#Sell My Home in Oxted
4 Reasons to Move in 2024 from Your Local Expert in Reigate, Oxted & Lingfield
Is now a good time to sell my home in Oxted? Are the homes for sale in Reigate selling like hotcakes? These are questions that are often asked. If you’re contemplating a move, our local expertise in Reigate, Oxted, and Lingfield positions us to provide valuable insights. Here are four compelling reasons why 2024 may be a good time to sell your home.
1. Market Dynamics:
The property market seems to be stabilising after the post-pandemic turmoil. In its latest set of forecasts published in early February 2024, the Bank of England expects inflation to continue to drop to 2.0% on average in Q2 2024. As the UK economy starts to heal, consumer confidence is expected to follow suit. To make an informed decision about the timing of your move, it’s crucial to work with a local agent who has their finger on the pulse of housing trends, interest rates, and local market conditions.
Are you on the lookout for homes for sale in Reigate? Our expert team can guide you through the market dynamics and help you find the perfect property.
2. Financial Considerations:
Moving home involves substantial financial implications, from deposits and mortgage rates to the cost of relocation itself. Before making any decisions, closely examine your budget and assess your financial readiness. Consider consulting a financial adviser to ensure that moving aligns with your long-term financial goals.
If you’re asking, “Is now the best time to sell my home in Oxted?” Our team can provide comprehensive guidance, and for mortgage advice, Katie Parsonage from Kingsgate Partners is our independent mortgage advisor with access to exclusive mortgages from over 90 lenders.
3. Work-Life Balance:
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Recent events have reshaped our perspectives on work and lifestyle. With remote work more prevalent than ever, you have increased flexibility in choosing your location. If your work situation has changed, consider whether a change of scenery would enhance your work-life balance and overall well-being. A new home and a fresh start could contribute to productivity and happiness while working from home.
4. Community and Amenities:
Home is more than just the property; it’s about the community and amenities that come with it. Even if you’re not moving far, communities can vary significantly. Consider long-term planning factors like schools, healthcare facilities, and leisure spaces. Moving to a harmonious and thriving community can profoundly impact your overall quality of life.
Thinking about selling your home in Oxted? Looking for the best agent to sell your home? Our team has the local expertise to guide you through the process seamlessly.
Searching for house selling agents near you? Look no further! Our expert team is well-versed in the local market of Reigate, Oxted, and Lingfield. Contact us for personalised and informed assistance tailored to your needs. In 2024, make your move with confidence and the support of a trusted local partner.
Content source: https://www.robertleech.com/4-reasons-to-move-in-2024-from-your-local-expert-in-reigate-oxted-lingfield/
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oxtedlife · 7 years
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Our Bluebell Woods .
What more could we want ?
We are so very lucky with our surroundings in the Oxted and Limpsfield area . As well as being surrounded in all direction by green fields we have Master park in The middle of town and further afield something like 17.5 acres , If my memory from previous research is correct , of Covenanted playing fields . Mill lane with facilities to suit every one , including a club house . There are the downs and Titsey park to walk . Not forgetting the Greensands way . We have a collection of Fenced play grounds for younger children in most areas . In the built up areas there are areas of grass and amenity land that gets adopted , on a temporary basis , by residents as extra play areas . We are surrounded by Common land in Hurst green , Broadham Green, Merle Common , Itchingwood and Limpsfield . We have wonderful Woodlands in Oxted , Limpsfield , The Chart and Staffhurst wood . There are public foot paths or bridle paths across some local fields including the Glebe Fields i.e. Belonging to the Church , as most of Limpsfield did .There is no Shortage of dog walking areas or areas for children to play in . We are especially lucky that all these areas are well maintained for our use. Most homes have gardens even if they are communal. Just sad to see so many people selling their own Private green spaces , in the form of their gardens , for house building !
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billwells3 · 6 years
Say hello to Damian Bligh!
Say hello to Damian Bligh, Sales Manager at Move Revolution.
Damian has been part of the Move Revolution team for the past four years at our head office (covering Reigate to Oxted, Warlingham to Horley) – if you have moved in this area you will definitely have spoken to, or met Damian! We write these blogs so that you can get to know more about our team; who they are, how they work and what they love.  When starting to right this blog it is so easy to say Damian is ‘unbelievable lovely’, ‘a really kind and thoughtful person’ combined with being ‘incredibly diligent and an expert in this area’. However, this really doesn’t cut through how much Damian really cares about his work – and also what a great laugh he is as part of the head office team.
Don’t just take it from us… these are a few phrases written by our clients in their independent reviews about Damian, so you can get a clearer, unbiased picture!
“Damian is tenacious, incredibly knowledgeable and reliable. He went that extra mile. His advice was sound, well researched and delivered the results”
“Damian is truly exceptional at what he does”
“Damian is incredibly helpful”
“Damian is extremely pro-active and helpful” 
“Damian is professional, personable, knowledgeable, honest, has integrity, non-pushy, yes I am describing an estate agent…. Damian’s a rare breed” 
“Damian is polite, professional and prompt.”
“Damian is friendly, empathetic and understanding”
Have you fallen in love with Damian? (If we could insert an emoji into the blog it would be the one with the wink!) We should point out Damian is very happily married, for those of you who love these qualities in a man (!!)…. However, if you are thinking of moving, then just give our head office a call on 01737 888220.
Joking aside (as this blog was being written, the above paragraph was read out loud in the office, Damian laughed, saying that his wife would find this very funny!) Damian is a true professional and a joy to work with; alongside the whole Head office team, headed up by Louise Simpson, they are truly brilliant at what they do. If you are thinking of moving in the Reigate, Redhill, Caterham, Warlingham, Oxted, Horley area you would be sincerely missing out if you didn’t give the team a call – with their expert knowledge, the right price and all the qualities listed above you will be moving into your next home very quickly! (Call 01737 888220 and book a valuation today!)
Part of getting to know our team is learning a bit about what they love getting up to when they are not at work, as well as finding out what they love at work!
How did you end up living in Oxted and working at Move Revolution?
We decided to move to Oxted, due to a number of factors. We were living in West London and both worked up in town, so it was important to live in a location that provided good links to London Bridge and Victoria. We had friends that lived in Westerham and came across Oxted from visiting them and liked that it had a Waitrose, numerous restaurants and boutique shops. In the 5 years we have been in Oxted, there have been a number of changes, like the Everyman cinema changing from one screen to three, plus creating a new much needed bar for the town centre. A couple of nice new restaurants and pubs opening are always welcome. And the Beer festival is getting bigger and better every year!
I had been working in the City as an equity derivatives broker, and was looking for a change in direction (without a commute!) I had previously been involved in outbound sales and recruitment which have similar transferable skills, with a passion for property this led me to estate agency, and in particular Move Revolution, with it’s clear focus on expertise, integrity and professionalism.
What are the three most favourite houses you have ever sold?
Tandridge Priory – This has to be top of the list! Tandridge Priory is a beautiful historic building set in 24 acres of land and in my hometown of Oxted. The potential for this property is very exciting and I can see the new owners creating a stunning home.
Clavadel – This is an Arts & Crafts property (‘think’ parquet flooring, bay windows with intricate design, inspired by the ideas of architect Augustus Pugin, write John Ruskin and designer William Morris) Clavadel is a stunning family home.
Hartswood Manor – Wing of an Elizabethan Manor House in Reigate with wood panelling throughout and one of the oldest staircases in the county – I love the traditional features and uniqueness of this home.
What do you love doing (when you’ve not at work)?
I love being with Bumble! (Those of you who know me will know I have a one-year-old gorgeous little girl called Bea, hence the name nickname Bumble) Bumble, as you can imagine, takes up most of my time outside of work – we love going out to the park as a family – I especially love seeing Bumble laugh when she is being pushed on the swing!
My other ‘love’ couldn’t be more different than being the Dad of a one-year-old girl.  I really enjoy mixing house and techno, I’m a secret DJ who loves music and, I know you will laugh, this helps me feel younger and cooler than I am!! (Especially when I have only had a few hours sleep with a little one in the house!) If you love this type of music make sure you chat to me about this when we meet up!
How do you relax?
