#SWEATS AT LEGNTH i love setup and build i sowyy
miraiq · 7 months
continued. | @imaginednihility
It all happened so quick that she almost missed it. An aggressive thug had snuck up behind while she was already preoccupied with two others of their pack.. coward. Stelle had only heard the guy's grunt as he had lunged towards her, fully anticipating the blow.. and was surprised when it hadn't landed-- but the subdued thud of a heavy impact absolutely did not go unnoticed. Stelle had only whipped around to see Welt collapsing to the ground near her feet.. the rest was honestly a bit of a blur- only small fragments clear enough to process what had occured.
If she had happened to leave the entire group of five bandits slumped across the earth, bodies completely bashed in- broken bones poking out and soaked in their own blood- thanks to her bat.. well, no one else had to know.
Entirely ignoring her own aching muscles and torn skin, Stelle had managed to pull the elder off the ground. The lass had intended to be gentle enough in her march back to somewhere one would consider safe, and tend to him, but apparently was not sufficient as she had heard Welt groan as he came to. She had decreased her pace, noting how fast she had been walking previously. Perhaps that's what contributed to the man's awakening.
" I don't think blacking out can be classified as 'being fine', Mr. Yang. "
Stelle kept her eyes forward, this time paying attention to any single thing that moved in her sight. Not making that mistake twice.. especially not right now. A slight readjustment to her arms under his knees, a brief jump to move him up a bit higher against her back, make the lad more secure in her hold, and she spoke, softer, almost as if she didn't want Welt to hear her.
" ..You didn't have to do that........"
The lass remained silent as she concentrated on the sounds surrounding them as far out as one could possibly make out. After a brief pause, scanning left and right, she made her decision of direction- hoping to get back as fast as her feet could carry them. She shook her head, speaking louder, making her rejection of the idea of letting him down abundantly clear.
" No can do. Once we make it to a clinic, only then will I set you down. ..At least let me do that......... "
The intended 'please' removed from the statement- not wanting to sound too desperate to repay him for sacrificing his own well being for hers.
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