#Red-Roaring-Ranger(Jason Lee Scott)
bigredbruisers · 1 month
Starter Call
Hello and Welcome, for my first foray back into the RP world, this post is a Starter Call for any of my muses which are
Tatsurion the Unchained
Knuckles the Echidna
Jason Lee Scott the Red Ranger
So reblog and comment on which muse would ya like your muse to interact with, and I'll message ya so we can plan out a RP thread.
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makinjakenpancakes · 7 years
A jasonxkimberly fic of their first date . Jason is nervous trying to make everything perfect and kimberly finds it so adorable
“Is a dozen roses too much Billy?” Jason asked as he perusedthe flower shop on his phone.
“Uh hold on,” Billy said he heard scrambling. “Trini saysyes.”
“Just a rose Scott!” Trini said in the background.
“Are you two hanging out?” Jason asked as he picked a rose.
“I’m doing her math and she is writing a letter to Angelafor me,” Billy answered. “I told you about Angela she’s the…”
“Yeah Yeah Bill, focus. Okay one rose, good luck with AngieI gotta go.”
“Bye Jason, good luck on the date,” Billy said and he wassure he heard Zack and Trini ‘ooh’ing and awe’ing. Jason hung up and turned hishead.
“They’re all there? I’m a terrible leader…” he said as hegot his wallet out. “Ma’am I’m going on my first date, is a rose too much?”
“I think it’s cute, hope it works out for you. I’m a suckerfor romance. Anything else? That’ll be three fifty.”
Jason left the florist, he was wearing some dress slacks anda button up. He wanted to look good but not like a penguin. He paced back andforth near his dad’s car. He was rehearsing what to say. “Hello Kim, HiKimberly, Yoooooo K-Slice… oh god never again… Hey. Let’s grab a bit, uh no. Ihave reservations, they’re lit. No nope triple no.”
He let out a groan, climbed in the car and let the rose layon the seat. He licked his dry lips, hit the steering wheel a few times out ofnerves and drove off. He continued to mumble, “So Kim how… uhg don’t talk aboutschool or ranger stuff…”
“Why is this so hard? We’re friends! Shit!”
Jason parked in her parent’s driveway. His hand shook as hereached the rose. How did he get a date with her? She was so cool and bad ass.Even at his highest heights of popularity before people mooed at him; he stillwouldn’t have the nerve to talk with her. He quickly put on a red tie.
“You saved the world with her, get your shit together JasonLee Scott! Okay eff it, just go and be yourself.” Jason continued to workhimself up.
Jason got out and rang the doorbell, his left hand tappedhis hip rapidly. He danced nervously in place as he heard footsteps. It wasKim, wait wasn’t he supposed to see her descend the stairs and she moved inslow motion? He was so shocked at her being there he couldn’t take it in.
“You…” Jason said and froze.
“Pick your jaw off the ground Jace, or you won’t be able toeat.” Kim said with her sly smile. “You look fantastic.”
“You too, I uh mean,” he said and cursed under his breath. “Youlook stunning Kim.”
“I like when you get flustered,” she said as she walked tothe car pulling him by his red tie. She smelled the rose and smiled.
He laughed, why was he being so nervous? Because he cared.He got in the driver’s seat after helping her in to her seat. The car didn’tstart up right away and he cursed quietly again and grumbled. The engine roaredto life and they were off. He felt a finger caress his cheek.
“Relax Jason, if you brought me for greasy pizza and I’d havea good time. You better not bring me to get greasy pizza tonight though.” Kimsaid.
“Uh oh, plan B then,” he said and laughed.
“Smartass,” she chuckled.
He parked at the place, it was so fancy it was some longFrench name or was it Italian? Either way his dad said it would win Kim over. ‘Son,this is the kind of place that makes a woman feel like a Queen. I make sure totake your mom and we’ he remembered and then remember the last half of thesentence and had to block it out. Parents don’t have sex, or at least theyshouldn’t talk about it with their kids.
“Fancy,” she said. “So far so good Scott.”
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bigredbruisers · 1 month
Hello, I know this blog hasn't really been active in a while and I haven't been the best of RPers but after a few years of inactivity I decided to come back and this time with a semi-updated muse list and now an actual rules list and proper tags!
My Muse List
Ironhide: One of my favorite autobot characters, and one of the few autobots ready to let his servos do the talking for him. I usually try to RP as him as an amalgamation of the various versions of him but I have soft-spot for Gen1 and Animated. His tag is #Autobot-Bruiser
Tatsurion the Unchained(Bob): An awesome character from the underrated cartoon of Kaijudo:Rise of the Duel Masters, he's a gruff guy but he has a heart of gold underneath his armor scales and thick hide. Since there's really only one version of him that has personality he's gonna be that version. His Tag is #Chained-Halfdragon or #Bob-and-Weave(Just Bob) if ya want him to be friendly.
Next up is Raphael of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The powerhouse of the Turtles and one that has temper in him but in reality is a softy when ya get to know him. The incarnation that I'll use are 03, 12, Bayverse and Rise. His tag is #Red-Bandana
Knuckles comes bursting through: This rough and rowdy Echidna is best known of being the muscle of Sonics friends but with recent turns has more depth to him. I'm mainly plan to play him as a sort of amalgamation of his different incarnations but I can RP as a specific version I ya ask me. His tag is #Knuckle-Buster
Lastly the original leader of the Mighty Morphing Power Ranger is Jason Lee Scott or the Red Tyrannosaurus Ranger. The first leader and then later on S.O.C of the Mighty Morphers Jason is a Karate prodigy and popular jock but despite that he's a nice guy willing to help out those in need. His tag is #Red-Roaring-Ranger
Rule list:
I try to plan out threads to be usually PG-13, as in there can be some mature elements but let's not get too carried away with them.
If you want me to be a specific version of one of my muses then please tell me, otherwise I'll respond as an amalgamation of the characters various versions if they have them.
You can reblog a starter call of mine for wanna my muses if your interested in RPing, and I'm going to message ya if it's just a generic starter call for RPing to figure out a plot.
Be patient I tend to be slow with replying to reblogs either due to life or I'm having a day of low energy.
If you don't respect the rules I have set you'll get three warnings, and if you try to push beyond that then you'll be blocked.
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