#Sand to Snow National Monument
pcttrailsidereader · 5 months
Sand to Snow National Monument
The Sand to Snow National Monument was created by Presidential Proclamation on February 12, 2016 and managed to survive efforts by the Trump administration to undo the designation of this and several other monuments. The Monument encompasses 154,000 acres and is co-managed by the U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management. It includes 30 miles of the PCT, much of it along Mission Creek as it makes the long climb into the San Bernardino Mountains. The contrast of the Sonoran Desert and the snow-capped mountains can be stunning.
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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White Day
In those countries where Valentine’s Day is observed by women giving gifts of chocolate to those they love, White Day is the day they get the return on that investment.
Throughout the world, Valentine’s Day is practiced in largely similar ways, with the giving of gifts of chocolate to those whose respect, admiration, or love we desire. In some countries, it is tradition that only women give gifts on this day, in part due to the existence of White Day. White Day is when women are the recipients, with the expectation being that the gift bestowed upon the woman is thrice the value of that she gave to the man.
Learn about White Day
White Day is celebrated a month after Valentine’s Day. The date is for people to reciprocate the gifts that they received on Valentine’s Day. Traditionally, White Day is for women to receive gifts. However, you don’t have to be female to reciprocate the love that someone showed you on the 14th of February. It is also a perfect back-up for anyone who received a gift on Valentine’s Day that they weren’t expecting and so did not purchase anything for the other person. You can simply claim that you were saving it for White Day – problem solved!
As we will reveal in further detail, we have Japan to thank for this day. However, it is a day that is celebrated in a number of other countries as well. For example, in Korea, this day is honored, with boyfriends giving their partner a White Day gift. Traditionally, this gift was marshmallows. Random, but who doesn’t love some marshmallows? Today, though, Korean boyfriends have gotten more adventurous with their gifts, with everything from beautiful bouquets of flowers to delicious fragrances being gifted to the women in their lives.
History of White Day
In 1978 the Japanese National Confection Industry Association helped to promote the idea of an “answer day” for Valentine’s Day. In Japan, it was tradition that only women would give gifts of chocolate on Valentine’s Day, and so they decided that there needed to be a day where men showed their appreciation by returning it. This appreciation is shown by the gifting of flowers, white chocolate, lingerie, jewelry, and other gifts to those women who they received gifts from a month earlier.
Unlike the American manifestation of Valentine’s Day, gifts of chocolate are often given as ‘giri chocho’, or a gift that is a social obligation rather than an expression of romantic love. While this still leaves the man obligated to give a gift in return, the nature of the gift is clearly determined by this nicety. If you’ve ever wondered how Valentine’s Day and the related holidays are celebrated in other countries, White Day is your opportunity to find out!
How to celebrate White Day
Well, the foundation of celebrating White Day may not be present in your country, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t celebrate it regardless. If you’ve received a gift from someone on Valentine’s Day then you can return that favor on White Day by presenting them with a gift of your affection or respect. You can also research the details of this tradition to help familiarize yourself with it and raise awareness of it in your own community. It’s important to realize that this isn’t just a Japanese tradition, but is also a thing practiced in South Korea, Vietnam, and China. Take White Day to study the nuances of this holiday and tell people all about it so that everyone can learn more about other cultures.
White Day can also be used as an opportunity to confess your love to someone. If you have had a crush on someone for quite some time now and you have not been able to build up the nerve to tell them, you can use White Day to do exactly that. Purchase that special someone a small gift and confess your feelings. What have you got to lose? It’s always better to take the risk, even if it does not work out how you want it to! After all, if you don’t take the risk, how will you ever know?
You can also spend this date learning a bit more about Japanese culture and tradition. Why not learn some romantic phrases in Japanese so that you can impress your partner on this day? The only place to start is by learning how to say I love you. This is Aishiteru or 愛してる。, and it is only suitable when saying you love someone in a romantic way. It is not a phrase that people use when saying they love a friend or a family member, and that is why it is the perfect phrase to learn for White Day. There are some other great phrases that you can say as well. This includes:
I want to kiss you./Let’s kiss.
Kiss Shitai/Kiss Shiyou. キスしたい/キスしよう
I feel safe when I’m with you.
Issho ni Iru to Hotto suru/Anshin Suru. 一緒にいるとほっとする/安心する
Let’s go on a date!/Let’s hang out!
De-to ni Ikou!/Asobi ni Ikou! デートに行こう!/遊びに行こう!
No matter how you decide to spend White Day, make sure that it is a day that is filled with love! If you don’t have that special someone in your life right now, curl up on the sofa, treat yourself to a good meal, and watch a rom-com! Or, why not buy a gift for yourself? We all deserve a treat from time-to-time!
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emperornorton47 · 1 year
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Dry Morongo Canyon
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msfitzsadventures · 1 year
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xtruss · 2 months
Ten Strangest Natural Phenomena In The United States of America!
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Death Valley's Sailing Stones!
Death Valley National Park was established as a natural monument in 1933. Although its name could be more inviting, its beauty is undeniably unique. Its main attraction is the geological phenomenon known as the sailing stones—a mystery that kept scientists and explorers in awe for decades.
In the early 2010s, time-lapse photographs and rigorous investigations uncovered the enigma. The rocks, ranging from weighing a few ounces to over 700 pounds, move every winter without human or animal intervention when the wind blows strong enough to slide them over thin sheets of melting ice. The ice melts and moves when exposed to warm morning sunlight, a process known as ice shove.
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Great Smoky Mountains' Lightning Bugs!
Sometime between the third week of May and the third week of June, the beetle species, officially known as Photinus carolinus, will enter its mating season in the Great Smoky Mountains. Male fireflies synchronize their flashing lights so females can recognize them. The spectacle put on by millions of lightning bugs blinking simultaneously in the dark forest nights attracts hundreds of tourists who plan their visit several months in advance.
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Yellowstone's Geysers!
