#Scrape Alibaba Product description Page Data
iweb-data-scraping · 2 years
Alibaba Product Scraper | Scrape Alibaba Product description Page Data | iWeb Data Scraping
Scrape product data from Alibaba. Gather product details such as pricing, rating, number of reviews, product images, and more data points from Alibaba.
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realdatascraping · 19 days
How to Scrape Alibaba Product Data using Python?
In the era of e-commerce dominance, Alibaba stands as one of the world's largest online marketplaces, offering a vast array of products from suppliers across the globe. For businesses and researchers looking to gain insights into market trends, competitor pricing, or product availability, scraping Alibaba product data can provide invaluable information. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore how to scrape Alibaba product data using Python, leveraging the power of web scraping services.
What is Web Scraping?
Web scraping is the process of extracting data from websites. Using automated scripts or tools, web scrapers collect information from web pages, transforming unstructured data into a structured format that can be analyzed and utilized. This procedure empowers businesses and researchers to collect valuable insights, observe market trends, monitor competitor activity, and make well-informed decisions. By automating Alibaba data extraction, web scraping streamlines the process of gathering large volumes of information from the web, saving time and effort compared to manual data collection methods. Additionally, web scraping facilitates web data integration into various applications, databases, and analytical tools, enabling organizations to leverage the vast amount of information available on the internet for their specific needs.
Why Scrape Alibaba Data?
To extract Alibaba data using Python or other tools offers numerous benefits for businesses, including market research, price comparison, competitor analysis, strategic decision-making, and enhanced market positioning. By harnessing the power of web scraping services, companies can unlock valuable insights that drive growth, innovation, and success in today's competitive business landscape.
Market Research: To extract Alibaba data using Python or Alibaba data scraper provides businesses with invaluable insights for market research. Companies can gain a comprehensive understanding of the market landscape by analyzing trends, consumer preferences, and product demand on the platform. The data extracted, such as product categories, sales volumes, and customer reviews, provides businesses with a wealth of information that can inform their strategies and give them the confidence to make informed decisions.
Price Comparison: Scraping Alibaba product data allows businesses to conduct thorough price comparisons across suppliers. Companies can identify the most cost-effective sourcing options by extracting pricing information for similar products. This enables them to optimize their procurement strategies and negotiate better deals with suppliers, ultimately improving cost efficiency and profitability.
Competitor Analysis: Extract Alibaba data using Python enables businesses to perform in-depth competitor analysis. By scraping product listings, descriptions, and pricing details from rival sellers, companies can gain insights into competitor offerings, pricing strategies, and customer feedback. This information empowers businesses to identify gaps in the market, refine their product offerings, and develop competitive pricing strategies to capture market share.
Strategic Decision-Making: Alibaba data collection and extraction support strategic decision-making processes. By leveraging scraped data, businesses can make informed decisions about product development, inventory management, and marketing strategies. Whether identifying emerging trends, assessing consumer sentiment, or evaluating market saturation, Alibaba data is a valuable resource for guiding strategic initiatives.
Enhanced Market Positioning: Scraping Alibaba data equips businesses with the tools not just to keep up, stay ahead of the curve, and maintain a competitive edge in the marketplace. By monitoring market trends, tracking competitor activity, and analyzing consumer behavior, companies can adapt their strategies in real-time to capitalize on opportunities and mitigate risks. This proactive approach to market intelligence ensures that businesses remain agile and responsive to changing market dynamics, giving them a competitive advantage that can't be ignored.
Setting Up Your Environment
To begin scraping Alibaba data, you'll need:
Python installed on your system
Necessary libraries like requests, BeautifulSoup, or playwright
Scraping Alibaba Product Data using Python
Method 1: Using Requests and BeautifulSoup
Method 2: Using Playwright
Playwright is a powerful tool for automating browser interactions and scraping dynamic content. Here's how to scrape Alibaba using
Best Practices for Scraping Alibaba Data
Respect Robots.txt: Check Alibaba's robots.txt file to understand scraping restrictions and guidelines.
Use Delay and Proxies: Implement delays between requests and rotate proxies to avoid IP blocking.
Scrape Ethically: Abide by Alibaba's terms of service and respect their intellectual property rights.
Handle Dynamic Content: Use tools like Playwright or Selenium to handle JavaScript-generated content.
Applications of Alibaba Data Scraping
To Research Market : Web scraping Alibaba data using Python or similar tools facilitates comprehensive market research. By extracting data on product categories, sales trends, and consumer preferences, businesses can gain insights into market dynamics and identify emerging trends.
To Compare Prices: Alibaba data scraping enables businesses to conduct thorough price comparisons across multiple suppliers. By extracting pricing information for similar products, companies can optimize their procurement strategies and negotiate better deals, enhancing cost-efficiency.
To Analyze Competitors: Alibaba data collection and extraction support in-depth competitor analysis. By scraping product listings, descriptions, and pricing details from rival sellers, businesses can analyze competitor offerings, pricing strategies, and customer feedback to refine their own strategies and gain a competitive edge.
To Make Strategic Decisions: Extracting Alibaba data using Python empowers businesses to make informed strategic decisions. Whether it's identifying market trends, assessing consumer sentiment, or evaluating product performance, scraped data provides valuable insights for guiding strategic initiatives and driving business growth.
To Know Positioning in the Market: Alibaba data scraping allows businesses to enhance their market positioning by staying abreast of market trends and consumer preferences. By monitoring market dynamics and competitor activity, companies can adapt their strategies in real-time to capitalize on opportunities and maintain a competitive edge in the marketplace.
