#Skin Care Clinic Coimbatore
01skincare · 6 months
The Benefits of Incorporating Natural and Organic Products into Your Skin Care Regimen
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Gentleness on the Skin: Natural and organic products often contain fewer harsh chemicals, synthetic fragrances, and artificial colors. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with sensitive skin, as these ingredients are less likely to cause irritation or allergic reactions.
Skin Clinic Coimbatore
Reduced Exposure to Harmful Chemicals: Conventional skincare products may contain potentially harmful chemicals such as parabens, sulfates, and phthalates. Organic products, on the other hand, are typically free from these chemicals, reducing your exposure to potentially harmful substances.
Nutrient-Rich Formulations: Natural and organic skincare products often utilize plant-based ingredients that are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids. These nutrients can nourish the skin, help maintain its health, and protect it from environmental damage.
Environmental Sustainability: Many organic skincare brands prioritize sustainability by using eco-friendly packaging, supporting ethical sourcing practices, and avoiding the use of ingredients that contribute to environmental harm. Choosing these products can align with environmentally conscious consumer choices.
Skin doctor in Coimbatore
No Synthetic Fragrances: Synthetic fragrances in conventional skincare products can be irritating to some individuals. Organic products often use natural essential oils for fragrance, which can provide a pleasant scent without the potential for skin irritation.
Cruelty-Free Practices: Many organic skincare brands are committed to cruelty-free practices, meaning they do not test their products on animals. This aligns with ethical and compassionate values, contributing to the well-being of both humans and animals.
Promotion of Overall Wellness: Natural and organic skincare is often seen as a holistic approach to skincare, promoting overall wellness. Ingredients such as herbal extracts and essential oils may have additional therapeutic properties that go beyond simple skin nourishment.
Reduced Environmental Impact: Organic farming practices tend to be more environmentally friendly, avoiding the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. Choosing organic skincare products supports sustainable agricultural methods, reducing the overall environmental impact.
Potential for Better Results: While results can vary from person to person, some individuals find that natural and organic skincare products can be just as effective, if not more so, than their conventional counterparts. This is particularly true for those with specific skin sensitivities or conditions.
Support for Ethical Brands:
By choosing natural and organic skincare, you may be supporting smaller, ethical businesses that prioritize transparency, sustainability, and a commitment to healthier skincare practices. Before incorporating any new products into your skincare routine, it's essential to consider your individual skin type and any specific concerns or conditions you may have. It's also a good idea to perform patch tests to ensure you don't have adverse reactions to any new ingredients.
Skin Care Clinic Coimbatore
Maintaining A Healthy and Vibrant Skin Tone is Often Linked To A Balanced Diet That Provides Essential Nutrients.
Fruits and Vegetables: Berries: Blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are rich in antioxidants that help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals.
Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, and Swiss chard provide vitamins A, C, and K, as well as folate, which contribute to skin health.
Vitamin C-Rich Foods-
Citrus Fruits: Oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes are high in vitamin C, which is crucial for collagen synthesis and skin elasticity.
Bell Peppers: These are also rich in vitamin C and contain antioxidants that support skin health.
Beta-Carotene Sources-
Carrots: Carrots are high in beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A, which is essential for skin health and may contribute to a healthy glow.
Sweet Potatoes: These are another excellent source of beta-carotene.
Healthy Fats-
Avocado: Rich in monounsaturated fats and vitamin E, avocados help moisturize and nourish the skin.
Fatty Fish: Salmon, mackerel, and sardines contain omega-3 fatty acids, which can contribute to skin hydration and reduce inflammation.
Nuts and Seeds-
Almonds: Almonds are a good source of vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant and helps protect the skin from oxidative stress.
Sunflower Seeds: These seeds are rich in vitamin E and selenium, both of which contribute to skin health.
Whole Grains-
Quinoa: A whole grain that provides protein, fiber, and important minerals for overall skin health.
Oats: Rich in beta-glucans, oats can help soothe irritated skin and provide anti-inflammatory benefits.
Protein Sources - 
Lean Poultry: Chicken and turkey provide protein, which is essential for skin repair and regeneration.
Beans and Legumes: Lentils, chickpeas, and black beans are good sources of protein and contain zinc, which supports collagen production.