The attractions of Yellowstone Park have been in the making for over half a million years. Geysers, hot springs, fumaroles, and mud pots result from the interaction between underground volcanic activity and groundwater. The superheated water of hot springs—trapped in channels leading to the surface—erupts when the steam in the inner layers of the volcanic caldera (where Yellowstone lays) lifts the cooler water in the upper layers causing the flashy phenomenon called geysers. The most famous performer of the geothermal show is Old Faithful, a highly predictable geyser that erupts every 45 to 100 minutes.
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Horsetail Fall in Yosemite!
Every summer night for almost a century, burning hot embers were poured from Glacier Point in Yosemite National Park down the cliff to the valley below. The 3,000-foot drop of incandescent coal put on a magnificent show that attracted growing crowds from 1872 to 1968. Nowadays, a natural spectacle evocative of the man-made fire has taken center stage: Horsetail Fall in Yosemite, an evanescent waterfall that sometimes—during the two last weeks of February—turns bright orange when backlit by the sunset gleam.
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Mendenhall Glacier!
Alaska's scenery is unparalleled. Many of nature's finest exhibits call the northernmost state home. One is Mendenhall Glacier, an enormous glacier that flows from the Juneau Icefield, a 1,500-square-mile stretch of rock, snow, and ice. The frozen giant started retreating three centuries ago when its annual melting began exceeding its annual accumulation of ice. Nevertheless, it would take hundreds of years for the glacier to disappear completely, so there is more than enough time to visit it and admire its greatness.
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Singing Sands at Great Sand Dunes National Park!
The air pushing through the sand grains of an avalanche at the Great Sand Dunes National Park creates sounds similar to those made by certain birds or insects. The singing or booming sands usually occur during sandstorms or when people push the sand down the dunes. Due to the various applications of this sound in song and ritual, it is a natural phenomenon that has attracted adventurers, artists, and mystics to the San Luis Valley in south-central Colorado for decades.
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Overwintering Monarchs in California!
As autumn settles in, thousands of monarch butterflies leave the western slopes of the Rocky Mountains to spend the cooler months in the central coast region of California. The bright-colored insects gather mostly at Pismo State Beach in San Luis Obispo County, roughly midway between Los Angeles and San Francisco, but can also be found in several other locations down the Pacific coast. The amalgam of a massive number of overwintering monarchs and the green foliage is a delightful sight that impresses spectators, especially the younger ones.
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Bioluminescent fungi in Appalachia
Most of us are familiar with pixie dust, but have you heard about fairy fire? Deep in the woods of the Appalachian Mountains, a rare phenomenon takes place in the dark: bioluminescent fungi illuminate the forest bed and decaying tree logs with a bright green glow. This state of brightness is caused by an oxidative enzyme called luciferase, which can be so potent that the radiance might remain visible even when the fungi are taken out of the forest. Conditions for the mushrooms to light up are very particular, so you might only sometimes find foxfire, as it is also known. Nonetheless, there are better chances if you explore the southern Appalachians.
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Mother-of-Pearl Clouds in Alaska
Officially named polar stratospheric clouds, this natural event only happens when the temperature above the Arctic Circle falls below minus 114 degrees F, causing widely spaced water molecules to blend and form ice crystals in the otherwise dry stratosphere. High-altitude sun rays beam into the ice, reflecting rainbow-hued light into the clouds. Since the only U.S. state that is part of the Arctic Circle is Alaska, it's the only one where you might be able to catch a glimpse of this mesmerizing color display.
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Petrified Lightning at Great Sand Dunes National Park!
The sculptures made when dry sand is struck by lightning are called fulgurites. Even though they look like rocks—which gives them the nickname of petrified lightning—they truly are glass tubes covered by burnt sand. The largest dunes in the U.S. found in the Great Sand Dunes National Park are the ideal place to find these whimsical pieces of natural art. However, if you ever find yourself in the desert during a thunderstorm, get away from the dunes immediately.
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takeaabreak · 8 months
Tour Destination India: A Land of Diversity and Wonder
India is a land of contrasts, a place where ancient traditions and modern culture coexist harmoniously. It is a country with a rich history and heritage, and its diverse landscape offers something for everyone, from the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas to the golden beaches of Goa.
Here are some of the most popular tour destinations in India:
The Golden Triangle: This classic tourist circuit includes the three most popular cities in India: Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur. Delhi, the capital of India, is a bustling metropolis with a wealth of historical and cultural attractions. Agra is home to the Taj Mahal, one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Jaipur, the Pink City, is known for its forts, palaces, and bazaars.
Rajasthan: This desert state in northwestern India is known for its forts, palaces, and colorful culture. Popular tourist destinations in Rajasthan include Jaipur, Jodhpur, and Udaipur.
Kerala: This coastal state in southern India is known for its backwaters, hill stations, and beaches. Popular tourist destinations in Kerala include Alleppey, Munnar, and Kovalam.
Tamil Nadu: This southern state is home to some of India's most ancient temples and monuments. Popular tourist destinations in Tamil Nadu include Chennai, Madurai, and Thanjavur.
Goa: This western state is known for its beaches, nightlife, and laid-back atmosphere. Popular tourist destinations in Goa include Baga, Anjuna, and Candolim.
In addition to these popular tourist destinations, India also has several other hidden gems that are worth exploring. Here are a few suggestions:
Himachal Pradesh: This northern state is known for its snow-capped mountains, lush forests, and charming hill stations. Popular tourist destinations in Himachal Pradesh include Manali, Shimla, and Dharamshala.
Uttarakhand: This northern state is home to the Himalayas and some of India's most sacred Hindu sites. Popular tourist destinations in Uttarakhand include Haridwar, Rishikesh, and Badrinath.
Northeast India: This region is known for its diverse culture, stunning scenery, and wildlife. Popular tourist destinations in Northeast India include Guwahati, Shillong, and Tawang.
No matter what your interests are, you are sure to find something to love in India. Here are a few suggestions for activities that you can enjoy during your tour:
Visit historical monuments and temples: India is home to some of the world's most iconic historical monuments and temples, such as the Taj Mahal, the Red Fort, and the Hawa Mahal.
Explore the countryside: Take a road trip through the scenic countryside of India and experience the rural way of life. Visit villages, farms, and temples.
