#Since I haven’t played it in so long the bullshit mechanics are driving me NUTS
shima-draws · 2 years
SHOUTS I’m replaying PSMD right now and honestly going through this I really, truly think that PMD Sky is the Perfect Game. The game ever, if you will.
Things I’ve noticed playing PSMD and comparing it to PMD2:
-It takes Eight Years just to get through one dungeon seriously why the FUCK does it take me 15 minutes just to get through three floors. I can scale three floors in PMD2 in under a minute the pacing in the dungeons is just SO much better. Also the wild Pokemon feel way more balanced regarding actual appearance? In PSMD it’s like every time I turn a corner there’s an enemy Pokemon it’s never ending I cannot catch a break ever
-PSMD has that garbage feature where moves get “powered up” the more you use them. The issue with this is that base moves absolutely suck ass AND their accuracy is god awful so I’ll miss like 3 or 4 attacks in a row. Why. WHY is it this bad. It should not be this bad. Moves had a way more reliable accuracy in PMD2 and you could power them up by choice so their base power was already good from the beginning
-More about pacing, the actual story…takes so long to get started…I’m fairly certain that you spend more time in Serene Village in school than you do at the Expedition Society, which is supposed to be the main catch of the game. You barely ever get to explore on your own until like. Post game. AND the fact that the story forces you to proceed, there’s not a lot of times where you can stall and go to dungeons to stock up on items or grind some levels. In PMD2 you can do whatever the fuck you want and go wherever you want (within reason) and stall out the main game for as LONG as you want. AKA me grinding levels until I’m 15 above where I should be at that point in the game, which I enjoy bc I’m a sucker who loves being overpowered and absolutely dominating boss fights.
-PSMD’s recruiting system…the concept is cool but the execution is reeeally bad. The fact that you can only recruit ONE of each Pokemon and that they aren’t always readily available when you need them? Logically it makes sense but as a gameplay mechanic it’s so terrible, I don’t want to have to wait a day to get the member I want to use or rearrange my team bc someone is out for the day;; PMD2…okay you get my point right you can recruit as many of the same Pokemon as you want in PMD2 and take them with you whenever you want
Anyway I love PSMD so very much but GOD it has a lot of flaws. Meanwhile PMD2 my beloved who’s never done anything wrong in its life ever and continues to be the pinnacle of all PMD games. My original thought was that nothing could ever compare to PMD2’s plot but now I’m starting to think it’s the same for its game mechanics as well lol
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emathevampire · 6 years
the first 10 of the OC asks for Kihyue and Amanthos (my two favs to read about)
OH BOY ahhhh thanks for the ask! I love these boys and talked too much, oops. Okay, so, long series of answers under the cut here. Sorry this took me so long! Kíhyué is Amanthos’ hero, he trained hard to try and be just like the best demon hunter in the world so as a result they’ve both got very similar D&D stat spreads and builds (Amanthos is 6/20/-/30/11/14,Kíhyué is 10/20/8/30/14/6)... and they’re both know-it-all nerds who are stronger than they look.
Read on to hear about their voice, smile, achievements, insecurities and shortcomings, coping mechanisms, theme songs, favourite foods, and fashion sense (or rather, lack thereof).
1: their voice Kíhyué speaks softly, in a low monotone littered with archaic phrasing, bitter sarcasm, and deadpan snark. The only emotions it ever shows are salt, grief, grumpiness, disdain, and on rare occasions, that “passionate professor” voice breaks out of its cage when something excites him. He speaks so many languages and has travelled so extensively that his accent is impossible to decipher as it is many blended together, but the absence of contractions from his vocabulary is a dead giveaway to his race, first language, and country of origin. Think about how Vulcans in Star Trek usually talk, and you’ve got a pretty good idea of how he sounds.Amanthos is also Kamatian and a master of linguistics so his mannerisms and accent are similar to Kíhyué’s, but his voice is higher pitched, louder, and has the full spectrum of inflections and emotions. Kíhyué swears frequently (with such colourful things as “cyfr t’n ejj” and “nq’ytaar-ath”), but Amanthos is more reserved by human standards when under stress and usually only slips up with contractions and slurred words, which as far as their native tongue is concerned is a worse offense than an F-bomb.
2: their smile Kíhyué’s got great teeth, they’re surprisingly straight and intact for someone who’s spent their entire life getting the shit kicked out of them, but the scars on his face twist a grin into an awkward half grimace, and no matter what his mouth looks like the emotion in his eye is almost never matching (in fact, there’s rarely any). He’s seen with a pretty much perpetual scowl, Psamion jokes that he can’t laugh more than once or twice a century or he’ll explode… but that’s not entirely true. He just only sees Psamion a few times a century. The closest he usually gets is a Spock-ish smirk or a raised eyebrow, and even that’s a rare occurrence.Amanthos, on the other hand, tends to wear his heart on his sleeve and will beam with glee for hours if someone shows him a weird bug or asks him about quantum physics. He grins like an idiot with his whole damn face getting into it, he has the opposite of the resting bitch face problem (unless he’s reading). He might be dead but his eyes have infinitely more life and spark in them thanKíhyué’s one does.
