#SevereBlizzardLady indulgences
severeblizzardlady · 4 years
Isekai in the Time of QuarantinePart 2
Twice/Jin Bubaigawara
Warnings: Spoilers, Swearing (and whatever else may come our way)
“You went way too hard on that Jin cosplay.” 
To be honest, you’d always thought your last words would be something meaningful. But, then, you’d never expected to die at the hands of a delusional cosplayer. 
I haven’t even met a delusional cosplayer before, your brain unhelpfully supplied. Really, your brain wasn’t focusing on the priorities. Like, scary guy. Right there. In your face. 
“Huh?” The Jin lookalike looked confused. Then he gritted his teeth and stared you down again. And you were reminded again, that those words were gonna be on your tombstone. If they ever found your body. “Stop playing around and fix this.”
“Jin’s” eye twitched, lips pulling back in a snarl at your unintelligent reply. You moved to take a step back but it was too late. Your basket fell as he grabbed you by the shoulders. “You trying to mess us up? Ruin everything we’ve worked for? Send me back to my friends already!”
He was crazy. There was no doubt about this guy in your mind. You’d heard about people becoming ultra fanatic about stories and characters, but this took the cake. “Lemme go,” You broke free, pointing a finger at him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. You broke into my apartment!”
“Jin” jabbed a finger back in your face, “Like hell I did. You used a quirk on me!”
“No one has quirks!”  
You were pretty sure anyone in the store was currently watching you both. But how were you supposed to care? You’d spent the last few days feeling like you’d jump out of your skin at the slightest sudden movement. You hadn’t been able to sleep without checking for intruders at least three times. And even then, you’d jolt awake, half expecting a costumed figure to be standing over you. 
You were terrified and angry, and you were almost out of food. 
“Look, man, I get you’re probably freaking out right now. The world’s gone to crap, and it seems like there’s no end in sight. But does it look like anybody wants to deal with your League of Villains shtick right now? 
I get that it’s good to escape now and then. But this is reality, where life is horrible and almost all of us are depressed because things like hopes and dreams are only for the people with enough money and power for it. Pokemon aren’t real, unicorns aren’t real, quirks aren’t real. God, even Jin Bubaigawara isn’t real. They’re all fictional, so wake up, get in line, and be miserable and terrified like the rest of us!”
It felt like your throat was on fire. And your eyes were going to bulge out of your sockets, you were sure. “Jin” just gaped at you as though you’d just flashed him in public. 
“Ma’am,” a store clerk neared you, his hands held up in the universal sign of “I don’t want any trouble” even though he was still two feet away from you. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you both to leave.” 
You stared at the guy. Just...looked at him. He bit his lip, glancing at“Jin” over your shoulder then back at you, like he couldn’t decide which scared him more. Dammit, and now I’m getting kicked out of grocery stores.  
Mom’s gonna kill me if she ever finds out.
“I’m real.”    
“Jin” had followed you out, getting kicked out right behind you. And nobody bothered calling the police. For all they cared, you were the one disturbing the peace. Leaving you to walk around with the crazy guy and potentially be murdered.  
At least he’d given you your phone back. Now you could call the cops on him. Or so you’d thought. Your battery was completely dead, leaving you to be herded wherever “Jin” wanted you to go. 
That ended up being a park that was practically deserted. The few people around wore face masks and gloves. One woman was even fighting her chocolate lab for her face mask. Why she’d want it back after that was a mystery.
Sitting in the pavillion, staring at the empty playground equipment was just sad. There had been children playing, laughing, screaming, living just two weeks ago.
“I never said you weren’t.” You tried to keep your voice level, even though your throat was itching a little. Geez, when was the last time you’d said that much? Well, shouted that much.
“Yeah, ya did.” He seemed calm. Ish. “Jin” wasn’t sweating quite as much as he was earlier. You couldn’t help staring at him. It was a shame he was such a whackadoodle with a personality and criminal record to match. The guy was pretty hot, scar or not. 
“What do you want from me?” You asked. “Jin” sat on the side opposite of you, a cigarette in his mouth. Every now and then he’d exhale over his shoulder, leaving a cloud behind him. He’s really got Twice’s mannerisms down. 
Which was why you needed to call for help. 
“You’re saying this world doesn’t have quirks right? No heroes or nothing?”
Oh-kay, or maybe it was time you played along. Keep answering his questions and doing as he wanted could end well. Maybe a few mental scars. But that was better than dying. “Yeah,” you said, “We have policeman and firefighters and politicians, but that’s it in terms of the hero department.” 