Hydrating Foods: Water-Rich Fruits: Watermelon, cucumber, and oranges have high water content, contributing to overall hydration.
Cucumber: Known for its high water content, cucumber helps keep the skin hydrated.
Green Tea: Green tea is rich in antioxidants, particularly catechins, which may have protective effects on the skin.
Skin Specialist in Coimbatore
Dark chocolate: with high cocoa content contains flavonoids, which may contribute to skin hydration and protect against sun damage. However, moderation is key.
Remember that individual nutritional needs vary, and it's essential to maintain a balanced diet. Additionally, staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water is crucial for overall skin health and can contribute to a more radiant complexion. If you have specific concerns about your skin, it's advisable to consult with a dermatologist or a healthcare professional.
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vcareskinclinic · 7 months
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kevaskinclinic · 1 month
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renewplus2024 · 5 months
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kevahaircare · 5 months
How is hair transplant surgery done?
Deciding to get a hair transplant is a big choice that needs careful thinking and good research. In this guide, we’ll explore important things about hair transplants, like how much it costs, who can have it, and the different procedures. If you’re considering a hair clinic in Coimbatore, come along as we break down the details of this cosmetic surgery, giving you helpful information to make smart decisions.
Understanding Hair Transplant Costs
The financial aspect of a hair transplant is a crucial factor to consider. Hair transplant costs in Coimbatore can vary widely. Factors influencing these costs include the extent of hair loss, the chosen procedure, and the clinic’s reputation. For those considering this transformative journey, understanding these financial implications is paramount.
Who is a Suitable Candidate?
A hair transplant is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It is most suitable for individuals with permanent baldness, often hereditary. Understanding the nuances of eligibility is crucial, as the procedure may not be appropriate for those with other forms of hair loss, such as alopecia areata.
Preparation and Caution
Before diving into a hair transplant in Coimbatore, it’s essential to vet potential clinics. The clinic must meet the necessary standards. Be cautious when searching online, as some clinics pay for advertisements, potentially clouding unbiased information. For a reliable and trustworthy option, consider Keva Hair Care Clinic, ensuring all the necessary eligibility and standards are met for a successful and satisfying hair restoration journey.
Types of Hair Transplant Procedures
Understanding the intricacies of the two main types of hair transplant procedures — Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) — is crucial for making an informed choice. FUT involves removing a strip of skin from the back of the head, while FUE entails individual hair removal. Each method has its considerations, including scarring and recovery times.
Navigating the Recovery Process
Post-surgery care is vital for a successful hair transplant. Surgeons typically provide guidelines for the first few weeks, including precautions like limited exercise and gentle hair washing. The recovery timeline spans from the initial days of scabbing to the eventual growth of new hair. Understanding the process helps manage expectations and ensures optimal results.
Anticipating Side Effects
Every medical procedure comes with potential side effects. After a hair transplant at Keva Hair Clinics, expect a tight and swollen scalp, temporary scabbing, and minor scarring. Awareness of these common effects prepares individuals for what to expect during the initial stages of recovery.
Potential Complications and Risks
While hair transplants are generally safe, it’s crucial to be aware of potential complications, such as bleeding, infection, and allergic reactions to anesthesia. Surgeons should discuss these risks and their likelihood, assuring patients of swift treatment if issues arise. Additionally, understanding the possibility of the transplant not taking or noticeable scarring is essential for managing expectations.
Addressing Concerns and Seeking Solutions
Cosmetic surgery outcomes may not always meet expectations. Open communication with the clinic and treating surgeon is key in case of unexpected symptoms or dissatisfaction with results. Promptly addressing concerns ensures a proactive approach to problem-solving and enhances the overall experience.
Starting the process of getting a hair transplant is a big change that requires a lot of thought and understanding. People can confidently make decisions by learning about the costs, who can get it, the different procedures, recovery, and possible risks. If you’re looking into hair transplants, think about Keva Hair Care Clinic. They’re dedicated to doing a great job and ensuring patients are happy. Your journey to getting back your hair begins with making smart choices and getting the best care possible.
For those ready to embark on a transformative journey to restore their crowning glory, Keva Hair Care awaits. With a promise of unparalleled excellence, it is the beacon of hope for many.
