batbricks7 · 1 year
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marlaluster · 6 years
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1. schizophrenia can lead to hallucinations, paranoia and violent behavior, for example. 2. And while the Catholic Church prohibits charging for exorcisms, the rise of for-profit exorcism ministries and unofficial exorcists has also led some to doubt the credibility of the practice. In the United States, for example, Arizona televangelist Bob Larson offers deliverance from the devil via Skype forthe price of $395. 3. Meanwhile, unofficial exorcisms have sometimes had tragic results: In 2005, a monk and four nuns at an Orthodox convent in Romania, bound another nun to a cross, gagged her with a towel and left her without food and water, believing she was possessed. She diedof suffocation and dehydration. The Romanian Orthodox Church closed down the convent and the monk and nuns were given prison sentences after being convicted of the nun’s murder. REQUEST REPRINT OR SUBMIT CORRECTION 4. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=5xk2jyW9&id=CC806322383AB65B39FFD7E93603F430034C930D&thid=OIP.5xk2jyW9VrO2Kps9Vv77TADaEs&q=Tom+Brady+butt&simid=608011287908060550&selectedIndex=46&ajaxhist=0 5. https://needsofthemany.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/tom-brady.jpg 6. How Hung Is Tom Brady 7. https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=How+Hung+Is+Tom+Brady&FORM=RESTAB 8. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=Kib%2fTyU3&id=FA8E4C996E0A13BF512507646EC5BFE955D9BE51&thid=OIP.Kib_TyU3YGuwNS0j4kTGlwDREs&q=How+Hung+Is+Tom+Brady&simid=608032895876337100&selectedIndex=95&ajaxhist=0 9. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=RrUCghCi&id=E4B8CFA80CA903FFE670E8108C93ED13412A2BC6&thid=OIP.RrUCghCiUtPdF7S5nDyavgHaEL&q=How+Hung+Is+Tom+Brady&simid=608019285059110410&selectedindex=103&mode=overlay&first=1 10. https://averagenobodies.com/2015/05/12/tom-brady-has-been-suspended-for-the-first-four-games-of-the-2015-regular-season-deflategate/ 11. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=SBBFqupq&id=67B695C6B1EEE6B9E83A5596447C241D5157C509&thid=OIP.SBBFqupqGPf-uzaxDfiBHQHaEK&q=How+Hung+Is+Tom+Brady&simid=608011425342620304&selectedindex=149&mode=overlay&first=1 12. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=AZzWmW1d&id=F8ED12B512D16D254F66AD636FD3EF3EBF410390&thid=OIP.AZzWmW1deadurxJgmVNetwHaD6&q=How+Hung+Is+Tom+Brady&simid=608011064558093495&selectedindex=152&mode=overlay&first=1 13. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=N%2B1gTUhz&id=B66388DE0553F6AB9B613E38A9BC188551F99070&thid=OIP.N-1gTUhzjbJ4IEFQkE77CQEsCo&q=How+Hung+Is+Tom+Brady&simid=608034059811816880&selectedindex=180&mode=overlay&first=1 14. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=0aTK7Ows&id=6B5BF25ACFD03A4764E1E0E9645CC5517C72502F&thid=OIP.0aTK7OwsWX1F0_L3qvlDMwD-D1&q=taschen+Gisele+Bundchen&simid=608009582797917613&selectedindex=335&mode=overlay&first=1 15. What we’re doing to stop future disinformation campaigns You’ve probably read that U.S. intelligence officials expect foreign agents to try similar propaganda campaigns in the future. We’ll be monitoring Tumblr for signs of state-sponsored disinformation campaigns, and if we see anything we will… Terminate the accounts and remove their original posts.Notify you if we determine that you’ve liked, reblogged, replied to, or followed a propaganda account.Add the username to the public recordAlert law enforcement. 16. https://staff.tumblr.com/post/172170432865/were-taking-steps-to-protect-against-future 17. Last fall, we uncovered 84 Tumblr accounts linked to the Russian government through the Internet Research Agency, or IRA. These accounts were being used as part of a disinformation campaign leading up to the 2016 U.S. election. After uncovering the activity, we notified law enforcement, terminated the accounts, and deleted their original posts. Behind the scenes, we worked with the Department of Justice, and the information we provided helped indict 13 people who worked for the IRA. 18. I will try to start a new blog. I'm thinking Weebly, i heard in my mind to try to go there. The devil was doing some grandstanding over this post at this link I just saw from the Tumblr staff blog. .... https://staff.tumblr.com/post/172170432865/were-taking-steps-to-protect-against-future I will try to start a blog on Weebly or somewhere w like my name as a title for the blog. -- "I'm not sure how to tell you what I'm doing but I'm not doing okay," the devil said. Here's a couple of excerpts from the post. .... What we’re doing to stop future disinformation campaigns