shyrovie · 7 months
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The Titular Genie, Rovella
Heyhey!! I know it's not even Halloween anymore for some people rn, but what's important is I made it just in time...for me- Anyways, this was just another excuse to draw more see-through cloth because I love that crap. Let me know what you think and take care! :>
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fuckthevar · 1 year
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fossero vere le voci su #Rovella alla Lazio come contropartita di SMS significherebbe che alla Juve si continua a non capire nulla: l’inseguimento ai trentenni di buona fama ci ha condannati ad avere bilanci gravati e sempre meno punti in classifica, il cambio di rotta è urgente
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assowebtv · 2 years
Sono sei i giocatori del Monza di Palladino convocati in Nazionale per le sfide di novembre. Torna in azzurro il capitano biancorosso Matteo Pessina, che figura tra i 31 convocati del ct Mancini per la doppia amichevole con Albania e Austria.  Una chiamata storica, perchè mai nessun calciatore biancorosso nella storia era stato convocato dalla nazionale maggiore italiana. Conferme per Filippo…
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vlahovic · 11 months
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locatellini · 2 years
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Matteo Pessina scores his first goal for his home club | SAM - MON, 02.10.22
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littlevals13 · 2 years
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Cena di famiglia. Autoscatto edition
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janniksnr · 11 months
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oraculoediciones · 1 year
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:: ¡AQUÍ ESTÁ LAFARIUM DE MAYO! :: Como una fosa en la tierra húmeda, que se abre para soltar sus misterios hediondos. Portada exultante de Emiliano Bellini. Colaboran con fluidos y tripas: GR Mateo, Nicolás Viglietti, Juan Pablo Diz, Dante Minervi, Toto, Julieta Manterola, Fé Elizaga, Pablo Paz, Juan Manuel Menéndez, Eugenio Led, Oscar Grillo, Alejandra Viviana Aranda, Emiliano Raspante, Pabluchi García, L., Marcela Nigro, Gabriel Juárez, Manuel Rivas Pintos, Marcelo Gobbo, Lorena Pinasco, Fabián Arnaldi, Juan Coccotis, Mariano Buscaglia, Jorge Fantoni, Piero Pierini, Gladys Cepeda, Ramiro San Honorio, Pablo Katzin (Fritz Sol). Historietas a cargo de Tinta Cruel y Mauricio Giacomino. Entrevistas exclusivas a Paco Alcázar y Javier Rovella. ¡Pasen, lean, teman y gocen con la sombra roja! :: Descarga: https://archive.org/download/lafarium2023/Lafarium-mayo-2023.pdf
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capitano-ale · 2 years
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nonsaremodellestar · 2 years
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dhufflebee · 2 years
ma che teneri edobove e rovella che fanno l'intervista insieme 💙😭 gli abbracci e i sorrisoni!
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elcorreografico · 1 year
La UCR La Plata recibió la visita de Gerardo Morales
La UCR La Plata recibió la visita de Gerardo Morales
El gobernador de Jujuy, presidente del Comité Nacional de la Unión Cívica Radical (UCR) y pre candidato a presidente de la Nación, Gerardo Morales, visitó esta semana La Plata, donde la Junta Central de la UCR La Plata ofició de anfitriona. También acompañó en la recorrida la Diputada Naciónal, Danya Tavela.En el contexto de la campaña electoral y también del interés del jujeño por los problemas…
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vlahovic · 2 years
need a soulé slay 🙏🏻
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hw2rosewar · 2 years
Helix Waltz 2: The Burning Roses CBT - Freddier CG Story
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(MTL) Translation:
Kalia: Oh... Is this your taxidermy collection? Thank you for inviting me, Mr. Freddier. I see there are quite a few specimens of butterflies on the wall. They look very pretty!
Freddier: Despite the fact I was the one to send the invitation, you have yet to take your eyes off them.
K: It’s because they’re beautiful! The butterflies have their wings spread out, which seem to glow as if they’re breathing. They give the impression that they never died and will flap their wings at any moment to leave their glass box.
K: Did you do all of this? It’s remarkable! I didn’t expect you to have such a hobby...
F: In order to not tire of their long lives and lose their survival instinct, members of the Night Clan will find something to entertain themselves with. This is what I do to kill time. It’s fun to preserve life in such a way where it won’t fade with the passing of eons.
K: But Mr. Freddier, if I recall correctly, some of the butterflies here have long since disappeared... This purple crystal swallowtail went extinct a hundred years ago.
F: Indeed. At the time, humans recklessly began to take over the land, which made this species of butterfly lose its natural habitat and become extinct.
K: Thinking that these once beautiful creatures disappeared from the world for various reasons, as well as how the proof that they once existed can only be seen here... I can’t help but feel a little sad.
F: Life in this world is inherently short and fragile. It’s not a surprise such an ending occurred. They became specimens, but have also continued to live forever. Are you interested enough to try it yourself?
K: I am! But I don’t know how to do it. Will you be able to teach me?
F: Why not? You’re very curious about my work and regard them highly. I am honored to show you their charm. Miss Rovella, this way, please.