Keva Hair Care
Address: No 424K 3rd Floor, Harmony Complex, Diwan Bahadur Rd, above ICICI Bank, above Pandiyan Medicals, R.S. Puram, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641002
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kevaclinics · 5 months
Free Doctor Consultation at Keva Skin and Hair Clinic, Coimbatore, for the Best Laser Hair Removal
Are you tired of the hassle of traditional hair removal methods and looking for a more permanent solution? Look no further! Experience the latest and most effective laser hair removal at Keva Skin and Hair Clinic in Coimbatore with our free chief doctor consultation.
Our expert team, led by Chief Doctor [Doctor’s Name] at Keva Skin and Hair Clinic, is dedicated to providing you with the best laser hair removal experience. Say goodbye to unwanted hair and hello to smooth, flawless skin.
Why Choose Keva Skin and Hair Clinic for Laser Hair Removal?
Expertise: Our Chief Doctor, at Keva Skin and Hair Clinic, brings years of experience and expertise in laser hair removal, ensuring you receive the highest quality care.
Cutting-edge Technology: At Keva Skin and Hair Clinic, we use state-of-the-art laser technology to deliver precise and long-lasting results tailored to your unique needs.
Personalized Consultation: Schedule your free consultation with Chief Doctor [Doctor’s Name] at Keva Skin and Hair Clinic to discuss your goals, address any concerns, and create a personalized treatment plan.
Safe and Painless: Our laser hair removal procedures at Keva Skin and Hair Clinic are safe, virtually painless, and suitable for all skin types.
Affordable Packages: Keva Skin and Hair Clinic offers competitive and transparent pricing, with packages designed to fit your budget.
Take the first step towards smoother, hair-free skin today. Book your free chief doctor consultation at Keva Skin and Hair Clinic, Coimbatore. Don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity to achieve the confidence and beauty you deserve.
Keva Skin and Hair Clinic Address: No:93, 1st Floor Sri, Narasimha Chambers, West, Thiruvenkatasamy Rd W, opposite Style Union, R.S. Puram, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641002
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bonitaaclinic · 1 year
Looking for a Highly Rated Skin Specialist in Coimbatore? Here’s What You Need to Know
Looking for a highly rated skin specialist in Coimbatore? Look no further! We’ve got you covered.
But before you go ahead and book that appointment, there are a few things you need to know.
First of all, what type of specialist are you looking for? There are dermatologists, cosmetic surgeons, trichologists and more. Do your research and find the best doctor for your needs.
Secondly, make sure you ask around. Word-of-mouth is always a great way to find out if a business is reputable or not. Ask your friends and family if they’ve had any good (or bad) experiences with local clinics.
Finally, take into account your budget. Some clinics charge more than others, so it’s important to find one that suits your needs and your wallet.
We hope this article helps you find the best skin clinic in Coimbatore!
Finding the Best Skin and Hair Care Doctors in Coimbatore
Before you go and book your first appointment with the first clinic and doctor that you find, it’s important to do your research. After all, you’re entrusting them with your skin – the largest organ of your body!
So how do you find the best skin doctors in Coimbatore? There are a few things that you can do:
1. Ask around for recommendations. Word-of-mouth is always a great way to find quality service.
2. Check online reviews. There are plenty of websites (such as Google, Facebook, and justdial) where people can write reviews about their experiences with clinics and doctors.
3. Schedule a consultation. This is a great way to get to know the clinic and the doctor, and see if they’re the right fit for you.
What to Look for in a Skin Care Clinic
When looking for a skin specialist, it’s important to find one that is highly rated and has a lot of experience. But what else should you look for in a skin care clinic?
First, the clinic should be clean and organized. Second, the staff should be friendly and welcoming. Third, the clinic should offer a wide range of services, from laser hair removal to anti-aging treatments. Finally, the clinic should be affordable and convenient.
If you’re looking for a highly rated skin specialist in Coimbatore, look no further than the bonitaa skin and hair care. They offer a wide range of services at an affordable price, and we’re conveniently located in the heart of the city. So what are you waiting for? Contact us today to schedule your appointment!