Enjoy the beaches: India has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, from the golden sands of Goa to the backwaters of Kerala. Relax on the beach, go for a swim, or try some water sports.
Experience the wildlife: India is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including tigers, elephants, and leopards. Go on a wildlife safari or visit a national park to see these animals up close.
Indulge in the cuisine: Indian cuisine is known for its rich flavors and diverse dishes. Try some of the local specialties, such as biryani, masala dosa, and tandoori chicken.
India is a truly magical country with something to offer everyone. With its rich history, diverse culture, and stunning scenery, it is no wonder that Tour Destination India is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world.
Author Biography :
Ripan, Soumen, and Rahil are all passionate about travel and want to share their love of exploring new places with others. 
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wanderela · 11 months
Ladakh - Wanderela
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Which are the best Leh Ladakh Bike Trip Packages?If you are a high-spirited person, you should definitely check out these adventure-filled Ladakh bike trips offering amazing discounts.
Bike Trip Package: Manali to Leh at 15% Off
6 Days Leh Ladakh Biking Tour Package at 21% Off
Srinagar Leh Manali Delhi Bike Tour at 17% Off
Ladakh Bike Trip: Manali Leh Srinagar at 16% Off
Leh Ladakh Bike Trip from Delhi at 28% Off
Which are the best Leh Ladakh Road Trips?Leh Ladakh Road Trip ranks amongst the top in the list of top road trips in India. Book Now for the best deals1. Manali Leh Manali Jeep Safari at 15% Off 2. 8 Days Leh Srinagar Sightseeing Tour at 8% Off 3. 11 Days Srinagar Leh Manali Sightseeing Tour at 2% Off 4. 9 Days Leh Ladakh Tour With Manali Sightseeing at 2% Off
Which are some of the must visit places in Ladakh?1. Pangong Tso Lake:You should put the Pangong Tso Lake on your list of things to do in Ladakh. This well-known place is where the Bollywood movie "3 Idiots" was shot. You can take your family and a picnic basket to the Pangong Tso Lake, where you can enjoy the peace and quiet. You could even camp right next to the lake. The lake is special because it doesn't stay blue all year or even all day. Instead, it changes colors from azure to light blue to green to gray.2. Nubra Valley:Nubra Valley is one of the best places to visit in Ladakh. It is known for its double-humped Bactrian camels and white sand deserts. In this valley, the Shyok and Nubra rivers meet, and there are many beautiful monasteries all around. Since Nubra Valley is close to LOC, you will need an inner line permit to do things there like ziplining and riding ATVs. Nubra is popular with adventurous travelers from all over the world because of its rough terrain, beautiful scenery, snow-covered mountains, and high altitude.
3. Hemis National Park:
The best place to see in Ladakh is the Hemis National Park, which is the largest national park in South Asia. It is also called the capital of the snow leopard in India. It is the only national park in the northern parts of the Himalayas. It is also where the legendary snow leopard lives. In this area, you can also find endangered animals like the Eurasian brown bear, the Asiatic ibex, the red fox, and the Tibetan wolf.
4. Tso Moriri Lake:
Tso Moriri is a beautiful blue lake that is surrounded by mountains and is about 28 km long from north to south. To enjoy the peace of this lake, you will need an inner line permit. This beautiful, peaceful place is surrounded by snow-capped mountains, beautiful migrating birds, and endangered Tibetan wolves. One of the more unusual places in Ladakh is Tso Moriri Lake, which is 15000 feet above sea level and in a harsh environment.
5. Shanti Stupa: Shanti Stupa is a stunning white-domed Buddhist monument perched at a height of 11,841 feet on a rocky hilltop in Changspa. For Buddhists, it is a sacred site since it houses Buddha's relics, which were sanctified by the 14th Dalai Lama. It is extremely popular with tourists since it provides a scenic view of Leh and the nearby Changspa town. Shanti Stupa is an ideal retreat for people seeking peace and calmness through prayer to God as well as those wanting to be mesmerized by the beauty of nature.
6. Sangam: Sangam is the confluence of the Indus and Zanskar rivers in Ladakh, the two rivers converge at this location and can be viewed independently. The Indus River is a brilliant blue, while the Zanskar River is a dirty green; it surely is a breathtaking sight to see. Sangam's two rivers run in different directions depending on the season. During the summer, the Zanskar River swells and becomes raging, but the Indus River is calmer. Zanskar slows and virtually freezes in the winter, and the Indus flow is significantly lower.
7. Zanskar Valley:
Zanskar Valley is surrounded by clean bodies of water, snow-capped mountains, and beautiful, lush green scenery. This is a big reason why people come to visit. Adventure sports like river rafting, trekking, and paragliding are popular in this area. There are also monasteries here that are hundreds of years old, like the Zongkhul, Zongla, and Strongdey monasteries. You can only go to Zanskar between June and September, because the valley's roads are all very snowy and can't be reached at any other time.
8. Hall of Fame Museum:
The Hall of Fame is a museum that honors the brave soldiers who fought in the Indo-Pakistan conflict and died for their country. The Indian Army takes care of the Hall of Fame, which has guns and equipment taken from the Pakistani Army as well as pictures that tell the stories of our brave warriors. A part of the museum is about the Siachen area, and it has clothes and gear that the Indian Army used in that area. Visitors can also see items from all over the world that have something to do with Ladakhi culture, history, nature, or wildlife.
9. Magnetic Hill:
As its name suggests, the Magnetic Hill is a gravity hill with very magnetic qualities. This popular hill is a cyclops slope, which means that when cars are parked in the right spot, they defy gravity and go up the hill. To see this, put your car in neutral and park in the yellow box a few meters before the Magnetic Hill road. From here, the car speeds up to 20 kilometers per hour. Even though there are stories about the strange magnetic hill, the way the area and other hills are set up creates an optical illusion.
10. Kargil:
You must stop in Kargil on your way to or from Ladakh. Kargil is the second largest town in Ladakh. It is on the Indus River and has a lot of history. The most interesting part is the Line of Control, which is only 11 kilometers from Kargil. It is where India and Pakistan meet. As a wanderer, if you walk along its roads, you will see many beautiful and old monasteries and gompas, as well as beautiful mountain ranges and valleys. Also, if you want to have some fun, Kargil is the place to go because it has a lot of exciting things to do, like river rafting, trekking, camping, and mountaineering.
