#She's basically my SwSh self insert's mom but it's a realationship we don't talk about
kakusu-shipping · 2 years
Okay okay so I unfortunately don't have anything specific to ask but!! You should ramble about something you've been wanting to talk about. Like,, adoption au (which is the cutest thing ever btw) or anything else you want to!! I wanna hear about it!! >:Dc
Dfgjfdsjgkdfjkg Thanks bestie but I'm absolutely awful at rambling off without a topic or a starting point but I'll do my best fldjkgkfdg also I'm glad you're enjoying the adoption au it's eating my brain alive
Okay actually I've been thinking about Ingo and Emmet because of you, mostly Aro Emmet and Ace Ingo they are a blessing to my existence now but it's something I ALWAYS want to talk about with is LGBTQ+ Headcanons for F/Os or really just characters in general so like
We'll stay on the Pokemon F/O train because it's where my brain is,
Guzma is Transgender and I wanna say Pan but I feel like I say all my F/Os are Pan because I am in fact biased but also he has Pan energy so whatever dfjkkfdjgkdf
James is also Transgender but he is certainly Gay and actually fun fact my childhood crush on James was probably the earliest sign I was trans as little kid me was like "This man likes men and likes me as a man probably" like that makes no sense little me but OKAY
Milo is Bi, Gordie is Gay and Trans, we are polyamourus which immediately makes us the best ship on the planet as poly is always supreme and correct.
N is Agender, neopronoun user, Queer, Ace. He and I have the same gender of dating us makes you gay no matter what and I love that for us.
Platonic real fast but Molayne, my older brother whomst I would shove down the stairs, is ALSO Transgender and Bisexual and a gamer yes they do exist and it's this dumbass.
And on that point my son Bede is also Transgender and so is his grandmother Opal and so am I the fairy trainers in Galar are actually all Trans you cannot train fairies without a little Trans your gender magics
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