saintmeghanmarkle · 2 months
Kirk Sidley (Sidley twins' dad) takes on the Frogmore pic by u/RBXChas
Kirk Sidley (Sidley twins' dad) takes on the Frogmore pic Sounds to me like maaaaaybe they weren't at Frogmore with the kids...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7ywdk7q6JM post link: https://ift.tt/hGgva5n author: RBXChas submitted: April 11, 2024 at 02:43PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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celticcrossanon · 1 month
Excerpts of a podcast discussion about H&M
Celta, there’s a podcast called Juicy Scoop, hosted by Heather McDonald, where she has Spencer Pratt on an episode (SP is an American reality television personality and hears gossip in Hollywood) and they discuss H&M. There’s not really any new tea but I thought I would pass it along to you anyway what was said. :)Below are excerpts transcribed by “RBXChas” at https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1ch2ayp/summary_of_august_2023_juicy_scoop_podcast_re_hm/
Spencer says he has some “real deal” information from a friend who tried to go to TMZ, but if you don’t have a photo, they don’t care, even if it’s a really good story. His source said that H&M do not live together (H lives in LA), and H cannot believe that they need two nannies because he and Prince William only had one. Heather reads that as he is bitching about M as a mom and why does she need two nannies (e.g., complaining about her spending), which Spencer confirms.
Spencer says he has another source at Netflix who says that “the numbers that we heard had a lot of extra zeros for their Netflix deal, so there wasn’t that much money coming in”. He thinks they went too big with their house and wants to see her get back into acting because he liked her on Suits.
Heather asks him if he thinks M will have to go on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. He thinks H&M are not going to make it (Heather agrees) even though he wanted it to work out, but he believes his source (presumably about their living apart). He thinks H will go back to England and “get back in the family” and do the RF thing, only coming to the US to visit, because he thinks he could do so much more if he teamed up with Prince William.
Heather says that she has her own source of really good intel, definitely not the same source as Spencer’s. She says that it is true that “they are grifters” and that “they are constantly social climbing and trying to get free shit”. She knows someone who “they did that exact same thing to, met them, asked if they could stay at their very fancy third home” and then “asked ‘can we use your jet’ all that kind of stuff”, that “it’s her, that she’ll like zoom right in, but he’s down for the free shit, too, he’s used to getting free stuff, and he’s used to people wanting to host them”. She says the people who’ve gotten to meet them and are trapped into socializing with them realize H&M have the “stink on them”, so even if they socialize with them, “they don’t even want to take a photo with them” because they “don’t want the world to know that we’re buddies or that you stayed at my house, and by the way you’re never staying again.”
Heather talks about the phone hacking case. She thinks it’s about money and staying in the press. She thinks H should let it go, especially if he is going to divorce M, and just say he is “moving on from this chapter” of his life.
Spencer says that H just needs “a reboot”, that he’s not too old to do it, that “this is like red alert, like you’ve got to turn this around”. Heather and Spencer agree that the only way H can save himself is a divorce, which they both think is sad.
Enjoy the tea!
Hi TeaWithBooks,
Thank you for sending that in.
Here is the link if anyone wants to read the entire interview transcription (it is a lot more than the above)
I agree with the conclusion that was drawn (8 months ago?) If Harry is to make anything of his life and redeem himself, he needs to get rid of his wife. Unfortunately, I don’t think Harry sees it that way.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 month
Recap of Juicy Scoop episode w/Spencer Pratt from April 23 2024 re: polo show by u/RBXChas
Recap of Juicy Scoop episode w/Spencer Pratt from April 23, 2024 re: polo show Spotify link: https://ift.tt/AX2jUMs at ~32:35Heather asks Spencer if he’s gotten any jam, and Spencer sounded confused and said he thought she was doing some coffee thing. Then Heather got confused and asked if M was working at a coffee shop like Ben Affleck making donuts at Dunkin’ Donuts. (They go on a bit of a tangent here, so I’ll skip ahead.)Heather asks Spencer if he’s a M fan (he says he’s a big fan) and if he thinks her creating ARO is a good move. She says that some say it’s a long name but is supposedly the actual name of the orchard “in which she lives on or where she’s grabbing her berries from.” Spencer says he would be more excited if she figured out a way to be on a reality show without saying she’s on a reality show, and he feels like “the polo show” is the way to do that. Heather asks what that is. Spencer says M is executive producing it with H and goes into how Heidi used to go to polo matches in Santa Barbara and thought it would make a good reality show, so he told her that now the show she always wanted is getting made, except it’s even better because it has H&M in it. He said these are some of the richest people who get together and drink. Heather basically expresses that she doesn’t know anything about polo. Spencer recounts what we all saw about the cameras being at the recent polo match in Florida.They move on to talking about Harry’s announcement that his official residence is no longer in the UK as of June of 2023. Spencer says it could be “a tax thing”, and Heather says she doesn’t know about that but thinks that they tried the documentary thing and the podcast thing, realized it was harder than it seemed, so now the cameras just follow them around because that’s what we all want to see, since they hang around with rich people who can just hop on private jets and go to things, then throw in a charity event here or there to make it look like they care about people.Spencer says he saw “the best clip” from the polo match after the trophy ceremony. Heather interrupts to say that he’s talking about old footage, the stuff where M is trying to take the trophy, but Spencer corrects her and says that this is something from the recent polo match. He goes on to describe the lady who stood next to H, but M whispered something to her to make her move away, which Spencer says is the show he wants to watch. (In other words, he wants to watch some drama.) Heather says that M is beautiful and stylish and that even if you don’t like her, you’re still intrigued, so Netflix should go for it.Spencer lamented that M and her team still haven’t figured out a way to get in with Taylor Swift, which is “such a no-brainer”. M and Taylor could hang out while H and Travis could hang out, and Travis has a new show that H could go on._______________________________My take? Nobody in the US cares about polo, and IMHO, making a documentary about a sport that’s too expensive for most people to play is not exactly a good look. “Waaaah, King Pa cut me off, waaaah, M can’t even afford her own lip gloss, waaaah, I can barely see through my tears when I brush my ponies, and the only thing I have to wipe my tears is the wads of hundred dollar bills that my pockets can’t seem to contain.”However, I think people will watch if only to see how gruesome H&M are. I certainly won’t tune in but will have my eyes peeled for recaps. post link: https://ift.tt/FSVXMjz author: RBXChas submitted: May 01, 2024 at 02:45PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 3 months
