viendiletto · 4 months
Propongo due belle iniziative di adozione a distanza nate nel Carso e in Istria, volte a sostenere due antiche razze autoctone oggi a rischio di estinzione.
Pecora istro-carsolina
L’obiettivo dell’adozione è sostenere lo sforzo dell’allevatore a preservare una specie in via d’estinzione e a salvaguardare la landa carsica grazie al pascolo libero, ma anche consente agli adottanti di capirne di più della cultura agricola tradizionale.
Capra istriana
Nella penisola [istriana] ci sono oggi solo 200 capi che appartengono alla razza. Aderendo al progetto si potrà dare anche il nome ad un esemplare.
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wyrmfedgrave · 3 months
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1 & 2. Lovecraft, out getting some air.
3. Quinsnicket Park - or, as it's known today, the Lincoln Woods.
4. The Seekonk River today.
5. Hearthside Museum, celebrating some spooky holiday - it seems.
6. Okay, Howard. Now you've gone too far! Or, knowing you, this is just your 1st step... Beyond.
1913: Quinsnicket Park.
Intro: As a boy, HPL lived in the 'swanky' part of Providence.
This area was so new, that it was just a few blocks away from nearby farms & woods.
Which included a densely wooded bank alongside the Seekonk River.
But, even as a youth, Lovecraft recognized the beauty of the park - with its rugged, rocky features & the fine Olney Pond¹.
A Steven Smith² had planted many trees & put in goldfish ponds thruout the greenery.
It quickly became a favorite spot of Howard's. Being a tranquil place where he could enjoy nature & even write at.
HPL was actually a good hiker. In warm weather, he showed a good appreciation of landscapes, the quality of light & seasonal changes.
Quinsnicket is a Narragansett word meaning, "Place of the Big Rocks" or "Rock House."
It also has a Pawtucket version, that's spelled quinsniket & means, "hill."
Quotes: From Letters -
A. 1919, Lovecraft wrote to Reinhardt Kleiner saying "I celebrated Columbus Day³ (with a) solitary ramble thru (the) Park. I had the... companion(ship of) a pocket telescope &... Thomson's "Seasons⁴."
The letter continues with a touch of racism, "It was delightful (2) leave behind the alienated suburbs, where reign the Hebrew, Italian & French- Canadian (- all in) squalor⁵."
B. 1929, Howard wrote to August Derleth saying "On my right (lie) the picturesque ivied ruins of an ancient mill⁶, which I knew in (my) youth."
C. 1933, HPL wrote to Clark Ashton Smith saying "I am north of... town, in the... region which I have haunted all my life & whose beauty can't... be captured (by) words."
"I could kick myself... for my inability to draw & paint."
"The temperature is falling⁷ & I can't 'steer' my finger(s) when it's... under 70°..."
D. 1934, Lovecraft wrote to F.L. Bald- win saying "I get out to the country as often as I can... I take my work or reading (material) to the wooded riverbank... One (of my) favorite rustic spots."
E. 1935, Howard wrote to Robert Barlow saying, "This section of the woods (are) primeval. (Both) Indians &... colonists (stood under) these giant firs⁸."
1. The pond is more man made rather than natural. The Olneys damned the Thread Mill Brook to create a water- fall. It was high enough to run a... Yes, you guessed it - a thread mill.
2. Sadly, I've found no other mention of Steven Smith nor why he beautified this particular park.
3. Sigh...
HPL suddenly has no problem with Columbus.
Yet, at 1st, Lovecraft couldn't stand the idea of Italians asking to change a street name to honor Columbus.
4. James Thomson was England's 1st & most popular nature poet.
It was James who also wrote "Rule, Britannica," an important musical anthem for the British Army & Navy!
"The Seasons", like Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass", was revised & added to until it reached epic length.
James died 2 years after finishing this cycle of poems.
Yet, "Seasons" was reprinted 50 times by the year 1800. And, the book was read well into the Romantic Era (1800 to 1850).
5. Once again, HPL shouts out his more tame message of hate. Nothing really new here.
6. Could this be the waterwheel that Howard lauded over the coal powered industrial mills?
7. Another mention of Lovecraft's low temperature 'allergy.' The opposite of Mister Freeze, who can't withstand any heat...
8. These are most likely Douglass firs, which grow up long & slender - with short crowns.
In old growth forests, these firs reach some 250 feet tall! But, the tallest Douglass firs is a record 330 feet!!
And, the oldest fir lived for some 1,400 years!
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alraedesigns · 3 months
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Welcome to Rhode Island!
If the potholes don't get you, the seagulls sure will.
I've been away for while (mental health stuff) but hopefully I'll be a bit more active and making goofy things like this heading into festival season. I hope everyone has been well!!
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chaplinfortheages · 8 months
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The Sunday Tribune, Providence R.I. July 1st 1917
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iamdangerace · 21 minutes
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eternityhistoria · 27 days
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raginginsomniac24 · 5 months
the military is following me
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yashley · 2 years
wow they really took ashley sitting next to laura right from me..........….