Scraping Alibaba product data using Python unlocks a realm of opportunities for businesses and researchers seeking valuable insights. Real Data API offers a seamless solution for extracting Alibaba data, enabling market research, price comparison, and competitor analysis. With Real Data API, businesses can harness the power of web scraping services effortlessly, leveraging Python libraries like BeautifulSoup and Playwright. However, it's crucial to scrape responsibly, adhering to ethical guidelines and Alibaba's terms of service for a sustainable scraping experience.
Real Data API empowers businesses to thrive in the dynamic e-commerce landscape by providing access to valuable Alibaba data. Take the next step towards informed decisions and business growth with Real Data API today!
Know More: https://www.realdataapi.com/scrape-alibaba-product-data-using-python.php
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rlxtechoff · 1 year
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iwebdatascrape · 1 year
How To Scrape Product Data from Shopee and Lazada?
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With a start in early 2020 and going through 2022, the Covid-19 pandemic has massively forced people's lives to undergo a facelift. The continuous shift toward online shopping has had a significant impact on businesses across the globe. However, in 2023, several major players emerged to give their best shot in the eCommerce business market. Customer satisfaction is one such aspect that drives business growth. Hence, for one business to get successful, the other must have enough data for comparison. In such an instance, it becomes essential to scrape eCommerce data. Shopee and Lazada are two well-known eCommerce platforms. Before delving deep, let’s understand Shopee and Lazada.
About Shopee
Shopee is a well-known, free, secure application for online purchasing and selling items. It is Southeast Asia’s trendy mobile-first platform. Customers can join millions of users who post for products and shop online. Online shopping with Shopee is entirely safe and secure. You can quickly get the ordered items and a money-back guarantee in case of return. iWeb Data Scraping offers the best Shopee data scraping services to scrape desired products.
About Lazada
Like Shopee, Lazada is Southeast Asia’s most popular online shopping and selling application again. This eCommerce leader in South Asia comprises 3,000 brands and 155,000 sellers to serve more than 560 million users. Its marketplace platform is highly adept with technology, advertising, and service offerings, from domestic goods to electronics products, food, cosmetics, toys, and sports items. Alibaba Group Holding Ltd owns the majority of Lazada Group. To collect data from Lazada, avail the best Lazada data scraping services.
Comparison Table Between Shopee and Lazada
Shopee and Lazada are the top online shopping platforms in SEA. As per the report by Blackbox Research and ADNA, they tied to become the top e-commerce platforms with 93% each in terms of user favorability in Southeast Asia. From the above diagram, it shows that convenience is the top reason for online shopping among Southeast Asian consumers at 43%, followed by discount sales at 33%, variety of choices at 25%, getting into the latest trends at 20%, things not available locally 19%, rewards program 17%, and price 11%.
Why Scrape Shopee and Lazada?
Data collection from Shopee and Lazada is no more a hassle. iWeb Data Scraping offers the best data scraping services at a reasonable rate with the highest data accuracy. Our Shopee and Lazada data scraping services allow you to collect data related to the brand, product, cost, specifications, product ratings, age, photos, and reviews. As the industry continuously evolves, the data scraping method eases the data collection process and makes it easy to keep pace with the latest market dynamics.
List of Data Fields
By scraping Shopee and Lazada, you get the following data fields.
Product Name
Product Description
Product Category
Product Weight
List Prices
Brand and Manufacturers
Offers and Discounts
Steps to Scrape Shopee and Lazada Using Python
Below mentioned are the steps to scrape product data from Shopee and Lazada.
Shopee Data Scraping
Here we are performing a scraping exercise on the Shopee website. We will scrape the most bought and affordable laptops available on Shopee.
Shopee has innumerable information, including product names, prices, ratings, etc.’
Find URLs of Laptops on Shopee.com
Step 1: Get the main page content.
Step 2: Find the laptop URLs on the main page.
Step 3: Add other child tags to search further
Step 4: Now, add .get(“href”) to obtain the href value.
Collect Laptop Information
Below is the product page that we need to scrape using Shopee scraper.
We will loop the div, get all the necessary information, and save it within each data variable. Combine all these variables and put them within the data frame to get the list of all laptops.
Data Cleaning
Product Name: In the original data that we extract earlier, the product name comprises emojis that aren’t useful. So, we will remove all data containing emojis in the product name, leaving only the test.
We only need the numerical values without the favorite and () in the data. By removing those, we will get all numerical values and change them to the ‘int’ type. The missing data will convert to 0.
Some of the processor data have misplaced values. We have to remove or replace the missing values with another value.
The rating data also have some value that requires adding. After converting into float type, we will replace those with the mean of the total rating.
We will then visualize the data into a box plot, histogram, or scatter plot.
Price: In the below diagram, we can see that there are a lot of outliers in the boxplot. Some data could be better than others.
Favorite & Rating
The below scatter plot shows a moderately strong, negative, and non-linear association between favorites and ratings.
We will save to the target location. We will save the data frame into.CSV file.
Lazada Product Scraping
Here we will describe how to use Lazada scraper to extract a list of products on Lazada.
Step 2: Go to the previous error page and scrap the products.
For more information, contact iWeb Data Scraping now! You can also reach us for all your web scraping service and mobile app data scraping requirements.
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actowizsolutions · 1 year
What are the Challenges and Benefits of Amazon Data Scraping?
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It has become increasingly easy for people to purchase things they want online. A similar has happened with sellers making stores to do online business at Flipkart, eBay, Walmart, Alibaba, etc. Although to get users' attention and convert them to customers, e-commerce sellers must utilize data analytics to optimize their offerings.