11. Alchi:
The charming settlement of Alchi is a tiny village nestled along the banks of the Indus river, in Ladakh's Himalayan area. The roadways are lined with upright apricot trees and provide a wealth of spiritual delight through the presence of monasteries and temples. The Alchi monastery located in this village proudly displays Indo-Tibetan paintings from the 11th to 12th centuries. It is also recommended that you stay a night in Alchi to experience authentic Ladakhi rural life. What are the best things to do in Ladakh?
1. Go on the thrilling Chadar Trek:
The Chadar Trek, which is India's wildest and one of its hardest treks, is a whole new experience. This frozen river trek is on the list of every hiker and adventure lover because it is a unique place. This hike is hard because you have to walk over the frozen Zanskar River when the temperature is between -15°C and -30°C. Also, "Chadar" means "blanket," which refers to the white ice sheets on the frozen river. Walking on them is what makes this trek the most exciting.
2. Go biking at Khardung La pass:
Enjoy a bike ride on the Khardung La pass, which is the world's highest motorable road at an elevation of about 18,300 feet. Add some excitement to your trip to Ladakh with a scary bike ride, and when you reach the top, you'll feel like you've done something great. The Khardung La pass is great for people who like to go on adventures, ride mountain bikes, or just want to see some beautiful views. Bikers, on the other hand, need an Inner Line Permit to get into the pass and ride through it.
3. Go on a Yak Safari:
A Yak Safari is one of the most exciting things to do in Ladakh. Yaks are huge animals that live in cold deserts. For thousands of years, the people who live there have been taming them. Yak Safari is only available in a few places, like Ladakh. Riding a Yak through the valley of Ladakh can be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. In Ladakh, it's easy to book a Yak Safari through a local travel agent. The Safari takes about 4 hours, and during that time you can see some of the most beautiful landscapes and native plants and animals.
4. Shop in the local markets:
The Main Bazaar, a large marketplace in Ladakh, is a great spot to go shopping. Get a wide choice of reasonably priced things, including accessories and clothing. The markets attract a large number of visitors, both residents and tourists. With so many stores to choose from, you can expect a lot of haggling. You can also buy the famous Pashmina shawls, prayer wheels, Kashmiri carpets, apricots’ jam, and Tibetan jewelry.
5. Experience the thrill of river rafting adventure:
River rafting is a must-do activity in Ladakh, which is known as the land of adventure. The best places to go river rafting in Ladakh are on the Indus and Zanskar rivers. Not only do they offer a unique rafting experience, but they also go through beautiful scenery. Ladakh has grade one to grade four rapids, and there are different ways to go rafting depending on the season, your physical fitness, your budget, and your level of experience.
6. Enjoy stargazing at Lamayuru:
This is the spot to be if you want to sit among the lovely mountains and watch the stars twinkle. Lamayuru, also known as the Moonland of Ladakh, is a hamlet located on the Srinagar-Leh highway. At Lamayuru, you can set up your camp and see nature at its most beautiful. It's also been said that on a full moon night, the twinkly sky from this location is a spectacular sight to view, something that doesn't happen every day.
7. Book a jeep safari at Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary:
Going on a jeep safari is one of the most popular ways to see wildlife and take in the beautiful scenery of the Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary. The jeep gives you a more personal experience and takes you deeper into the dense jungle of the park, where you are more likely to see animals. On the exciting jeep safari, you can see a Tibetan wolf, a brown bear, a snow leopard, and a wild yak, among other amazing animals. Wildlife photographers should go on a jeep safari because it gives them a great chance to see many different kinds of wild animals.
8. Experience the Buddhist culture at Phugtal Monastery: The Phugtal Monastery is a Buddhist monastery in Ladakh's Zanskar area, in the south-east corner. It is one of the most remote monasteries in the region, established roughly 2500 years ago at the mouth of a natural cave on a cliff. You can get a sight of Phugtal Monastery that houses 700 monks and has four prayer rooms, a library, a kitchen, guest rooms, and living quarters, and you can soak in the buddhist culture on your stay over here. Also, the monastery is only accessible on foot and involves strenuous hiking.
9. Visit the amazing Stok Palace: The Stok Palace is the summer residence of Ladakh's royal family and descendants of King Sengge Namgyal. King Tsepal Namgyal founded it in 1820, and the Dalai Lama opened it to the public in 1980. If you are a history buff, there are many valuable items and treasures to be found, including the royal seals, costumes, jewelry, and photos and other exhibits. The war memorials, which include swords, bows, arrows and shields are displayed in a separate area. Furthermore, the Stok Palace is a well-preserved traditional Buddhist attraction.
10. Attend the Ladakh Harvest Festival: Ladakh Harvest Festival takes place in September and lasts for two whole weeks. The celebration features a colorful parade that begins in Leh and ends at the Polo Ground. It's a large-scale event with ceremonial clothing, music, and cultural acts. Even more fascinating are the masked dances performed by the lamas of the monasteries. Discover a diverse range of competitions, including poo and archery. If you’re the one to love cultural festivals, one of the most important things to do in Ladakh is to celebrate this exciting Ladakh Harvest Festival.
11. Relish the traditional cuisine of Ladakh: For all the food enthusiasts, the best thing to do in Ladakh is to try out their amazing traditional cuisine, which has Tibetan origins. The restaurants and cafes here are also noted for serving other varieties of cuisines too, including Indian, Chinese and Korean. Momos is widely considered to be the most flavorful meal in Ladakh cuisine. To acquire the best taste of Tibetan cuisine, one must also try Thukpa, Tsampa, Tingmo and Skyu here. Aside from the delicious food, you must also try Chang, a local alcoholic beverage, which is quite interesting.