3: their greatest achievement For Kíhyué, making his sword and fleeing his homeland to become the world’s greatest demon hunter and a hero to the common people. For Amanthos, it was meeting his hero Kíhyué before getting turned into an uncommon person for science and chucked out of their universe to go explore the multiverse.
4: their insecurities oh god, where do I even start with Kíhyué? I mean it all comes down to him believing he’s cursed because his mother died giving birth to him, and that because his birth caused death no amount of good deeds done or other lives saved can make his existence worthwhile. So basically, feeling worthless and evil, which is amplified every time he fails.Amanthos’ problem mostly comes down to him being hyper-lawful, so every time he makes a mistake he feels dirty and dishonourable and beats himself up about it. He literally keeps a list of every “crime” he’s committed, even though most of them are accidents that people have already told him not to worry about.
5: their shortcomings Kíhyué is terrible at talking to people, he hates governments and laws because they get good people hurt and prevent him from helping where he’s needed. So he’s frequently breaking the rules for the greater good, and is utter garbage at getting himself out of trouble when (there’s no if, it’s just an inevitable WHEN) he gets caught. So he’s spent a lot of time in jail, escaping jail, and living on the run. It doesn’t matter how many aliases he tries, it’s impossible to disguise his features, and he has the charisma of a rock that’s too smart for its own good. He has that Sherlockian problem of being impatient with those of “lesser intellect” to his own, and frequently says a lot of rude bullshit that gets him in trouble because his tongue, unlike Amanthos’, is more often than not a tactless blunt instrument that doesn’t care who it injures so long as it gets its point across.The shortcomings of Amanthos can generally be summed up as vanity and an overwhelming need for control, even when controlling a situation is impossible. He does not do well in a party where every single member except for himself is chaotic. The half-minotaur is at least a good person who’s easy to direct. Everyone else? He wishes he could say they drive him to drink, but drinking doesn’t even help.
6: how they deal with grief Short answer? Not well. Kíhyué tends to run away from it, literally. Maybe he’ll come back to it in another 300 years or so, in the hopes that everyone else will have forgotten it or forgiven it, because if they have, maybe so can he. Amanthos really hasn’t HAD much grief. Like, he had a relatively happy childhood, all his family and friends are alive and they parted on good terms... the only time he was really confronted with that emotion was when Danae played his funeral dirge and he was finally hit with the permanency of his actions. So I think for now he’s mostly just afraid of it. He knows he’ll fail to protect someone, or he’ll outlive someone he cares about eventually, and he’s got no clue what that will do to him... so he’s scared of what that will be like.
7: how they like to dress they have both worn roughly the same things for thousands of years.Kíhyué wears long black leather trousers, black knee-high soft soled pull-on boots, a white and grey linen button up shirt with a high collar that fits snugly. Covered by a padded, embroidered gambeson and scale shirt, scale and leather gloves, black leather sword belt and sheath, sword, dagger, boot knife. Long hooded grey travelling cloak. He made all of this himself.Amanthos has worn the same monk robes since he received them about a millenium ago, along with a tattered messenger back, soft leather boots and gloves, and the holy symbol of his god of time and knowledge.
8: what they like to eat Amanthos eats whatever is most aesthetically pleasing and within reach. He doesn’t really have much of a preference since he considers food a “distracting but unfortunately necessary evil.” But he does like teas, mushrooms, and fish soups, they’re comforting and remind him of home.Kíhyué, by contrast, loathes seafood, fish especially (it’s actually a pretty severe trigger for him), and gets grumpy when Arekos tries to serve him things of little to no Real Nutritional Value™. He likes mince pies and rabbit stews, and hearty grain breads with lots of seeds and nuts, smothered in clotted cream if he can get his hands on it.
9: their theme still a WIP, I haven’t found the perfect ones for them yet...Kíhyué: In My Sword I Trust, Ensiferum. The Cave, Mumford and Sons. Save Yourself, I’ll Hold Them Back, My Chemical Romance.Amanthos: Lullaby of the Crucified, Alesana. Dead!, My Chemical Romance. Heroes Of Our Time, Dragonforce.
10: their fashion sense these fucking idiots don’t have any. Kíhyué thinks fashion is overrated, and Amanthos is a useless gay who belongs to an order of librarian monks who believe that dust is sacred. Arekos is the one with the extensive couture wardrobe, which he periodically lends to Amanthos, but will NEVER share withKíhyué because he knows anything he borrows will get tracked through mud, dragged through hell, ripped, torn, possibly incinerated, definitely smothered in demon entrails and gryphon shit, and likely never returned. Also,Kíhyué is a whole foot taller than he is and a completely different build, so why would he waste time and money on alterations when he knows it’s just going to be ruined?
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