As of 2022, Amazon is the biggest e-commerce company in the U.S., with 38% of the total e-commerce retail sales. Many shoppers start their online searches on the Amazon website or app rather than using search engines like Yahoo or Google. This platform is an excellent data resource, allowing companies to make well-informed decisions and know customers well.
What is Amazon Scraping?
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Amazon is the best place where you can get all the valuable and relevant data about sellers, reviews, products, news, special offers, ratings, etc. Gathering data from Amazon benefits everybody: buyers, sellers, and suppliers.
Rather than scraping hundreds of websites, gathering data from Amazon can assist solve the expensive procedure of scraping e-commerce data.
Let's see what type of data you can scrape:
Competitor's product listing
Customer profiles
Pricing on the local and worldwide market
Product ratings
Reviews of your own and competitor's products
Why Can Scraping Amazon Data Be Challenging?
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There are some problems while scraping Amazon data to your own, despite the methods you select. The wickedest thing about self-scraping is you might not even expect the issues and might even meet unknown responses and network errors.
Here are a few examples of common problems you may face while scraping Amazon data to your own.
IP blocking, Bot Detection, and Captcha
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Amazon can easily control if the information is collected manually or using a boot scraper. It is detected by tracking a browser agent's behavior.
For instance, when a website finds scrapers or a user makes 400+ requests for similar pages at a particular time, some actions are taken against whoever is gathering the data. So, IP bans and captchas are utilized for blocking bots. If an IP address continues requesting pages without any Captcha details, this will get banned from Amazon, or an address will get blacklisted.
To conquer these obstacles, we at Actowiz Solutions use various methods and strive hard to make the behavior of crawlers more humanoid:
Change scraper headers to make it look like requests are approaching from the browser.
Regularly change different IP addresses using proxy servers
Remove all query parameters from the URLs to eliminate identifiers linking queries together
Send different page requests at casual intervals
To avoid Amazon's overall response against crawlers, change a User-Agent in the headers of crawlers.
Changing the Structure of Product Pages
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While collecting data on product descriptions from Amazon, you might have encountered many exceptions and response errors. The whole reason is that maximum scrapers are all set for a particular page structure, scraping HTML data from that and collecting relevant data. However, if a page's structure changes, a scraper could fail as it is not intended to deal with exceptions.
Amazon's site uses templates for updating product data, and pages have different layouts, HTML elements, and properties. It mainly emphasizes the main features and attributes of certain types of products. The product group or category recently added ASINs affect the templates utilized in the product installation procedure on Amazon.
So, to eliminate different inconsistencies, we at Actowiz Solutions write the codes in a way that can deal with the exceptions. By doing that, we ensure that our codes do not fail at the initial network or timeout errors.
Different Product Variations and Geography Delivery Areas
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One product could have diverse variations, helping customers to explore and select what they want. For instance, sweaters come in various sizes, and lipstick is available in multiple shades.
Product variations match the patterns we've drawn above and are presented on the website in various ways. And rather than getting rated on one type of a product, reviews and ratings are usually rolled up and reported by all accessible varieties.
We show total reviews when we gather customers' feedback data on Amazon. And to avoid the geolocation problem, we use the IP addresses of countries where we collect data on the Amazon platform.
Underachieving Scraper
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It's tough to create a web scraper yourself, which will work for hours and gather hundreds of thousands of strings. The website's algorithms are mostly hard enough to extract as Amazon is different from other websites. The website is built to minimize the crawling practice.
Also, Amazon saves a significant amount of data. If you wish to gather content for the company's requirements, you must understand that extracting a considerable amount of material could be difficult, mainly if you do that yourself. It's a regular and time-consuming activity; therefore, creating an excellent, efficient web scraper will take time and effort!
The fast and dependable way is to leave Amazon data collection to professionals that can bypass the steeplechases of data scraping and systematically offer the data needed in the required format.
How to Get Benefits from Scraping Amazon Data?
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Amazon offers essential information collected in one place: reviews, ratings, products, news, exclusive offers, etc. Therefore, extracting data from Amazon would help you solve problems of the time-consuming procedure of scraping data from e-commerce websites. And there are vital benefits you could get if you include automatic web scraping methods in your work:
Price Comparison
Data scraping helps you regularly retrieve relevant competitors' pricing data from Amazon pages. If you don't track price changes in the marketplace, especially in peak seasons, you could get considerable losses in sales volumes online and competitive disadvantages. Price analysis could help you monitor pricing trends, analyze competitors, set promotions, and regulate the finest pricing strategy for staying in the market. A well-organized pricing strategy would raise profits and get more leads.
Recognize Targeted Group
Each dealer has a particular customer base that buys certain products—knowing the targeted group makes it easy to make reasonable options for selling products in demand. Researching customer sentiments and favorites on Amazon can assist you in clarifying the customer base, studying their purchasing habits, and planning various product sets for customers to increase sales.
Improve Product Profiles
Entrepreneurs must keep an eye on how the products sell in a marketplace. For Amazon sellers, the finest way of achieving higher sales is by putting products at the top of applicable searches. To make the product fit the description, you have to create and add a product profile. To study sentiments and make competitive analyses, you can get product data like pricing, ratings, ranks, reports, and reviews. Here, companies can better understand market trends and product positioning and properly create product profiles to applicable searches to get the goods on top and find more customers.
Demand Predictions
To regulate the most gainful niche, it is required to analyze market data comprehensively. This will help you analyze how the products fit in the current market, track interest in products on Amazon, and recognize which products have the highest demand. Extracting the platforms will offer you data that, after detailed study, can improve the supply chain and optimize the internal assortments, appropriately manage inventories and use superior production resources.
Want to Resume Your Business?