K: These butterflies in the bottle are motionless. Are they dead? Are you going to preserve them now?
F: Yes, that’s correct. You see, death makes butterflies fold their wings and curl up like human babies. All I have to do is make them spread open their wings as they once did in life.
F: Because making specimens is a process of returning the dead to their most natural state, it has to be done a certain way. Pierce the butterfly’s body with a pin and fix it onto the board. Then slowly unfurl its wings so they can be affixed.
F: However, you must be careful not to damage the butterfly’s body, especially its wings. If it’s damaged or the scales fall off, the specimen cannot be considered a perfect work of art.
K: Hmm...
F: What is it, Miss Rovella? Do you still feel uncertain?
K: It’s all right. I just think you’re taking this very seriously. It feels different.
F: Haha, am I not always like this? But today is a lot more interesting. You’re very focused when listening to me. It’s an expression that encourages people to talk more.
F: Well? Do you want to give it a try?
K: Yes! Let’s see. First, I should... (Recalling what Mr. Freddier said, I should insert the pin into the butterfly’s thorax...)
K: (...I-It’s more difficult than I imagined!) What—Mr. Freddier?
F: Before beautiful things, beginners inevitably hesitate. I shall help you hold the butterfly. Insert the pin here, at the center. Go ahead.
K: In the center... Like this? I think... I did it.
K: ...! (His hand is... on top of mine.)
F: Well done... Hmm?
K: Cough, it’s nothing. The pins need to be used...
K: !
K: (Ow... My finger hurts. Did I accidentally prick it? Wait, my wrist is being pulled toward...)
F: ...
K: Mr. Freddier?
F: You’re bleeding...
K: It’s just a minor injury. A bandage should be enough... Um, does my injury upset you?
F: It certainly does!
K: I understand you care about me, but you don’t need to hold my wrist so tightly, right?
F: ...
K: Your eyes look strange, and you’re still staring at my injury. Do you...
F: The innocent expression on your face troubles me, Miss Rovella. It’s difficult to hold back my desire for blood when you’re wounded.
K: You’re saying a Wing can’t control their thirst for blood?
F: This is different. You are a very special existence to me.
K: Cough, if you’re looking at me like that... Does that mean...
F: ...What should I do?
K: You have a dangerous look, don’t you think... Ah, the bandages? Where are...
F: Ha, it’s not gentleman-like to ignore a wounded noble lady.  Allow me to bandage your wound, lest you continue to test my restraint by wagging your injured finger in front of my eyes.
T/N: Done via machine translation. Translations are not 100% accurate.
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littlevals13 · 2 years
Gatti gioca in Nazionale ma non nella Juve, perchè abbiamo Rucola di campagna pronto a contrastare tutti gli attaccanti. Rovella che ha dimostrato di saper fare, non solo sta in panchina ma non si prepara neanche con la squadra. Come pensiamo di vincere?
Anon I know … purtroppo a lui piace giocare con il fuoco, scherzare in conferenza stampa e correre a cavallo. That’s it.
(Ammetto di aver riso moltissimo al tuo “Rucola di campagna”)
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janniksnr · 11 months
ricapitolando nel giro di una settimana bonucci è stato messo alla porta va in arabia anzi no va al newcastle anzi no si propone alla lazio intanto è fatta per milinkovic savic vuole solo la juve c'è l'accordo però intanto rinnova con la lazio no non è vero ha salutato i compagni perché vuole proprio solo la juve allora gli diamo pellegrini ma già che ci siamo pure rovella anzi no gli diamo tutta la squadra lo stadio e anche centomila milioni perché lui proprio vuole solo la juve però intanto ha accettato di andare in arabia dove si incontrerà con pogba che vuole restare e dimostrare di poter deambulare ancora ma intanto va in arabia non si è capito bene perché però resta o forse no ma sicuramente chi non resta è vlahovic perché lo vuole il bayern ma veramente tuchel proprio vuole lui (anche io tuchel non sei speciale mettiti in fila) certo però anche al chelsea piace lo vorrebbe prendere per due goleador è fatta pronto il contratto è già su un aereo anche se non è ancora arrivata nessuna offerta però nel dubbio intanto lui sta già con le valigie pronte insieme al compare chiesa che mentre aspetta la chiamata dal newcastle si fa murare in spiaggia dal figlio di pirlo che ha chiamato bonucci alla sampdoria che alla fine di tutto se ne andrà in nazionale con mancini e chissà se in nazionale ci arriverà mai parisi che vuole proprio la juve è fatta è il primo colpo di giuntoli ma prima devono partire tek, pinsoglio, perin e quattro magazzinieri oh no ma arriva la fiorentina è fatta lo prendono loro alla modica cifra di due euro e una big babol no l'empoli chiede di più ne vuole due di big babol quindi forse riuscirà la juve o forse no chi lo sa nel frattempo io sono piena pienissima calciomercato my behated giornalai my behated pseudoinsider my behated trovatevi un lavoro fate qualcosa ma non mi stressate basta !!!!!
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