infuriating.
So, we got more whoring around today, this time it was Sir Lewis Hamilton's turn to leave his mark on our new favorite race weekend (or mine, at least, okay). He didn't have enough serving cunt yesterday, that he needed to add some thirst trap content along the way. These guys will kill me someday, I swear to God.
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Other than that, FP3 was more or less normal, if we can call it that, except for a couple things. First, Verstappen's close call, almost hitting the wall dead on. He braked nicely right before crashing.Car failure would've been nice today too, tho. Let's hope for tomorrow. The worst one was Esteban's crash, at the exact same spot where Carlos crashed yesterday. Funny enough, drivers have complained about that turn and surprise, surprise, who listens to drivers' feedback? Oh yeah, not the FIA. I truly hope he's okay to drive tomorrow, poor Este.
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But hey, let's complain about a particular driver's piercings, try to force him to take them out under threat of not letting him drive at all if he doesn't take them out and not say anything at all about the rest's jewelry whatsoever (wedding bands, chains, etc.). And all of this after taking 10 whole years to enforce one single rule ✌🏻
Anyway, Quali went on without incident thankfully, unlike yesterday and FP3 today. This track takes too much after Jeddah for my taste, it's not quite as bad buuuut it's still too similar, I think. I don't know. Plus, with all the incidents going on these last 2 days and the track being pretty shitty on its own (they had to re-pave last night some areas in the track), I mean... But so far this is the GP that keeps on giving so who am I to complain? I need to see if Charles whores around tomorrow too and makes my weekend almost perfect 😂
I barely watched Q1 and Q2, I only caught enough to see George and Kevin out in Q1, then Mick and Daniel out in Q2 and, finally, Lewis getting 6th and Demonic Sharl getting pole. That bastard flew like it was piece of cake. That last lap was actually pretty awesome, his so good, it's unbelievable the screech I let out when I saw he got pole 🤪 Now that I see again the picture that comes next, I laugh thinking about the challenge these 2 idiots have done over the week in Miami and the bromance seems funnier to me once more, look at them hahaha
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I'll be good tomorrow and write more thoroughly after the race, or at least something better/more detailed. It's 3:12am right now as I'm trying to finish this, after being distracted far too many times by SOA on the background. All in all, not paying attention to anything like the disaster I am 🥲 I'm so tired that I'm not even gonna proofread, so in the words of Negan (probably), excuse the shit out of my goddamn French and try to not take into account any butchery I might have committed here or there, please 🤣
Anyway, laters gators!
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