The addition of the Everyman cinema in Oxted has been fantastic.  My wife, Claire, and I, love going to the cinema.  It is a short stroll from our home in Oxted, which makes it really easy for a night out. Our favourite restaurant has to be the Thai Pad… add this to a brilliant film at Everyman, and that is the perfect way to relax at the end of a busy week.
What is your favourite day out?
I’ve realised that both my perfect days out involve alcohol! My perfect day out would either be Oxted Beer Festival – which has grown and grown over the past few years, a fantastic local event, everyone has such a great time, brilliant beer (obviously), great food and music. My real favourite though, would be to head up to West London where we used to live for a long boozy lunch at the great restaurants and bars around Portobello Road! (We can hop on the train in Oxted and be up in town 30 minutes later!)
What is your favourite walk?
Given its Autumn time, it would have to be Sheffield Park and Gardens – an amazing National Trust garden.  At this time of year the trees look amazing – I can highly recommend a visit with family and friends.
What are your favourite apps?(Damian is known as being gadget and app crazy, we couldn’t resist asking him for his recommendations!)
MoneyBox – A financial app that rounds up your everyday purchases like buying a coffee at £2.50, then rounds up to £3 and takes the extra 50p and invests it in to an ISA.
Curve Card – A single debit card that you can load every debit and credit card that you have, and then select which one to use via the app. Great to save space in your wallet!
Dark Sky – Coming in to the winter months this is a brilliant weather app, as it will send you a notification when it is about to rain and then stop again. Gets it spot on every time!
Stocard – Lets you store every loyalty card you have and allows you to scan the barcodes at the till via the app.
What advice would you give anyone thinking of selling their home?
Now is a great time to sell, as there are a lot of buyers out there looking for properties, but not enough stock to facilitate their needs. Using the correct strategy in a more challenging market such as this, is key, and we have successfully advised our clients what approach would work best in order to find them the right buyer and best price. I think this recent review sums up exactly how we work (big thank you to our client Bethan for this amazing review)
“We got 4 different companies to come give a valuation and Damian provided the most detailed comparison work, plus the most informed advice on the current local sales situation. Communication was excellent. Our house sold in a matter of days, and we laughed, as the ‘for sale’ board wasn’t even up. Compared to the agents we have used when viewing properties to buy, Move Revolution is in a different league, it’s slick. I’ve been verbally recommending them to anyone who will listen” Bethan F, Reigate
If you are thinking of selling your home please give us call on 0330 223 1000, as you have read we are 100% focused on selling your house for the best possible price, and moving you as quickly as possible into your dream home. Book a valuation today!
source https://www.moverevolution.com/blog/say-hello-damian-bligh/
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alexisbush-blog1 · 6 years
Say hello to Damian Bligh!
Say hello to Damian Bligh, Sales Manager at Move Revolution.
Damian has been part of the Move Revolution team for the past four years at our head office (covering Reigate to Oxted, Warlingham to Horley) – if you have moved in this area you will definitely have spoken to, or met Damian! We write these blogs so that you can get to know more about our team; who they are, how they work and what they love.  When starting to right this blog it is so easy to say Damian is ‘unbelievable lovely’, ‘a really kind and thoughtful person’ combined with being ‘incredibly diligent and an expert in this area’. However, this really doesn’t cut through how much Damian really cares about his work – and also what a great laugh he is as part of the head office team.
Don’t just take it from us… these are a few phrases written by our clients in their independent reviews about Damian, so you can get a clearer, unbiased picture!
“Damian is tenacious, incredibly knowledgeable and reliable. He went that extra mile. His advice was sound, well researched and delivered the results”
“Damian is truly exceptional at what he does”
“Damian is incredibly helpful”
“Damian is extremely pro-active and helpful” 
“Damian is professional, personable, knowledgeable, honest, has integrity, non-pushy, yes I am describing an estate agent…. Damian’s a rare breed” 
“Damian is polite, professional and prompt.”
“Damian is friendly, empathetic and understanding”
Have you fallen in love with Damian? (If we could insert an emoji into the blog it would be the one with the wink!) We should point out Damian is very happily married, for those of you who love these qualities in a man (!!)…. However, if you are thinking of moving, then just give our head office a call on 01737 888220.
Joking aside (as this blog was being written, the above paragraph was read out loud in the office, Damian laughed, saying that his wife would find this very funny!) Damian is a true professional and a joy to work with; alongside the whole Head office team, headed up by Louise Simpson, they are truly brilliant at what they do. If you are thinking of moving in the Reigate, Redhill, Caterham, Warlingham, Oxted, Horley area you would be sincerely missing out if you didn’t give the team a call – with their expert knowledge, the right price and all the qualities listed above you will be moving into your next home very quickly! (Call 01737 888220 and book a valuation today!)
Part of getting to know our team is learning a bit about what they love getting up to when they are not at work, as well as finding out what they love at work!
How did you end up living in Oxted and working at Move Revolution?
We decided to move to Oxted, due to a number of factors. We were living in West London and both worked up in town, so it was important to live in a location that provided good links to London Bridge and Victoria. We had friends that lived in Westerham and came across Oxted from visiting them and liked that it had a Waitrose, numerous restaurants and boutique shops. In the 5 years we have been in Oxted, there have been a number of changes, like the Everyman cinema changing from one screen to three, plus creating a new much needed bar for the town centre. A couple of nice new restaurants and pubs opening are always welcome. And the Beer festival is getting bigger and better every year!
I had been working in the City as an equity derivatives broker, and was looking for a change in direction (without a commute!) I had previously been involved in outbound sales and recruitment which have similar transferable skills, with a passion for property this led me to estate agency, and in particular Move Revolution, with it’s clear focus on expertise, integrity and professionalism.
What are the three most favourite houses you have ever sold?
Tandridge Priory – This has to be top of the list! Tandridge Priory is a beautiful historic building set in 24 acres of land and in my hometown of Oxted. The potential for this property is very exciting and I can see the new owners creating a stunning home.
Clavadel – This is an Arts & Crafts property (‘think’ parquet flooring, bay windows with intricate design, inspired by the ideas of architect Augustus Pugin, write John Ruskin and designer William Morris) Clavadel is a stunning family home.
Hartswood Manor – Wing of an Elizabethan Manor House in Reigate with wood panelling throughout and one of the oldest staircases in the county – I love the traditional features and uniqueness of this home.
What do you love doing (when you’ve not at work)?
I love being with Bumble! (Those of you who know me will know I have a one-year-old gorgeous little girl called Bea, hence the name nickname Bumble) Bumble, as you can imagine, takes up most of my time outside of work – we love going out to the park as a family – I especially love seeing Bumble laugh when she is being pushed on the swing!
My other ‘love’ couldn’t be more different than being the Dad of a one-year-old girl.  I really enjoy mixing house and techno, I’m a secret DJ who loves music and, I know you will laugh, this helps me feel younger and cooler than I am!! (Especially when I have only had a few hours sleep with a little one in the house!) If you love this type of music make sure you chat to me about this when we meet up!
How do you relax?
The addition of the Everyman cinema in Oxted has been fantastic.  My wife, Claire, and I, love going to the cinema.  It is a short stroll from our home in Oxted, which makes it really easy for a night out. Our favourite restaurant has to be the Thai Pad… add this to a brilliant film at Everyman, and that is the perfect way to relax at the end of a busy week.
What is your favourite day out?
I’ve realised that both my perfect days out involve alcohol! My perfect day out would either be Oxted Beer Festival – which has grown and grown over the past few years, a fantastic local event, everyone has such a great time, brilliant beer (obviously), great food and music. My real favourite though, would be to head up to West London where we used to live for a long boozy lunch at the great restaurants and bars around Portobello Road! (We can hop on the train in Oxted and be up in town 30 minutes later!)
What is your favourite walk?
Given its Autumn time, it would have to be Sheffield Park and Gardens – an amazing National Trust garden.  At this time of year the trees look amazing – I can highly recommend a visit with family and friends.
What are your favourite apps?(Damian is known as being gadget and app crazy, we couldn’t resist asking him for his recommendations!)
MoneyBox – A financial app that rounds up your everyday purchases like buying a coffee at £2.50, then rounds up to £3 and takes the extra 50p and invests it in to an ISA.