The primary winner is web scraping services if you need to select between various Amazon scraping procedures. Unlike the different methods, data scraping services can deal with all the problems given above. Hiring the best web scraping services will gather content and offer you quality data regularly. Web scraping services use professionals aware of different legal restrictions and won't have difficulties with blocking.
It will be more effective for the company if you put resources into the business and provide Amazon data collection to third-party firms with which you deal. They perform web scraping for you as per the set timeline.
Amazon is the world's biggest online retailer, where shoppers start their product search and are progressively confident in buying the items needed. E-commerce sellers must use data analytics to optimize products to convert an average consumer into a reliable customer.
That's where Amazon data scraping can offer a wealth of data in one place so that you can quickly speed up your Amazon data scraping procedure and use that to make critical business decisions. Also, avoid problems while scraping Amazon pages due to repeated queries or predictable behavior, and find assistance from scraping experts like Actowiz Solutions!
Contact us for all your mobile app scraping and web scraping services requirements!
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Scaling your eCommerce start-up in the age of Amazon
The popularity of Amazon is indisputable. From a humble bookselling start-up in 1994 to eCommerce business giant, Amazon has come a long way. Amazon is holding its share of business in the cut-throat eCommerce business. No other competitor in many countries is anywhere near it. Amazon itself has an inventory of about 12 million items across all its categories and services but on a broader level all the items that Marketplace sellers list, that number expands to about 350 million. Amazon was responsible for 45% of US eCommerce spending in 2019 and is expected to rise to 47% in 2020.
With the driving force of Amazon web services, it seems impossible to stop this juggernaut. Amazon is a market place where cheap manufacture meets sellers for branding. Amazon’s strategy of flooding of cheap products and free shipping has toughened the survival of small and medium scale competitors. The small e-commerce businesses neither have the capital nor reach of Amazon. Some e-commerce businesses opt for the strategy of competitive pricing. A competitor based pricing strategy can be sustained during the initial stages of market entry but as you progress you cannot use it effectively. The eCommerce business with low pricing, high operating cost, and expanding its supply chain and distribution network will suffer from the loss.
The above statistics paint a dire picture indeed but all hope is not lost. Amazon competitor in many countries has proven that even the dragon giant as Amazon can be slain using the sword of ecommerce solutions and data mining services.
The ecommerce solutions to this modern-day problem can be found in the traditional business model which is still surviving and thriving in this online global marketplace.
Knowing your self
Amazon is become so large and selling everything under the sun that its brand image is turned generic. No consumer in this wanted to link to a bland and vapid brand image. It is a chunk in the armor that can be explored. Why ecommerce businesses like Esty, Myntra, Casper, etc are successful because they know what they are offering. In the bookselling market, Barnes and Noble are giving Amazon run for its money. Knowing your brand and building its image can help small ecommerce businesses in holding their own in this competition. Be courageous enough to be authentic. Just as a shopkeeper will know what it is offering that shop around the corner is not.
Knowing your market
It is like opening a shop of frozen yogurt where everyone is offering ice-cream. The massiveness of Amazon can be used for business advantage as it cannot focus on every market opportunity. When you sell from toothpick to table lamp focused on the quality of every listing becomes sloppy. Another ecommerce giant like Flipkart in India has covered the market of mobile and electronics extensively which Amazon has not focused on. Myntra has covered the market for fashion that Amazon till now is not offering much. Cosmetic market, which is now a fast-growing market, ecommerce brand like Nyaka has covered it. There are many unexplored avenues in e commerce business that can be explored.
Seeing through the eyes of the customer
A traditional shop owner will keep the focus on the ambiance and neatness of the shop. That traditional customer experience is replaced with user experience UX in ecommerce. E-commerce business websites should be eye-pleasing and user friendly. An out of place color icon can even turn off some customer and can vow to never return. A single bad experience on a website makes users 88 % less likely to visit the website again. The data mining techniques can be utilized that capture various parameters of user behavior on the website. With the analysis of this data, various inferences to visitor behavior can be made.
Ecommerce sites can look for customer’s stay time on-site to track whether it’s up to visitor liking or not. If visitor time of too short or too long both are problems. If it’s too short or abandonment in middle signify that it has not to find a site to his liking. In the case of abandonment, something before abandonment was not working for him. If staying too long means that either website was confusing or it has not found something he was looking for.
Not getting lost in the crowd
Amazon is offering consumers with quantity with flooding of products but users prefer quality too sometimes. This trade-off can be managed if the quality product offers at somewhat competitive pricing. But presented with quality products people will choose even if pricy. The demand for Apple products is a living example of this. If you are offering a genuinely good product, without advertising, you will be lost in the sea of cheap products. In traditional business, advertising is done by pamphlets and hoarding. In ecommerce SEO will help you reach in forward pages of search engine listing. The majority of web users are likely to view up to three pages of search engine listing. Your presence of different social media outlets can be like Instagram, Facebook, etc will build brand image, new product advertisement, customer reach, and in turn will increase site visits. As the customer base, today is millennial with ages from 18 to 34 social media presence is essential. Brand storytelling through videos and customer experience promotion have a high social impact on the customer. You can also reach in the prime listing of the search engine when users search for no particular product in mind just through social media presence. When users hit your site even when no sale is made, it can improve your search engine presence.