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technuter · 2 years
Siemens Healthineers collaborates with students and startups to advance healthcare
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Team Phoenix with students from Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore were the winners of first Siemens Healthineers SHIFT healthcare hackathon. Team BEES with students from Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, and AI Hacks for fun with students from The Northcap University, Gurgaon won the second and third place. The hackathon was held exclusively for students and budding start-ups to advance healthcare with innovation and technology. Over 300 teams participated in the hackathon, which focused on three themes - Access to Care, Digitally Enabled Services, and Smart Fluoroscopic Imaging. After rigorous evaluation, 12 teams were shortlisted for the in-person event at the Siemens Healthineers Technology Center in Bengaluru. 10 student teams and two start-ups worked around the clock for 24 hours to develop and demonstrate working prototypes of their novel ideas. Phoenix from Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore won Rs. 5 lakhs for their prototype on Indigenous Noninvasive glucometer Team BEES from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore won Rs. 3 lakhs for their Affordable Neonatal Deafness Screener AI Hacks for Fun from The Northcap University, Gurgaon won Rs. 1 lakh for their product idea Assessment of Human Skin Burn using Deep Learning and Transfer Learning Techniques The shortlisted teams got opportunities to interact with senior business leaders, subject matter experts, and clinical professionals from Siemens Healthineers to take their ideas forward. The participants were also able to explore internship and collaboration opportunities. Sharing his thoughts on the hackathon, Dileep Mangsuli, Head of the Development Center, Siemens Healthineers, said “It was exciting and refreshing to see students and start-ups experimenting with new thinking and racing against the clock to realize their novel ideas. The hackathon captures the essence of SHIFT (Siemens Healthineers Innovation Ecosystem) by accelerating innovation through collaboration beyond borders. Harnessing the potential of young talent is a key to constantly bringing breakthrough innovations to market – for the benefit of patients, medical professionals, and society.” The Siemens Healthineers SHIFT hackathon is an annual event that aims to build bridges and open new creative forums, in addition to their existing research and development initiatives. Siemens Healthineers SHIFT, the companies’ innovation ecosystem, is driven by the New Ambition phase of the Siemens Healthineers Strategy 2025 that addresses the greatest opportunities in healthcare: fighting the most threatening diseases, enabling efficient operations, and expanding access to care. Siemens Healthineers SHIFT connects people, resources, and tools in one comprehensive ecosystem, enabling collaboration beyond borders and accelerating innovation globally. Through Siemens Healthineers SHIFT, the organization seeks to harness the collective expertise both inside and outside of Siemens Healthineers. Read the full article
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tech-network · 2 years
cryo surgical treatment  and ambulatory surgery in bangalore
Hemorrhoids, often known as piles, are enlarged veins in the lower rectum and anus that resemble varicose veins. Internal haemorrhoids, which appear under the skin around the anus, are haemorrhoids that form inside the rectum (external hemorrhoids). Nearly three out of every four adults will get haemorrhoids occasionally. There are numerous causes of haemorrhoids, however frequently the cause is not known.
cryo surgical treatment
In order to eradicate cancerous cells and aberrant tissue, a procedure known as cryosurgery uses extremely freezing temperatures created by liquid nitrogen or argon gas. It is a local treatment, meaning it is focused on a particular area of your body. Both skin tumours and some tumours inside the body can be treated using cryosurgery.
Ambulatory surgery
Modern healthcare facilities called ambulatory surgery centres, or ASCs, are dedicated to offering same-day surgical care, including diagnostic and preventive procedures. ASCs, which have a proven track record of providing high-quality treatment and successful patient outcomes, have altered the outpatient experience for millions of Americans by giving patients a more convenient option to hospital-based outpatient operations.
Piles treatment hospital in bangalore
In order to offer straightforward, outpatient surgical treatment for common anorectal illnesses such piles, haemorrhoids, and fissure-in-ano, the Piles & Proctology Clinic, Mysore, was founded in 1991. One of the most reputable piles and proctology clinics in Bangalore, we later expanded to the cities of Bangalore and Coimbatore.
Fistula indicates chronic process of Perianal abscess which is an acute Inflammatory event. It is defined as abnormal communication between any two Epithelium-lined surfaces. Fistula-In-Ano is an abnormal tract or cavity communicating with the rectum or anal canal by an identifiable internal opening. Sharada surgery & Cryo Surgery center provides the best cryo surgical treatment in Mysore for fistula-in-ano.