How we can reach Ladakh?Ladakh is frequented by all kinds of riders, adventure tourists, photographers, honeymooners and the nature seeker. The destination offers easy road connectivity. However, anyone visiting the place should be prepared for intense off roading. If you have been looking for some adventure in your life, head on to Ladakh! Primarily, Ladakh is reached by two prominently laid out routes.The first is the Srinagar to Leh Highway that takes you through Kargil and the Kashmir Valley. The journey would be about 434 kilometers but this route will be open between June and mid November. The highest point you will touch at this route would be the Zozi La Pass at at altitude of 11,500 feet.The second route starts from Manali and it would be again about 473 kilometers of drive. The route opens from mid June and is allowed till October. This will be the road where you would be crossing several high passes including Tanglang La, arguably, the second highest motorable road in the world.Ladakh by Road: The Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh Transport Corporation runs buses to Ladakh, and your choice will depend on the route you take. Both journeys will last a couple of days with several stops that would gradually open up the vast Himalayan landscape. Although cheap, public transport can be a bit inconvenient.Many prefer hiring jeep or shared taxis to get flexible with the travel timing. Riding your own vehicle to Ladakh is also an option and is more popularly sought. If you are a solo traveler, it would however be recommended that you take the service of registered travel agencies to ferry you to Ladakh. In most case, you will join a group of other travelers.By Train: The closest you can get to Ladakh by train is the Jammu Tawi Station. From there, you will have to pursue road transportation, by either using public transport or renting your own vehicle.By Flight:When going to Ladakh, you can use the Leh Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport in Leh. From Srinagar, Delhi, and Jammu, you can get flights that connect with each other. GoAir, Air India, and Jet Airways are the airlines that fly this route the most. But keep in mind that flights depend on the weather, and the weather in Ladakh is, as you might expect, quite unpredictable. Make sure you don't mind being late!
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aboutinformation · 11 months
India Unbound: Embarking on an Adventurous Journey through the Land of Enchantments
India, a land of diverse landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture, offers an array of thrilling adventures for the intrepid traveler. From soaring mountain peaks to dense jungles, from ancient forts to bustling cities, India is a paradise for those seeking excitement, adrenaline, and unforgettable experiences. Join us as we embark on an adventurous journey through the enchanting land of India, uncovering thrilling activities and hidden gems along the way.
Conquer the Mighty Himalayas: For adventure seekers, the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas provide the ultimate challenge. Scale the towering heights of the majestic mountains and witness breathtaking views from the top. Trek to the base camp of Mount Everest or embark on the famous Markha Valley Trek in Ladakh. Experience the thrill of mountain biking in the picturesque valleys of Himachal Pradesh or go skiing in the snow-covered slopes of Gulmarg. The Himalayas offer a playground for adrenaline junkies and nature lovers alike.
Explore the Wild Jungles: India is home to several national parks and wildlife reserves that offer incredible opportunities for wildlife enthusiasts. Embark on a thrilling jungle safari in renowned national parks like Jim Corbett, Ranthambore, or Kaziranga, where you can spot majestic Bengal tigers, one-horned rhinoceros, and elusive leopards. Go on an elephant safari in Periyar National Park in Kerala or take a boat ride in the mangrove forests of Sundarbans to encounter rare and exotic species, including the Royal Bengal tiger.
Embark on a Desert Expedition: The vast expanse of the Thar Desert in Rajasthan presents a unique adventure opportunity. Hop on a camel and traverse the undulating sand dunes, experiencing the nomadic lifestyle of the desert tribes. Spend a night camping under the starry sky, surrounded by the tranquility of the desert. For a more adrenaline-pumping experience, try dune bashing in a 4x4 vehicle, zooming through the sandy terrain and feeling the thrill of the desert adventure.
Dive into the Underwater Paradise: India's coastal regions offer captivating underwater adventures. Explore the pristine coral reefs of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands or the Lakshadweep Islands, where you can indulge in snorkeling or scuba diving. Discover a colorful world beneath the waves, swimming alongside vibrant marine life, including tropical fish, manta rays, and even dolphins. The clear turquoise waters and diverse marine ecosystems make for an unforgettable underwater experience.
Seek Spiritual Enlightenment: India's spiritual heritage beckons those seeking a different kind of adventure. Embark on a spiritual journey to sacred sites like Varanasi, Rishikesh, or Amritsar, immersing yourself in the ancient traditions of yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda. Participate in a yoga retreat, learn from experienced gurus, and rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul. Experience the thrill of whitewater rafting in the Ganges River or take a dip in the holy waters for a truly unique adventure blending spirituality and adrenaline.
Traverse the Golden Triangle: For history and culture enthusiasts, the Golden Triangle circuit is a must-do adventure. Explore the architectural wonders of Delhi's historic monuments, including the Red Fort and Qutub Minar. Witness the timeless beauty of the Taj Mahal in Agra, a symbol of love and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Delve into the vibrant markets and bustling streets of Jaipur, known for its majestic palaces and rich Rajasthani culture. The Golden Triangle offers a captivating blend of history, culture, and adventure.
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Best family-friendly destinations for your summer vacay
Best family-friendly destinations for your summer vacay
One of the most conventional human progress on the planet. India is a mosaic of multicultural encounters. With a rich legacy and a lot of attractions.
The nation is among the most well-comprehended travelers objections on the planet, reaching out from the snow-shrouded Himalayan levels to the tropical jungles of the south. Here are the best 9 family-friendly destinations for your summer vacay:
Best family-friendly destinations for your summer vacay: –
1. Nainital – The pearl of Uttarakhand
Roosted at an altitude of 2,084 meters above ocean level, the sparkling city of Nainital is encircled by seven slopes that are prominently known as ‘Sapta-Shring’ – Ayarpata, Deopata, Handi-Bandi, Naina, Alma, Lariya-Kanta and Sher-Ka-Danda. The magnificent mountains and the shining waters of the lake add an enormous parcel to the glamour of the town.
Naini Lake has seats for drifting, yachting, horse riding, skating, golf, and rock climbing. it is one of the Best family-friendly destinations for your summer vacay with the most mind-blowing places for a mid-year get-away in India, the city is a seriously famous slope station in Uttarakhand and is there any good reason why it shouldn’t be?! All things deemed, its regular excellence is qualified for softening hearts.
