#See Hotaru has HONOR he gives Darrius the mercy of a quick death
seidanguard · 5 months
✂ time to finally end Darrius
MURDER MEME || always open || @chxxseyourfighter
Justice was a solemn obligation. Solemn and sometimes painful.
He stood next to Darrius on the stage in the public amphitheatre, gazing upon the hundreds and hundreds of restrained Resistance members, on their knees like their leader.
These had all once been normal Seidan citizens but got caught up in the web of romantic lies that Darrius manipulated them with. Now they were terrorists. Enemies of the state--and they would pay. Although criminals, they were also victims in a way, and Hotaru understood how they came to be that way.
They had been partners in the Guard. Friends. They worked well together and covered each other's weaknesses. They talked to each other. They understood each other. Until they didn't. It only took one moment, one awful moment, to erase centuries of friendship and to become enemies as if from the dawn of time. Hotaru knew this well.
Hotaru had unshakeable faith in the Senate. Just because the two guards happened upon a shady deal between two senators did not mean that it was their place to charge in and disrupt the order of the State to prosecute politicians. But the fact that it broke Darrius, it broke his resolve and loyalty and faith and turned him into a monster--that meant he had been fooled; that there had been red flags and warning signs that Hotaru should have seen. But looking back, even now, he could not see them. Darrius was a liar, a born liar, and had never truly been his friend.
Next to each prisoner in the vast crowd below them stood a member of Seidan law enforcement - some were members of the Guard and some were provincial security. Each had a weapon at the neck of their prisoner.
Hotaru looked down at Darrius. Darrius was calm. Cool. Collected. Looking at his people. One might think that he cared about them. But Darrius cared for nobody but himself. He was as willing to sacrifice his followers as he was to slaughter innocent civilians for his "cause" - a cruel and losing cause.
Hotaru had prepared a speech for this moment. He was utterly unable to stick to it. Instead he spoke what came to him. If anybody found out, they would be scandalized.
"Today marks the end of the scourge that was your apostate Resistance," Hotaru said. "You betrayed your families. You betrayed your friends. You betrayed that child, that innocent child you never knew, whose life you violently stole in smoke and flame and hubris. Your legacy will be as terrorists who brought senseless death and disorder to innocent people for a repugnant cause."
He stared out. With blades to their necks, these resistance members suddenly had nothing to say.
Darrius still gazed out cooly, ignoring Hotaru. No shame. No regret. Defiant to the very end.
Hotaru, stone-straight and gazing out, spoke softly so that he could not be heard by the crowd. "The fate you promised your people."
Hotaru nodded.
The juicy sound of hundreds of throats being sliced in unison reverberated throughout the amphitheatre. Utter silence followed.
Hotaru said one more thing to his old friend.
"I hope it was worth it."
Without looking down, Hotaru slit Darrius' throat.
It was over. Seido and its innocent civilians were finally safe; the legendary Seidan Guard living up to their reputation quashing the Resistance. Darrius would never hurt anybody again. The Seidan Guard would never have to hunt him down, gather intelligence about him, intercept him. No more games of cat-and-mouse. No more presence in Hotaru's mind.
Hotaru was not surprised that he suddenly felt alone.
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