“A bunch of happy, upstanding citizens then.”
You weren’t sure how to respond to that, “Eh,” when he gave you a (scary) side-eye, you hastily added. “I, I mean you can’t always be happy and upstanding.”
“Where are my friends?” He tensed up, shoulders hunching and trembling, head bowing. The cigarette fell to the ground. Uh-oh.
“I don’t know,” you admitted. “Back home, probably?”
“So where is home.” 
Oh. Oh no, that wasn’t a good voice. Dammit, why hadn’t you run? Why weren’t you running now? Why didn’t you just scream for help back at the grocery store  like any rational person?
“If home isn’t real, then how am I supposed to get back to it, huh? If my friends aren’t real, if I’m not real, what the hell am I supposed to do?” He looked up then, tears in his eyes and expression agonized. “How am I supposed to protect them and their dreams if I can’t get back to them?”
“My name’s Jin!” He screamed, slamming his hands on the picnic table. Your heart was thudding in your chest as he glared at you. The air felt like it was vibrating, tensing, about to explode. “Jin Bubaigawara. And I’m just as real as any of you!” 
You weren’t quite sure what happened. One moment you were getting to your feet, and the next you were on the ground. The picnic table was gone. No, not gone, destroyed. Where there had only been one “Jin” before, there were now several, all of whom were glaring at you in varying degrees of anger and/or despair.
Sad Man’s Parade....  
Were you dreaming? Or maybe you were high. Were you high? When was the last time you’d been high--had you ever been high? All you could do was just...stare up at them. 
Because, Jin Bubaigawara AKA Twice AKA one of your favorite characters in the BNHA series had broken into your apartment, harassed you in public, and suddenly used his ultimate death move in front of you because he was tired of dealing with you.
“No way.” You turned to the one closest to you, poking him. (Later, you’d curl up in a ball thinking about how “casually” you did that when he could’ve just crushed you with his clones.) The clone was solid, real, and--
“Oh my God. Oh my God--holy shit, you’re Twice!”
“That’s what I’ve been telling you!” He, they, threw back at you.
“Well, I didn’t know!” Was anyone seeing this? How was literally no one else seeing this. Where the hell had all the people in the park gone in the last five seconds? “Oh my God, what is even happening right now. Am I dead? Is that what this is, I’m dead?”
“Why don’t you tell me, huh!” One of them--a few of them, was the world spinning?--shouted.
“I,” You looked at all of them--him--feeling even more overwhelmed than before. “I think I need to sit down. In an actual chair. And food. I need food. Do you need food? Let’s get food. I’ll pay.”
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severeblizzardlady · 4 years
Isekai in the Time of Quarantine (Part 1)
[Twice/Jin Bubaigawara -- because certain happenings in the manga are making me feel things and I have to write something to feel better]
Warnings for: Spoilers, cursing, inappropriate amounts of author fawning over fictional character (but, really, someone has to), crack-ish content (but it’s Twice, so...)
“What the fuck.” 
You stared at the page open on your phone. Then you went back a page. Then you went back to the page you were previously on. Unfortunately, the same words were there, the same images. Images of a man with a torn mask, his face bloody and sweaty and tear-stained running for a door. For a light. For his friends.
Only to be cut off by a shadowed figure--Hawks, Keigo Takami--bringing down a feather large enough to be a sword and just as deadly.
You couldn’t believe it. Jin Bubaigawara, AKA the villain Twice from the series Boku no Hero Academia just....
“No way.” For a second you debated closing out the page. But you kept reading. Maybe you were hoping for a miracle. That you’d jumped the gun. That Twice would Falcon Punch Hawks and make that beeline for his buds like he was planning.  
He didn’t.
“God damn, Hori.” You sniffled when you finished the chapter. God, you were even crying. How were you that attached to a character? Of course, even as you wondered that, you knew it was because Twice, Jin, had been such a well fleshed-out character. A character with dimension. 
Oh yeah, he was evil. You knew that without a doubt. But he’d been alone, cast out by the world and forced to resort to crime because nobody that was “good” or “upstanding” trusted him. It almost made you wish he’d taken up Hawks on the whole, turn over a new leaf thing. Not that he would have. The League of Villains were his friends, not his coworkers. He’d said it himself--their happiness was his reason for living. He wouldn’t have been able to function without them.
It would have ripped him apart.  
Well, at least Jin had died happy with how his life had turned out. And his clone had gotten to see Toga one last time and protect his buds. It was a bittersweet ending to the chapter, and to Jin’s character, but you were content with how Horikoshi had gone about it. 