Read More: Want to Plan a Vacation in Summer? Here are the Top 10 Must Items for Your Travel
2. Ladakh – the coldest desert on the planet
Ladakh is known for its phenomenal mix of crazy deserts, blue waters, freezing winds, ice sheets, and sand rises. Best family-friendly destinations for your summer vacay and One of the most staggering spots for a pre-summer event in India, Ladakh is a region of India that is diverged from the state-of-the-art world. Such is the energy of this spot that you’ll unquestionably emerge as a changed person after your Ladakh visit.
The land might be vain yet it awakens with people here whose love for their domain and essential pleasures infuse the scene with life. Ladakh is parceled into two regions: district Leh and area Kargil. Every extent of the scene, every wonderful strict local area, and each charming region makes it an objective that is unmatched for what it offers of real value.
3. Delhi
With scores of museums, amusement parks, numerous monuments, scenic gardens, and infinite scope for fun, New Delhi is a must-visit. The capital of India results high when we talk about family holiday destinations in India. Best family-friendly destinations for your summer vacay as New Delhi houses three World Heritage Sites which are worth seeing during your family holidays here. Also, Lodhi Garden is one of the best sites to go picnicking with kids and families.
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4. Haridwar – Gateway to God
The travel industry in Haridwar is burdened with love and rapture. Haridwar is also known as Ganga-Dwara because the sacred Ganges enters the fields here. Haridwar has not just stayed the house of the fatigued in body, psyche, and soul but has likewise filled in as a focal point of fascination for learning human expression, science, and culture.
Best family-friendly destinations for your summer vacay as the Haridwar has a well-established position as an incredible hotspot for Ayurvedic meds and natural cures. Among the first summer vacationer places in Quite a while that ring a bell, Haridwar is currently creating a complex social and profound focus. It is further known for its edibles and an amount of the must-attempt dishes including kachoris at Kashyap Kachoriwala and the aloo puri at Mohanji Puriwale.
5. Manali – The Endowment of the Himalayas to the World
It can never happen that you talk about summer camp and not mention Manali. In between the snow-shrouded inclinations of the Pir Panjal and the Dhauladhar ranges, a pre-summer trip outing to Manali is healing at its great. Best family-friendly destinations for your summer vacay there are No big threat the rising above tops and verdant regions of Manali attracts experience voyagers with heli-skiing, getting over, mountaineering, and stream drifting; absolute assistance for individuals who favor vigorous pursuits.
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6. Tawang
Best family-friendly destinations for your summer vacay is The wonderful town of Tawang, likewise articulated as Dawang, has a dazzling landscape to make your excursion a beautiful and essential one. An abnormal yet exceptionally ideal summer vacation place in India.
Tawang is a spot that will complement you with its regular excellence enveloped by the fragrance of otherworldliness. The delightful orchid haven and the Tipi Orchid Asylum is also an optimal spot for your rundown of spots to visit. Alongside this, one can shiver their taste buds by enjoying the region’s one-of-a-kind cooking.
7. Coorg
Awaken to the smell of sedating espresso and partake in the rich vegetation of this well-known slope station of Karnataka. Best family-friendly destinations for your summer vacay has Set amid the excellence and serenity of slopes, vegetation, and profound valleys, Coorg is an ideal escape from the hurrying around of city life.
Coorg has countless open-air exercises on offer, for example, traveling, calculating, and wilderness boating, and significant celebrations like Keil Poldu (love of weapons), Cauvery Shankaramana (return of the stream goddess), and the Huttari (reap) celebration are an enormous draw.
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8. Lonavala – Misty Weekend Getaway
Beguiling and mitigating at the same moment, Lonavala is a well-known slope station that is near Pune and Mumbai. Best family-friendly destinations for your summer vacay has heaps of cascades, lakes, and slopes around, Individuals from everywhere rush to this spot for a loosening-up time frame.
Presumably, the most ideal getaway spots in Lonavala are Lohagad Stronghold, Rajmachi Point, Karla Caverns, Valvan Dam, Lonavala Lake, Tiger’s Jump, Bhaja Caverns, Rajmachi Post, Bhushi Dam, Korigad Post, Kune Cascades, Tikona Fortress, Visapur Fortification, Bedsa Caverns, and Tung Fortress.
The people who wish to relax in the warm sun or appreciate recreational strolls investigating the spot, Lonavala is the right location for them. It offers the ideal retreat to city tenants through its serenity and tranquil air.
9. Rajasthan
When it arrives at the best family vacation destinations in India. Best family-friendly destinations for your summer vacay as Rajasthan probably tops the charts. The ‘Land of Maharajas’ leaves other areas behind in terms of foreign comings as well as household travelers. With its magnificent princely past, rich artistic heritage, and mighty regiments and palaces, Rajasthan is one of the top visitor destinations in India.
Some of the finest places to visit in Rajasthan are Jaisalmer,  Jodhpur, ‘Pink City’ Jaipur, Ranthambore National Park, Pushkar, and Udaipur. Pacify the adrenalin rush with camel safaris in the dunes near Jodhpur and Jaisalmer and wildlife safari in Ranthambore.
Moreover, visiting the holy town of Pushkar along with Ajmer offers the desired bliss. Owing to the spectacular Pushkar Camel Fair, the town ranks amongst the best holiday goals in November. In addition, there is a ton of training that keeps even the fussiest of travelers on their toes. Separately each city in Rajasthan homes stupendous forts and palaces, and elegant havelis.
Go have a meeting for the best family-friendly destinations for your summer vacay. On the off chance that you have been on an Indian occasion for a long time and haven’t had the option to decide. Then, at that point, these suggestions are certainly going to make it more straightforward for you.
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travelstations · 1 year
Best Ladakh Tour Packages - The Travel Stations
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Whether you are an adventure lover, peace seeker, closer to nature, or mountain dreamer, there are so many Best Ladakh Tour Packages that you can choose from. Explore the mystique of Pangong Lake, watch snow-capped peaks, walk along the banks of Indus & Zanskar rivers, & enjoy a folk dance show. 