Also Read: The Ultimate B2B SEO Guide
Knowing your customer
When we visit a shop and shopkeeper remember our name, preference, or item we have recently purchased as a customer we feel validated. The same could be offered through sites too. The Amazon also utilizes these tools but customer engagement is deep when business is small and customer connects to brand image. With the utilization of customer behavior data analysis tools customer behavior can be tracked. Customizable site theme, a suggestion based on previous searches, pitching for more items based on online searches, a suggestion for you may also like gives the customer an individualized experience and could hike sales of connected items. Beautiful packaging adds to customer satisfaction. By making packaging interesting so that opening the product itself is an experience for the customer and inspire him to post on social media so that your product gets to advertise for free. Amazon free shipping is difficult to compete but with the help of an efficient and reliable logistic service, this hindrance can be overcome. The clear shipping policy, package tracking, and clear return policy can keep customers happy without free shipping.
Customer a true promoter and reviewer
Some shops offer customers with suggestion boxes and reviews shop experience that collecting feedback will help in the improvement of services and removing loopholes that can be used by competitors. On b2b website reviews, storytelling, and suggestion by the customer can be included so that engagement is felt. Sometimes customers like your product but forget to review it. Email appending services, email verification services, or email data validation can be used and Emails can be sent to the customer as a reminder for review. Online visitors are more prone to customer reviews in deciding for purchase of product then product description by seller. Customer loyalty programs like providing with pre-sale benefit, exclusive discount offer, limited deals will incentivize customer loyalty and they will felt connected and appreciated. The sellers can be provided with basic and premium membership services through which they can create their homepage, replying to buying leads, and contact buyers. Amazon uses this strategy through Amazon prime services. There are over 150 million Amazon Prime members around the world and they typically spend over $1,000 a year. The estimated percentage of Amazon prime customers is 63%.
Customer forum helps customers connecting and making even pitch for product sales. FAQ section can help in resolving doubt. Live chat tools can provide that and may redress many customer issues. A site should provide a room to vent customer frustration or another will. Proper customer complaint mechanism is important and so is its prompt resolution.
Also Read: B2B Customer Retention Strategies – How To Retain Your Best B2B Clients
The foundation of Ecommerce Empire
All the strategies are just a building block for e-commerce business but the driving for is SEO, data analytics tool, and skip tracing services. Data verification, address search, web scraping services, data scrubbing, and data appending services play a major role.
These tools will help in b2b lead generation. Many web services provide ecommerce solutions, cloud computing services, and data servers for storage. With limited investment in dedicated servers, these online services could be used. Analytics tools are crucial to today’s marketing success. Google Analytics, Bitly, Piwik, Open Web Analytics, etc tools are available for free.
Amazon is truly far-reaching as Amazon River with a dominating presence in 16 countries. B2B giants such as Alibaba, Indiamart, e world trade, etc prove that as uphill the task may be, it could be done.
0 notes
Scaling your eCommerce start-up in the age of Amazon
he popularity of Amazon is indisputable. From a humble bookselling start-up in 1994 to eCommerce business giant, Amazon has come a long way. Amazon is holding its share of business in the cut-throat eCommerce business. No other competitor in many countries is anywhere near it. Amazon itself has an inventory of about 12 million items across all its categories and services but on a broader level all the items that Marketplace sellers list, that number expands to about 350 million. Amazon was responsible for 45% of US eCommerce spending in 2019 and is expected to rise to 47% in 2020.
With the driving force of Amazon web services, it seems impossible to stop this juggernaut. Amazon is a market place where cheap manufacture meets sellers for branding. Amazon’s strategy of flooding of cheap products and free shipping has toughened the survival of small and medium scale competitors. The small e-commerce businesses neither have the capital nor reach of Amazon. Some e-commerce businesses opt for the strategy of competitive pricing. A competitor based pricing strategy can be sustained during the initial stages of market entry but as you progress you cannot use it effectively. The eCommerce business with low pricing, high operating cost, and expanding its supply chain and distribution network will suffer from the loss.
The above statistics paint a dire picture indeed but all hope is not lost. Amazon competitor in many countries has proven that even the dragon giant as Amazon can be slain using the sword of ecommerce solutions and data mining services.
The ecommerce solutions to this modern-day problem can be found in the traditional business model which is still surviving and thriving in this online global marketplace.
Knowing your self
Amazon is become so large and selling everything under the sun that its brand image is turned generic. No consumer in this wanted to link to a bland and vapid brand image. It is a chunk in the armor that can be explored. Why ecommerce businesses like Esty, Myntra, Casper, etc are successful because they know what they are offering. In the bookselling market, Barnes and Noble are giving Amazon run for its money. Knowing your brand and building its image can help small ecommerce businesses in holding their own in this competition. Be courageous enough to be authentic. Just as a shopkeeper will know what it is offering that shop around the corner is not.
Knowing your market
It is like opening a shop of frozen yogurt where everyone is offering ice-cream. The massiveness of Amazon can be used for business advantage as it cannot focus on every market opportunity. When you sell from toothpick to table lamp focused on the quality of every listing becomes sloppy. Another ecommerce giant like Flipkart in India has covered the market of mobile and electronics extensively which Amazon has not focused on. Myntra has covered the market for fashion that Amazon till now is not offering much. Cosmetic market, which is now a fast-growing market, ecommerce brand like Nyaka has covered it. There are many unexplored avenues in e commerce business that can be explored.
Seeing through the eyes of the customer
A traditional shop owner will keep the focus on the ambiance and neatness of the shop. That traditional customer experience is replaced with user experience UX in ecommerce. E-commerce business websites should be eye-pleasing and user friendly. An out of place color icon can even turn off some customer and can vow to never return. A single bad experience on a website makes users 88 % less likely to visit the website again. The data mining techniques can be utilized that capture various parameters of user behavior on the website. With the analysis of this data, various inferences to visitor behavior can be made.
