jaymaismagical · 6 years
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Peckers, we have a campaign! Read below on what you can do to #SaveTrialandError ! We will keep you updated through the campaign and will answer any questions you may have. Addresses are listed below!
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legalsegals · 6 years
An open letter to Jeff Astro’s, Nicholas D’Agosto and the entire cast and crew of Trial & Error
Dear you guys,
Thank you for creating this amazing show, with its own amazing universe and it’s equally if not more amazing characters. For bringing so much joy to us Peckers, for week after week of hilarious one liners, insane maladies and figuring out what Dwayne is going to shoot at next... yet having a show that at its heart, is rooted in the goodness of it all. Josh’s hopeful optimism, Carol Anne’s steely determination, Dwayne’s loyalty, Anne’s enterprising discoveries, all working against the zaniest defendants any law firm would go crazy for.
None of us know what’s going to be the next step for the show (#savetrialanderror) but regardless of the outcome, we just want to thank you guys. You’ve carved out a wonderful little world for us fans, and it’s been an honour to get to know East Peck.
Till the next Pumpkin Fest,
Peckerheads (even those from North Peck)
(Gif from @trialanderrorgifs)
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one (1) whole thing :)))
Tagged by @peachydroids  – thank you!! Seriously thanks for the tag
Rules: Tag 15 people you want to get to know better (i have, like, no solid conversations/friendships with anyone on here [come talk to me] so i’ll tag a few people i admire and/or see in my notifs often :)  )
@freckledechart @ameliaspeaches @deviantsxconnor @connorshero @twofacedharveydent @darknightfrombeyond @curious-fools-howl-to-the-moon @randoms-worlds @carlylynnmikaelsonscamander @missjanuarylily @bryansdimples + literally anyone else who looks at this and thinks ‘ooh!’
Relationship Status: I'm a single shy like deviant who may be never be ready to spread her wings and that's sad
Lipstick or Chapstick: Depends but I have more lipsticks than chapsticks at home
Three favourite foods: Pizza,Cookies and Strawberries lol I love them so much
Song stuck in my head: Despicable by Grandson I BLAME A CERTAIN MACHINE! CONNOR VIDEO FOR THIS
Last Movie I watched: Children at play god it was so weird seeing bryan in such a dark role but he nailed it I'm seeing aeon flux next on Netflix to give ke aeon flux ps2 game nostalgia
Top 3 TV shows: Being Human (Us not uk god I miss that show) The Blacklist and Trial&Error if this comedy doesn't get a third season I'm pissed #savetrialanderror
Book I am currently reading: Nothing lasts forever by Sidney Sheldon omg it's awsome
Last thing I googled: 'Marina Ruy Barbosa' I was researching for redhaired actresses for my oc in my next possible fic(with bryan dechart) but again idk if I'll write it
Time: 19:22, as of writing this
Dream Trip: L.A cause I'm a brazilian who would love to meet usa so much
Anything you want: uuuuuhhhhh I began to write when I was like ten and had a dream of being an actress growing up,have a lovely day/afternoon/night and psssssssst i’m always open for a chat ;) mwah, love y'all!
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