Ladakh is the perfect tourist destination, with steep mountains, high-altitude desert terrain, beautiful lakes, colorful Tibetan monasteries, and steep plateaus! Celebrate the landscape crown of India, Ladakh, with its spectacular scenery, & chilling snow blankets with the popular Tour Packages for Ladakh.
10 Best Places To Visit in Tour to Leh Ladakh
1) Pangong Lake
What’s special: Changing colour of the water
Pangong Lake is one of the most scenic high-altitude lakes in India. Here shooting of many films has also taken place. What makes this lake magical is that it changes its colours various times in a day. 
2) Khardung La
What’s Special: One of the highest motorable passes in India
Located at a height of 5359 meters and is counted as the highest motorable pass in the world. It is a favorite tourist destination among travel and adventure enthusiasts, bikers and nature lovers.
3) Nubra Valley
Nubra Valley is famous for its two-humped camels and natural scenic landscape, Nubra Valley is one of the best places to visit on a Ladakh trip. You get a feeling of Arabian desert because of the natural sand dunes here. 
4) Zanskar Valley
Ideal for couples who would like to spend some time in solitude just close to nature. Also serves as a power-packed destination for adventure lovers motorbike riders.
5) Kargil
What’s Special: Adventure-packed destination
Located on the banks of the Indus River, it is ideal for adventure activities. Couples enjoy trekking and mountaineering together in one of the largest cities in Ladakh. 
6) Thiksey Gompa
What’s Special: Largest collection of Buddhist books
Located at an altitude of 11,800 feet, it is a is a stunning Buddhist Monastery. It stores a number of Buddhist books, journals, and scripts. It has a fascinating collection of statues and Thangka paintings.
7) Spituk Gompa
What’s Special: Stunning architecture and picturesque carvings
With a stunning design, it is one of the most quietful places to visit in Ladakh with your partner. Beautiful carved and known for its unique design.
8) Hemis National Park
What’s Special: A habitat for endangered species
With rich flora and home to an array of endangered species such as Asiatic ibex, the Eurasian brown bear, and the Tibetan wolf, It is an ideal spot for newlyweds to relish nature’s beauty.
9) Shanti Stupa
Experience the most soul-satisfying scenic sunrise and sunset views from the serene surroundings of Shanti Stupa. It is one of the most remarkable Buddhist monuments.
10) Moonland
What’s Special: Resembles moon
A romantic night under the moonlight at this extraordinary spot is one of the major highlights for couples.
Popular Best-Selling Honeymoon Ladakh Packages
What could be a better way to celebrate the love and union of two people than by enjoying quality time with your better half in Ladakh? Enjoy the romantic weather, beautiful landscape, cosy honeymoon suits, & delicious local cuisines by booking the best Honeymoon Ladakh Packages. Honeymoon is the time to honour the intimacy & make stronger your bond.
Ladakh is perfect for a 6-7-day honeymoon trip, especially between the months of May and July. So, what’s waiting for booking the best-selling Honeymoon packages for Ladakh and exploring the amazing lake Pangong, the Valley of flowers Nubra Valley, and the mystique Mountain Pass Khurdungla Pass.
Best Ladakh Tour Packages for Couples
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Cherish the beauty of your better half, the enchanting hills and roads of Ladakh, and a fascinating Tibetan culture while you are on Ladakh Tour Package for Couple. Part of the stunning region of Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh is a Union Territory that is counted as the “world’s coldest desert”.
With snow-clad mountains, picturesque lakes, the charming Pangong lake, & the majestic Nubra Valley, Ladakh is the symbol of honeymoon bliss! What could be better for couples than holding each other’s hands and gazing at the night sky filled with twinkling stars by booking Ladakh Tour Packages for Couples?
Best Ladakh Tour Operators
Are you dreaming of an unforgettable Leh & Ladakh adventure? Book a fully-organized Tour to Leh & Ladakh & let the Best Ladakh Tour Operators take care of everything for you. Check out the list of the Best Tour Operators for Ladakh & Leh:
Tour Operator
Contact Number
Ladakh My Trip
Western Ladakh Expedition
Umasila Trek & Tours
Ladakh Mountain Tours & Travels
Ju-Leh Adventure
+91-9596811 109
1) Which is the best month to go to Ladakh?
The Best time to visit Ladakh is from the month of April to July during the summer season. During this time the temperature is between 15 to 30 Degree Celsius. The weather is quite pleasant in the summer time, however, winters are exceedingly cold. Hence, the best time to visit Ladakh is during the summer.
2) Is Ladakh a good choice for honeymooners?
Ladakh is of course an excellent choice for honeymooners. The scenic beauty of Ladakh is worth visiting. Honeymoon couples can visit several places and indulge in various activities. 
Final Thoughts!
Situated around the Great Himalayan Ranges and the Karakoram ranges, Leh-Ladakh charms you with its picturesque landscapes, spiritual monasteries, & awe-inspiring landscapes. By availing of Best Ladakh Tour Packages, you will experience the crystal-clear blue sky, beautiful flowers, snow-covered mountain peaks, and painting-like valleys to make you experience heaven on earth. Please share and like our post!
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pcttrailsidereader · 5 months
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I apologize for my current fixation on the Snow and Sand National Monument, Whitewater River, and Mission Creek. I do believe that my thoughts gravitate toward to Southern California PCT in the winter. In addition, my wife and I are heading there soon . . . with the hopes that we can do some winter walking. It is an underappreciated section of the PCT.
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ddrv · 1 year
Idaho’s 4 Best Spring RV Trips
We’re nearly halfway through this season’s winter weather, and that means it’s time to start thinking about the adventures you’ll embark on once the snow melts. Before you know it, you’ll be ready to pack up the family and take your RV on a memorable trip to start another season of outdoor exploration. But where will you go?
