#Reducing Roier's feelings and actions to Cellbit is not new
magicinverse · 7 months
The worst thing is Cellbit being back is not gonna fix anything, It's just gonna numb his pain and he's gonna ignore it to focus on whatever Cellbit needs (not Cellbit's fault)
He never fully processed his grief for Bobby, he never had time cause Cellbit started the regret arc the next day after he woke up and all his focus went into that, and while I repeat this is not Cellbit fault, Roier does have this unhealthy habit of leaving everything for Cellbit, even himself
And even if when Cellbit comes back there's nothing going on with him and Roier doesn't feel the need to push his feelings and stuff aside for him (which let's be honest it's not gonna happen cause it's Cellbit and he is gonna rp the hell out of this, king shit)
Roier is not suddenly gonna feel happy and is going to fix his relationship with Pepito cause the trauma is still gonna be there, his feelings of abandonment are still gonna be there, his fear of attachment is still gonna be there, the fact that Cellbit decided to stay is still gonna be there, the body of his death son is still gonna be there, the feeling that he is a family destroyer is still gonna be there.
Contrary to popular belief love doesn't fix everything, now Cellbit does make Roier happy and having him back will probably be a good thing for his spirit, but the problems Roier feels are not because of Cellbit, him disappearing only made it worst, but they are problems that have been there since the second week of the island and they are feelings Roier can't push inside anymore, they are coming out unfortunately at the sacrifice of a child who definitely doesn't deserve it. This are not Cellbit problems, this are Roier problems and only Roier can fix them
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