themyscrian · 11 months
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meet the residents of Kilika Island! because if the FFXIV devs aren't going to take us to the south sea isles then im going to build it myself npc by npc. and also base some of them on FFX characters because that just makes sense to me.
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themyscrian · 7 months
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Katharsis — The Stillborn Light
Despite the noblest efforts of the Warrior of Darkness and his companions, Norvrandt's final hope inevitably succumbed to the corruption he had taken into himself. In a desperate final act, it is said the hero used his own prowess with the Light to sunder his very being and destroy the monster he was becoming in its very cradle.
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themyscrian · 1 day
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this was just meant to be a quick sketch and then i blacked out and now he's slaying
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themyscrian · 11 months
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And amidst it all a people. Beacons of light and life. Laughter that warmed my heart like naught else before. They are my meaning and my purpose. My love.
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themyscrian · 5 months
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themyscrian · 9 months
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themyscrian · 11 months
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A wandering healer living in the Sector 5 slums, Avalon is a young boy whose raincoat resembles the garb of a legendary hero. Able to commune with the spirits of the departed, he offers them a means by which they may pass on peacefully into the lifestream.
a fun little design challenge for myself — what would Avalon look like in FF7's specific brand of urban fantasy aesthetic
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themyscrian · 11 months
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just realising i forgot to post Merzhin's proper ref! he's a tiny old herbalist who spends a lot of time tending to his tea garden these days, but he's still the best storyteller in all of Kilika.
i figured that since Avalon's mums are based on Morgana le Fay and Nimue (the Lady of the Lake) then he might as well have a Merlin equivalent in there. his name is a reference to Merzhin Gueld, the Bretonic name for the original mythic figure who later evolved into the Arthurian Merlin
his clothes heavily reference the kinds of contemporary Fijian barkcloth worn at weddings, with a boar tusk necklace to indicate the high status afforded to healers within the community.
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themyscrian · 11 months
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Greenstone Carbuncle
This arcane entity is the result of a collaborative research effort between Sharlayan scholar Monto Carito and the adventurer Avalon Perolon, with the goal of successfully imbuing a carbuncle with the lost magicks of Nymian fairies. Their solution combines the restorative aetheric properties of jadeite with the simple, yet elegant geometries of a traditional South Seas koru. Greenstone Carbuncle's unconventional, bat-like features stem from emballonura semicaudata being among the most populous species of mammal found on Avalon's home island of Kilika. His familiarity with the cloudkin seems to have influenced his notion of what passes for an approachable and loveable companion.
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themyscrian · 8 months
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took a ffxiv break to finally play kena: bridge of spirits and it turns out the protagonist of that game is also a psychopomp so i legally had to draw avalon in her outfit
comparison under the cut!
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the boots/trousers were the hardest part to compress into lala proportions, and i had to remove most of the belts to get the compressed boots to look right, but still im really happy with how it all turned out!!
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themyscrian · 11 months
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“Throughout history, the Lalafell passed their histories down through song, which is why even now many use heavy alliteration in their speech.”
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themyscrian · 1 year
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A Dream of Spring.
You are Zenos yae Galvus and the Hunt is in your blood. The forest, the silence, and the cold all hold no fear for you. You are a shadow—a true nightmare—streaking through the deepest darkness. 
You are Zenos yae Galvus and you have located your prey, standing alone in the snow. It doesn't hear the drool dripping from your maw, or the ichor-sodden tread of your paws. They never do, not until it's too late. 
You are Zenos yae Galvus and your prey has spotted you. It should run—this is when they always run, hearts pounding in their tiny chests, right before the final flash of fang and claw brings the night's hunt to a close. But this one stands its ground. 
You are Zenos yae Galvus, and you are crawling forwards, head low, hackles raised. The forest, the silence, and the cold all hold no fear for you—they are safe, and they are predictable. You have stalked these trees for a thousand, thousand nights and know its ice and snow to be total and unrelenting. Your prey is watching you, and the sparkling, frozen ground around it is beginning to rumble. 
You are Zenos yae Galvus, and you are watching your prey close its eyes and bring its tiny hands to its heart in silent prayer. Foolishness. You break into a sprint with a feral snarl, seizing your chance to strike—to bite—to kill! Your mind burns with the urge to feel fresh, steaming gore rush down your gullet as you tear this thing's supple flesh into steaming, gory chunks. You are the Hunt, and you will not be denied.
You are Zenos yae Galvus, and the sun is rising. Your muscles lock mid-pounce as the blinding light of Spring itself erupts from your prey's clasped hands, searing through the unending darkness and scattering the snow in its wake. Dead grass is exposed to the dawn after decades of burial, the sudden heat imbuing it with a grotesque and impossible vitality. 
You are Zenos yae Galvus and you are scrabbling in a layer of fresh powder that is becoming more and more liquid beneath your paws with each passing second. The grass writhes around your foe as its eyes open and a gaze of blinding light bores into you. It sees you for everything that you are, and it finds you wanting.
You are Zenos yae Galvus and, for the first time in your life, you are fleeing. The light burns all around you now and your forest—your territory—is melting in its wake. The heady stench of fertile soil and pollen sears your senses and burns your eyes as you barrel back towards the dark.
You are Zenos yae Galvus and you cannot outrun that awful, twisting tidal wave of green. Ferns and saplings burst from the soil beneath your paws and twist their thick shoots around your legs. You fall heavy, and you fall hard. 
You are Zenos yae Galvus and, struggling with all the strength you can muster, you still cannot move. Lush roots coil ever more densely around you as faint footsteps approach across the warm and mossy earth. 
You are Zenos yae Galvus, and two twin points of light are boring into the very depths of you. No matter how you growl and snap, it does not flinch. 
You are Zenos yae Galvus, and you fear that pure and unyielding glare. 
You are Zenos yae Galvus, and you are prey. 
You are Zenos yae Galvus, and Spring is coming.
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themyscrian · 10 months
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The Scions of the Seventh Dawn, by Avalon Perolon
man you know you're in deep when you give your oc their own art style huh
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themyscrian · 10 months
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The vast shantytown beneath the Sector 5 plate. Its streets are a confusion of jerry-built homes made out of waste material and refuse. An orphanage has been erected here, which many of the slums' children call home. In the outskirts of the area, one can find a dilapidated church sitting quietly amongst the rubble.
wanted to finish my FF7 AU kick with a few little scenes of Avalon hanging out in the Midgar slums! i love this lil raincoat so much…
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themyscrian · 10 months
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Breath of the Earth cures party members of Sleep, Poison, Sadness, Fury, Confusion, Silence, Slow, Stop, Frog, Small, Slow-numb, and Petrify.
more ff7 au avalon b/c the design is just too cute and i can't help myself 😌
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themyscrian · 11 months
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They may be called 'pyreflies' but they aren't really 'flies', you see. They're those lights you see whenever a fiend dies. The little fellows are responsible for a few fantastic phenomena. Visions of the past, spheres, fiends—these are all the pyreflies' doing. 
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