Curve Card – A single debit card that you can load every debit and credit card that you have, and then select which one to use via the app. Great to save space in your wallet!
Dark Sky – Coming in to the winter months this is a brilliant weather app, as it will send you a notification when it is about to rain and then stop again. Gets it spot on every time!
Stocard – Lets you store every loyalty card you have and allows you to scan the barcodes at the till via the app.
What advice would you give anyone thinking of selling their home?
Now is a great time to sell, as there are a lot of buyers out there looking for properties, but not enough stock to facilitate their needs. Using the correct strategy in a more challenging market such as this, is key, and we have successfully advised our clients what approach would work best in order to find them the right buyer and best price. I think this recent review sums up exactly how we work (big thank you to our client Bethan for this amazing review)
“We got 4 different companies to come give a valuation and Damian provided the most detailed comparison work, plus the most informed advice on the current local sales situation. Communication was excellent. Our house sold in a matter of days, and we laughed, as the ‘for sale’ board wasn’t even up. Compared to the agents we have used when viewing properties to buy, Move Revolution is in a different league, it’s slick. I’ve been verbally recommending them to anyone who will listen” Bethan F, Reigate
If you are thinking of selling your home please give us call on 0330 223 1000, as you have read we are 100% focused on selling your house for the best possible price, and moving you as quickly as possible into your dream home. Book a valuation today!
source of this post came from Alexis Bush Blog https://www.moverevolution.com/blog/say-hello-damian-bligh/
0 notes
Say hello to Damian Bligh!
Say hello to Damian Bligh, Sales Manager at Move Revolution.
Damian has been part of the Move Revolution team for the past four years at our head office (covering Reigate to Oxted, Warlingham to Horley) – if you have moved in this area you will definitely have spoken to, or met Damian! We write these blogs so that you can get to know more about our team; who they are, how they work and what they love.  When starting to right this blog it is so easy to say Damian is ‘unbelievable lovely’, ‘a really kind and thoughtful person’ combined with being ‘incredibly diligent and an expert in this area’. However, this really doesn’t cut through how much Damian really cares about his work – and also what a great laugh he is as part of the head office team.
Don’t just take it from us… these are a few phrases written by our clients in their independent reviews about Damian, so you can get a clearer, unbiased picture!
“Damian is tenacious, incredibly knowledgeable and reliable. He went that extra mile. His advice was sound, well researched and delivered the results”
“Damian is truly exceptional at what he does”
“Damian is incredibly helpful”
“Damian is extremely pro-active and helpful” 
“Damian is professional, personable, knowledgeable, honest, has integrity, non-pushy, yes I am describing an estate agent…. Damian’s a rare breed” 
“Damian is polite, professional and prompt.”
“Damian is friendly, empathetic and understanding”
Have you fallen in love with Damian? (If we could insert an emoji into the blog it would be the one with the wink!) We should point out Damian is very happily married, for those of you who love these qualities in a man (!!)…. However, if you are thinking of moving, then just give our head office a call on 01737 888220.
Joking aside (as this blog was being written, the above paragraph was read out loud in the office, Damian laughed, saying that his wife would find this very funny!) Damian is a true professional and a joy to work with; alongside the whole Head office team, headed up by Louise Simpson, they are truly brilliant at what they do. If you are thinking of moving in the Reigate, Redhill, Caterham, Warlingham, Oxted, Horley area you would be sincerely missing out if you didn’t give the team a call – with their expert knowledge, the right price and all the qualities listed above you will be moving into your next home very quickly! (Call 01737 888220 and book a valuation today!)
Part of getting to know our team is learning a bit about what they love getting up to when they are not at work, as well as finding out what they love at work!
How did you end up living in Oxted and working at Move Revolution?
We decided to move to Oxted, due to a number of factors. We were living in West London and both worked up in town, so it was important to live in a location that provided good links to London Bridge and Victoria. We had friends that lived in Westerham and came across Oxted from visiting them and liked that it had a Waitrose, numerous restaurants and boutique shops. In the 5 years we have been in Oxted, there have been a number of changes, like the Everyman cinema changing from one screen to three, plus creating a new much needed bar for the town centre. A couple of nice new restaurants and pubs opening are always welcome. And the Beer festival is getting bigger and better every year!
I had been working in the City as an equity derivatives broker, and was looking for a change in direction (without a commute!) I had previously been involved in outbound sales and recruitment which have similar transferable skills, with a passion for property this led me to estate agency, and in particular Move Revolution, with it’s clear focus on expertise, integrity and professionalism.
What are the three most favourite houses you have ever sold?
Tandridge Priory – This has to be top of the list! Tandridge Priory is a beautiful historic building set in 24 acres of land and in my hometown of Oxted. The potential for this property is very exciting and I can see the new owners creating a stunning home.
Clavadel – This is an Arts & Crafts property (‘think’ parquet flooring, bay windows with intricate design, inspired by the ideas of architect Augustus Pugin, write John Ruskin and designer William Morris) Clavadel is a stunning family home.
Hartswood Manor – Wing of an Elizabethan Manor House in Reigate with wood panelling throughout and one of the oldest staircases in the county – I love the traditional features and uniqueness of this home.
What do you love doing (when you’ve not at work)?
I love being with Bumble! (Those of you who know me will know I have a one-year-old gorgeous little girl called Bea, hence the name nickname Bumble) Bumble, as you can imagine, takes up most of my time outside of work – we love going out to the park as a family – I especially love seeing Bumble laugh when she is being pushed on the swing!
My other ‘love’ couldn’t be more different than being the Dad of a one-year-old girl.  I really enjoy mixing house and techno, I’m a secret DJ who loves music and, I know you will laugh, this helps me feel younger and cooler than I am!! (Especially when I have only had a few hours sleep with a little one in the house!) If you love this type of music make sure you chat to me about this when we meet up!
How do you relax?
The addition of the Everyman cinema in Oxted has been fantastic.  My wife, Claire, and I, love going to the cinema.  It is a short stroll from our home in Oxted, which makes it really easy for a night out. Our favourite restaurant has to be the Thai Pad… add this to a brilliant film at Everyman, and that is the perfect way to relax at the end of a busy week.
What is your favourite day out?
I’ve realised that both my perfect days out involve alcohol! My perfect day out would either be Oxted Beer Festival – which has grown and grown over the past few years, a fantastic local event, everyone has such a great time, brilliant beer (obviously), great food and music. My real favourite though, would be to head up to West London where we used to live for a long boozy lunch at the great restaurants and bars around Portobello Road! (We can hop on the train in Oxted and be up in town 30 minutes later!)
What is your favourite walk?
Given its Autumn time, it would have to be Sheffield Park and Gardens – an amazing National Trust garden.  At this time of year the trees look amazing – I can highly recommend a visit with family and friends.
What are your favourite apps?(Damian is known as being gadget and app crazy, we couldn’t resist asking him for his recommendations!)
MoneyBox – A financial app that rounds up your everyday purchases like buying a coffee at £2.50, then rounds up to £3 and takes the extra 50p and invests it in to an ISA.
Curve Card – A single debit card that you can load every debit and credit card that you have, and then select which one to use via the app. Great to save space in your wallet!
Dark Sky – Coming in to the winter months this is a brilliant weather app, as it will send you a notification when it is about to rain and then stop again. Gets it spot on every time!
Stocard – Lets you store every loyalty card you have and allows you to scan the barcodes at the till via the app.
What advice would you give anyone thinking of selling their home?
Now is a great time to sell, as there are a lot of buyers out there looking for properties, but not enough stock to facilitate their needs. Using the correct strategy in a more challenging market such as this, is key, and we have successfully advised our clients what approach would work best in order to find them the right buyer and best price. I think this recent review sums up exactly how we work (big thank you to our client Bethan for this amazing review)
“We got 4 different companies to come give a valuation and Damian provided the most detailed comparison work, plus the most informed advice on the current local sales situation. Communication was excellent. Our house sold in a matter of days, and we laughed, as the ‘for sale’ board wasn’t even up. Compared to the agents we have used when viewing properties to buy, Move Revolution is in a different league, it’s slick. I’ve been verbally recommending them to anyone who will listen” Bethan F, Reigate
If you are thinking of selling your home please give us call on 0330 223 1000, as you have read we are 100% focused on selling your house for the best possible price, and moving you as quickly as possible into your dream home. Book a valuation today!