Your phone’s alarm dinged then, a single note like a wind chime. You sighed, flipping onto your side in bed. The chapter had almost made you forget that you were stuck in your apartment. Because of the sickness going around, a stay-at-home order had been enforced. Everyone was sequestered in their homes--or they were supposed to be anyway--to decrease the numbers of the sick. 
Fortunately, your job allowed you to work from home. Unfortunately, your parents and your siblings were pretty spread out. Sure, you’d messaged them and video chatted. Hell, you’d just talked to your parents before reading up on the last chapter of BNHA. But your apartment felt too big, too quiet, too empty. 
You missed being in the same room with people. Both the intimate stuff and the simple things. Like talking. Or cooking. At the rate you were going, you’d end up making friends with all your stuff. You were already calling your fridge Frida. 
I’ll talk to Mom and Dad tomorrow. You decided, eyes starting to feel heavy. See if they’ll let me stay with them until this all passes. 
“Are we renting out the base now?” You groaned at the man’s voice and flipped onto your side. Without looking at your alarm clock or phone, there was no way of telling the time. But you were pretty sure it was too early to be awake. The way your eyelids seemed to be glued shut was all the indication you need. 
“Man, those Liberation guys sure like making money.” 
You groaned a little louder, eyes still shut as you felt for your phone. Seriously, who was talking so much, so early in the morning? Didn’t they realize some people needed to work the next day? In the next few hours even? 
“This what you’re looking for?” Someone put your phone in your hand. Which would have been all fine and dandy if anyone actually lived with you. Shrieking, you threw yourself out of bed, getting tangled in your sheets and landing butt first on the ground as a result. 
There was a man in your room.
There was a man dressed up as Twice in your room.
There was a freaking Twice cosplayer in your room at four AM.
The floor felt cold. Your butt was killing you. It felt like your leg was gonna pop out of the socket from how it was tangled up in your bedding. You weren’t dreaming. Dammit, you weren’t dreaming, and there was a whackadoodle in your apartment.  
This was not the company you were looking for!
He took a step towards you, hands raised, and you screamed again. You flung your phone at him, kicking your tangled leg until you were free so you could run for your life. “Help!” You felt the man try to grab at you, but adrenaline propelled you into the living area. Something fell off your table when you slammed into it. 
Still, you didn’t stop running, even when you were out in the hallway. “Someone call the cops! Fire! Fire!”
“Look, even if there was someone in her apartment, he’s gone now.” 
Your landlady, clad in a blue, fluffy night gown with her hair in a bun, rolled her eyes at the police officer. “So that’s it? You’re not going to look for him. Is it too hard for police nowadays to find some costume-wearing nutjob who’s terrorizing one of my tenants?”
The police had come. Luckily, the nice lady at the end of the hall had heard your screams and called the police after ushering you into her apartment. Your landlady showed up not long after. She looked about ready to raise hell when she’d stomped down the stairs, woken up by the chaos and the police’s sudden arrival.
“Ma’am, he somehow avoided your security cameras, there’s not much else we can do. We’ll increase patrols in the area, but without a description of what the guy actually looks like, without the mask, that’s it.”
The police figured the man, whoever he was, had turned down the opposite end of the hallway while you cried for help and went down the stairs. One of the windows in the third floor hallway, a window facing the alley, was wide open. The security camera there hadn’t caught anything. The wires had been shorted out God only knew when.  
You tapped your fingers against your mug. It was pretty with little pastel flowers all over it. The landlady had given it to you at some point, there was a rich, red tea in it, but you couldn’t remember what the flavor was. 
“Pah, they expect us to do all the heavy-lifting, don’t they?” The landlady huffed once it was just the two of you. “’Course, you’d expect a little more decency, but with everything going to hell nowadays, I guess it’s no surprise,” she looked at you then, concern clear in her usually steely eyes. “Do you have anyone you can stay with tonight?”
You shook your head, eyes starting to burn. Every time you so much as blinked, you could see that man standing over you. 
Your landlady patted the table, a few inches away from your fingers. It was the closest thing you’d had to physical contact in the last week. You almost wished she’d touch you. “The sofa’s a fold-out,” she said, getting to her feet. “We’ll see about your place in the morning.” 
The only thing missing was your phone. There was no indication of forced entry at either of your windows or at the door (or the vents; you knew the guy wouldn’t have fit in the air vent--but it was an older building, and you’d read enough stories about people skulking through vents not to check). 
Your water bottle had fallen off the table. It had broken into pieces on the floor. But you’d finished the water off, so there weren’t any spills. 