My Theory on the Ridiculous Name "American Riviera Orchard" by u/RBXChas
My Theory on the Ridiculous Name "American Riviera Orchard" I think it's supposed to be similar to "American Royal". This is why "Orchard" is included after "Riviera" even though it feels incongruent. It can be "American RO" (pronounced like rho) --> "American Royal".What do you think? post link: https://ift.tt/iGtEhrH author: RBXChas submitted: March 15, 2024 at 05:34PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 7 months
Why wait until next spring regarding the children? by u/RBXChas
Why wait until next spring regarding the children? This YouTube channel is new to me, but he discusses why the supposed truth about the children will be revealed in the spring as opposed to now, per Lady C.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHqQuSrTveEAfter thinking about it, I tend to agree with this YouTuber. If Meghan publishes her memoir and includes stories about her supposed pregnancies, and the RF can prove that they eventually found out that she was never pregnant, it will cast a huge shadow of doubt over both Meghan and Harry's books.I don't know if anyone remembers the alleged memoir "A Million Little Pieces", but when the book was found out to be made up (at worst) and/or exaggerated (at best), the author was totally disgraced.These two have farther to fall, IMHO, and in my mind, publicizing the lies about Meghan's alleged pregnancies will be the end of them. The ramifications are too far-reaching to ignore, and there is no coming back from that. It's why I think Meghan's Mole was demonetized: because she is hitting too close to home, and it happened right after she announced that she had purchased various moon bumps and was going to do some tests.I would expect there to be some blowback for the RF because they knew the truth at some point, but they could argue that they didn't know at the time of A and L's births and did not say anything later because perhaps the issue would be rendered moot if H&M's titles were removed and H was removed from the LoS, making it a private, family issue. Until that happened, it was up to H&M to come clean, and because the children were not in the UK or making any sort of appearances, it didn't matter much in a practical sense. When Meghan "claimed" their titles via People Magazine, the RF had no choice but to go along with it or else risk spilling the beans.In other words, the RF is playing a very long game of chess while Meghan thinks she's the reigning world champion but doesn't realize she's been playing checkers this whole time. post link: https://ift.tt/IckrZgo author: RBXChas submitted: October 24, 2023 at 05:59PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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saintmeghanmarkle · 6 months
Express poll found at the bottom of an article not about the BRF on whether TW should write a book (screencap taken at 10:37AM Eastern (US) time on Saturday December 9 2023). It seems a lot of people have no interest in hearing "her truth"! by u/RBXChas
Express poll, found at the bottom of an article not about the BRF, on whether TW should write a book (screencap taken at 10:37AM Eastern (US) time on Saturday, December 9, 2023). It seems a lot of people have no interest in hearing "her truth"! https://ift.tt/5HQv1hy post link: https://ift.tt/HqiRBuX author: RBXChas submitted: December 09, 2023 at 04:43PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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saintmeghanmarkle · 8 months
What parenting tips do you think H&M are going to share during their Archewell "Parenting Summit" in NYC? by u/RBXChas
What parenting tips do you think H&M are going to share during their Archewell "Parenting Summit" in NYC? My predictions:Have an attorney on speed dial to draft a watertight NDA.Make nannies an offer they can't refuse.Have paparazzi on speed dial so you are seen purchasing milkshakes for your children.Go to Germany and make loud comments about all the parenting you've done, but don't rush home just yet-- spend a week in Portugal first, then return home (sigh) to pick up kids from preschool because spending time with your kids is important, so the nannies don't pick them up.Realize your nephew is about to take exams for Eton, concoct something about fancy kindergarten entrance exams.Something about potty training because you read in a book somewhere that kids have to learn to use the toilet.What else? post link: https://ift.tt/TCHOZes author: RBXChas submitted: October 06, 2023 at 02:24PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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saintmeghanmarkle · 9 months
Ibble Dibble Video from Last October about the 43% Nigerian Claim by u/RBXChas
Ibble Dibble Video from Last October about the 43% Nigerian Claim Ibble Dibble did a video last October on the 43% Nigerian claim, and with Harry's raising the Nigerian claim again, I looked for it and finally found it today.The beginning covers why a claim of "Nigerian" is, on its face, difficult to define, with an example of another person who is Nigerian through and through. The issue is that Nigeria is a modern country vs ethnic groups that have been around for much longer and whose geographic areas extend beyond the modern borders of the country.She then delves into the African diaspora in various parts of the US due to the African slave trade. She describes Meghan's paternal side and how it's a safe bet that this side of her family is contributing 0% Nigerian DNA.Next, she goes into Meghan's maternal side and does the math to determine that Meghan has roughly 12% or less Nigerian DNA.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CYNcie-PAs post link: https://ift.tt/yF69ZPo author: RBXChas submitted: September 15, 2023 at 04:24PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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