The post Say hello to Damian Bligh! appeared first on Move Revolution.
from Move Revolution https://www.moverevolution.com/blog/say-hello-damian-bligh/
0 notes
sophiadana · 6 years
Say hello to Damian Bligh!
Say hello to Damian Bligh, Sales Manager at Move Revolution.
Damian has been part of the Move Revolution team for the past four years at our head office (covering Reigate to Oxted, Warlingham to Horley) – if you have moved in this area you will definitely have spoken to, or met Damian! We write these blogs so that you can get to know more about our team; who they are, how they work and what they love.  When starting to right this blog it is so easy to say Damian is ‘unbelievable lovely’, ‘a really kind and thoughtful person’ combined with being ‘incredibly diligent and an expert in this area’. However, this really doesn’t cut through how much Damian really cares about his work – and also what a great laugh he is as part of the head office team.
Don’t just take it from us… these are a few phrases written by our clients in their independent reviews about Damian, so you can get a clearer, unbiased picture!
“Damian is tenacious, incredibly knowledgeable and reliable. He went that extra mile. His advice was sound, well researched and delivered the results”
“Damian is truly exceptional at what he does”
“Damian is incredibly helpful”
“Damian is extremely pro-active and helpful” 
“Damian is professional, personable, knowledgeable, honest, has integrity, non-pushy, yes I am describing an estate agent…. Damian’s a rare breed” 
“Damian is polite, professional and prompt.”
“Damian is friendly, empathetic and understanding”
Have you fallen in love with Damian? (If we could insert an emoji into the blog it would be the one with the wink!) We should point out Damian is very happily married, for those of you who love these qualities in a man (!!)…. However, if you are thinking of moving, then just give our head office a call on 01737 888220.
Joking aside (as this blog was being written, the above paragraph was read out loud in the office, Damian laughed, saying that his wife would find this very funny!) Damian is a true professional and a joy to work with; alongside the whole Head office team, headed up by Louise Simpson, they are truly brilliant at what they do. If you are thinking of moving in the Reigate, Redhill, Caterham, Warlingham, Oxted, Horley area you would be sincerely missing out if you didn’t give the team a call – with their expert knowledge, the right price and all the qualities listed above you will be moving into your next home very quickly! (Call 01737 888220 and book a valuation today!)
Part of getting to know our team is learning a bit about what they love getting up to when they are not at work, as well as finding out what they love at work!
How did you end up living in Oxted and working at Move Revolution?
We decided to move to Oxted, due to a number of factors. We were living in West London and both worked up in town, so it was important to live in a location that provided good links to London Bridge and Victoria. We had friends that lived in Westerham and came across Oxted from visiting them and liked that it had a Waitrose, numerous restaurants and boutique shops. In the 5 years we have been in Oxted, there have been a number of changes, like the Everyman cinema changing from one screen to three, plus creating a new much needed bar for the town centre. A couple of nice new restaurants and pubs opening are always welcome. And the Beer festival is getting bigger and better every year!
I had been working in the City as an equity derivatives broker, and was looking for a change in direction (without a commute!) I had previously been involved in outbound sales and recruitment which have similar transferable skills, with a passion for property this led me to estate agency, and in particular Move Revolution, with it’s clear focus on expertise, integrity and professionalism.
What are the three most favourite houses you have ever sold?
Tandridge Priory – This has to be top of the list! Tandridge Priory is a beautiful historic building set in 24 acres of land and in my hometown of Oxted. The potential for this property is very exciting and I can see the new owners creating a stunning home.
Clavadel – This is an Arts & Crafts property (‘think’ parquet flooring, bay windows with intricate design, inspired by the ideas of architect Augustus Pugin, write John Ruskin and designer William Morris) Clavadel is a stunning family home.
Hartswood Manor – Wing of an Elizabethan Manor House in Reigate with wood panelling throughout and one of the oldest staircases in the county – I love the traditional features and uniqueness of this home.
What do you love doing (when you’ve not at work)?
I love being with Bumble! (Those of you who know me will know I have a one-year-old gorgeous little girl called Bea, hence the name nickname Bumble) Bumble, as you can imagine, takes up most of my time outside of work – we love going out to the park as a family – I especially love seeing Bumble laugh when she is being pushed on the swing!
My other ‘love’ couldn’t be more different than being the Dad of a one-year-old girl.  I really enjoy mixing house and techno, I’m a secret DJ who loves music and, I know you will laugh, this helps me feel younger and cooler than I am!! (Especially when I have only had a few hours sleep with a little one in the house!) If you love this type of music make sure you chat to me about this when we meet up!
How do you relax?
The addition of the Everyman cinema in Oxted has been fantastic.  My wife, Claire, and I, love going to the cinema.  It is a short stroll from our home in Oxted, which makes it really easy for a night out. Our favourite restaurant has to be the Thai Pad… add this to a brilliant film at Everyman, and that is the perfect way to relax at the end of a busy week.
What is your favourite day out?
I’ve realised that both my perfect days out involve alcohol! My perfect day out would either be Oxted Beer Festival – which has grown and grown over the past few years, a fantastic local event, everyone has such a great time, brilliant beer (obviously), great food and music. My real favourite though, would be to head up to West London where we used to live for a long boozy lunch at the great restaurants and bars around Portobello Road! (We can hop on the train in Oxted and be up in town 30 minutes later!)
What is your favourite walk?
Given its Autumn time, it would have to be Sheffield Park and Gardens – an amazing National Trust garden.  At this time of year the trees look amazing – I can highly recommend a visit with family and friends.
What are your favourite apps?(Damian is known as being gadget and app crazy, we couldn’t resist asking him for his recommendations!)
MoneyBox – A financial app that rounds up your everyday purchases like buying a coffee at £2.50, then rounds up to £3 and takes the extra 50p and invests it in to an ISA.
Curve Card – A single debit card that you can load every debit and credit card that you have, and then select which one to use via the app. Great to save space in your wallet!
Dark Sky – Coming in to the winter months this is a brilliant weather app, as it will send you a notification when it is about to rain and then stop again. Gets it spot on every time!
Stocard – Lets you store every loyalty card you have and allows you to scan the barcodes at the till via the app.
What advice would you give anyone thinking of selling their home?
Now is a great time to sell, as there are a lot of buyers out there looking for properties, but not enough stock to facilitate their needs. Using the correct strategy in a more challenging market such as this, is key, and we have successfully advised our clients what approach would work best in order to find them the right buyer and best price. I think this recent review sums up exactly how we work (big thank you to our client Bethan for this amazing review)
“We got 4 different companies to come give a valuation and Damian provided the most detailed comparison work, plus the most informed advice on the current local sales situation. Communication was excellent. Our house sold in a matter of days, and we laughed, as the ‘for sale’ board wasn’t even up. Compared to the agents we have used when viewing properties to buy, Move Revolution is in a different league, it’s slick. I’ve been verbally recommending them to anyone who will listen” Bethan F, Reigate
If you are thinking of selling your home please give us call on 0330 223 1000, as you have read we are 100% focused on selling your house for the best possible price, and moving you as quickly as possible into your dream home. Book a valuation today!
from sophiadana https://www.moverevolution.com/blog/say-hello-damian-bligh/
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lindyhunt · 7 years
Meet the team: Mark Waldron
Mark has been with Move Revolution for 4 years and recently took over our Sevenoaks region. He’s doing a brilliant job and loves Sevenoaks, Westerham, Biggin Hill and all the local villages…we caught up with him to find out his secrets.
Where did you grow up and how did you get into Estate Agency?
I grew up in Crawley and went to college at Collyer’s in Horsham before heading to university in Canterbury to study Economics. I quickly realised a job based solely in an office environment wasn’t for me and that I needed a bit more variety! With a background in Economics… a ‘head for numbers’, but wanting to be ‘out and about’ and have lots of client contact,  I decided to go into estate agency.  I was lucky to start my career working for an independent agent in Whitstable, if you’ve ever been to Whitstable you will know it’s a beautiful town on the coast in Kent packed with stunning cottages and a wonderful selection of houses in the local villages – a very picturesque place to work.
