#Should I tag Toshio? It is a cute Toshio moment
denkimystery · 3 years
Denki Mystery Series - 2nd Episode: 『Character*』
ー Akashika Station Platform, Noon
Hajime: It’s so hot. You said you didn’t want to see me off. … Will the store be ok?
Takashi: Well, I’m free. So. You know.
Hajime: Oh, I see.
Takashi: Business is fluctuating tho~uugh.
Hajime: Ah… Sorry. Can you handle it? I’m not good at worrying about people.
Takashi: Well, it’s so-so. I have an aunt you know. She wants me to keep the store running.
Hajime: I see, so it’s all good then. I’m glad you have an aunt, that’s good to hear.
Takashi: The resident police officer comes by to eat some donuts. They’re just pancake mix that I fried up though, hehe!
Hajime: I didn’t know they were made with pancake mix. They tasted so good. … So, will I be able to fly?
Takashi: Hey, the officer being able to fly has nothing to do with my donuts!
Takashi: Seriously, Shisaka-san you were making a joke with such a straight face? … Fufufu.
Hajime: Just Hajime is fine.
Takashi: Alright, hehehe.
Karatsugu: Phew, … most of the vending machines here are sold out. Here, have one. It’s hot.
[[Karatsugu hands Takashi a can, it’s started to sweat.]]
Takashi: Eh, me? Th-thank you. … Eh!? Beer!?
Karatsugu: It was the only one they had left. Here, you too.
Karatsugu opens the other can of beer and hands it to Hajime.
Hajime: Ah, thanks.
Karatsugu opens his own can,
Karatsugu: Ah, bubbles!
And takes a big gulp.
Karatsugu: Phew!
Takashi follows suite and takes a gulp
Takashi: Phew~! Delicious!
Hajime: Mm, it’s cold and delicious.
Karatsugu: It’s coming.
Hajime: … Ah… the train.
The sound of the train riding the tracks fill the station as the train approaches the platform.
Takashi: Well, have a safe trip big brothers. Thanks for the beer.
Karatsugu: See you soon.
Hajime: Yeah, see ya.
The doors close after Karatsugu and Hajime step into the train.
Karatsugu: …….
Hajime: …….
Karatsugu: …… What a peaceful landscape. I can’t believe we went through a horrible experience, it’s like a dream.
Hajime: … You’re right. Ah… Look. … A paper bag waving in the fields.
…… -chimatsu-niisan!……
…… -ramatsu-niisan!……
…… -ye-bye!……
Karatsugu: Heh. Are you alright? I heard somebody shout matsu, matsu.
Hajime: …….
Karatsugu: Ah, a tunnel.
[[The idyllic view of the countryside is replaced by darkness.]]
Hajime: ...Taboos can be seen as a kind of rules that occurs naturally in a group as a result of their faith.
Hajime: Bad things don't always happen. It could be that they avoid something, like a song of magic incantation.
Karatsugu: Well, that’s just superstition.
Karatsugu takes a swig from his can of beer.
Karatsugu: Fuu…. … But whether it’s legit or not…
Karatsugu: Even if a good thing comes out of it... it's not a good thing that it's forbidden because some people don't want it to happen.
Karatsugu: I don’t like it. [he says as he takes another sip of his beer.]
Hajime: …… Eldest son, you didn't come. I was expecting you to come.
Karatsugu: No, he was there.
Hajime: … Eh? Really?
Karatsugu: When you were waving, a taxi stopped on the other side of the road. I couldn't see the inside, but I’m pretty sure it was him.
Hajime: … so that’s what happened.
Karatsugu: … swallow Hm? … You’re not drinking your beer. If you don’t want to finish it, let me drink it. Here, give it to me.
Hajime: Ah, sorry. I’ll drink it.
Hajime downs the rest of his beer.
Hajime: Phew… Thanks for the drink.
Karatsugu: … Ahh, that’s right! I have to return your notebook, remember?
Karatsugu rummages through his blue messenger bag. He pulls out a notebook and hands it to Hajime.
Karatsugu: Thanks for lending it to me.
Hajime: I know you haven’t fixed your voice recorder. It’s a spare. Use it, when you need to take notes in the case of an emergency.
Karatsugu: I know. The Editor-in-Chief also scolds me a lot for not using a notebook. I get it, excuse me.
Hajime: Take it, take it. … Wait, eh? It’s not that you didn’t lose it but you really don’t have one with you? … Eh. Don’t you need a notebook to have something to write on?
Karatsugu: This voice recorder is my partner-in-crime.
Hajime: Wait, I mean. Your “partner-in-crime” broke at a crucial moment and didn’t work. Did you not worry about that at all?
Karatsugu: Up until now, this is the first time I’ve done an interview alone.
Hajime: Eh. So it’s true that you’re really a newbie? If so, then you should always carry a notebook. As a regular member of society, it’s not my place to say this either.
Karatsugu: Heh! That’s what the Chief told me too. He’s always been a memo-man just like you. But I'm sticking to my own style, with my partner-in-crime.
Hajime: I mean, it’s not like your partner, broke and didn’t work at a crucial moment. This is the second time I’m saying this.
Kurukurukuru…! Gaga...
Hajime: Hm? What was that?
