#Solius creatures
soliusss · 1 year
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misterewrites · 3 years
The Fallen’s Redemption (Welcome to the Underground!)
Hey everyone! E here with the newest chapter! sorry it took a while to get out, been a wild month but it looks like everything's calming down so hopefully everything comes out more consistently. I hope you are all well and enjoying the story. Feel free to share, comment and all that jazz. I'm trying to promote myself more. Feels weird. haha that's it for me. Stay safe, wear your mask, wash your hands, vaccinate if you can and take care of your love ones. Have a great week! E out!
If you like an easier way to read the story or even find out what the heck’s going on you can read the whole thing right here!
 --> https://archiveofourown.org/works/27814297/chapters/74835963
It was truly impressive how one moment could shift without warning. How the highest and lowest point in a singular instant in time could reverse and just keep going.
Archie wished for once in his life it went in his favor.
The mercenary knew Oliver and Abigail had succeeded when the room settled: crooked walls straightened, the hallways were no longer elongated stretches of void and he could hear Abigail’s voice from the other room.
The demon knew it too as it bruised skin failed to heal quickly, the smoke curled off its body longer and longer as Archie sunk holy arrow after holy arrow into its form. Its muscles seemed to deflect as Fen rained blow after brutal blow upon it. It was actually pretty disturbing if Archie was going to be honest but he knew better to give pity to a demon.
Archie loosen the arrow notched in his bow but kept a wary eye on their foe. It was time to leave. This demon was trapped in this prison for a reason and Archie was suspecting at the very least it was indestructible. Attempting to destroy it would be pointless and a weakened unkillable demon was still a threat.
Archie paused, unsure how to properly convey his message to the berserk Fen. He inched closer, practically stomping to make sure Fen didn’t whirl around in surprise and attack.
He tapped the paladin’s shoulder gently but Fen paid no him no mind. He cleared his throat but Fen just kept swinging away. Archie snarled, gripping Fen’s shoulder tightly and forcing him to turn.
“What!” Fen glared “Can’t you see I’m busy destroying this demon?”
‘You are serious?’ Archie let his annoyance slip onto his face. He was about pull the paladin away when he saw movement out of the corner of his eye.
The demon, even beaten and in pain, was deceptively quick. It’s elongated arm shot out, aiming for a weak point in the armor.
Archie did not like Fen. Archie thought Fen was unnecessarily combative and stand offish. Fen was a pain to work with and had never once played on a team.
But Archie couldn’t deny who he was.
That’s why he joined the King’s Guard when he lived on the surface.
He acted without thinking, pulling Fen away with as much strength as he could. The claws cut into Fen’s arm but drew little blood. Most of the blood the demon managed to spill came from Archie.
It was impossible to tell who acted quicker: Abigail, Oliver or even Fen.
The trio as acted one for the first time in the short while they knew each other: Oliver said nothing, opting to gesture with a middle finger towards the demon. It let out a pained shriek, reeling backwards as golden musical notes surrounded its head and a dissonance screech thundering in its ears. Fen swung backward, cracking the demon in the jaw and sent it sprawling towards the floor. Abigail raced forward, diving for Archibald's falling form.
For a lanky guy, he was heavier than Abigail was expecting. She barely managed to stop him from hitting the floor with a splat but found herself pinned under him as a result.
“Oh boy Archie” Abigail groaned, struggling to lift the mercenary “You got some weight on you.”
Archie gave a weak smile, his gaze unfocused and distant.
Abigail turned to call for Oliver but the bard was already there, carefully eyeing the wound.
“It’s not too bad” Oliver murmured to himself. He rolled his sleeves up, staining one red with the blood dripping from his hand “But we got to act fast. He’s going to bleed out we don’t get him fixed up.”
“Can you?” Abagail asked, trying her best to keep her voice calm.
Oliver didn’t answer. Instead he held a hand over the open wound, closing his eyes while muttering something under his breath.
The golden musical notes appeared once more and hovered over Archibald. A calming melody began to play as Oliver’s magic took hold. Oliver winced as his own wound knitted itself back together: pinkish skin reforming and sealed where he stabbed himself with the dagger. Archibald’s started to but something went wrong: A malicious energy poured from the wound, hungry and vicious. Oliver’s magic wavered and shimmered out of exist but the wound remained.
Oliver’s face paled, his lips curling into a snarl.
“Oh hell no!”
Oliver rose his hand once again, beads of sweat forming on his forehead as his magic reformed but once again the strange energy appeared and seemed to actively block the bard’s attempts to heal.
Oliver’s eyes grew manic “I am not letting someone else die! Curse or no curse.”
