theremina · 10 months
Hi. Um. So...
I've been quietly working on a really, really big, beautiful, maddening, PUNK AS FUCK collaborative DIY art project for about a year now with a whole bunch of people I've known for a loooonnng time and love a whoooole bunch.
I don't just believe in them as musicians. I believe in them as vibrant, brilliant, fiercely kindhearted human beings who make completely unclassifiable music and theatrics and wonderful community happen, and who deserve to be lifted up and celebrated and nurtured.
We FINALLY launched their Kickstarter today, after many months of collective work. Much to my delight, said Kickstarter has already made OVER FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS in less than five hours.
Hopefully we will double that amount by the end of the campaign (and THEN some) and my favorite live band of all time, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, can feed themselves and keep roofs over their heads, their family's heads, their crew's heads, while the band woodsheds and the full team preps to finish and release a studio album and a short film and then (WE HOPE! 100K OR BUST!) pile back into their magical doomsday bus and tour the continental US once again for the first time in 13 years.
I wouldn't be doing this for any other band. Not even one of my own projects. That is how much I love Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, and how deeply I respect what they make and who they ARE.
Go check out the campaign! Pitch in if you're inspired! Share the link far and wide if you care about me EVEN A LITTLE BIT PLZ AND THANK YOU because this job'll earn me a substantial paycheck as well, but ONLY if we're fully funded.
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johnkanesociety · 11 months
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The first gasp of the latest iteration of the Sleepytime Gorilla Museum’s Grand Re-Opening is NIGH.
We are patently thrilled, after all these years, to be THIS CLOSE to opening our doors once more.
But we cannot BRING IT BACK without your support, dear friends and companions. 
Become an active Sleepytime Gorilla Museum DOCENT by emailing [email protected] with only the word AMBUGATON in the subject header! Share with us your hopes and dreams, your jokes and tragedies, your memories and visions! Please bear in mind that we will most likely not be able to respond to your missives right away, if ever! 
However, we WILL promptly and gratefully email you some plainspoken info, plus a cornucopia of suggested activities that’ll help the John Kane Society get the word out both online and off over the course of Sleepytime’s 4-week Kickstarter campaign. 
Plus, we’ll be sharing some recently unearthed behind-the-scenes Museum footage that’s never before been seen by the public. 
Bluntly yet not lacking warmth,
- SGM & John Kane Society
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gittetj · 10 months
Who knows how many old or new fans are on here, but I gotta share that one of my favorite bands, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, have come back from many years of hibernation and are gearing up for releasing a new album And a short film AND going on tour next year (not so relevant to me as an European, but I'm happy for them and anyone who gets to see them live)
They just started a Kickstarter campaign to fund everything that hasn't already been done. Check them out and support them if you like experimental (sometimes metal, sometimes not) music, performance art, or just things that are a little silly in a very extravagant way.
And if you don't already know them, here, take a couple of samples
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by Sleepytime Gorilla Museum
their kickstarter below
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johnkanesociety · 11 months
HAIL. Are you an experienced professional lighting designer? Have you got your own rig? Are you more likely to be intrigued by loud odors / strong hours / long personalities than daunted? SGM is now fielding portfolios for potential paying gigs in 2024: [email protected]
Photo: Mikel Pickett
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