Hajime looks at the source of the sound. Karatsugu’s bag. The reporter digs through his bag, looking for what made the noise.
Karatsugu: Aah! Partner! You’ve come back to life!
Hajime: It’s back to normal… Is it rewinding by itself or moving in a strange way? Strange.
Karatsugu: Yeah, it is. But it's strange. It shouldn't have moved at all, but it's like it's recording...
Karatsugu plays the tape on the voice recorder.
《...gaga. pi.. O×△O… matsuno… tsumo. bassho~mu~tsu….. pipi...》
Hajime: .... What was that. Ah. We’re almost there…. the station.
ー Station Platform
Karatsugu: Phew, … I didn’t notice that time had passed!
Hajime: ... Humans, too many.
Karatsugu: ... what to do, I'm going to stop by the editorial office for a bit and then go home, but if you want to eat…
Hajime: …….
[[The lack of reply catches Karatsugu’s attention. He sees Hajime blank faced staring at something.]]
Karatsugu: Hey, what’s wrong? … You okay?
Hajime: Huh? … I thought there was an elevator over here, but...*
[[Karatsugu follows Hajime’s gaze. There’s nothing.]]
Karatsugu: You tired? The stairs are this way, come on.
[[Karatsugu pauses, looking at Hajime’s face.]]
Karatsugu: … what’s wrong? You’re sleepy.
Hajime: Huh?
[[Hajime feels wet pooling in his eyes, threatening to break and fall.]]
Hajime: Tears are…
[[Hajime quickly wipes them away.]]
Hajime: Let’s take the stairs.
Karatsugu: You must be hungry. Sorry, I need to stop by the editorial office first.
Hajime: Mm. I’m fine. … You think your editor-in-chief would get mad if I come along?
Karatsugu: Heh. Bingo. You’re sharp. But that's not all. You love books, so I thought you'd be interested.
Hajime: Mm. I’m interested. … I hope he doesn’t get mad at you.
ー “Matsuzo Monthly**” Editorial Department, Night
Karatsugu: Chief! I’m back from the interview. … Heh! Wouldn’t it be a topic of conversation over here, too? … the gruesome and mysterious incident in the mountain village!
Karatsugu: What is the secret of the villagers with the same face!? A report written by one of the parties involved in the case! This is... sure to be an intensive serialization!
Hajime: Eh... you’re writing about it?... Do you need money right now?
Editor-in-Chief: What are you going on about? Where did you go to cover this? You, I’m talking to you***.
[[Karatsugu wilts from his original enthusiasm, his voice smaller than when he first entered.]]
Karatsugu: Akatsuka Village… A village in the mountains…
Karatsugu: Wow! You’re mad!?
Hajime: He suddenly got angry.
Editor-in-Chief: Mmmmmm... What’s wrong...? I told you that I lost one of my men. That's where he went missing!
Karatsugu: Eh....
Editor-in-Chief: Phew, but it's good to see you back. It's quite chilling…. Hm? And you are....
[[Hajime shies away from the attention looking down, bowing.]]
Hajime: Uhhh, my name’s Shisaka.
Editor-in-Chief: You, let me see your face properly….
[[Hajime lifts his head from staring down.]]
Editor-in-Chief: Ah… You’re.... What in the-!?
Karatsugu: I knew it, didn't I? Heh! Chief! This is Hajime, my brother.
Editor-in-Chief: Mmmmmm... I don't know where to start.... Are you being chased? You with the same face. I'll give you my business card. I'm the editor in chief here.
[[The chief hands his business card to Hajime.]]
Editor-in-Chief: I'm Matsuno Matsuzou. I am your father.
Hajime: Uwah, it’s got two “Matsu"***** characters in it.
Karatsugu: Defeating taboo with another taboo, even demons would run away from such a name. Come to think of it, chief, you have such a name.
Editor-in-Chief Matsuzo: You, you really don’t listen, do you.
ーThe Endー
Original Event
Summer Arc: 1 | 2 | 3
Mod note: The title is originally 字母(じぼ), can be translated to either letter or alphabet. The title is a reference to David Lynch's 1968 work "The Alphabet". But to make the title make sense to the story and it's climax, i opted for "Character", which could be interpreted as a character of the Japanese writing system (like Kanji, since technically kanji aren't letters. They're logograms.).
*This could be a prolonged side-effect from the mushrooms. The elevator he's seeing could be a reference to the enemy base from the Angel event. The background used for the station Hajime and Karatsugu are at is the same train station background which was introduced in that event. The elevator is in the middle of a busy crowd and has HELL written on the screen.
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***** Matsu as in 松 the taboo from Akatsuka Village.
**It doesn’t use the Matsu Pine Kanji, 松, opting for the Katakana writing instead, マツソ.
***The editor in chief specifically says “Omae.” which is a very rude way to refer to someone. I added a few words so it reads as scolding from a superior.
****Chief uses the term Bakamon, which is a reference to a very old joke in Japan.
also there's a part here where they talk about Ozo, I think what happened was that Toshio rode in Ozo's Taxi following the train, as he put his head out the window to say goodbye, his paper bag must have flown in the wind, that lead to Hajime noticing it in the first place. a little bit later Karatsugu notices the taxi outside the window. I'm not sure though, those might be two different moments. I've posted the transcript if you'd like to make heads or tails with that moment.
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