You’ve probably read that U.S. intelligence officials expect foreign agents to try similar propaganda campaigns in the future. We’ll be monitoring Tumblr for signs of state-sponsored disinformation campaigns, and if we see anything we will… Terminate the accounts and remove their original posts.Notify you if we determine that you’ve liked, reblogged, replied to, or followed a propaganda account.Add the username to the public recordAlert law enforcement. ----- Last fall, we uncovered 84 Tumblr accounts linked to the Russian government through the Internet Research Agency, or IRA. These accounts were being used as part of a disinformation campaign leading up to the 2016 U.S. election. After uncovering the activity, we notified law enforcement, terminated the accounts, and deleted their original posts. Behind the scenes, we worked with the Department of Justice, and the information we provided helped indict 13 people who worked for the IRA. ----- end excerpts ---- Very concerning, the obsession here in devil world w censoring n attacking people's speech. -- "If you talk negatively -- not that. But what you are doing--. No no. Oh god, i don't know what to do," the devil said about the concerning post from the Tumblr blog. "They are who would be part of that -- no no. Not to put there," the devil said, it was trying to tell me that Tumblr supported nigger lynching. This society is extremely sick n disgusting, it does support it's rightful to attack people that are supposed to be less than according to this society's framing of the people w their law, dollar, etc. It's extremely disgusting here. It is devil worshiping n ruled by the devil. 19.
It keeps trying to press i feel less than to it, insecure, etc. It's very bad. Something it's doing is trying to press i am without some like sense of presence or something, it's some kind of lightweight sense or insecure sense it's pressing. It was really bad. It's acting like I'm supposed to be really diminished. It was pressing also I would feel I was an ugly less than less than black woman that was like corny in relation to Tom. There's a sentiment, me n it seems others, too, think it should be revealed further that it's evil n that that Gisele figure is evil n that other stuff as well is evil here. "Do. Oh my god. I won't be able to go on then. I don't know what to do. I don't wish you to say that," the devil said. It sounds like it's supposed to be something music from the neighbor n it's pressing I'm supposed to be diminished by it. The other neighbor this morning was playing music for a short while. The devil was attacking some w it, seeming to be attacking including grandstanding w it, as i remember some sense of it. "Please say something I'm doing here. You aren't able to go right. Oh god," the devil said. It keeps pressing I'm supposed to feel really insecure, it's the worst ever. Someone said that they're not able to go on as anyone here because the devil is doing the attacking its doing. -- "Her. She's to be confident. No," the devil said. "For being w sick dumb as fuck, do," the devil said. This society worshiping going after those niggers! Sick as fuck here. The goons going after these niggers! They hunting wrongdoers! Sick as fuck, this society sick n dumb as fuck. But I was saying some of that to the devil, it was saying that girl Gisele was to be confident n me not. I said for representing or being on the side of this society n it said yeah. And then I said they worshiping going after n getting these niggers, these wrongdoers out here. I've been attacked by the goons, others. A by of a break here. "The goons attacking you was not something I was allowed to do. ....," the devil said. It was continuing to press i was supposed to be insecure. And it was making a sense something was supposed to be going into the back of my head. It keeps doing this weird stuff to press I'm supposed to like have a weird response like I'm insecure. Then it's pretending it's having a weird response to me writing. It's threatening that I'd be homeless here. It is vety dangerous here, if people don't agree w this way of things. "I don't know how to tell what I'm doing but I'm not allowed to do that here," the devil said. Karla is supposed to have the tv up loud. It's supposed to be something threatening to me or something. "No no. I have to stop doing that. Aren't you emba--. Oh god. I don't know what to do," the devil said. It was starting to say I should be embarassed. It was pressing this weird feeling I was supposed to be having regarding the tv n etc, someone ugly black girl feeling where I'm supposed to be shut down that i was yelling. It is irritating the crap out of me.
20. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=r4dfJ4Uw&id=A17BD724EF0CFE20A7DB120381422FE656EEB2DA&thid=OIP.r4dfJ4Uw4uhkRlIUiegMmgHaEK&q=How+Hung+Is+Tom+Brady&simid=607989104403416096&selectedindex=218&mode=overlay&first=1
0 notes
marlaluster · 6 years
emptying clipboard
schizophrenia can lead to hallucinations, paranoia and violent behavior, for example. And while the Catholic Church prohibits charging for exorcisms, the rise of for-profit exorcism ministries and unofficial exorcists has also led some to doubt the credibility of the practice. In the United States, for example, Arizona televangelist Bob Larson offers deliverance from the devil via Skype forthe price of $395. Meanwhile, unofficial exorcisms have sometimes had tragic results: In 2005, a monk and four nuns at an Orthodox convent in Romania, bound another nun to a cross, gagged her with a towel and left her without food and water, believing she was possessed. She diedof suffocation and dehydration. The Romanian Orthodox Church closed down the convent and the monk and nuns were given prison sentences after being convicted of the nun’s murder. REQUEST REPRINT OR SUBMIT CORRECTION https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=5xk2jyW9&id=CC806322383AB65B39FFD7E93603F430034C930D&thid=OIP.5xk2jyW9VrO2Kps9Vv77TADaEs&q=Tom+Brady+butt&simid=608011287908060550&selectedIndex=46&ajaxhist=0 https://needsofthemany.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/tom-brady.jpg How Hung Is Tom Brady https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=How+Hung+Is+Tom+Brady&FORM=RESTAB https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=Kib%2fTyU3&id=FA8E4C996E0A13BF512507646EC5BFE955D9BE51&thid=OIP.Kib_TyU3YGuwNS0j4kTGlwDREs&q=How+Hung+Is+Tom+Brady&simid=608032895876337100&selectedIndex=95&ajaxhist=0 https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=RrUCghCi&id=E4B8CFA80CA903FFE670E8108C93ED13412A2BC6&thid=OIP.RrUCghCiUtPdF7S5nDyavgHaEL&q=How+Hung+Is+Tom+Brady&simid=608019285059110410&selectedindex=103&mode=overlay&first=1 https://averagenobodies.com/2015/05/12/tom-brady-has-been-suspended-for-the-first-four-games-of-the-2015-regular-season-deflategate/https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=SBBFqupq&id=67B695C6B1EEE6B9E83A5596447C241D5157C509&thid=OIP.SBBFqupqGPf-uzaxDfiBHQHaEK&q=How+Hung+Is+Tom+Brady&simid=608011425342620304&selectedindex=149&mode=overlay&first=1 https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=AZzWmW1d&id=F8ED12B512D16D254F66AD636FD3EF3EBF410390&thid=OIP.AZzWmW1deadurxJgmVNetwHaD6&q=How+Hung+Is+Tom+Brady&simid=608011064558093495&selectedindex=152&mode=overlay&first=1 https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=N%2B1gTUhz&id=B66388DE0553F6AB9B613E38A9BC188551F99070&thid=OIP.N-1gTUhzjbJ4IEFQkE77CQEsCo&q=How+Hung+Is+Tom+Brady&simid=608034059811816880&selectedindex=180&mode=overlay&first=1 https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=0aTK7Ows&id=6B5BF25ACFD03A4764E1E0E9645CC5517C72502F&thid=OIP.0aTK7OwsWX1F0_L3qvlDMwD-D1&q=taschen+Gisele+Bundchen&simid=608009582797917613&selectedindex=335&mode=overlay&first=1 What we’re doing to stop future disinformation campaigns You’ve probably read that U.S. intelligence