Why Move Revolution? 
After 12 months of seeing how a ‘traditional agency’ worked I was keen to find a better way of working. I discovered the estate agent Move Revolution, met with a few members of the Move Revolution team and realised that their way of working was forward thinking model.  My eyes were opened, particularly with regards to working in an office, not a high street ‘shop’,  and importantly having an expert team support team – professional photographers and a dedicated Sales Progression Team…
If you’re reading this, you probably know about the Move Revolution “difference” but in a nutshell, it’s about outstanding customer service delivered by expert estate agents, photographers and sales progressors who genuinely care that buyers and tenants move into their new homes as quickly at possible!
What do you love about what you do?
I love the challenges that each day brings, I love meeting different people each day and the ability to get out and about, but most of all I love the feeling of selling someone their dream home, and handing over the keys when they complete on their sale!
What’s your favourite style of property/interiors?
My love Victorian and Edwardian homes packed with the character – the high ceilings and picture rails that so often feature in these period homes.
We’d love to see a selection of your favourite properties you’ve sold while at Move Revolution, can you share them with us?
I loved selling this house because it was such a quintessential village home in Sevenoaks, lots of period features, formerly the village post office.
And these are a selection of my favourite shots of a couple of some memorable homes.
We hear you’re a big fan of coffee, where do you like to go for a perfect cup?
My current favourite is Darcey’s in Sevenoaks which is an independent speciality coffee house. Their beans are roasted on site and I have to say, it’s superb. The cakes aren’t bad either! I’d definitely recommend to anyone who likes coffee, it’s worth a visit.
A couple of my other coffee stop off points are Deli di Luca in Westerham and if I’m going to our head office I’ll pop into Robertsons in Oxted on the way. Both are great!
So that’s it, the man behind the Move Revolution Sevenoaks office! If you live in the area and want to sell your home, give him a call on 01732 617617 or fill in the valuation form. 
from Move Revolution http://www.moverevolution.com/blog/meet-team-mark-waldron/
0 notes
How to Maximise Your Rental Income in Reigate & Oxted
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As a landlord, you have made a significant investment in a highly valuable asset, so it makes sense to maximise your rental income and make a profit. Here are our top tips to help you achieve your goals.
Expand your market
The key to any investment is understanding your market and potential demographic. When it comes to buy-to-let, you’ll need to gain a keen understanding of who your potential tenants are and how to reach them. This could mean investing in marketing (including professional photos), determining a correct rental price with the help of an agent like Property Rental Agents Reigate and Property Letting Agents In Oxted, and being readily available to receive calls and emails.
Keep the property updated and fresh
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Improvements do not need to be elaborate or expensive to attract higher-paying tenants. A well-presented home that has clearly been kept clean and maintained well is endlessly more attractive to prospective tenants than the opposite. Consider how you can up the appeal with interior design, for example, neutral and simple colours are fairly commonplace in rented properties due to it being cheap. Set your property apart from the rest with bold or warm colours and increase the home’s implied value.
Maximising income
To maximise your rental income, you will need to stay competitive by regularly checking rent prices for similar listings in the area. Rent can increase due to rising demand for the local area, so keep watch and make sure you aren’t undercharging for your property. Consult with the Best Agent to Sell My Home in Reigate to get insights into maximizing rental income.
Minimising damage
Damage to your property will harm your return on investment and is likely to deter higher-paying tenants. Routine check-ups on your property, thorough research into prospective tenants and their rental histories, and clear agreements on maintenance requirements will all help safeguard your property’s condition.
Investing in renovations such as an up-to-date kitchen, adding an extension or fixing structural issues is the best way to add value to your property. Many renters are willing to pay extra for better facilities including kitchens and bathrooms with plenty of storage and modern design will be a big draw.
Managing your finances
To maximise your return, you must ensure that your financial foundations are sturdy in case of any unexpected outgoings such as repairing damages. Work out your typical monthly yields and balance this against regular outgoings such as mortgage payments, to make sure you can sufficiently manage your investment. It is also important to have an overflow in your fund as a safety net in case the property becomes vacant for a period of time. Consulting with Sell My Home in Reigate experts can also provide valuable financial insights.
Content source: https://www.robertleech.com/how-to-maximise-your-rental-income-in-reigate-oxted/
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alexisbush-blog1 · 6 years
Move Revolution Prioryfields – Squiggle Dot & Squeeze
A big Move Revolution HELLO to Flori from Squiggle, Dot and Squeeze.  As many of you know Flori is the Move Revolution guest blogger about all things ‘crafty’.  Squiggle, Dot & Squeeze get involved with our activities and we love finding out all about their latest ideas! This year we will have three different craft actitivies – one for each day of Move Revolution Prioryfields – all created by Squiggle, Dot & Squeeze especially for you.
We can’t wait to see you this week!
Find out more about what has been going on with Squiggle, Dot & Squeeze this yet… as always Flori has ‘squeaked’ in a few creative ideas just for you!
What has been the highlights of 2018 …. so far? 
Squiggle Dot & Squeeze are rubbing shoulders with lots of other wonderful small businesses at the Natwest accelerator programme which is designed to enable small businesses and give them the support that is needed to grow.  So watch this space!
We were finalists for Muddy Stilettos Surrey Awards.  And we have spread our wings and been involved in some big shows in Bath and Birmingham, making new fans and delighting mini crafters further afield.
We also have got a plan to make one of our work days into a development day so that there are new kits on the way – which being older and wiser will be awesome as we can put all that we have learnt and all that you have asked for into our new products – which means they should be super cool!
    What have you got going on this Summer? 
This summer we are going to bring a ‘Fiesta Summer Party Plan’ newsletter with all the tips you will need to create a fun family fiesta.
Our Facebook page will have lots of craft ideas in the form of videos for you to check out giving you crafty inspiration
We will also be bringing you BBQ, picnic recipes and outdoor games ideas to fill the sunny summer holidays through our Instagram and Facebook pages.
If you fancy a spot of baking you are in luck we have just brought out our new Dinosaur baking kit, so if you are in need of a helping hand, our Roar for more Dino cookies will satisfy you and your mini crafter!
  Our kits are perfect for taking away on holiday with everything you need packed in them! All you need to add is your own crayons, glue stick and scissors and then you are set for hours of creative activity.
Take a look at our
facebook page www.facebook.com/squiggledotandsqueeze
and our Instragram www.instagram.com/squiggledotandsqueeze/
Introducing Flori’s ‘Favourite things’ 
What is your favourite tune?
I love search for the Hero by the M people. Love reminding myself that I am good enough..
What is your favourite cake?
A ‘don’t mess with it’ Victoria Sponge.. that means keeping it old school jam
What is your favourite day out?
We love National Trust Gardens as a day out with the family – Sheffield Park gardens are our number one spot!
What is your favourite musical? 
The Lion King has to be my favourite musical as it transports my mind back to my roots for a few hours of African magic!
Inside the creative mind of Flori… what makes you tick?!
What is your best craft ever?
My all time favourite is making paint brushes from anything textured I can get my hands on … it is so simple and such a textural adventure
Tell us somewhere you ‘go to’ to be inspired?
My best place for inspiration at the moment is a magazine called Project Calm Magazine… it is beautiful magazine packed with clever ideas and projects.
Help us run even more events!
If you are thinking of selling or letting your home we would love to speak with you. You can chat with one of our Move Revolution team at Prioryfields. There will be team members from all our offices:
Reigate, Redhill & Oxted
Croydon Purley & Coulsdon
East Grinstead, Crawley & Lingfield
Brighton & Hove
Haywards Heath Burgess Hill, Uckfield & Lindfield
Tunbridge Wells & Tonbridge
If you’d like to chat to us before seeing us at Move Revolution Prioryfields call us freephone on 0330 223 1000 – we can’t wait to hear from you.
    source of this post came from Alexis Bush Blog https://www.moverevolution.com/blog/move-revolution-prioryfields-squiggle-dot-squeeze/
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sophiadana · 7 years
Meet the team: Mark Waldron
Mark has been with Move Revolution for 4 years and recently took over our Sevenoaks region. He’s doing a brilliant job and loves Sevenoaks, Westerham, Biggin Hill and all the local villages…we caught up with him to find out his secrets.