Ecommerce sites can look for customer’s stay time on-site to track whether it’s up to visitor liking or not. If visitor time of too short or too long both are problems. If it’s too short or abandonment in middle signify that it has not to find a site to his liking. In the case of abandonment, something before abandonment was not working for him. If staying too long means that either website was confusing or it has not found something he was looking for.
Not getting lost in the crowd
Amazon is offering consumers with quantity with flooding of products but users prefer quality too sometimes. This trade-off can be managed if the quality product offers at somewhat competitive pricing. But presented with quality products people will choose even if pricy. The demand for Apple products is a living example of this. If you are offering a genuinely good product, without advertising, you will be lost in the sea of cheap products. In traditional business, advertising is done by pamphlets and hoarding. In ecommerce SEO will help you reach in forward pages of search engine listing. The majority of web users are likely to view up to three pages of search engine listing. Your presence of different social media outlets can be like Instagram, Facebook, etc will build brand image, new product advertisement, customer reach, and in turn will increase site visits. As the customer base, today is millennial with ages from 18 to 34 social media presence is essential. Brand storytelling through videos and customer experience promotion have a high social impact on the customer. You can also reach in the prime listing of the search engine when users search for no particular product in mind just through social media presence. When users hit your site even when no sale is made, it can improve your search engine presence.
Also Read: The Ultimate B2B SEO Guide
Knowing your customer
When we visit a shop and shopkeeper remember our name, preference, or item we have recently purchased as a customer we feel validated. The same could be offered through sites too. The Amazon also utilizes these tools but customer engagement is deep when business is small and customer connects to brand image. With the utilization of customer behavior data analysis tools customer behavior can be tracked. Customizable site theme, a suggestion based on previous searches, pitching for more items based on online searches, a suggestion for you may also like gives the customer an individualized experience and could hike sales of connected items. Beautiful packaging adds to customer satisfaction. By making packaging interesting so that opening the product itself is an experience for the customer and inspire him to post on social media so that your product gets to advertise for free. Amazon free shipping is difficult to compete but with the help of an efficient and reliable logistic service, this hindrance can be overcome. The clear shipping policy, package tracking, and clear return policy can keep customers happy without free shipping.
Customer a true promoter and reviewer
Some shops offer customers with suggestion boxes and reviews shop experience that collecting feedback will help in the improvement of services and removing loopholes that can be used by competitors. On b2b website reviews, storytelling, and suggestion by the customer can be included so that engagement is felt. Sometimes customers like your product but forget to review it. Email appending services, email verification services, or email data validation can be used and Emails can be sent to the customer as a reminder for review. Online visitors are more prone to customer reviews in deciding for purchase of product then product description by seller. Customer loyalty programs like providing with pre-sale benefit, exclusive discount offer, limited deals will incentivize customer loyalty and they will felt connected and appreciated. The sellers can be provided with basic and premium membership services through which they can create their homepage, replying to buying leads, and contact buyers. Amazon uses this strategy through Amazon prime services. There are over 150 million Amazon Prime members around the world and they typically spend over $1,000 a year. The estimated percentage of Amazon prime customers is 63%.
Customer forum helps customers connecting and making even pitch for product sales. FAQ section can help in resolving doubt. Live chat tools can provide that and may redress many customer issues. A site should provide a room to vent customer frustration or another will. Proper customer complaint mechanism is important and so is its prompt resolution.
Also Read: B2B Customer Retention Strategies – How To Retain Your Best B2B Clients
The foundation of Ecommerce Empire
All the strategies are just a building block for e-commerce business but the driving for is SEO, data analytics tool, and skip tracing services. Data verification, address search, web scraping services, data scrubbing, and data appending services play a major role.
These tools will help in b2b lead generation. Many web services provide ecommerce solutions, cloud computing services, and data servers for storage. With limited investment in dedicated servers, these online services could be used. Analytics tools are crucial to today’s marketing success. Google Analytics, Bitly, Piwik, Open Web Analytics, etc tools are available for free.
Amazon is truly far-reaching as Amazon River with a dominating presence in 16 countries. B2B giants such as Alibaba, Indiamart, e world trade, etc prove that as uphill the task may be, it could be done.
0 notes
biofunmy · 5 years
Microsoft Employees Want To Protect A Post Pushing Back Against The “996” Workweek In China From Censorship
A group of largely US-based Microsoft employees is pressuring their employer to defend a public statement posted on GitHub, a Microsoft-owned code sharing platform and social network for programmers, that advocates for workers’ rights in China against the increasingly common “996” workweek: 9am to 9pm, six days a week.
The original statement they’re trying to protect, posted by Chinese developers about a month ago (here is an English-language translation), says overwork in the Chinese tech industry could be both a health hazard and violation of Chinese labor law. The phrase “996.ICU” is a joke, suggesting that a 72 hour workweek could land workers in intensive care.
While the post is still accessible in the United States, the Microsoft employees say it has been the target of censorship on some Chinese browsers and are concerned Microsoft could soon come under pressure by the Chinese government to remove the pro-worker repository as well.
A separate petition began circulating publicly on Monday morning asking Microsoft to ensure the post remains live in the event of such pressure. More than 30 employees have signed sharing their support for Chinese workers.
“In response to these events, we, the workers of Microsoft and GitHub, support the 996.ICU movement and stand in solidarity with tech workers in China,” their petition says. “We encourage Microsoft and GitHub to keep the 996.ICU GitHub repository uncensored and available to everyone.”
BuzzFeed News has reached out to Microsoft and GitHub for comment and will update this post with their response.
The original 996.ICU post on GitHub has nearly 230,000 stars, making it one of GitHub’s most popular repositories.