“Curse?” Abigail whispered as a chill ran down her spine “He’s been cursed.”
“A fucking demonic curse.” Oliver explained, frantically digging through his pack “Obviously my magic isn’t enough to break it.”
Abigail nodded numbly “We need holy magic.”
“Which we don’t have.” Oliver responded grimly “You have any thread?”
“I’m going to try to stitch him up. I’m hoping the curse is only focused on magical cures.”
“R-right.” Abigail’s hand moved on their own, reaching for her pack while she desperately tried to remember where she kept the thread. It wasn’t the easiest thing with one hand but the other was wrapped tightly around Archie’s body. Definitely not the smartest choice but she refused to let go of him.
Abigail’s hand shook as the nerves started to eat at her.
“Talk to me farm girl.” Oliver sounded far off “You need to stay focus.
She took a calming breath “Right. Right. Calm. Are you sure threads would work?”
“No” Oliver admitted “But I’m hoping they last long enough for us to get him to the capital. He needs a real cleric or paladin” he glared openly Fen’s back as the paladin continued his cruel attack on the demon “and we’re going to need every second. Dragging him out the house, up the slope and down the tunnel is going to be a challenge but we have to try.”
The air grew thick with tension, the only sounds were Abigail’s panicked search and thuds of Fen’s assault
“Die demon die!” Fen growled with a righteous fever “I will send you back from whence your came!”
Crunch, squish, crunch, squish, crunch. The repetitive noise of Fen’s wasted efforts.
Oliver tried to keep calm. Oliver tried to focus on the task hand. Oliver wanted nothing more than silence.
Oliver always had a poor control over his mouth.
Abigail stood, shocked at the rage and fury that filled Oliver’s shout.
Fen caught it too. He paused, turning away from his prey and eyed Oliver’s distastefully.
“You dare…?” Fen began, angrily stomping closer to the pair.
“You fucking right I dare!” Oliver shot to his feet, hands clenched to fists “You are joke and worse, not even a funny one. Just a pathetic washed out paladin who doesn’t even realize why his God abandoned him!”
Fen held Oliver’s lute in a deathly grip “I am warning you bard if you push me further….”
“You’ll what?” Oliver roared. He closed the distance and even Fen couldn’t help but take a step back “You’ll attack me? A fellow human? Not very holy of you.”
“What’s the point of killing monsters...” Oliver screamed, gesturing to the bleeding Archibald and fearful Abigail “...if there’s no one left to save when you’re done! What’s the point of punishing the wicked if good people have to die for it?”
Fen felt sick as realization washed over him. Young Archibald had gotten severely injured but he been so caught up in his fury he hadn’t realized what occurred.
“I….” Fen began weakly but Oliver wasn’t finished.
“Don’t.” Oliver spoke with an aura of finality “You made your choice. You chose your anger over your duty. If you regret the outcome, you should’ve thought about the choice more carefully. Abigail, thread.”
Abigail nodded and began searching for the elusive thread. Oliver turned away from the stunned paladin and pulled out a fine needle.
“Come on solider boy.” He spoke with a firm tone “You’re not dying on me. If you want to get paid, you’ll keep your breathing steady.”
Fen couldn’t hear what the others were saying. The guilt started to build in the pit of his stomach as his arms grew weak.
How could he fall so far? How could he forget his oath to the Solius, the god who saved his life and gave it meaning? How could he allow his anger, his bitterness poison his intention?
This god hadn’t abandoned him, he had abandoned his god.
He still remembered the quiet pride he shone with when he was anointed a paladin. A nobody from a town that no longer existed finally someone. A higher purpose.
The path to redemption is made by self sacrifice.
He thought it meant punishing the wicked creatures and enemies of Solius, giving his life to endless battle.
He closed his eyes in shame, unable to deny the truth of his failure any longer.
Fen’s eyes flinched as a light seemed to shine from nowhere. He opened his eyes expecting to find the irritating bard using his magic to annoy him further.
Instead he found a beautiful soft light emitting from his hands: an open palm and the weaponized lute glowed with an unearthly beauty.
He glanced towards the other but if they had seen the light, they made no indication of it. He could see the desperation in their actions: Abigail unspooling as much thread she could muster while Oliver threaded the needle in preparation for some makeshift surgery.
Fen looked at his hands once again and realized what Solius hadn’t left him. Not really. He always had been with the paladin but he was too blinded by resentment to notice. Now Solius was silently offering him the choice free of judgment.
What path will you choose: of peace or of war?
Fen was a warrior through and through. He was no healer, having never trained in such arts. He knew the path he chose when he swore himself to the god of redemption. A righteous blade on the mortal plane.