Where did you grow up and how did you get into Estate Agency?
I grew up in Crawley and went to college at Collyer’s in Horsham before heading to university in Canterbury to study Economics. I quickly realised a job based solely in an office environment wasn’t for me and that I needed a bit more variety! With a background in Economics… a ‘head for numbers’, but wanting to be ‘out and about’ and have lots of client contact,  I decided to go into estate agency.  I was lucky to start my career working for an independent agent in Whitstable, if you’ve ever been to Whitstable you will know it’s a beautiful town on the coast in Kent packed with stunning cottages and a wonderful selection of houses in the local villages – a very picturesque place to work.
Why Move Revolution? 
After 12 months of seeing how a ‘traditional agency’ worked I was keen to find a better way of working. I discovered the estate agent Move Revolution, met with a few members of the Move Revolution team and realised that their way of working was forward thinking model.  My eyes were opened, particularly with regards to working in an office, not a high street ‘shop’,  and importantly having an expert team support team – professional photographers and a dedicated Sales Progression Team…
If you’re reading this, you probably know about the Move Revolution “difference” but in a nutshell, it’s about outstanding customer service delivered by expert estate agents, photographers and sales progressors who genuinely care that buyers and tenants move into their new homes as quickly at possible!
What do you love about what you do?
I love the challenges that each day brings, I love meeting different people each day and the ability to get out and about, but most of all I love the feeling of selling someone their dream home, and handing over the keys when they complete on their sale!
What’s your favourite style of property/interiors?
My love Victorian and Edwardian homes packed with the character – the high ceilings and picture rails that so often feature in these period homes.
We’d love to see a selection of your favourite properties you’ve sold while at Move Revolution, can you share them with us?
I loved selling this house because it was such a quintessential village home in Sevenoaks, lots of period features, formerly the village post office.
And these are a selection of my favourite shots of a couple of some memorable homes.
We hear you’re a big fan of coffee, where do you like to go for a perfect cup?
My current favourite is Darcey’s in Sevenoaks which is an independent speciality coffee house. Their beans are roasted on site and I have to say, it’s superb. The cakes aren’t bad either! I’d definitely recommend to anyone who likes coffee, it’s worth a visit.
A couple of my other coffee stop off points are Deli di Luca in Westerham and if I’m going to our head office I’ll pop into Robertsons in Oxted on the way. Both are great!
So that’s it, the man behind the Move Revolution Sevenoaks office! If you live in the area and want to sell your home, give him a call on 01732 617617 or fill in the valuation form. 
from sophiadana http://www.moverevolution.com/blog/meet-team-mark-waldron/
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alexisbush-blog1 · 7 years
Meet the team: Mark Waldron
Mark has been with Move Revolution for 4 years and recently took over our Sevenoaks region. He’s doing a brilliant job and loves Sevenoaks, Westerham, Biggin Hill and all the local villages…we caught up with him to find out his secrets.
Where did you grow up and how did you get into Estate Agency?
I grew up in Crawley and went to college at Collyer’s in Horsham before heading to university in Canterbury to study Economics. I quickly realised a job based solely in an office environment wasn’t for me and that I needed a bit more variety! With a background in Economics… a ‘head for numbers’, but wanting to be ‘out and about’ and have lots of client contact,  I decided to go into estate agency.  I was lucky to start my career working for an independent agent in Whitstable, if you’ve ever been to Whitstable you will know it’s a beautiful town on the coast in Kent packed with stunning cottages and a wonderful selection of houses in the local villages – a very picturesque place to work.
Why Move Revolution? 
After 12 months of seeing how a ‘traditional agency’ worked I was keen to find a better way of working. I discovered the estate agent Move Revolution, met with a few members of the Move Revolution team and realised that their way of working was forward thinking model.  My eyes were opened, particularly with regards to working in an office, not a high street ‘shop’,  and importantly having an expert team support team – professional photographers and a dedicated Sales Progression Team…
If you’re reading this, you probably know about the Move Revolution “difference” but in a nutshell, it’s about outstanding customer service delivered by expert estate agents, photographers and sales progressors who genuinely care that buyers and tenants move into their new homes as quickly at possible!
What do you love about what you do?
I love the challenges that each day brings, I love meeting different people each day and the ability to get out and about, but most of all I love the feeling of selling someone their dream home, and handing over the keys when they complete on their sale!
What’s your favourite style of property/interiors?
My love Victorian and Edwardian homes packed with the character – the high ceilings and picture rails that so often feature in these period homes.
We’d love to see a selection of your favourite properties you’ve sold while at Move Revolution, can you share them with us?
I loved selling this house because it was such a quintessential village home in Sevenoaks, lots of period features, formerly the village post office.
And these are a selection of my favourite shots of a couple of some memorable homes.
We hear you’re a big fan of coffee, where do you like to go for a perfect cup?
My current favourite is Darcey’s in Sevenoaks which is an independent speciality coffee house. Their beans are roasted on site and I have to say, it’s superb. The cakes aren’t bad either! I’d definitely recommend to anyone who likes coffee, it’s worth a visit.
A couple of my other coffee stop off points are Deli di Luca in Westerham and if I’m going to our head office I’ll pop into Robertsons in Oxted on the way. Both are great!
So that’s it, the man behind the Move Revolution Sevenoaks office! If you live in the area and want to sell your home, give him a call on 01732 617617 or fill in the valuation form. 
source of this post came from Alexis Bush Blog http://www.moverevolution.com/blog/meet-team-mark-waldron/
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billwells3 · 7 years
Meet the team: Mark Waldron
Mark has been with Move Revolution for 4 years and recently took over our Sevenoaks region. He’s doing a brilliant job and loves Sevenoaks, Westerham, Biggin Hill and all the local villages…we caught up with him to find out his secrets.
Where did you grow up and how did you get into Estate Agency?
I grew up in Crawley and went to college at Collyer’s in Horsham before heading to university in Canterbury to study Economics. I quickly realised a job based solely in an office environment wasn’t for me and that I needed a bit more variety! With a background in Economics… a ‘head for numbers’, but wanting to be ‘out and about’ and have lots of client contact,  I decided to go into estate agency.  I was lucky to start my career working for an independent agent in Whitstable, if you’ve ever been to Whitstable you will know it’s a beautiful town on the coast in Kent packed with stunning cottages and a wonderful selection of houses in the local villages – a very picturesque place to work.
Why Move Revolution? 
After 12 months of seeing how a ‘traditional agency’ worked I was keen to find a better way of working. I discovered the estate agent Move Revolution, met with a few members of the Move Revolution team and realised that their way of working was forward thinking model.  My eyes were opened, particularly with regards to working in an office, not a high street ‘shop’,  and importantly having an expert team support team – professional photographers and a dedicated Sales Progression Team…
If you’re reading this, you probably know about the Move Revolution “difference” but in a nutshell, it’s about outstanding customer service delivered by expert estate agents, photographers and sales progressors who genuinely care that buyers and tenants move into their new homes as quickly at possible!
What do you love about what you do?
I love the challenges that each day brings, I love meeting different people each day and the ability to get out and about, but most of all I love the feeling of selling someone their dream home, and handing over the keys when they complete on their sale!
What’s your favourite style of property/interiors?
My love Victorian and Edwardian homes packed with the character – the high ceilings and picture rails that so often feature in these period homes.
We’d love to see a selection of your favourite properties you’ve sold while at Move Revolution, can you share them with us?
I loved selling this house because it was such a quintessential village home in Sevenoaks, lots of period features, formerly the village post office.
And these are a selection of my favourite shots of a couple of some memorable homes.
We hear you’re a big fan of coffee, where do you like to go for a perfect cup?
My current favourite is Darcey’s in Sevenoaks which is an independent speciality coffee house. Their beans are roasted on site and I have to say, it’s superb. The cakes aren’t bad either! I’d definitely recommend to anyone who likes coffee, it’s worth a visit.