“Come home,” Your dad had said when you video-called that afternoon. You could hear your mom crying in the background after you’d told them what’d happened. “We’ll get your phone shut down, and I’ll help you move everything.” 
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose over your medical mask. That was two days ago. You’d been staring at what remained of the frozen food section at the local grocery store for a good five minutes. It felt like all your nerves were on end. That guy was out there somewhere. Or he was in the store with you. Unless he was in a hospital bed because he’d jumped out of a third floor window. 
He could’ve been anyone. Almost anyone. And he knew where you lived and he had access to your phone--if he’d figured out how to unlock it anyways. And, again, wasn’t in the hospital.
It’s fine, You assured yourself, grabbing some chicken. Dad’s coming to get me in a few days, the boss is fine with me relocating as long as I keep working. It’s fine. I’m fine. 
“You dropped this.” 
Nope, nope, you weren’t fine. Were. Not. Fine. At all. Because you remembered that low voice from that night. But you still turned around. Because you were in a public place, even if the crowds were thinner than usual. And it wasn’t like he could hurt you as long as--
The man behind you was a little scruffy and had blond hair. He smelled faintly of cigarette smoke, but you could only tell because he was so close to you, breaching your personal space with blue eyes the size of pinpricks that gauged your every move. He was sweating, even though it was still cold out. It made your palms sweat around the basket’s handles.
Unhinged, that was the look in his eyes, in his face.
There was a brief moment where you feared he might pounce and try to bash your skull in. A really brief moment, which passed the second your eyes actually focused in on the scar on his forehead. As though he’d been stabbed with a knife.
And then you opened your mouth. Like a freaking dumbass.
“You went way too hard on that Jin cosplay.”   
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severeblizzardlady · 4 years
Isekai in the Time of Quarantine Part 3
Jin Bubaigawara/Twice 
[Part 1, Part 2] 
Warnings for: Spoilers, Swearing, S-etera.
You’d seen videos of fans reacting to celebrities. There was a lot of screaming. Crying. Jumping up and down. Some people even fanned themselves. 
That said, meeting a celebrity and having a fictional character just cannonball into your life was kind of like comparing apples to arsenic. The most you had to worry about when meeting celebrities was making a fool of yourself.
Embarrassing yourself when meeting fictional villains, on the other hand? That wasn’t as a big a concern.
At least it’s not Toga. Or Dabi. Or Shigaraki. Or Spinner. Or Overhaul. You shuddered at that last one. Overhaul would’ve taken one look at the state of your apartment (you were going to clean it once everything calmed down, really) and then blown you right up in your sleep.
Yeah, good thing it wasn’t Overhaul. 
Jin sat on the stool across from you, gaze focused on his food as he ate it. Even though most restaurants had limited their services to carry out only, you were able to snag a pretty good deal thanks to some coupons you’d been saving for a rainy day. A rainy day that wasn’t supposed to include a fatal virus and a fictional character. (But you’d make due with what you got.)
The food had been almost ready by the time you’d both arrived. You’d waited in silence. Neither of you had said anything on the walk over either, you and the original Jin (maybe). The clones had just...walked right off, each going their own, separate ways. Not that you were in any position to ask questions about what they were up to. (It wasn’t something you wanted to dwell on for very long.)
Oh, you tried to talk. It was just that, every time you did, your brain would stall and the words would just disappear. That happened five times? Twenty times? You couldn’t tell. Your food cooled in your lap, balanced there as you sat on another stool.
If you ate, you could focus on the food too. Like Jin was. Savor the taste of it, the consistency, the sparks of memories that’d hit and bring back easier and god damn uncomplicated times. That was the nice thing about eating your feelings. It made the bad stuff go away for a little while. 
But your stomach was full of lead, even though it was your idea, and you felt too jittery to sit still, even though it was your idea. And you couldn’t stop staring. Out of fear and, and....
Jin looked...different. Not just that he was suddenly in reality. Tired as you had been that fateful night, Jin looked thinner, like he hadn’t really eaten anything. Deep shadows sat under his eyes too. 
He’s been tearing himself apart. And why wouldn’t he? Jin was a man who lived for his friends’ happiness. Being forcibly removed had shaken him horribly. No wonder he’d come after you like that. He must’ve thought you’d been involved in whatever threw him here.  
Jin Bubaigawara was a man with a one-track mind. He desired a place to belong because the world kicked him down, had shown him nothing but cruelty. When his own doubles couldn’t provide him with that sense of camaraderie, he’d turned to the League. And when they accepted him, scars and trauma included, he dedicated himself to them. He wouldn’t be able to function without them.