“Hey Archie” Abigail croaked, her voice hoarse with fear “It’ll be okay. Oliver’s just gonna shove a needle into your body.”
Archibald rolled his eyes sarcastically as if saying ‘oh fun’
Oliver pulled the thread to ensure it wouldn’t come loose “Sorry I don’t have medicine or anything to numb the pain or even proper experience but hey, what better way to learn new skills huh?”
Archibald shook his head in disbelief.
“I’ll do my best.” Oliver promised with a surprising amount of sincerity “Hopefully it will be enough.”
Oliver let out a frustrated groan “Seriously?! Now? Can’t you see that I’m about to perform…”
“Allow me.”
Oliver turned to Fen, surprised to see his lute placed carefully on the floor and the paladin’s hands open in peaceful surrender.
“Can you do it?”
“I believe so.”
Oliver moved, allowing Fen room to work. Fen took a deep breath and gently placed his hands onto the open wound. Archibald flinched but stayed as still as he could manage.
The malicious curse crept forth.
“Solius, lend me your power to save this life. It is not yet time.”
Abigail let out a gasp as a gentle light began to cover Fen’s hands. The curse stretched and thinned under the glow of holy magic, shrinking and shrinking before vanishing completely. Archibald relaxed as his wound began to close, skin stitching itself back together until no trace of the injury remained.
Fen let out a tired sigh “The path to redemption is made through self sacrifice.”
“Don’t start.” Oliver warned “Help me lift him up.”
Oliver spared a quick glance for the demon but it wisely chosen to retreat deeper into the house rather purse a one sided fight. Better live with a pain that would heal slowly than face the group’s wrath.
“I got him” Abigail spoke up quickly “I can do it.”
“Well you heard the lady.”
“There’s no sign of your beasts bard.”
“Not entirely true.” Oliver replied. He took note of the gnashed, clawed marks left upon the exterior of the house when they left.
Aside from the various scratch marks left all over the floor and outside of the walls, there was no sign of the mysterious creatures that chased them down the tunnel.
“That’s a lucky break” Oliver breathed in relief.
Archibald flipped off Oliver.
“Relatively.” Oliver corrected “How you feeling solider boy?”
Archibald shot him a glance that screamed ‘you seriously asking me that?’
“Force of habit. Sorry. Not sorry.”
The group stood at the mouth of the tunnel. With Fen’s help, they managed to get Archibald to the top with little trouble.
Abigail slowly approached the paladin “What will you do now?”
Fen paused, taking a moment to answer.
“I am not sure.” he admitted truthfully “As much as I despise your bard, he has given me much to think about.”
“I have that effect on people.” Oliver beamed with pride.
Abigail jabbed her elbow into his side.
Fen gave a light chuckle “Thank you bard. I still hate you though.”
Oliver gave a noncommittal shrugged “I hate you too but you don’t have to like someone to learn something from them.”
“I am not giving you that one.”
“Yeah that tracks.”
Fen turned to Archibald “Will you be alright? I can accompany you to Haven’s Nest if you wish.”
Archibald waved him off and gestured to Abigail with a flexing motion.
“Thanks!” Abigail smiled brightly.
Fen grinned “I understand and I apologize for my lack of….everything. I will work on that.”
Archibald nodded in understanding.
“Goodbye” Fen turned towards the path to West End “Abigail, Archibald take care. Bard I hope I never see you again.”
“Same here paladork!”
Abigail understood why Oliver chose the unexplored tunnel when they had been chased by the strange creatures: With Abigail carrying Archibald, it had taken the group an hour to reach the city gate. At full sprint it would’ve taken at least 20 minutes to reach but there was no way the group could’ve ran that length without the risk of tripping.
The city gate wasn’t too much different than the walls that surrounded Abigail’s hometown: Instead towering walls designed to be too tall to climb, it was a thick metal door built in the path of the tunnel mouth. There were a pair of guards stationed on their side of the wall, lazy and distracted.
“What happened to him?” one of the guards gestured to Archibald.
“A bad time. Gate closed?”
The other guard shook his head “Nah. We heard a commotion down the tunnel so we decided to shut it in case.”
Oliver nodded “Good call. Let us in?”
“Oi, I ask the questions. What’s your business in the capital?”
Abigail began to open her mouth but Oliver cut her off “Bard competition. They’re my roadies.”
“What’s a roadie?” One guard asked dumbly.
“My help. I’m a pretty big deal.”
The guards sneered “Sure big deal. Sing us something.”
Oliver looked at his fingernails “You can hear me sing at the competition. I don’t do free shows.”