A couple of my other coffee stop off points are Deli di Luca in Westerham and if I’m going to our head office I’ll pop into Robertsons in Oxted on the way. Both are great!
So that’s it, the man behind the Move Revolution Sevenoaks office! If you live in the area and want to sell your home, give him a call on 01732 617617 or fill in the valuation form. 
source http://www.moverevolution.com/blog/meet-team-mark-waldron/
0 notes
Meet the team: Mark Waldron
Mark has been with Move Revolution for 4 years and recently took over our Sevenoaks region. He’s doing a brilliant job and loves Sevenoaks, Westerham, Biggin Hill and all the local villages…we caught up with him to find out his secrets.
Where did you grow up and how did you get into Estate Agency?
I grew up in Crawley and went to college at Collyer’s in Horsham before heading to university in Canterbury to study Economics. I quickly realised a job based solely in an office environment wasn’t for me and that I needed a bit more variety! With a background in Economics… a ‘head for numbers’, but wanting to be ‘out and about’ and have lots of client contact,  I decided to go into estate agency.  I was lucky to start my career working for an independent agent in Whitstable, if you’ve ever been to Whitstable you will know it’s a beautiful town on the coast in Kent packed with stunning cottages and a wonderful selection of houses in the local villages – a very picturesque place to work.
Why Move Revolution? 
After 12 months of seeing how a ‘traditional agency’ worked I was keen to find a better way of working. I discovered the estate agent Move Revolution, met with a few members of the Move Revolution team and realised that their way of working was forward thinking model.  My eyes were opened, particularly with regards to working in an office, not a high street ‘shop’,  and importantly having an expert team support team – professional photographers and a dedicated Sales Progression Team…
If you’re reading this, you probably know about the Move Revolution “difference” but in a nutshell, it’s about outstanding customer service delivered by expert estate agents, photographers and sales progressors who genuinely care that buyers and tenants move into their new homes as quickly at possible!
What do you love about what you do?
I love the challenges that each day brings, I love meeting different people each day and the ability to get out and about, but most of all I love the feeling of selling someone their dream home, and handing over the keys when they complete on their sale!
What’s your favourite style of property/interiors?
My love Victorian and Edwardian homes packed with the character – the high ceilings and picture rails that so often feature in these period homes.
We’d love to see a selection of your favourite properties you’ve sold while at Move Revolution, can you share them with us?
I loved selling this house because it was such a quintessential village home in Sevenoaks, lots of period features, formerly the village post office.
And these are a selection of my favourite shots of a couple of some memorable homes.
We hear you’re a big fan of coffee, where do you like to go for a perfect cup?
My current favourite is Darcey’s in Sevenoaks which is an independent speciality coffee house. Their beans are roasted on site and I have to say, it’s superb. The cakes aren’t bad either! I’d definitely recommend to anyone who likes coffee, it’s worth a visit.
A couple of my other coffee stop off points are Deli di Luca in Westerham and if I’m going to our head office I’ll pop into Robertsons in Oxted on the way. Both are great!
So that’s it, the man behind the Move Revolution Sevenoaks office! If you live in the area and want to sell your home, give him a call on 01732 617617 or fill in the valuation form. 
The post Meet the team: Mark Waldron appeared first on Move Revolution.
from Move Revolution http://www.moverevolution.com/blog/meet-team-mark-waldron/
0 notes
billwells3 · 7 years
The Fairy Tale Fair at Brighton Fringe 2017
Have you been to The Fairy Tale Fair?
We love incredible family events.  We love Brighton. We love amazing reviews.  Add these all together and you have The Fairy Tale Fair!
Our Brighton Office has been raving about The Fairy Tale Fair, having received the Best Market & Community Event in the UK 2016 Business award, we can see why!  We are proud to be sponsoring The Fairy Tale Fair at Brighton Fringe! This is the first time they have been part of the Fringe – which is so exciting.  There will be 45 incredible stalls packed with local designers and makers, as well as delicious homemade treat stalls and, of course, the wonderful Brighton cafes perfect for you to pop into when you need a place to stop and relax in-between shopping!
What date do I need to put in my diary? Saturday 20th May.
Not only can you enjoy the wonderful stalls, there will also be live performances including The Meebles Bubble Man – there will be lots more which we can share with you as soon as they are announced.
Where is the fair? Right in the centre of town!
The Fair couldn’t be easier to find.  It is at the open market, Marshalls Row, London Road, BN1 4JU, Brighton. The market (although it is called the ‘open market) is also fully under cover, so you’ve no need to worry about the weather.The London Road car park is about 5 minutes away, or on street parking available behind the market at The Level park for upto 4 hours. The venue is fully wheelchair and buggy accessible. There are toilets and baby changing within the venue.
How much are the tickets? It is FREE
Which is one of the reasons we are sponsoring The Fairy Tale Fair, we love events and activities that are free! (Although you will need to pay for the gorgeous things that you buy!)
If you are thinking of making ‘a day of it’ have a read of our fantastic blog written by Alex Goodman (who runs our Brighton & Hove office).  There are some amazing places to eat and drink in Brighton, just have a read here!
The Fairy Tale Fair is part of the bigger Brighton Fringe.  There are 185 other events and activities taking place on Saturday 20th May.  Why not make the most of your visit and book some tickets (check out all the free events that are taking place)
These are just a few of the things that we think look brilliant and caught our eye!
Baby loves Disco’s Beach Beats which gets amazing reviews (and sells out very very quickly!)
The Move Revolution team LOVES delicious food.  In particular our Creative Manager (Think…Chief of Imaging and incredible photographer!) loves incredible Street Food (he has written a brilliant blog all about Box Park, Croydon – if you haven’t been you won’t be able to resist going once you have had a read!) We know he is hoping to go to on the Food Tour!
Have you put the date in your diary?
If you haven’t made up your mind yet, and we haven’t tempted you with amazing shopping, incredible places to eat and all the other Brighton Fringe events perhaps you would like to know a little bit more about The Fairy Tale Fair and why we love it so much.
The Fairy Tale Fair was launched in the summer of 2012 and is the creation of Claire Montgomery. As a designer and regular on the craft scene herself she decided to set up her own craft fair. She loves taking part in craft fairs but felt there was a lack of community-based fairs for all the family to enjoy. After a few months planning and hounding craft-y contacts The Fairy Tale Fair was finally born! The first fair was in August 2012. The Fairy Tale Fair has gone from strength to strength being featured in The Times national newspaper as well as many local blogs, magazines and press. In summer 2015 they gained Kallikids ‘Accredited by Parents’ status and then in January 2016 we were voted Best Market & Community Event in the UK in the Best Of Business Awards 2016!  As you can see The Fairy Tale Fair is destined to only get bigger and better!
Look out for an exciting competition we’ll be running in the lead up to the fair, as you could be the lucky winner of some fairy money to spend at the fair on the day! WATCH THIS SPACE!
We can’t wait to see you – come and say hello!  If you are thinking of selling of letting your home in Brighton & Hove (or throughout the Surrey, Sussex & Kent) we would love to hear from you.  Please call Alex or Joey on 01273 921500.
  Brighton & Hove                            01273 921500
Reigate & Redhill                           01737 888220
Caterham & Oxted                         01883 708388
Lingfield & East Grinstead             01342 888450
Crawley & Horsham                       01293 127620
Haywards Heath & Burgess Hill     01444 657657
Croydon, Coulson & Purley          0208 8193272
Sevenoaks & Tonbridge                01892 738388
Tunbridge Wells                            01892 300600
    source http://www.moverevolution.com/blog/fairy-tale-fair-brighton-fringe-2017/
0 notes
lindyhunt · 7 years
The Fairy Tale Fair at Brighton Fringe 2017
Have you been to The Fairy Tale Fair?
We love incredible family events.  We love Brighton. We love amazing reviews.  Add these all together and you have The Fairy Tale Fair!
Our Brighton Office has been raving about The Fairy Tale Fair, having received the Best Market & Community Event in the UK 2016 Business award, we can see why!  We are proud to be sponsoring The Fairy Tale Fair at Brighton Fringe! This is the first time they have been part of the Fringe – which is so exciting.  There will be 45 incredible stalls packed with local designers and makers, as well as delicious homemade treat stalls and, of course, the wonderful Brighton cafes perfect for you to pop into when you need a place to stop and relax in-between shopping!