Too much time thinking up a plan to help would make him think you were stalling and would just aggravate his paranoia. And if he thought you were lying.... 
“What’s the last thing you remember?” 
Damn. There were the words. Your brain really needed to work on that timing.
Jin looked up. A bit of meat hung from his mouth. His eyes were really scary, you decided. Dilated and focused on you like you were the biggest pain in his ass. At least he’s not Overhaul, You reminded yourself. At least I’m not dead. 
You still wished you were dealing with him in his Twice persona. Maybe he would have gone easier on you, been less hostile. (And maybe the moon was made of cheese.) 
“I figured if we went over what we were doing before all this happened, maybe we’ll be able to find some common links,” You shrugged, looking away. “Or something.” 
“I was going to meet with Hawks. He offered to help me understand Destro’s teachings or whatever because I can’t follow ’em.” His right hand was trembling. You flinched when he smacked it with his left hand, muttering under his breath.
So the League of Villains must’ve just joined up with the Meta Liberation Army. That meant the Paranormal Liberation Front was only recently formed. Jin had finally realized he was the original. Hawks and his fatal encounter was months away.
So why was Jin in your world then? With this sort of story, a character only went into a different world if they died or if something pulled them over, like a wish--
Oh fuck.
“What about you?” Jin’s gaze was steady. Wait, no, he was actually looking at you curiously, wasn’t he? It was just making you sweat in your seat because he was staring at you and he was a villain and he probably wasn’t going to like what you’d say next. 
“Ah, I, um,” You fiddled with your takeout container (if you flung it at him, could you outrun him?). “I was going to bed, thinking about how...lonely I was?” 
There was a change in his expression then. Shock that smoothed out the aggression. Something changed there, a hint of, of compassion or maybe a bit of understanding. Like he’d made some realization about you. 
Was all that really there on his face? No, nope, you were probably just fooling yourself. You ducked your head, refusing to look at him for a second longer. Sure, the loneliness he could probably relate to. But at the end of the day, you were keeping him from protecting his friends. “Sorry. I’ll, um, take responsibility for this. And we’ll, uh, try to find you a way home.”
If you could cry anime tears, you would’ve done it then and there. And Mineta would’ve been proud. After all, the stories you’d read with this scenario never had anything about the transported character returning home. If you wanted to live, you’d have to research and bullshit your way through like your life depended on it.
I’m gonna die.
Maybe your confession had ignited some kind of truce? Or maybe Jin pitied you. It was hard to tell. Either way, your walk back to your apartment wasn’t...too bad. Sure, Jin had made you stop by an alleyway. But, but, he didn’t make you go in with him. When he came back out, he had a backpack slung over one shoulder. 
And, dammit, that wasn’t fair. He looked so cool, with his hair all tousled and the first two buttons of his shirt undone. You had half a mind to take a picture. 
That other half of your mind was 99% sure his costume was in that pack. It looked pretty full though. His costume alone couldn’t have taken up that much room, right?  
Whatever. Even though neither of you really talked, there wasn’t that near palpable killing intent radiating off him. Which gave you, what, maybe a couple hours to come up with a plan to save your skin and send him on his merry way?
God, why hadn’t you read any more Isekai stories? As you walked up the stairs of your complex, you wracked your brain, yet again, for a logical answer. There had to be some out there that explained why this happened and how to reverse it. Maybe it really was because you were tired of talking to Frida--your fridge, like it was a person. But almost everyone was lonely. Everyone was cut off. Were you just supposed to be the “lucky recipient” of all those wishes for company?
Maybe then you could appease the drama gods and they’d take pity on you and toss Jin back into his world.
Where he’ll die. You...weren’t quite ready to think about that. Not yet. (Maybe not ever.)
“How’s it looking out there?” Your landlady leaned against the railing at the top of the stairs. Her words were directed at you, but you didn’t miss where she was looking. 
“Pretty empty.”
She nodded, still not looking at you. “Friend of yours?”
“Uh-huh,”  Your voice got too high as you both reached the top of the stairs. “He’s gonna stay with me for a while.”
The way she looked Jin over made you embarrassed for him. “Hm,” She nodded, her voice dropping to a raspy purr (and it was a sound you never wanted to hear from the woman again). “Lucky you.”
Yeah, okay. Smiling, you wrapped a hand around Jin’s arm--making a point to ignore the way he flinched like you were the one threatening his safety (maybe you were though)--and led him to your door. 
This was gonna be...something.  
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