#Rorschach is just -chef's kiss- and Oswald too
oculusxcaro · 1 year
I see
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He said before she's too kind, extending her hand towards strays that could very well bite the hand that feeds. Maybe Walter was right and she's damn lucky nothing's happened to her yet, not that he was aware of the things that happened before she found her way to Gotham. Either way, she's glad to have met him. He was almost like a friend at this point, arriving like clockwork a couple of nights a week even though he clearly didn't like small talk.
Cindy didn't like him. Not many people did. Most saw him as a tramp, a filthy vagrant no better than the unwanted strays dumped onto the streets by uncaring owners, left to fend for themselves however best they could in a city that cared even less about those less fortunate. Walter was treated much the same. Sometimes he reminded her of them, particularly the scruffy ginger tom that occasionally crept to the diner's back entrance in hopes of getting a few scraps. It was guarded, wary even of the other cats but wasn't afraid to show its claws when others got too close. Walter seemed meek in comparison to that cat, content to mind his own business but they were tough to survive in a city where most people preferred not to notice they even existed. They had to be. Walter was overlooked by most but to Khare, he was a mystery, somebody who'd lived a hard life where his daily struggles had etched even rougher lines on features that were homely to start with. To her, he represented the true face of society, how it was to be alone even in a city of millions, disregarded like an old newspaper. Perhaps survivor might have been a better term? He'd been through a lot, that much was obvious and it was hard not to respect that even though most people clearly didn't. Khare doubted they'd last a day if they ever had to walk in his shoes. "I see somebody who could take these cans of beans off our hands." She said, sliding a new bag over towards his waiting arms. Well, she wasn't about to tell him he looked just like the cat who'd taken to hanging out around the back lately, waiting to be fed.
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