“Fucking bards” the guard murmured under his breath as he knocked on the door with a booming thud.
Abigail could the creaking and groaning of clogs and springs and chains moving in unison. The door began to lift inch by inch. Abigail couldn’t help but lean forward, hoping to soak in her first experience at an underground city. However, instead of whatever she had been expecting, she found herself staring at a large circular cavern.
There were a few people about deep in conversion as well a handful of guards scattered around. Merchants calling in different tongues hoping to make a sale for their wares. On the far end was an identical metal door that no doubt led to the actual city. To either side the cavern walls that were covered with nonsensical graffiti: Phrases in various languages, different images in varying art styles.
“Processing?” Abigail asked with a tone of certainty.
“Yep. It’ll be a few minutes.” Oliver answered while he looked about.
Abigail shifted Archibald so he could be more comfortable “Did you want to sit?”
Archibald shook his head.
“Alright but if you get tired let me know.”
A thumbs up in response.
“Oliver….” Abigail whirled around only to find the bard scribbling some strange symbol among the mess of whatever what was on the wall “OLIVER!”
Oliver paid no mind to her, opting to finish whatever he was doing and making his way back to the other two.
Abigail rose an eyebrow “What was that about?”
“I like doodling. I get bored easily.”
“I was talking to Archie for like a second.”
“Bored.” Oliver repeated unhelpfully “Besides they magically clean the walls every night. Come on let’s get in line.”
True to Oliver’s word, it hadn’t taken long to get through the processing: The same questions asked by the guards in front, a quick magical scan from the cleric to ensure nothing demonic was entering, a search to see if anyone was carrying anything illegal. A few minutes had passed and the trio was waved through.
Archibald regained enough strength to walk on his own albeit slowly. The group was among a handful other people eagerly waiting for the gate to open when a guard had given them some strange item. It looked like two thin marshmallows.
“What is this about?” Abigail asked only to find Oliver and Archibald place the strange item into their ears. Having no choice, Abigail followed suit.
The gate slowly opened, pulling to the side instead upwards.
Abigail leaned forward, catching her first glimpse of Haven’s Nest.
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nova-friends · 7 years
@Squad: Have you ever had to deal with the Pixies?
Roman: No i don’t think so.
Missy: Hmm small tiny creatures with wings? no.
Viktor: umm......once but.....my sister had to bail me out.
Connor: No but i heard they can be real jerks.
*Jack, Nova and Sol look at each other*
Connor: guys? 
Nova: weeeeell
Sol: No, we swore a blood oath
Connor; blood oath?! JACK!
Jack: Why is it always me?!
Jack:...okay fair enough but this time it was the Diaz-Butterfly’s
Connor: (looks at Nova and Sol) Guys?
Nova; umm...
Sol: Sorry Connie, blood oath
Nova; Yeah, what Solius said. Blood oath. 
Connor:...you.....called him by his name.....I........what?
Jack: sorry not this time four eyes. 
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soliusss · 1 year
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Listening to malevolent while I clean the coops. Everyone say hi to Carcosa.
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soliusss · 1 year
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power went out. Startled her very badly since she was foraging on my carpet :-(
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soliusss · 2 years
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busy today acquiring another beast. I named him carcosa :-)
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soliusss · 1 year
merry Christmas enjoy my gay pigeons cuddling on their nest bc of the cold
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soliusss · 1 year
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Foul beast
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soliusss · 1 year
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Power went out again
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soliusss · 2 years
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my doves are afraid of two things
1. Their perches when I take them out to clean them
2. Their own feathers
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soliusss · 1 year
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carcosa attempted to befriend rosemary today. Was like 3% successful
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soliusss · 1 year
have fun on your break, hope you see some neat birds
I will try! Here’s my son btw
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soliusss · 2 years
post more bird pictures pls i love your pigeons 🙏
room beasts
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also bath time for the pigeons yesterday while I was cleaning
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soliusss · 2 years
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big wife there to protect him
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soliusss · 2 years
The shock and horror from cis people when I tell them that my pigeon Rosemary is a boy is unrivaled. It’s so fucking funny they all lose their minds for some reason. The incredulous “he’s a boy?” after I tell people his name. I don’t understand why. Maybe it’s cause I have lost any concept of gendered things but to me Rosemary doesn’t even sound feminine. Anyway he is a very handsome boy who is very good and likes getting violently petted
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soliusss · 1 year
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Meebe is embarrassing me in my German virtual class this morning where mics are required to be on by LOUDLY COOING whenever someone speaks (he does this every time I get on the phone with someone)
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