The page offers resources, like a list of “work-life balanced companies” and other legal resources for workers, but says 996.ICU is “not a political movement.
“We firmly uphold the labor law and request employers to respect the legitimate rights and interests of their employees,” the page says.
This is not the first time Chinese censorship has become an issue inside a major US tech company: last year, after employees revealed that Google was secretly working on a censored search product for China codenamed Dragonfly, employees demanded that the project to be canceled, and some engineers quit their jobs in protest. Google CEO Sundar Pichai has since said the company isn’t planning to imminently launch a Chinese search product, which military officials are concerned could jeopardize US interested there, but continues to be interested in the Chinese market.
Most popular American social media platforms are already blocked in China, which puts GitHub in a unique position. While the platform is primarily a place for programmers to collaborate on open source projects, the 996.ICU repository has also made it a place for programmers to discuss working conditions internationally.
This is not the first time that GitHub has been drawn into political issues. When a programmer used GitHub to build a directory of Immigration and Customs Enforcement employees using LinkedIn data, GitHub removed the project and said its creator had violated its community guidelines by scraping and posting the names and locations of immigration agency employees.
Chinese billionaire Jack Ma, who co-founded Alibaba, has endorsed the 996 work schedule, saying in a social media post last week that the model is not a problem for workers who love what they do.
American venture capitalists have also praised the concept, arguing that the sixty hour work week could allow the Chinese tech industry to surpass American innovation even more quickly.
In a Financial Times op-ed last year, Sequoia Capital partner Michael Moritz wrote: “In China … it is quite usual for the management of 10 and 15-year-old companies to have working dinners followed by two or three meetings. If a Chinese company schedules tasks for the weekend, nobody complains about missing a Little League game or skipping a basketball outing with friends. Little wonder it is a common sight at a Chinese company to see many people with their heads resting on their desks taking a nap in the early afternoon.” This cultural standard, Moritz predicted, will soon make “the habits of western companies will start to seem antique.”
But petitioners say American tech workers aren’t interested in adopting Chinese workplace habits. “We know this is a problem that crosses national borders,” the Microsoft employee petition reads. “These same issues permeate across full time and contingent jobs at Microsoft and the industry as a whole.”
Here’s the full text of the Microsoft employee petition:
Microsoft and GitHub Workers Support 996.ICU
Tech workers in China started a GitHub repository titled 996.ICU, a reference to the grueling and illegal working hours of many tech companies in China – from 9am to 9pm, 6 days a week. “By following the ‘996’ work schedule, you are risking yourself getting into the ICU (Intensive Care Unit),” says the 996.ICU GitHub project description. The project calls for Chinese tech companies to obey the labor laws in China and the international labor convention.
This initiative has garnered massive support within China. GitHub users have been starring the repository as a way of showing their support. In the span of a few weeks, the project has been starred over 200,000 times, making it one of the fastest growing GitHub repositories in the service’s history.
The code-sharing platform GitHub, owned by Microsoft, is a place for developers to save, share, and collaborate on software projects. Most important for the 996.ICU movement is that GitHub is accessible in China. It is the dominant platform for developers to collaborate and is a crucial part of Chinese tech companies’ daily operations. Since going viral, Chinese domestic browsers, such as those by Tencent and Alibaba, have restricted access to the 996.ICU repository on their web browsers, warning users that the repository contains illegal or malicious content. We must entertain the possibility that Microsoft and GitHub will be pressured to remove the repository as well.
In response to these events, we, the workers of Microsoft and GitHub, support the 996.ICU movement and stand in solidarity with tech workers in China. We know this is a problem that crosses national borders. These same issues permeate across full time and contingent jobs at Microsoft and the industry as a whole. Another reason we must take a stand in solidarity with Chinese workers is that history tells us that multinational companies will pit workers against each other in a race to the bottom as they outsource jobs and take advantage of weak labor standards in the pursuit of profit. We have to come together across national boundaries to ensure just working conditions for everyone around the globe.
We encourage Microsoft and GitHub to keep the 996.ICU GitHub repository uncensored and available to everyone.
To other tech workers and industry supporters, we urge you to join us in our support of the 996.ICU movement.
Sahred From Source link World News
from WordPress http://bit.ly/2vhEQDF via IFTTT
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Scaling your eCommerce start-up in the age of Amazon
The popularity of Amazon is indisputable. From a humble bookselling start-up in 1994 to eCommerce business giant, Amazon has come a long way. Amazon is holding its share of business in the cut-throat eCommerce business. No other competitor in many countries is anywhere near it. Amazon itself has an inventory of about 12 million items across all its categories and services but on a broader level all the items that Marketplace sellers list, that number expands to about 350 million. Amazon was responsible for 45% of US eCommerce spending in 2019 and is expected to rise to 47% in 2020.
With the driving force of Amazon web services, it seems impossible to stop this juggernaut. Amazon is a market place where cheap manufacture meets sellers for branding. Amazon’s strategy of flooding of cheap products and free shipping has toughened the survival of small and medium scale competitors. The small e-commerce businesses neither have the capital nor reach of Amazon. Some e-commerce businesses opt for the strategy of competitive pricing. A competitor based pricing strategy can be sustained during the initial stages of market entry but as you progress you cannot use it effectively. The eCommerce business with low pricing, high operating cost, and expanding its supply chain and distribution network will suffer from the loss.
The above statistics paint a dire picture indeed but all hope is not lost. Amazon competitor in many countries has proven that even the dragon giant as Amazon can be slain using the sword of ecommerce solutions and data mining services.
The ecommerce solutions to this modern-day problem can be found in the traditional business model which is still surviving and thriving in this online global marketplace.
