#Snoman and hecate
webcrawler3000 · 8 months
Consistency Agreement for Snoman and Hecate
This agreement outlines our understanding that it is not obligatory for us to have the same interests, tastes, preferences, or limits in our relationship. We acknowledge that just because one of us enjoys romantic comedies or sushi, it does not imply that the other must also share these preferences.
Additionally, we recognize that our behavior may vary from one situation to another, depending on personal vulnerabilities or circumstances. We understand that what may work for us on one day may not necessarily work on another, and we commit to accepting this reality.
Moreover, we mutually agree to grant each other the freedom to think, feel, or behave differently from day to day (within reasonable limits). We acknowledge that individual differences and personal growth can contribute positively to our relationship and respect each other's autonomy in this regard.
By entering into this consistency agreement, we aim to foster an environment where acceptance, understanding, and tolerance are upheld, recognizing that our individuality and divergence are essential aspects of our relationship.
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