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For Idahoans, it’s not a difficult question to answer. The Gem State is brimming with stunning natural beauty, and adventure is easy to come by. With a little bit of preparation at Idaho’s top RV dealers, you can take full advantage of these opportunities and enjoy a family RV excursion for the ages. When you’re ready to start crafting your itinerary, have a look at this list of iconic Idaho destinations. Here are the four best Idaho RV trips you can take to kick off the new year. Bruneau Sand Dunes Located 64 miles south of Boise, Bruneau Dunes State Park is where you’ll find the largest single-structured sand dune in North America, with a peak that sits some 470 above the desert. Campsites and cabins are available for reservations, or you can enjoy first-come, first-served sites. Bluegill fill the lakes at the foot of Bruneau’s largest dune, which makes it a great place to fish or cool off. Off-road vehicle use is only permitted on the main road, but if you’ve never tried sandboarding before, Bruneau is an excellent place to give it a shot. Lake Coeur d’Alene One of Idaho’s largest lakes, Lake Coeur d’Alene formed when the continental ice cap melted at the end of the last Ice Age. It’s an incredible place to enjoy fishing, boating, parasailing, and much more. With roughly 135 miles of shoreline, there’s plenty to do on, in, and around Lake Coeur d’Alene. Before visiting Lake Coeur d’Alene, visit Idaho’s leading RV dealers with everything from boats to Class B RVs for sale. A new or pre-owned fishing boat, surf boat, or personal watercraft can help you make the most of Idaho’s crystal-clear waters. Craters of the Moon You don’t have to leave Idaho to glimpse this awe-inspiring lunar landscape. Roughly the size of Rhode Island, the sprawling volcanic formations of Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve are visible from space. This spectacle was first created 15,000 years ago, with the most recent activity happening 2,100 years ago, when volcanic eruptions spewed a lava field covering over 600 miles. Although no hookups are available at the Lava Flow Campground, some of the 42 sites will accommodate large RVs. These spots are available on a first-come, first-served basis from May through November. Payette Lake Like Lake Coeur d’Alene, Payette Lake was formed by glacial activity. Some 10,000 years ago, a glacier that would have measured 1,000 feet high, 2.5 miles wide, and 8 miles long carved out Payette Lake. Half of the lake falls within the boundaries of Ponderosa State Park, which is a fantastic place to find pristine forests, hiking trails, and spots to camp. If this will be your first year of RV excursions, start your journey at the best dealer with travel trailers for sale Boise has to offer. They’ll have everything you need to begin your RV adventures on the right foot and ensure your family enjoys every minute together. About DDRV Ready for a new year of adventure? DDRV has exactly what you need to get out and start exploring. They’ve been an integral part of the Treasure Valley’s love of the great outdoors since 1974. Not only can you find brand new RVs of all kinds, but they’re also a great place to discover used motorhomes for sale, including Class B RVs for sale. And while DDRV may be known as Idaho’s biggest motorhome dealer, they’re also known as the top boat dealers Idaho residents rely on when their adventures take them out on the water. Plus, it doesn’t end there. DDRV takes care of your ATV sales Boise! If you’ve been searching for reliable RV dealers with reputable service and a knowledgeable staff, you’ve found it at DDRV. Find everything you need for your Idaho RV adventures from DDRV at https://ddrv.com/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/3wz5c3z
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emperornorton47 · 1 year
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Jenk's Lake and Mount San Gorgonio
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msfitzsadventures · 1 year
RVS LIFE~NOT A NEW JACKET~OPEN BOX~ TRIAL RUN~SAND TO SNOW Hey guys check out this weeks video!Finally there is snow at "Sand To Snow" National Monument. Oh yea After a year a companies emailed me and asked me how was my jacket. Who Does that?Find out who. check out our video MONUMENT EP251
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hakesbros · 1 year
Oakwood Homes Of Las Cruces Modular, Manufactured, Cellular Homes For Sale
Copyright © 2023 The Greater El Paso Association of REALTORS®, MLS Inc. Investments like these help people like Cheryle Anderson, from Gallup. Growing up, Cheryle’s household was at all times transferring, and her mom dreamed of having a “forever” home. Shortly after Cheryle turned 18, her mother new homes las cruces passed away—but not before she made Cheryle promise that she would one day buy a house of her personal. Today, with the help of New Mexico’s down payment assistance program, Cheryle has made that dream a reality—and stored her promise to her mom.
If so, you might wish to contemplate shopping for in a new home group. There are so many benefits to dwelling in a brand new home community, so listed here are a few of the top reasons why they're a fantastic selection. If you need entry to big-city offerings, but don’t need to deal with the site visitors home builders in las cruces, residing in Las Cruces could additionally be perfect for you. El Paso, TX is less than an hour’s drive from Las Cruces and has every little thing you would ever want from a big city. With such nice climate, Las Cruces presents many out of doors activities. The city is home to amazing golf programs, together with theSonoma Ranch Golf Course,Picacho Hills Country Club, andNew Mexico State University Golf Course.
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Its stark-white sand dunes mimic the look of snow and the texture of flour. Visitors enjoy sliding down dunes on saucers, burying their legs, and taking walks. There are additionally stunning climbing homes for sale in las cruces nm trails like the Picacho Peak Trail in addition to the Dripping Springs Trail which is located inside the Organ Mountains-Desert Peak National Monument.
I am calling for safe storage reforms that impose penalties on anybody who fails to safe an unattended firearm and leaves it accessible to an unsupervised minor. And I am calling for laws that might enable victims of gun violence to deliver civil fits against firearm manufacturers. If we're homes for sale las cruces bold and clear in our knowledge that nows the time to do the right factor, we are ready to save lives and protect futures. I am decided to succeed, and I is not going to let up until New Mexico is the most secure state in the nation.
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bingwallpaper · 1 year
White Sands National Park, New Mexico, USA
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If today's photo evokes some chilly feelings inside of you, surprise! That's not snow, but part of the largest gypsum dune field on the planet. We're at White Sands National Park in New Mexico, which was first established as a monument and then became a national park in 2019. The National Park is named as such due to the abundance of gypsum that has worn off the surrounding mountains. Roughly 4,082,331,330 metric tons of gypsum sand has massed in the Tularosa Basin over the past 12,000 years, having worn off the surrounding mountains. Thousands of species live in the park, many of which have evolved to have white colouration, allowing them to blend into the environment.
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