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worldsofzzt · 9 months
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Source “UltimaRpgDemo R.I. version” by Ultima (2001) [ULTIMDMO.ZZT] - “Board 0” Play This World Online
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viendiletto · 4 months
Comunque, per chi si trovasse a Trieste, comunico che presso la Sala Bazlen di Palazzo Gopcevich questo sabato (20 gennaio) alle 10:30, verrà presentato il libro Una vita appesa a un filo di Erminia Dionis Bernobi, esule da Santa Domenica di Visinada e medaglia d’oro al merito civile.
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Ho conosciuto Erminia alla fine degli anni ‘90. A quei tempi suo marito Lino era nel direttivo dell’Associazione Nazionale Venezia Giulia e Dalmazia di Trieste, uomo di sani principi, che stimavo per la ferma compostezza delle sue idee. Non mancava mai a nessuna celebrazione pubblica, nonostante a quei tempi fossero frequentate quasi solo dagli esuli. Ad un certo punto, con l’incalzare della malattia il buon Lino non fu più in grado di presenziare agli eventi del mondo dell’Esodo. Fu allora che iniziai ad accorgermi della presenza di Erminia; credo altresì che la scomparsa di Lino le avesse dato una spinta ad uscire con la sua storia. Quando la ascoltai rimasi pietrificato, poiché la sua fuga da Santa Domenica di Visinada si intrecciava con la storia di Norma Cossetto.
Nel 2005 quando il Presidente Ciampi le conferì la medaglia d’oro al merito civile io, nato in un campo profughi, con i racconti di padre Rocchi e le parole di Erminia potei capire quanto oscura fosse l’atmosfera che si respirava in quel momento. Ecco che dunque, con Emanuele Braico, Pino Cossetto, gli insegnamenti di Giacomo Bologna, assieme a Bruno Marini non mi fu difficile pensare di collocare la stele in ricordo di Norma nel rione per eccellenza degli istriani, quello di Chiarbola. In quel luogo, mai una volta vandalizzato e circondato dalle vite operose degli istriani, non ho mai visto una sola volta Erminia mancare ad una commemorazione. Ella rappresenta un monumento vivente e con quelle case di periferia condivide l’operosità di una vita da artigiana. Anche alla foiba di Basovizza, lei, che l’abisso l’ha evitato fuggendo a Trieste nella notte, Erminia costituisce una presenza immancabile.
La sua tenacia e il suo coraggio rappresentano un punto di riferimento per tutto il mondo dell’Esodo.
Siamo sempre andati d’accordo per quella sua capacità di non provare odio, per quella sua volontà di costruire da zero il suo futuro dopo aver perso tutto.
Grazie a lei ho potuto conoscere la famiglia Cossetto, altro grande esempio di sobrietà e coraggio, in particolare Licia, che ricordo con affetto. La sua scomparsa mi ha fatto riflettere su quanto preziose siano le testimonianze degli esuli che per età anagrafica si stanno spegnendo. Con la stessa silenziosa fede profondamente cristiana che contraddistingue Erminia, come peraltro lo fu per lo stesso Lino, mi auguro che Dio la possa preservare ancora molti anni per poter portare l’acqua limpida della verità a tutti gli assetati. In lei non ho mai visto estremismi, pensieri di vendetta, né rassegnazione: ecco perché credo incarni pienamente la figura di una donna moderna ante litteram, impegnata nel sociale, di successo, indipendente, quando ancora questi temi non erano parte della cultura contemporanea.
Il suo successo lavorativo ci ha sempre reso orgogliosi delle comuni radici istriane. Inoltre, il 15 di aprile festeggiamo il compleanno lo stesso giorno, ed ogni anno mi chiama per dirmi che l’anno successivo festeggeremo assieme: il mio augurio è che questo momento sia finalmente arrivato.
Grazie di esistere.
Renzo Codarin 
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mercyprevaild · 1 year
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proof that this hellish app picks on me
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iceemoondemon · 1 year
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Rainbow Italian Cookie - A cookie who is serious but adventurous, they have their own boat called The Amore's Rainbow, they love cookie's history, lo fi music, and boat rides, they met Sparkling Cookie, and became friends with him, but Sparkling Cookie may have feelings for them.
Rarity: EPIC
Type: Bomber
Position: Middle
Skill: Amore Rainbow Rays
UPDATE: I'm changing S'more Cookie into Sundae Cookie :3
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hisforbiddenfruit · 1 year
Watch The Chainsmokers - Call You Mine (Official Video) ft. Bebe Rexha on YouTube Music
You put your hand out ~
I slide mine into yours ~
You called me 'MINE' ~
Can we turn this back ~
Where I missed my flight ~
You'd still be calling me 'MINE' ~
Can we turn this back ~
Missed making so many memories ~
Dreams we had never unfolded ~
Can we turn this back ~
Life cut short 🥃~
I drive looking ~
Can we turn this back ~
I will see you soon enough ~
I will fall at your feet ~
Can we turn this back ~
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archiveofcanvas · 1 year
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John La Farge (American, 1835-1910), 'Autumn Study, View over Hanging Rock, Newport, R.I.', 1868,
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davidbrussat · 7 months
Archives committee met Tuesday in the library of the Rhode Island State House. The committee seeking a new home for the Rhode Island State Archives left wiggle room on whether to erect a new building for that purpose across Smith Street from the State House. It seemed from yesterday’s discussion in the Library Room of the General Assembly that, except for the hemming and hawing, the decision to…
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raginginsomniac24 · 3 months
Spotify's out to get me with shuffle play
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