What date do I need to put in my diary? Saturday 20th May.
Not only can you enjoy the wonderful stalls, there will also be live performances including The Meebles Bubble Man – there will be lots more which we can share with you as soon as they are announced.
Where is the fair? Right in the centre of town!
The Fair couldn’t be easier to find.  It is at the open market, Marshalls Row, London Road, BN1 4JU, Brighton. The market (although it is called the ‘open market) is also fully under cover, so you’ve no need to worry about the weather.The London Road car park is about 5 minutes away, or on street parking available behind the market at The Level park for upto 4 hours. The venue is fully wheelchair and buggy accessible. There are toilets and baby changing within the venue.
How much are the tickets? It is FREE
Which is one of the reasons we are sponsoring The Fairy Tale Fair, we love events and activities that are free! (Although you will need to pay for the gorgeous things that you buy!)
If you are thinking of making ‘a day of it’ have a read of our fantastic blog written by Alex Goodman (who runs our Brighton & Hove office).  There are some amazing places to eat and drink in Brighton, just have a read here!
The Fairy Tale Fair is part of the bigger Brighton Fringe.  There are 185 other events and activities taking place on Saturday 20th May.  Why not make the most of your visit and book some tickets (check out all the free events that are taking place)
These are just a few of the things that we think look brilliant and caught our eye!
Baby loves Disco’s Beach Beats which gets amazing reviews (and sells out very very quickly!)
The Move Revolution team LOVES delicious food.  In particular our Creative Manager (Think…Chief of Imaging and incredible photographer!) loves incredible Street Food (he has written a brilliant blog all about Box Park, Croydon – if you haven’t been you won’t be able to resist going once you have had a read!) We know he is hoping to go to on the Food Tour!
Have you put the date in your diary?
If you haven’t made up your mind yet, and we haven’t tempted you with amazing shopping, incredible places to eat and all the other Brighton Fringe events perhaps you would like to know a little bit more about The Fairy Tale Fair and why we love it so much.
The Fairy Tale Fair was launched in the summer of 2012 and is the creation of Claire Montgomery. As a designer and regular on the craft scene herself she decided to set up her own craft fair. She loves taking part in craft fairs but felt there was a lack of community-based fairs for all the family to enjoy. After a few months planning and hounding craft-y contacts The Fairy Tale Fair was finally born! The first fair was in August 2012. The Fairy Tale Fair has gone from strength to strength being featured in The Times national newspaper as well as many local blogs, magazines and press. In summer 2015 they gained Kallikids ‘Accredited by Parents’ status and then in January 2016 we were voted Best Market & Community Event in the UK in the Best Of Business Awards 2016!  As you can see The Fairy Tale Fair is destined to only get bigger and better!
Look out for an exciting competition we’ll be running in the lead up to the fair, as you could be the lucky winner of some fairy money to spend at the fair on the day! WATCH THIS SPACE!
We can’t wait to see you – come and say hello!  If you are thinking of selling of letting your home in Brighton & Hove (or throughout the Surrey, Sussex & Kent) we would love to hear from you.  Please call Alex or Joey on 01273 921500.
Brighton & Hove                            01273 921500
Reigate & Redhill                           01737 888220
Caterham & Oxted                         01883 708388
Lingfield & East Grinstead             01342 888450
Crawley & Horsham                       01293 127620
Haywards Heath & Burgess Hill     01444 657657
Croydon, Coulson & Purley          0208 8193272
Sevenoaks & Tonbridge                01892 738388
Tunbridge Wells                            01892 300600
  from Move Revolution http://www.moverevolution.com/blog/fairy-tale-fair-brighton-fringe-2017/
0 notes
The Fairy Tale Fair at Brighton Fringe 2017
Have you been to The Fairy Tale Fair?
We love incredible family events.  We love Brighton. We love amazing reviews.  Add these all together and you have The Fairy Tale Fair!
Our Brighton Office has been raving about The Fairy Tale Fair, having received the Best Market & Community Event in the UK 2016 Business award, we can see why!  We are proud to be sponsoring The Fairy Tale Fair at Brighton Fringe! This is the first time they have been part of the Fringe – which is so exciting.  There will be 45 incredible stalls packed with local designers and makers, as well as delicious homemade treat stalls and, of course, the wonderful Brighton cafes perfect for you to pop into when you need a place to stop and relax in-between shopping!
What date do I need to put in my diary? Saturday 20th May.
Not only can you enjoy the wonderful stalls, there will also be live performances including The Meebles Bubble Man – there will be lots more which we can share with you as soon as they are announced.
Where is the fair? Right in the centre of town!
The Fair couldn’t be easier to find.  It is at the open market, Marshalls Row, London Road, BN1 4JU, Brighton. The market (although it is called the ‘open market) is also fully under cover, so you’ve no need to worry about the weather.The London Road car park is about 5 minutes away, or on street parking available behind the market at The Level park for upto 4 hours. The venue is fully wheelchair and buggy accessible. There are toilets and baby changing within the venue.
How much are the tickets? It is FREE
Which is one of the reasons we are sponsoring The Fairy Tale Fair, we love events and activities that are free! (Although you will need to pay for the gorgeous things that you buy!)
If you are thinking of making ‘a day of it’ have a read of our fantastic blog written by Alex Goodman (who runs our Brighton & Hove office).  There are some amazing places to eat and drink in Brighton, just have a read here!
The Fairy Tale Fair is part of the bigger Brighton Fringe.  There are 185 other events and activities taking place on Saturday 20th May.  Why not make the most of your visit and book some tickets (check out all the free events that are taking place)
These are just a few of the things that we think look brilliant and caught our eye!
Baby loves Disco’s Beach Beats which gets amazing reviews (and sells out very very quickly!)
The Move Revolution team LOVES delicious food.  In particular our Creative Manager (Think…Chief of Imaging and incredible photographer!) loves incredible Street Food (he has written a brilliant blog all about Box Park, Croydon – if you haven’t been you won’t be able to resist going once you have had a read!) We know he is hoping to go to on the Food Tour!
Have you put the date in your diary?
If you haven’t made up your mind yet, and we haven’t tempted you with amazing shopping, incredible places to eat and all the other Brighton Fringe events perhaps you would like to know a little bit more about The Fairy Tale Fair and why we love it so much.
The Fairy Tale Fair was launched in the summer of 2012 and is the creation of Claire Montgomery. As a designer and regular on the craft scene herself she decided to set up her own craft fair. She loves taking part in craft fairs but felt there was a lack of community-based fairs for all the family to enjoy. After a few months planning and hounding craft-y contacts The Fairy Tale Fair was finally born! The first fair was in August 2012. The Fairy Tale Fair has gone from strength to strength being featured in The Times national newspaper as well as many local blogs, magazines and press. In summer 2015 they gained Kallikids ‘Accredited by Parents’ status and then in January 2016 we were voted Best Market & Community Event in the UK in the Best Of Business Awards 2016!  As you can see The Fairy Tale Fair is destined to only get bigger and better!
Look out for an exciting competition we’ll be running in the lead up to the fair, as you could be the lucky winner of some fairy money to spend at the fair on the day! WATCH THIS SPACE!
We can’t wait to see you – come and say hello!  If you are thinking of selling of letting your home in Brighton & Hove (or throughout the Surrey, Sussex & Kent) we would love to hear from you.  Please call Alex or Joey on 01273 921500.
  Brighton & Hove                            01273 921500
Reigate & Redhill                           01737 888220
Caterham & Oxted                         01883 708388
Lingfield & East Grinstead             01342 888450
Crawley & Horsham                       01293 127620
Haywards Heath & Burgess Hill     01444 657657
Croydon, Coulson & Purley          0208 8193272
Sevenoaks & Tonbridge                01892 738388
Tunbridge Wells                            01892 300600
    The post The Fairy Tale Fair at Brighton Fringe 2017 appeared first on Move Revolution.
from Move Revolution http://www.moverevolution.com/blog/fairy-tale-fair-brighton-fringe-2017/
0 notes