Bleeding and prolapse, bright red blood dripping into and splashing around the pan after bowel action suggests hemorrhoids. Swelling of cushion in the anal canal which disrupts a smooth flow of the bowel action.
Bleeding is more of a problem in younger patients as the sphincter tone is higher, and it may occasionally cause anaemia. At Sharada surgery & Cryo Surgery center, we provide the most advanced ambulatory surgery in Bangalore. The patient does not require an overnight hospital stay.
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kaizenoncology1 · 2 years
Dr. Satish Pawar
Dr. Satish Pawar
Senior Consultant and Head of Surgical oncology - CARE Hospitals, Hyderabad
Dr. Satish Pawar
His areas of surgical expertise encompass diverse specialties like Head and neck cancers (Except skull base surgery), genitourinary cancers (Except prostate cancer), GI- and Gynec-oncology cancers, Skin and soft tissue sarcomas, and breast oncology including oncoplastic surgeries.
Dr Satish Pawar, senior consultant and Chief of Surgical Oncology and best Robotic Surgeon in Hyderabad has surgical expertise in Cancer of Head and neck, genitourinary, GI, Gynec-oncology, Skin and soft tissue, and breast oncology.
He has exceptional expertise in performing laparoscopic surgeries and Hyper-thermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy for (HIPEC) abdominal cancers.
Phone Number: 9154143858
My Qualifications
MBBS, MBBS - MGM Medical College - Aurangabad
General Surgery, M.S - General Surgery - JJM Medical College, Davangere
Surgical oncology, DNB - Surgical Oncology - Prince Aly Khan Hospital, Mumbai
Special training, Fellowship - minimal Access surgery (FMAS)
minimal Access surgery, Fellow of association of surgeons of India (FAIS)
Senior resident in surgical oncologist , MNJ Cancer Institute,Hyderabad
Observer ship in department of surgical oncology , Tata Memorial Hospital,Mumbai
Senior research fellow - Thoracic Services - GI Oncology and HPB surgery Departments, Tata Memorial Hospital,Mumbai
Consultant surgical oncologist & DNB clinical coordinator , Basavatarakam Indo-American Cancer Hospital & Research Institute, ,Hyderabad
Senior Consultant - Surgical Oncologist , Citizens Hospital/American Oncology Institute,Hyderabad
National Academy of medical sciences (MNAMS)
Research Presentation
State conference - Mangalore: Management of Esophageal Varices by Upper G.I. Endoscopy in our set up.
CME - JJM Medical College - Oral Presentation- Gastrointestinal stromal tumour
CME - JJM Medical College: Oral Presentation- HIV in surgical management.
Annual post graduate training program, Bangalore: Best Case presentation on carcinoma breast
NATCON 2015, Bhubaneswar
Presentation on Laparoscopic Radical Hysterectomy- our Institution experience
Video presentation on nerve sparing radical Hysterectomy
Amasicon 2015, Mumbai
Laparoscopic surgery for carcinoma rectum - single Institution study
Video presentation on laparoscopic APR
GEM 2015, Hyderabad: Abstract presentation
NATCON 2016, Jodhpur
Video of Laparoscopic APR
IAGES 2017, Hyderabad: Video presentation on Laparoscopic Assisted Right Hemicolectomy
NATCON 2015, Bhubaneswar - 2nd Best video presentation
Colorectal conference (ACRSICON) 2017, Coimbatore:
Laparoscopic Anterior resection with intracorporeal anastomosis
ICC (Indian Cancer Congress) 2017, Bangalore
Best Paper Award for Minimally invasive Esophagectomy- Single Institutional Experience
Second prize for Video presentation
NATCON 2015, Bhubaneswar - Second best video presentation
NATCON 2015, Bhubaneswar - Paper presentation on our experience laparoscopic radical hysterectomy – 300 cases at
International Conference- SSO 2018, Chicago: Poster presentation
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01skincare · 9 months
Scar Treatment & CO2 Fractional Laser
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Scar treatment aims to improve the appearance, texture, and overall quality of a scar. Scars can result from various causes, including injuries, surgeries, burns, or medical conditions. While it's challenging to completely erase a scar, several methods and treatments can help minimize their visibility and promote better healing. Here are some common scar treatment options:
1. Topical Treatments:
   - Silicone Gel or Sheets: These are often used to soften and flatten raised scars, such as keloids and hypertrophic scars.