officials expect foreign agents to try similar propaganda campaigns in the future. We’ll be monitoring Tumblr for signs of state-sponsored disinformation campaigns, and if we see anything we will… Terminate the accounts and remove their original posts.Notify you if we determine that you’ve liked, reblogged, replied to, or followed a propaganda account.Add the username to the public recordAlert law enforcement. https://staff.tumblr.com/post/172170432865/were-taking-steps-to-protect-against-future Last fall, we uncovered 84 Tumblr accounts linked to the Russian government through the Internet Research Agency, or IRA. These accounts were being used as part of a disinformation campaign leading up to the 2016 U.S. election. After uncovering the activity, we notified law enforcement, terminated the accounts, and deleted their original posts. Behind the scenes, we worked with the Department of Justice, and the information we provided helped indict 13 people who worked for the IRA. I will try to start a new blog. I'm thinking Weebly, i heard in my mind to try to go there. The devil was doing some grandstanding over this post at this link I just saw from the Tumblr staff blog. .... https://staff.tumblr.com/post/172170432865/were-taking-steps-to-protect-against-future I will try to start a blog on Weebly or somewhere w like my name as a title for the blog. -- "I'm not sure how to tell you what I'm doing but I'm not doing okay," the devil said. Here's a couple of excerpts from the post. .... What we’re doing to stop future disinformation campaigns You’ve probably read that U.S. intelligence officials expect foreign agents to try similar propaganda campaigns in the future. We’ll be monitoring Tumblr for signs of state-sponsored disinformation campaigns, and if we see anything we will… Terminate the accounts and remove their original posts.Notify you if we determine that you’ve liked, reblogged, replied to, or followed a propaganda account.Add the username to the public recordAlert law enforcement. ----- Last fall, we uncovered 84 Tumblr accounts linked to the Russian government through the Internet Research Agency, or IRA. These accounts were being used as part of a disinformation campaign leading up to the 2016 U.S. election. After uncovering the activity, we notified law enforcement, terminated the accounts, and deleted their original posts. Behind the scenes, we worked with the Department of Justice, and the information we provided helped indict 13 people who worked for the IRA. ----- end excerpts ---- Very concerning, the obsession here in devil world w censoring n attacking people's speech. -- "If you talk negatively -- not that. But what you are doing--. No no. Oh god, i don't know what to do," the devil said about the concerning post from the Tumblr blog. "They are who would be part of that -- no no. Not to put there," the devil said, it was trying to tell me that Tumblr supported nigger lynching. This society is extremely sick n disgusting, it does support it's rightful to attack people that are supposed to be less than according to this society's framing of the people w their law, dollar, etc. It's extremely disgusting here. It is devil worshiping n ruled by the devil.
