opelman · 7 months
1966 Ford Mustang GT350 by David G. Schultz Via Flickr: Robert Hooper
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jerseydeanne · 2 years
Dan Wooten is spot on! Worldwide Lockdown is a Big Fail
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This was a manmade virus that Fauci knew all about. They made it in the US and offshored it to Wuhan to weaponize it.
Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and others released the virus intentionally. Because they wanted less of you. It's not a conspiracy theory. It's a fact.
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airmanisr · 2 years
1970 Titan Mk6b FF
1970 Titan Mk6b FF by David G. Schultz Via Flickr: Robert Posner
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fashionarte · 2 years
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Your Beatmaker.
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idkllr · 1 month
2 Pucci Sovren (RESURRECTION)
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astarab1aze · 5 days
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Nations & Their Cities - 1
Capital: Sekora
Cities: Zarrah, Kimarrah, Zemhora, Fatima, K'yra, Petra
Sights: The Sphinx's Rosegarden, Redstone Monuments, Sahadi Oasis, Chateau Corneille, Royal Palace of Askarra, Valley of Fire, Badwater Basin, Wadhi Dunes, Kora Terra, River Mossha, Laal Bekaar, Almilhia
Capital: The Black Eyrie
Cities: Tempest, Astraia, Last flight
Sights: The Vale of Tears, the Schism, Stormhollow, Ruins of Ágrifa, Ruins of the Grand Eyrie, Crimson-Talon Roost, Lightguards' towers, Myhalan Deep entrances, Pseudocilium Forest, Gríf’s Passage, Hatchling's Fall, The Valley Below, Eye of the Storm, Gorgon's Reach
Capital: New Mira
Cities: Summer's End, Mara, Milissa, Whitestone, Aurora, Blanglas, Lumia, Monchamp, Stellara, Argent, Mille, Marseille, Hyglais, Nièvre, Froide, Halidom, Pelladia, Adeille, Le Louve, Neige, Noel
Sights: Frostwood, the Winter Palace, Enum Glais River, Hydric Ice Caverns, Ruins of Holy Miraglas, Iceflow, Mirrortwin Lakes, Dragonkin Hatchery, Auric Snowfields, Dragon's Maw, the Great Crevasse, Undermountain Springs, Worldeater's Cathedral
Capital: Camlothe
Cities: Harrowmorn, Frea, Myrris, Merlin's Landing, Cutwater, Bywater, Blackwater, Stillwater, Rhiannon, Dragon's Watch, Myrrh, Lichfield, Oxway, Etna, Mylliwyg, Maewynn, Emrys, Mesynna, Borderwatch
Sights: Malefactor's March, Buckhorn Trails, Peaceflower Graves, Myrsian Highlands, Church of Goldleaf & Petta, Dragon's Spine Mountains, Valley of Kings, Snowcap, Artyrian Delta, Murkwater River, Madhunter's Knife
Capital: Vialta
Cities: Airivhest, Balta, Silkiev, Sovren, Vulkhaven, Varonis
Sights: Hunter's Vale, Vulgren's Watch, Western Pass, Lakensov, Vhar Morne, Tail of the Dragon (the end of the Dragon's Spine), Lud Bestii's Path, Balewood, Pestani River
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madamlaydebug · 8 months
How can you expect to be granted sovrenity from the same entities who stole from you?
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lexcac222 · 3 hours
Watch "the face of the false sovren femboy plays dragons dogma 2 ep16 lets get medicated" on YouTube
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vasilzelenak · 4 months
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Ochrana zdravia detí
Veselé sviatky od organizácie Children's Health Defense
Milý Vasiľ,
Celá rodina CHD by vám chcela v tomto sviatočnom období poslať srdečné prianie.
Keďže sa rok chýli ku koncu, chceli by sme si nájsť chvíľku na vyjadrenie vďaky za vašu neustálu podporu a oddanosť našej veci.
Nech je to čas oddychu a obnovy, keď sa všetci pripravíme na úžasné príležitosti, ktoré nás čakajú v roku 2024.
Vaša neochvejná podpora posunula misiu vpred a sme vďační, že vás máme po našom boku.
Veselé sviatky a ďakujeme, že ste súčasťou rodiny CHD!
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Children's Health Defense® je 501(c)(3) nezisková organizácia. Naším poslaním je ukončiť epidémiu zdravia detí agresívnou prácou na odstránení škodlivého vystavenia, brať na zodpovednosť tých, ktorí sú zodpovední, a zaviesť záruky, aby sa zabránilo budúcim škodám. Bojujeme proti korupcii, masovému dohľadu a cenzúre, ktoré uprednostňujú zisky pred ľuďmi, a obhajujeme celosvetové práva na slobodu zdravia a telesnú autonómiu.
Ochrana zdravia detí
852 Franklin Ave., Suite 511
Franklin Lakes, New Jersey 07417
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psychsavant · 1 year
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opelman · 10 months
1964 Bill Thomas Motors Cheetah by David G. Schultz Via Flickr: Jeff Taylor
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jerseydeanne · 2 years
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elliottsears · 1 year
Listen/purchase: STONE EYES EP by sovren
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barakudabarakuda · 2 years
pGET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & SURVIVAL RESOURCES HERE:a href='https://heavensharvest.com/'https://heavensharvest.com//aUSE Code WAM to get FREE shipping in the United States!/ppSTOCK UP ON STOREABLE FOODS HERE:a href='http://wamsurvival.com/'http://wamsurvival.com//a/ppOUR GOGETFUNDING CAMPAIGN:a href='https://gogetfunding.com/help-keep-wam-alive/'https://gogetfunding.com/help-keep-wam-alive//a/ppGET TIM'S FREE Portfolio Review HERE:a href='https://bit.ly/redpilladvisor'https://bit.ly/redpilladvisor/aAnd become a client of Tim's at a href='https://www.thelibertyadvisor.com/'https://www.TheLibertyAdvisor.com/a/ppJosh Sigurdson reports on the massive landgrab by China as the country now owns up more than 200,000 acres of land in the United States.Bills are being pushed forward federally to ban China from buying up land, but the agenda is clear, and the United States government is in on it.As Bill Gates buys up land alongside China and the food rations are prepared for the controlled collapse of the supply chain while China creates a new global digital currency, our fate is at risk.Prepare now!/ppStay tuned for more from WAM!/ppPURCHASE PART 1 of TipToe To Tyranny HERE:a href='https://vimeo.com/ondemand/tiptoetotyranny/'https://vimeo.com/ondemand/tiptoetotyranny//a/ppGET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:a href='h...
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yuyuhanoshow · 2 years
Y’all know Ian Connor n Sovren are related? They like dogs n cats bro what’s that adult fumigation they inherented in South Africa?
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