   - Scar Creams: Over-the-counter or prescription creams containing ingredients like onion extract, vitamin E, or corticosteroids may help improve the appearance of scars.
   - Medicated Dressings: Specialized dressings, like those containing silicone, can be applied directly to the scar to reduce its visibility.
2. Minimally Invasive Procedures:
   - Laser Therapy: Laser treatments can target blood vessels or the top layer of skin to reduce redness, discoloration, and smooth the texture of scars.
   - Microdermabrasion: This exfoliation technique removes the top layer of skin, helping to improve the texture of scars.
   - Chemical Peels: Chemical solutions are applied to the skin to remove damaged layers and promote smoother skin.
   - Microneedling: Tiny needles create controlled micro-injuries, stimulating collagen production and helping scars fade.
Skin Clinic Coimbatore
3. Surgical Procedures:
   - Scar Revision: In some cases, surgical revision can be performed to improve the appearance of a scar. This involves cutting out the old scar and rejoining the skin in a more aesthetically pleasing way.
   - Z-plasty or W-plasty: These are specialized surgical techniques used to reposition scars and make them less noticeable.
   - Skin Grafting: In cases of extensive scarring, skin can be taken from another area of the body and transplanted to cover the scar.
4. Injections:
   - Corticosteroid Injections: These injections can reduce inflammation and flatten keloid or hypertrophic scars.
   - Fillers: Dermal fillers can be used to raise depressed scars, making them less noticeable.
5. Pressure Garments:
These tight-fitting garments are often used for burn scars to reduce the thickness and improve their appearance.
6. Massage:
Gentle massage of the scar tissue can help break up collagen fibers and improve circulation, potentially making the scar less noticeable.
Skin doctor in Coimbatore
7. Home Remedies:
Some individuals find relief from natural remedies like aloe vera gel, honey, or vitamin E oil. While these may not provide drastic results, they can be soothing and may help with scar management.
It's important to note that the effectiveness of scar treatment can vary depending on factors such as the type of scar, its size, location, and the individual's skin type. Additionally, scars may continue to improve over time naturally, so patience is often necessary. Consult with a dermatologist or plastic surgeon to discuss the best scar treatment options for your specific situation. They can provide personalized recommendations and guidance on the most suitable approach to address your scars.
CO2 Fractional Laser
CO2 fractional laser is a medical and cosmetic laser technology used for a variety of skin treatments. It works by delivering a precise and controlled beam of laser energy to the skin's surface. The term "fractional" refers to the fact that the laser beam is divided into many tiny, evenly spaced microbeams, which only affect a fraction of the skin's surface area at a time. This approach allows for more controlled and targeted treatment, as well as faster recovery compared to traditional CO2 lasers.
Here are some common uses and benefits of CO2 fractional laser treatments:
Skin Resurfacing:
CO2 fractional lasers are often used for skin resurfacing procedures. They can effectively treat fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, and uneven skin texture by removing the top layers of damaged skin and stimulating collagen production, which helps in skin rejuvenation.
Scar Reduction:
This laser technology is also used to reduce the appearance of scars, including acne scars and surgical scars. By promoting collagen remodeling and tissue regeneration, CO2 fractional lasers can help improve the texture and color of scars.
Skin Care Clinic Coimbatore
Pigmentation Issues: 
It can be used to target and reduce the appearance of pigmentation problems like sun spots, freckles, and melasma. The laser energy breaks down excess melanin in the skin, leading to a more even skin tone.
Warts and Skin Lesions:
CO2 fractional lasers can be used to remove benign skin growths, warts, and certain types of skin lesions by precisely vaporizing the affected tissue.
Tightening Loose Skin:
The heat generated by CO2 fractional lasers can stimulate collagen production and help tighten loose or sagging skin, making it a popular choice for non-surgical skin tightening procedures.
