pacifymebby · 3 years
What is your favourite novel/story of all time?
Like what’s your favourite book story?
Like give me a list of ur top five books
or like ur must reads.
And then like most heartbreaking reads?
Most exciting reads?
Most liberating read?
Couldn’t put it down read?
Idk just fucking tell me what u like to read just fucking fuck me already
Even better- what’s ur favourite lyrical story like a poem that’s a song ygm.
It's taken me so long to answer these but!!! My favourite ask omg!!!
My favourite novel? Oh god so hard!!
I think one of my favourite books ever is Rebecca - Daphne Du Maurier
There's going to be more than 5! Sorry!!
1. The Birds - Daphne Du Maurier its a short story and the collection of stories is ace but this is just haunting and uncanny and I really really want you to go and read it outside somewhere you can hear birds because Holy Shit does that really make it!!
2. Greif is the Thing With Feathers - Max Porter, it's his debut, its inspired by Ted Hughes Crow and its divine. Poetic and moving and just ugh. Its a sit down and read all in an hour book too it's just ugh ❤️
3. Communion - Bell Hooks, it's non fiction, every woman should read this, it will SPEAK to your soul and like the inner 17 year old who is lost and obsessed with needing to find someone who loves you/will look after you. It's just wonderful. It talked me out of a really subtly abusive relationship too it's great.
4. Self Help - Lorrie Moore. Again these short stories will just speak to you. They're clever they're sarcastic and they're just wonderful. It's feminism but subtle and not like, the point of the stories isn't inherently feminist, it's stories that you can tell we're written by a woman. They could only have been written by a woman.
5. The Waves - Virginia Woolf is just so melodically written. The rhythm is hypnotic I love it.
6. Despair - Nabakov IT'S SO CLEVER AND UNCANNY AND subtly horrifying? Love it!
7. Anna Karenina - Tolstoy, tbh I love Tolstoy and this and War and Peace are two of my absolute favourite books ever!!! They're incredible, he genuinely was a huge genius.
8. Idk whether u know this but I'm a massive trot and everything trotsky wrote about the October Revolution is a big rec from me.
9. My Brilliant Friend - Elena Ferante
I really love how she captures girlhood and the pains of growing up. The class themes too, the whole thing is great and I've seen a lot of hate for this book but it's totally undeserved!!
💔💔Most heartbreaking reads 💔💔
Grief is the Thing With Feathers - I kmow I've mentioned this but I cried and cried and cried.
I also found Jack Kerouacs On the Road to be heartbreaking in many ways, sorrow is the main theme which really runs through the work of the beats. Bohemia was a heartbreaking world to be a part of. The reality of the lives of the beats were bleak and aching and full of yearning. Women were carted off to asylums for expressing themselves! The men were drug and alcohol dependent. They were hopeless and the hope in their writing flows directly from this defeated, down an out, beat attitude.
Anyway it's very sad actually, on the road is a tragedy and a celebration of tragic lives, a weak attempt at preserving doomed young men.
It made me cry anyway, I'll shut up now.
White Nights - Fyodor Dostoevsky
It's just sad ya know, I'm a big simp for loneliness. Anything with a lonely feeling to it is good, those heartache sorrow pains you know. Love it.
Little Women killed me!! I love this book but oh man the pain the pain in my fragile heart
Les Miserables - Victor Hugo + the phantom of the opera - Gaston Leroux
Both of these are melancholic and dark in a very French way and I adore them both but God are they sad. Phantom is darker and more tense than the musical but i also find it more sad? It broke my heart anyway.
Les mis is obviously heartbreaking, no one is picking that up and expecting happy.
Most exciting Reads
Dark Materials!! Philip pullman. Read these as a kid when other kids were into Harry Potter and like, I think it's the reason am how I am. It's more violent and the symbolism is great but also enchanting. The idea of having your own daemon and an alithiometer to ask whatever question u like. Be amazing!! Also the shitting on the church, I enjoyed the massive conspiracy about the Catholic Church. Love it.
The Hobbit /Lord of the Rings
I guess I don't really need to sell these because everyone knows these books but they're just such wonderful stories. Again I read them as a child and I just adore them! I used to spend all my days as a child thinking these books over and over and just ugh <3
Good Omens - Terry Pratchet/Neil Gaimen.
I read this in two days its so so gripping and good and funny and entertaining has to be one of my favourite books ever!!! It's about an angel and a demon who have been on earth since the end of time and they are best friends (gay for eachother) and they have to save the world from the antichrist who is born in a little English village. It is wonderful.
So this is a Greek comedy, it's great. I read it for college and just loved it!! It's about a woman denying all the men sex in order to end a war. What more can you want.
The Secret History - Donna tart
This isnt so much exciting like a thriller but u do really get sucked in, I couldn't put it down once I got into it. Starts slow but the characters are brilliant wee antiheroes. You can't stand anyone but u really are invested and you need to know what happens. You get to the end of the book and they're still a little bit of a mystery. You wanna know them in depth but u can't possibly and I love that.
Most Liberating Reads
Communion Bell Hooks - this was liberating and beautiful it taught me so much about myself and about womanhood and the challenge of love in a modern world. Wanting love in a feminist world which teaches you love is about submission when it! Isn't! It was freeing to read.
Little Birds Anais Nin
It's a collection of erotic short stories, I just love that at the time if men like Henry Miller Anais nin was earning her money writing erotica and like, that's just cool ya know?
How to be an Other Woman - Lorrie Moore
Idk man there's just something about this short story it's just, men are trash but you will be fine. I think the way she describes how a man can ruin you but you can come out superior in a way, is just. There was something about it that was nice and freeing. I find freedom in knowing I'm not the only one going through heartache. Communion in ur suffering its a religious experience and its freeing as fuck.
Tropic of Cancer/Capricorn Henry Miller
The man was a cunt but, the thrill of bohemian Paris is just divine and I love how spirited a writer he is. I felt on top of the world and like I could go off and escape my misery after reading these!
The Second Sex - simone de beauvoir
I had read so many people who referenced this before I read it but God they were right, it's incredible. It's striking too.
Culture of Narcissism - Christopher Lasch
This is sick, and I know I sound like a Red Scare hoe reccing this book but it says so much about modern society considering how it was written at the end of the 60s. It just spoke to me and it did feel freeing, I felt freed from the constrictive kind of culture we now live in. I love it. Some of it isn't great, some of it is dated and u think "shit Christopher be quiet!!" but the bits he gets right are incredible.
Confederacy of Dunces - Liberating because its just funny, spent the whole time reading it giggling.just daft 💖💖
Couldn't put it down read
I very recently read In the Miso Soup by Ryu Murakami and it was really really intriguing and horrifying and just wow. Could not put it down, dreamt about it. Was nuts.
The Shining - Stephen King again just gripping and haunting ya know. Couldn't stop reading it for even a second.
I actually also read Lolita in like two days because it was gripping and I was horrified but also captivated by the whole thing!
The Turn of the Screw - Henry James haunting, gripping. Anything haunting I tend to have to read all in one go tbh.
So poems and lyrics and stuff, this is gonna be tricky but, Pushkins poetry is very lyrical and song like and I am a sucker for that.
My favourite poets are Dylan Thomas and Seamus Heaney and Sylvia Plath though. I find Seamus Heaneys imagery and story telling is gorgeous and it really conjures an image and like communicates it beautifully.
Sylvia is emotive poetry hers are like chaotic little lyrics.
And a lot of Dylan Thomas poetry is lyrical and beautiful. Some of the lines in his are gorgeous.
Thank you for this ask I would love to talk to anyone and everyone about books this is my favourite subject!! ❤️❤️❤️
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