luchiu · 3 months
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Kissing you goodbye
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214c · 4 months
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happy valentine's day :3
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iloveknights · 11 months
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fellas is it gay to tell your boy best friend that he made you bewildered by the intensity of your emotions
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berserk-pride-fest · 1 year
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Hello everyone, and welcome to the official Berserk Pride Fest blog! The Berserk community is filled with so many wonderful ships and queer creators that deserve a spotlight, so what better way to give them that than with a whole day of celebration during such a joyous month!
June 1, 2023
What's Allowed:
All queer ships and headcanons are on the table! Everyone is encouraged to create something that celebrates queerness through Berserk! Fanart, fanfiction, edits, cosplays, and playlists are all welcomed! NSFW works are allowed but please be sure to tag them appropriately!
You can post your works to any site that you like! This blog will be the main posting site for any Pride Fest related content so if you're using a different platform to post your works, be sure to send them through direct messaging to this blog or @ofdemonsandangels. In addition, please use the tag your content with #berserkpridefest2023 or @ us directly for your work to be reblogged!
Don't be afraid to drop a question in the ask box of this blog if you're curious about something or need any clarification!
Also huge thank you to @sabigawa for making the graphics for this event, your work is extremely appreciated! We'll catch all of you strugglers soon!
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sabigawa · 2 years
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some love for this ship too <3
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hawkfawun · 25 days
for the ship ask game!! this is for serpiguts <3 -- 5, 13, 20, 31, 37!
5. Do they argue often? If so, what do they argue about?
I don't think big serious arguments often. For the most part, I think they are surprisingly on the same page. Especially after Serpico decided to put his faith in Guts. Serpico might get annoyed at him for little things though. Like the time he told him to get his boots off the table. Or just for generally being reckless.
It takes two to really argue though and Guts response to Serpico telling him to fuck off was "heh finally a good fight 😏 " or just actually doing what Serpico tells him. (Which is very funny to me, he doesn't listen to Casca or Griffith as much as he does Serpico).
13. How do they keep in contact when they’re apart? Do they write letters, talk on the phone, or simply wait out the time?
I imagine letters! Or at least Serpico does. Serpico would get anxious being separated once he's attached. I don't think Guts would be much of a writer himself but maybe send a drawing or a small gift in the mail. As for modern aus texting works but I feel like Guts would be sort of a shit texter.
20. How do they comfort each other when one of them is upset? Is this method of comfort effective?
Both of them are mostly quiet people who aren't the best at expressing themselves with words. They can tell when the other is upset though, and just offer a little quiet support. Like just squeezing the other hand and staying by their side. I think Serpico shows his love by taking care of others too. He's the one who does the cleaning, helps with clothes, cooks, ect and Guts learns to accept that help.
31. Do they often go out on dates? What are these like?
Little mini dates maybe! They travel around together so much that's something to work with. Like Serpico explaining a city's architecture and history while they stroll around and try street food. Or staying somewhere nice overnight and Serpico cooking something special for them.
37. Who’s more emotionally sensitive/cries more often?
Definitely Guts. Serpico is very good at hiding his feelings or at least keeping a cool head in front of others. Gut's emotions are more explosive. He cries and has emotional outbursts way more often. Even if Serpico has a lot of feelings about things, he's selective about showing it. The first time he cries in front of Guts would be a really big deal. I love that we know Guts sees right through his aloof attitude if he expresses it or not though<3
Thank you for the serpiguts ask 🙏
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ofdemonsandangels · 2 years
I’m glad that my little corner of the Berserk fandom is so unapologetic with what they love. Be it liking GriffGuts/SerpiGuts/Farnesca/GriffGutsca, unabashedly thirsting over apostles, rightfully criticizing the manga yet still being so passionate about it, or collectively cringing with every new chapter, it really drowns out the terribleness of the mainstream fandom. 
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behelit-chan · 2 years
the real tragedy of berserk is that guts is definitely fucking serpico but he says griffith’s name in bed :(
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lavenderarts · 3 years
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liliocelotepremium · 2 years
kissy 😘
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214c · 3 months
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daily serpico #1000 tomorrow
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iloveknights · 1 year
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happy valentine’s day!
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berserk-pride-fest · 1 year
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Hey strugglers! We hope you've thought about your entries for Pride Fest because it's exactly one month away! We can't wait to see what everyone has planned.
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beansterpie · 2 years
Thanks @ofdemonsandangels for tagging me! This was really fun <3 However I am going to put it under a read more because I ended up just rambling forever
What year did you get into Berserk?