Knowing your self
Amazon is become so large and selling everything under the sun that its brand image is turned generic. No consumer in this wanted to link to a bland and vapid brand image. It is a chunk in the armor that can be explored. Why ecommerce businesses like Esty, Myntra, Casper, etc are successful because they know what they are offering. In the bookselling market, Barnes and Noble are giving Amazon run for its money. Knowing your brand and building its image can help small ecommerce businesses in holding their own in this competition. Be courageous enough to be authentic. Just as a shopkeeper will know what it is offering that shop around the corner is not.
Knowing your market
It is like opening a shop of frozen yogurt where everyone is offering ice-cream. The massiveness of Amazon can be used for business advantage as it cannot focus on every market opportunity. When you sell from toothpick to table lamp focused on the quality of every listing becomes sloppy. Another ecommerce giant like Flipkart in India has covered the market of mobile and electronics extensively which Amazon has not focused on. Myntra has covered the market for fashion that Amazon till now is not offering much. Cosmetic market, which is now a fast-growing market, ecommerce brand like Nyaka has covered it. There are many unexploreImage source: https://kinsta.com d avenues in e commerce business that can be explored.
Seeing through the eyes of the customer
A traditional shop owner will keep the focus on the ambiance and neatness of the shop. That traditional customer experience is replaced with user experience UX in ecommerce. E-commerce business websites should be eye-pleasing and user friendly. An out of place color icon can even turn off some customer and can vow to never return. A single bad experience on a website makes users 88 % less likely to visit the website again. The data scraping tools can be utilized that capture various parameters of user behavior on the website. With the analysis of this data, various inferences to visitor behavior can be made.
Ecommerce sites can look for customer’s stay time on-site to track whether it’s up to visitor liking or not. If visitor time of too short or too long both are problems. If it’s too short or abandonment in middle signify that it has not to find a site to his liking. In the case of abandonment, something before abandonment was not working for him. If staying too long means that either website was confusing or it has not found something he was looking for.
Not getting lost in the crowd
Amazon is offering consumers with quantity with flooding of products but users prefer quality too sometimes. This trade-off can be managed if the quality product offers at somewhat competitive pricing. But presented with quality products people will choose even if pricy. The demand for Apple products is a living example of this. If you are offering a genuinely good product, without advertising, you will be lost in the sea of cheap products. In traditional business, advertising is done by pamphlets and hoarding. In ecommerce SEO will help you reach in forward pages of search engine listing. The majority of web users are likely to view up to three pages of search engine listing. Your presence of different social media outlets can be like Instagram, Facebook, etc will build brand image, new product advertisement, customer reach, and in turn will increase site visits. As the customer base, today is millennial with ages from 18 to 34 social media presence is essential. Brand storytelling through videos and customer experience promotion have a high social impact on the customer. You can also reach in the prime listing of the search engine when users search for no particular product in mind just through social media presence. When users hit your site even when no sale is made, it can improve your search engine presence.
Knowing your customer
When we visit a shop and shopkeeper remember our name, preference, or item we have recently purchased as a customer we feel validated. The same could be offered through sites too. The Amazon also utilizes these tools but customer engagement is deep when business is small and customer connects to brand image. With the utilization of customer behavior data analysis tools customer behavior can be tracked. Customizable site theme, a suggestion based on previous searches, pitching for more items based on online searches, a suggestion for you may also like gives the customer an individualized experience and could hike sales of connected items. Beautiful packaging adds to customer satisfaction. By making packaging interesting so that opening the product itself is an experience for the customer and inspire him to post on social media so that your product gets to advertise for free. Amazon free shipping is difficult to compete but with the help of an efficient and reliable logistic service, this hindrance can be overcome. The clear shipping policy, package tracking, and clear return policy can keep customers happy without free shipping.
Customer a true promoter and reviewer
Some shops offer customers with suggestion boxes and reviews shop experience that collecting feedback will help in the improvement of services and removing loopholes that can be used by competitors. On b2b website reviews, storytelling, and suggestion by the customer can be included so that engagement is felt. Sometimes customers like your product but forget to review it. Email appending services, email verification services, or email data validation can be used and Emails can be sent to the customer as a reminder for review. Online visitors are more prone to customer reviews in deciding for purchase of product then product description by seller. Customer loyalty programs like providing with pre-sale benefit, exclusive discount offer, limited deals will incentivize customer loyalty and they will felt connected and appreciated. The sellers can be provided with basic and premium membership services through which they can create their homepage, replying to buying leads, and contact buyers. Amazon uses this strategy through Amazon prime services. There are over 150 million Amazon Prime members around the world and they typically spend over $1,000 a year. The estimated percentage of Amazon prime customers is 63%.
Customer forum helps customers connecting and making even pitch for product sales. FAQ section can help in resolving doubt. Live chat tools can provide that and may redress many customer issues. A site should provide a room to vent customer frustration or another will. Proper customer complaint mechanism is important and so is its prompt resolution.
The foundation of Ecommerce Empire
All the strategies are just a building block for e-commerce business but the driving for is SEO, data analytics tool, and skip tracing services. Data verification, address search, web scraping, data scrubbing, and data appending services play a major role.
These tools will help in b2b lead generation. Many web services provide ecommerce solutions, cloud computing services, and data servers for storage. With limited investment in dedicated servers, these online services could be used. Analytics tools are crucial to today’s marketing success. Google Analytics, Bitly, Piwik, Open Web Analytics, etc tools are available for free.
Amazon is truly far-reaching as Amazon River with a dominating presence in 16 countries. B2B giants such as Alibaba, Indiamart, e world trade, etc prove that as uphill the task may be, it could be done.
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