Downtime: While CO2 fractional laser treatments can provide significant results, they often require some downtime for recovery. The treated skin will be red, swollen, and may peel for several days to a few weeks, depending on the depth and intensity of the treatment. After this initial recovery period, the skin should gradually improve in texture and appearance.
Multiple Sessions:
In many cases, multiple sessions are needed to achieve the desired results. The exact number of sessions required depends on the specific skin issue being treated and the intensity of the laser used.
Skin Specialist in Coimbatore
If you are considering CO2 fractional laser treatment, it's essential to consult with a qualified dermatologist or plastic surgeon. They will assess your skin's condition, discuss your goals, and determine the most appropriate treatment plan for you.
CO2 fractional laser technology has advanced over the years, offering a range of options with varying levels of intensity and downtime. It's essential to have a thorough discussion with a healthcare professional to understand the potential risks and benefits associated with the procedure and to determine if it's suitable for your specific needs.
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Fissure-in-ano treatment in banglore
An anal fissure is a small tear in the thin, moist tissue that lines the anus (mucosa). When you pass hard or large stools during a bowel movement, you may develop an anal fissure. Anal fissures are known to cause pain and bleeding during bowel movements.
Anal fissures are most common in newborns, but they can occur at any age. The majority of anal fissures heal with simple treatments such as increased fibre intake or sitz baths. Some people with anal fissures may require medication or, in rare cases, surgery.
Pain, sometimes severe, during bowel movements
Pain after bowel movements that can last up to several hours
Bright red blood on the stool or toilet paper after a bowel movement
A visible crack in the skin around the anus
A small lump or skin tag on the skin near the anal fissure
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Causes of Anal Fissures
Anal fissures are formed when your anal canal is put under extreme pressure or stretched, causing a rip or tear to form, making it uncomfortable and painful. Anal fissures are caused by the following:
Frequent bowel movements
Giving birth
Anal cancer
Anal infections
Anal tumors
Treatment Tight anal sphincter is cut on the side of the anal canal through a pinhole called Closed Sphincterotomy, done under local anesthesia. Relief is felt almost immediately.
Fissure-in-ano treatment in banglore:
Sharada Surgery and Cryo Surgery Center, started in 1991 with the aim to provide simple, outpatient surgical treatment for common anorectal diseases like Piles or Hemorrhoids and Fissure-in-ano.
Since then we have been running regular out-patient treatment clinics in Mysore, Bangalore, and Coimbatore. Response from the patients, referring family physicians and surgical colleagues was excellent. 
Pilesfissure is the top piles hospital in Mysore for Best cryo surgical treatment, ambulatory surgery, Fissure-in-ano treatment in Mysore, Bangalore. provide best Fissure-in-ano treatment in banglore.
Medisync is a network of trusted neighbourhood hospitals that provide high-quality, comprehensive medical care that is tailored to your specific needs. At medisync, we provide trusted and experienced doctors who use cutting-edge surgical technology at a reasonable cost. You can seek treatment at any medisync hospital in your area. We provide both immediate appointment confirmation and online consultations. Our hospitals accept all insurance plans. Furthermore, we provide a streamlined insurance claim process, and our care managers handle all paperwork for you. We even provide our surgery patients with 0% interest EMI.
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kevaskinclinic · 1 month
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Best Skin Clinic in Coimbatore
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tajskincare-blog · 5 years
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Laser Skin and Hair Clinic in Coimbatore:
Laser skin care clinic is one of the best hair care and skin care clinic in Tatabad, Coimbatore. Expert in offering most advanced laser technologies to treat skin and hair problems. Most preferred laser skin and hair clinic in Coimbatore mastered in providing laser treatments more than a decade.Dr. Thaj is a Cosmetic Dermatologist (Skin Doctor) & Laser Surgeon, who introduced numerous laser treatments in India. Dr. Thaj and a team of Dermatologists consult patients at Laser Skin & Hair Clinics located in Thalassery, Chennai, Coimbatore, Pondicherry, Ooty, Palani and Pollachi.
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aakashk7921 · 3 years
Ramakrishna has one of the best Dermatologists in Coimbatore, India. We have a team of top Skin Specialists in India who can cure all Dermatology diseases including hair, skin, nails, black head, acne etc.
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