2015! I read it on some sketchy manga site while I was staying at my grandma's for the summer 😂
Did you watch the anime or read the manga first?
Read the manga first! I used to do this thing on various sketchy manga (and anime) sites where I'd press the 'Random' button and just start reading/watching. In this case I went into the Berserk manga with zero knowledge beforehand which was cool in some ways and not so in others lmao
Who’s your favorite character and why?
Hmmmmmm, it's gotta be a tie between Guts and Griffith tbh. For me, I find them both mutually more interesting because of the others existence. Runner up is Casca, though that's just because I'm deeply protective of her rather than her writing. And woof why, where to begin.
Guts: I guess I just love how he subverts the Edgy Power Fantasy Antihero vibes as we get into the GA. We see how he actually has deeply rooted self worth issues and is kind of emotionally delicate and sensitive. And I like how introspective he is about his baggage, even if he doesn’t always manage to figure out his feelings. Canonically, literally all he wants is for someone to actually give a shit about and him and love him, but he doesn’t fully understand that about himself because it’s been obfuscated by the mentality he developed throughout his childhood trauma: the strong survive and the weak die, so he has to become strong because the alternative is being abused the rest of his life. And because of that his instinct is to isolate himself and keep people at arms length and fighting just to survive— until Griffith and the Hawks. There's something surprisingly sweet about him, and the way his first instinct is to isolate himself again (like when he decides to leave the Hawks) is something I find deeply relatable and tragic 😭 Also he's really gay, which I love for him.
Griffith: What don't I love about Griffith? I love that he's so contradictory, both in personality (efficient/ruthless stratigest vs playful and childish) and in terms of how the dream that he's dedicated his life to-- and the ways in which he's molded himself and his behavior in the name of reaching said dream-- is weighed against his love for Guts and legit loses. I love that he's basically just a street kid who wanted a better life for himself and for other downtrodden people, and manages to go up the ranks until he's mingling with nobility (and winning!) though his charisma, cunning and skill as a leader, and then throws it all away because of heartbreak. I love that, ultimately, the reason he goes through with the sacrifice is because his love for Guts is so overwhelming to the point that he's destroyed his own life over it, and he realized that he needed to get away from it.
Do you have a favorite story arc?
Haha, cliché but the Golden Age, hands down. It's easily the best written arc of Berserk.
What are your top 3 ships?
GriffGuts (my OTP of OTP's at this point), SerpiGuts, aannndddd hm. Toss-up between Chasca (Charlotte/Casca) and Farnesca (Farnese/Casca). I'm more personally invested in Chasca entirely for my own headcanon reasons that have zero basis in canon lol, whereas Farnesca does have interesting possibilities based on their relationship in canon, but I'm not quite as personally invested.
Oh and Zodd/Guts for a runner-up, because Zodd totally has the hots for Guts. You cannot change my mind.
Who’s your favorite apostle?
Probably Zodd, big ol' scruffy dude. I also like Rosine a lot though, aside from certain aspects of her design 😒
Is there a character you’d know that you’d be friends with?
hhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........... Pippin, Rickert, Gaston. Maybe Casca during the GA. Probably Serpico. Everyone else is too much of a hot mess, don't wanna deal with that.
Who’s your favorite God Hand?
Femto probably, though more specfically during the Black Swordman arc because he's such a petty bitch. I also really like Slan (and yes it's mostly because she's hot and I forget about feminism when it comes to her).
You’re allowed to bring one character back from the dead. Who are you bringing back?
(...... Casca's potential as a character) jkjk the real answer is. Ok so I had to stop and think about this for like 30 minutes lmao, and I think my answer is Rosine. I really kind of wanted her to survive and go off with Jill, and it wouldn't change the impact of the Eclipse which (other than the fuckinnn Eclipse R*pe 😑) I thought was a perfect climax to a really well constructed tragedy. Whereas I thought the Lost Children arc ended on a such sour note because it's message ends up being that Jill has faced Real Shit Now, and is therefore strong enough to go back to her abusive father, and frames it as though that's the responsible thing to do....? Like??? It's bad. Guts sparing Rosine, and Jill running away with her would have been so much better imo.
------ I think most of the Berserk people I know have already been tagged at some point lmao, so just give this a go if you feel like it!
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hawkfawun · 2 years
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ofdemonsandangels · 6 months
I just realized SerpiGuts is essentially a wolf x fox ship (like it quite literally is) and I can't help but feel insane about it
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