#Reiichiro Ushiro
morbid-dreamzz · 6 months
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Color test no.2
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koma-cocoa · 1 year
I have the theory/headcannon that Reiichiro commited suicide and then he somehow turned into a shinigami, this applies to all versions of him (original, Fukigen na shinigami and the level 5 manga, he posibbly died around the age of 13-16 (though my personal headcannon is that the game one died at 14-15, the fukigen one at 15-17, and the level 5 manga one at 14-16) but has been a shinigami for around 30 years at least
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Ushiro Reiichiro from the cancelled level-5 game? Please 🙏
Ushiro Reiichiro from Ushiro is being blended!!
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You cannot save him.
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ushirofan · 1 year
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rockman-x · 1 year
List of motherfuckers that have appeared in my dreams:
Battler Ushiromiya
Rudolph Ushiromiya
Eva Ushiromiya
Ushiro Reiichiro
NEW: Karamatsu Matsuno
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omfg season zero yami is that u
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tokkori-t · 10 years
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I CAN'T BELIEVE, there are some pretty fanarts about that game. I'm literally dying. Please, someone, hold me.
Here are more sketches.
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morbid-dreamzz · 10 months
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Alt. versions below
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morbid-dreamzz · 7 months
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morbid-dreamzz · 1 year
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read the manga now
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koma-cocoa · 4 months
Soooo lately i have been thinking about a...theory? Of what the plot of the cancelled game "Ushiro" was going to be but i haven't properly developted it yet so it's more like a thought lol, also this is going to be REALLY long so sorry
So piercing together what we've seen from the trailer we can infer a couple of things
1. Considering the cinematic, the scene where we seen Nanako in the roof about to jump and Ushiro offers her a wish was probably going to be the opening scene in the game, or at least the first scene where Nanako appears, which, considering she apparently was going to be the deuteragonist had to happen pretty early in the game
2. That scene seems to be the first meeting between Nanako and Ushiro, as of the later scenes of the trailer he's already with her
Now, why is that curious? Well, she says that for some reason she "can't remember the things i cared about" (or something along those lines) with Ushiro smiling suspiciously behing her, so he's probably at least partially the reason for that (or at least the trailer seems to imply that), homever, while the trailer obviously wants us to be afraid of him and believe he's going to be evil or something along that, i still don't think he was going to be evil or a villain (he very likely has a questionable morality at best, but still not evil) but more like that character that the game leads us to believe he's bad but ultimately has good (or not evil at least) intentions
Now, if i don't believe that Reiichiro was going to be evil (though still probably a really cynical guy, probably even more that his Fukigen version even if gameshiro smiles more often) Why would he take Nanako's memories?
That's simple, that was her wish
From the magazine we know that Nanako has a "bright personality, but a dark past" so it's possible that whatever it may be that bad past (probably linked with her weird ability to see supernatural things? I still haven't thought of that part at all) affected her throught her life and probably drove her to suicide, her wish to Ushiro was something along the lines of "I want to live at least some days without those memories" homever, that wish also made her forget other important things to her as a secondary effect
I think that in the game the wish she made, pretty much all of her life and reason Nanako lost her memories was meant to be a mystery of sorts that was going to be answered over the course of the game, since Nanako doesn't even remember why she forgetted it and doesn't seem to be even aware of the presence of Ushiro at all even if she kinda feels someones's behind her (at least in the trailer) I think that she was going to really know him (since she's supposed to forget their first meeting) at least at the end of the first level/chapter for some reason that i can't actually think about, and somehow she ends up helping him in his job while trying to recover her memories (ironically, those she wished to forget) also, Reiichiro is still Reiichiro so he won't give her a single clue about her past lol, we were probably going to get Ushiro's past and how did he end up as a shinigami (we know from the magazine article that he used to be a human but that's pretty much it) but i don't have a exact theory for him yet
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morbid-dreamzz · 1 year
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100% REAL USHIRO ANIME LEAKED!! a shame that the only screencap available is very low-res... Yeah, it's real :^))))
[High-res versions below, the first one is supposed to look like a shitty VHS rip screenshot someone would find on Google.]
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morbid-dreamzz · 1 year
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Meow meow motherfucker
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morbid-dreamzz · 1 year
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Are you sure you don't need help?
[Unedited version + alt with brighter colors below]
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Click on them for details~
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morbid-dreamzz · 1 year
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Another wip cause I'm proud
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morbid-dreamzz · 2 years
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