graspwithmah · 11 months
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thepiyl-blog · 6 years
Sleepwalking Stories
My parents have told me many stories of when I have taken trips around the house completely asleep snoring away. The following are just some of my favourites.
The one that I have always found the creepiest but also the coolest (second to the Batman one of course) is something that only happened when I was 5-10 years old. My mom recalls many a night when she would wake up because she felt as though she was being watched. She was and it was my sleepy self staring at her from the foot of her bed. She said that I would stand there and stare at them, eyes wide open and staring into their souls. She has even went to the extent of saying it was like the girl from The Ring was standing at the end of her bed.
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My parents had to keep a baby gate on the stairs until I was almost 10 years old because even though I could see souls in my sleep I just couldn’t master the stairs. It started when they found me crying at the bottom of the stairs one night and I had no clue how I had gotten there. The reality was that I had walked in my sleep to the top of the stairs and then proceed to launch myself off the top step. I guess the possible concussion woke me up. That was the day that my parents put the baby gate up and it proceeded to be there for another five years.
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I am very surprised that I never learned how to climb over it, even though in the future I learned how to unlock a door and transform into Batman while sleepwalking. Oh well I guess there are just somethings we will never know and we just have to tolerate that uncertainty.  
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graspwithmah · 11 months
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