It keeps trying to press i feel less than to it, insecure, etc. It's very bad. Something it's doing is trying to press i am without some like sense of presence or something, it's some kind of lightweight sense or insecure sense it's pressing. It was really bad. It's acting like I'm supposed to be really diminished. It was pressing also I would feel I was an ugly less than less than black woman that was like corny in relation to Tom. There's a sentiment, me n it seems others, too, think it should be revealed further that it's evil n that that Gisele figure is evil n that other stuff as well is evil here. "Do. Oh my god. I won't be able to go on then. I don't know what to do. I don't wish you to say that," the devil said. It sounds like it's supposed to be something music from the neighbor n it's pressing I'm supposed to be diminished by it. The other neighbor this morning was playing music for a short while. The devil was attacking some w it, seeming to be attacking including grandstanding w it, as i remember some sense of it. "Please say something I'm doing here. You aren't able to go right. Oh god," the devil said. It keeps pressing I'm supposed to feel really insecure, it's the worst ever. Someone said that they're not able to go on as anyone here because the devil is doing the attacking its doing. -- "Her. She's to be confident. No," the devil said. "For being w sick dumb as fuck, do," the devil said. This society worshiping going after those niggers! Sick as fuck here. The goons going after these niggers! They hunting wrongdoers! Sick as fuck, this society sick n dumb as fuck. But I was saying some of that to the devil, it was saying that girl Gisele was to be confident n me not. I said for representing or being on the side of this society n it said yeah. And then I said they worshiping going after n getting these niggers, these wrongdoers out here. I've been attacked by the goons, others. A by of a break here. "The goons attacking you was not something I was allowed to do. ....," the devil said. It was continuing to press i was supposed to be insecure. And it was making a sense something was supposed to be going into the back of my head. It keeps doing this weird stuff to press I'm supposed to like have a weird response like I'm insecure. Then it's pretending it's having a weird response to me writing. It's threatening that I'd be homeless here. It is vety dangerous here, if people don't agree w this way of things. "I don't know how to tell what I'm doing but I'm not allowed to do that here," the devil said. Karla is supposed to have the tv up loud. It's supposed to be something threatening to me or something. "No no. I have to stop doing that. Aren't you emba--. Oh god. I don't know what to do," the devil said. It was starting to say I should be embarassed. It was pressing this weird feeling I was supposed to be having regarding the tv n etc, someone ugly black girl feeling where I'm supposed to be shut down that i was yelling. It is irritating the crap out of me.
0 notes
marlaluster · 6 years
Concerning post just now found on the Tumblr staff blog concerning attacking critical speech of the US government; I am still seeking to start a new blog. .....
I will try to start a new blog. I'm thinking Weebly, i heard in my mind to try to go there. The devil was doing some grandstanding over this post at this link I just saw from the Tumblr staff blog. .... https://staff.tumblr.com/post/172170432865/were-taking-steps-to-protect-against-future I will try to start a blog on Weebly or somewhere w like my name as a title for the blog. -- "I'm not sure how to tell you what I'm doing but I'm not doing okay," the devil said. Here's a couple of excerpts from the post. .... What we’re doing to stop future disinformation campaigns You’ve probably read that U.S. intelligence officials expect foreign agents to try similar propaganda campaigns in the future. We’ll be monitoring Tumblr for signs of state-sponsored disinformation campaigns, and if we see anything we will… Terminate the accounts and remove their original posts.Notify you if we determine that you’ve liked, reblogged, replied to, or followed a propaganda account.Add the username to the public recordAlert law enforcement. ----- Last fall, we uncovered 84 Tumblr accounts linked to the Russian government through the Internet Research Agency, or IRA. These accounts were being used as part of a disinformation campaign leading up to the 2016 U.S. election. After uncovering the activity, we notified law enforcement, terminated the accounts, and deleted their original posts. Behind the scenes, we worked with the Department of Justice, and the information we provided helped indict 13 people who worked for the IRA. ----- end excerpts ---- Very concerning, the obsession here in devil world w censoring n attacking people's speech. -- "If you talk negatively -- not that. But what you are doing--. No no. Oh god, i don't know what to do," the devil said about the concerning post from the Tumblr blog. "They are who would be part of that -- no no. Not to put there," the devil said, it was trying to tell me that Tumblr supported nigger lynching. This society is extremely sick n disgusting, it does support it's rightful to attack people that are supposed to be less than according to this society's framing of the people w their law, dollar, etc. It's extremely disgusting here. It is devil worshiping n ruled by the devil.
0 notes