wwwyzzerdd420 · 1 year
Can folks for real stop calling deniers "truthers" for fucks sake?
You're muddying the waters tremendously and making it sound like they're telling the truth instead of denying it
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catboyeddy · 2 years
Okay so obviously we know very well that Danny has zero intention of bringing eene back but like if that did happen how’d you think he’d go about it? Like would it have some sort of plot line following BPS or be something random for each episode like the series was? New characters, relationships? Would they still be the same age range or would they’d be aged up? Or even a prequel of sorts where they’re even younger? Fhsjcj sorry I’ve gotten into the eene rabbithole again and kinda bummed out we won’t get more eene.
Honestly I don't really know how Danny would continue the series if he did so I'm just gonna give you some thoughts I have about the characters I think a like dream reboot would've leaned into
It would've been nice if it picked up right after bps cause we could've seen the changes in the characters slowly happen
Also to see Eddy consciously changing to try n be nicer and dropping some of the traits he picked up from Bro
I think 'Dueling Eds' is a good example of Eddy doing something out of pocket and trying to understand and make up for it so think a lot of similar episodes
I heard there was a cut ending scene in bps where Kevin is like being overly nice to the eds and they're a kinda freaked out by it n I'd love to see that too like that learning curve where the eds and other kids are trying to get used to each other and used to actually being friends and being casually nice and playful ribbing instead of like just being an asshole
Like it'd take a while for the friendship to feel sincere on both ends but they do want to get along
Also be v interesting to see changes in Double Dee as school life gets more hectic n watching him go through burnout
I feel like he'd never lose his love of learning but he'd lose his ability to be perfect at everything n it'd affect him
Double Dee but he's more tired of everyone's shit than ever before
Ed and Sarah bonding and drawing art together and defending each other to their parents
Would also be nice to see more moments of Ed noticing when somethings up and trying to comfort his buddies
I like to think of the eds and kids being mischievous together and like pulling pranks (I think Eddy drops scams post bps for bro related reasons also the main reason the kids had beef with them were the scams)
I do still think they make little inventions n come up with cool ideas just maybe a little more honest about stuff not working or involving the kids in making things
There's more stuff but I've talked about it in a lot of my hc posts about eene
An adult ish reboot would be interesting, watching the eds try and adapt to a adult life and their respective careers
I really like the hc that Eddy runs a small diner, it let's him do something he can be creative with and proud of and he gets to use his charisma and be a social butterfly. I think it plays to all his strengths in the best way
I also really like the hc that Edd becomes a creative journalist I think it fits his flare for the dramatic and 'Truth or Ed' is a good example of him making even mundane events dramatic
I'm in the popular hc camp for Ed's career cause I really like him being a horror comic artist, also would be cool if he illustrated other writer's work on the side (I like to think he illustrates some of Jonny's stories)
I like Kevin as a local mechanic, Sarah as an animator, Jimmy as an interior decorator and Jonny as an author I can picture him jumping back n forth between writing creepy stuff and just normal cute stories
But I still haven't decided on a career for most of the other kids
I'm sorry this response is kinda all over the place and not really what you asked for. I've just like not thought a lot about a potential reboot since the shows vibe just feels a bit too specific for a reboot to really work in my head
I would've fucking loved if we got to see a full season 6 tho, there were a few fun episode plots I wish we could've seen play out
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