#SIGHHHHHH its 1am i have to be up at 8am should sleep
elecmon ยท 1 year
Feeling like everything has been put on pause ever since the wedding, everything leading up to it was so stressful I had forgotten how to both enjoy my own company, and how to do things that I like for me myself and I.
I've only been drawing shit for work lately! It's all very specific crap too, as much as I might like the finished piece, none of it feels like it's mine or was made for my own enjoyment, and that was the best part of everything Ive ever made. And it HONESTLY doesn't feel like I've made anything personal that was also fun since two tamersona weeks ago when I was doing the full background drawings
I know I can still do that level, it's in me, I just haven't Drawn anything that much that my arm isn't used to the movements anymore
feels too overwhelming to have to build it back up again
Overwhelming is actually the right word here bc my room is the biggest constant mess I've ever had it be, my cars trunk is even worse, it feels like I have so much to do (AND I DO)
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