mysteamgrids · 2 years
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Star Wars: Rebel Assault I + II
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retrocgads · 4 months
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USA 1997
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locitapurplepink · 3 months
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Taglist : @photogirl894 , @leosardonyx18 , @commander-tech , @aintinacage , @trapezequeen , @cassie-fanfics , @zaya-mo , @genericficerblog , @laughingphoenixleader , @kanerallels , @ambulance-mom , @fulltimecatwitch and anyone else who wants to vote this one.
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kanerallels · 1 month
Between watching Rebel Assault and episode 5 of X Men 97 on the same day I'm like. Steps away from a full fledged ✨breakdown✨
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jonberry555 · 4 months
I Played Starfighter Assault: Fonder - Rebels | Star Wars: Battlefront II
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cidraman · 17 days
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Star Wars: Rebel Assault. Brasoft - 1994.
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dylan-welcome-bot · 11 months
The Disco Star is complete!
Hit 'em with the ol' "Solo Shot First" on the dancefloor.
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gahmah-raan · 10 months
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Continuing with the Besh Squad sketches, we have Banir Keeti, Codename: Bad Kitty (although he insists you call him the latter). This muscle-bound Cathar is the squad's heavy-weapons specialist. Despite his intimidating appearance and trigger-happy demeanor, he's got a heart of gold and a soft-spot for kids.
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imperotenebre · 2 months
Star Wars Rebel Assault 2 PlayStation Plus Classic PS5 gameplay 4K - pr...
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captainchaosartworks · 5 months
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Retro PC Games #21: Rebel Assault II: The Hidden Empire
Recently replayed Rebel Assault II on stream, so I drew the Tie Phantom: One of my favorite craft in the verse. Imagine my surprise when it popped up in Empire at War! 🌕🌌⚡️
Still a lot of fun. Sometimes you just want to play a rail shooter, y'know?
Posted using PostyBirb
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starwarscolors · 6 months
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"Possession of unsanctioned weapons, forgery of Imperial documents, aggravated assault, escape from custody, resisting arrest... Imagine if the Imperial authorities had found out who you really were, Jyn Erso." "We think you might be able to help us. This is Captain Cassian Andor, Rebel Intelligence."
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retrocgads · 7 months
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USA 1997
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locitapurplepink · 2 months
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Taglist : @photogirl894 , @leosardonyx18 , @commander-tech , @aintinacage , @trapezequeen , @cassie-fanfics , @zaya-mo , @genericficerblog , @laughingphoenixleader , @kanerallels , @ambulance-mom , @fulltimecatwitch , @hakari-kin , and anyone else who wants to vote this one.
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kanerallels · 1 month
I love your blog! I am a huge fan of Star Wars Rebels (it got me through the early years of the pandemic).
I wanted to know if you have any headcanons for Commander Sato and/or Mart Mattin, since they were criminally underutilized in the show.
Awww thank you so much! Same here-- I actually started watching it the year the pandemic started, too! That's so fun-- do you have a favorite character?
My stars I WISH I did. They really are underutilized, and honestly they're such good characters. Unfortunately I haven't spent much time focusing on them, but I should definitely change that in the future! Do you have any favorite headcanons for them?
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Alternate Doctor Who Companion Endings
The Hartnell Years
Barbara: becomes an Aztec queen
Ian: Stabbed by a TARDIS-possessed Susan running with scissors
Susan: Eaten by a normal-sized Earth woodlouse while shrunk
Vicky: Conscripted into a civil war between large-sized non-Earth moths and ants
Steven: arrested for mugging a man for his Rolex in 1066
Katerina: journeys with the Doctor for eight multi-part serials before falling in love with a Samurai and staying in Edo period Japan
Sara Kingdom: becomes a Golden Era Hollywood stunt actor
The Troughton Years
Polly: Becomes a fish person
Ben: Conscripted into being a Highlander
Jamie: New face new man
Victoria: Killed by a Cybermat
Zoe: vanishes in Foam
The Pertwee Years
Liz Shaw: falls in love with a Silurian
Jo: accidentally drops the Doctor's tupperware box of anti-matter
The Baker Years v1
Sarah-Jane: stays on Peladon to pioneer feminism
Harry Sullivan: accidentally replaced by a Zygon
Leela: steamed
Romana 1: a Mishap with a giant squid on a methane refinery. Regenerates.
Romana 2: becomes a vampire
The Davison Years
Nyssa: stays on Earth to become a paleontologist
Tegan: goes home with the wrong Doctor (it was a choice of 5, whoops)
Adric: gets lost in an Escher building. Left behind.
Turlough: succeeds in killing the Doctor. Sent home by the Black Guardian with an extremely silly hat
The Baker Years v2
Peri: turned into a bird by a slug
The McCoy Years
Mel: stays and joins a rebel punk roller derby team and takes on alien!Thatcherite non-Britain
Ace: becomes a Time Lord (with a baseball bat)
The McGann Years
Grace: stays dead
Chang Lee: stays dead
The Eccleston Years
Adam: promoted and eaten by a gelatinous ceiling
Captain Jack: is so successful on Trinny and Suzannah that he gets and stars in his own future!TV show, How to Look Good Naked. Becomes a celebrity. Stays.
The Tennant Years
Rose: possessed by Cassandra
Martha: blows up Earth with the Oster Haagen key
Donna: refinds her real life husband from Silence in the Library after being downloaded
Mickey: becomes parts in a clockwork spaceship
The Smith Years
Amy: becomes an Angel
Rory: finds out his fiance sexually assaulted another man the night before their wedding and leaves to build a better life
The Capaldi Years
Clara: genuinely leaves and never comes back after that moon bullshit because she's fed up with his abuse
Bill: stays on the Cyber-infested spaceship to lead the colonists as they start a new society
Nardole: Cyber-converted, but is the quirky comic relief robot. The Doctor leaves him with Bill, in case he's useful.
The Whittaker Years
Yaz: joins Zheng Yi Sao, is now starring in Our Flag Means Death s3
Graham: stays in the frog universe with his dead frog wife
Ryan: seduced by King James VI and I, becomes prince consort
Dan: goes to space with his grumpy dog friend on new adventures
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