#Psychickers polycule
no-psi-nan · 1 year
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The classic meme, now with poly-am and non-binary rights!!
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yellowheartz · 4 months
Saiki & Akechi: Fun for Funeral!
Toritsuka: 😨
Aiura: 🧍‍♀️
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oceanwithouthermoon · 5 months
i need to know what would be the saiki k character pjsk players favorite everything from the game would be.. like no true crossover or anything, just tdlosk characters playing the game...
ive talked like a litttle bit about this but not ENOUGH. (plus i cant even find my posts talking about this lol)
1000% without a doubt, kusuos fav group is niigo... he kins literally all four of them but especially kanade and mafuyu (also kinda kins nene and honami but u wouldnt hear that from him) but his FAVORITE character is mizuki.. i cant explain it, im just right.. his whole profile and all that is extremely niigo heavy, but wxs is actually a close second favorite for him lol.. rui reminds him too much of his brother though so he kinda tries to avoid it but. i honestly think he would take comfort in it after a while. in the same way he takes comfort in mafuyus stories because he relates a lot, but it also kinda makes him feel sick. also ive talked abt this on other posts like the smash bros mains post, but in classic average guy fashion, kusuo mostly picks characters that look like him to like, so he just usually picks pink characters.. so along with mostly caring about niigo, he also really likes and always pulls for specifically mizuki, airi, emu, saki, and luka.. lol.. hes also a thumb player but u did NOT hear that from me..
chiyo has her fav groups RANKED and it goes 1) mmj 2) l/n 3) wxs.. vbs and niigo are tied, she doesnt rlly care that much.. she also likes the virtual singers more than any of the others do, and LOVES rin, len, and meiko.. her kins are minori and honami, and her fav characters are airi and emu.. shes also a huge shipper obviously lmfao..
kokomi likes mmj and vbs.. kins saki, toya, shizuku, an, and mafuyu!! (ik thats a lot but just trust me on this) her favs are shizuku and an.. also, similarly to how kusuo feels about mafuyu, kokomi gets kinda physically ill over mafuyu and toyas characters.. she relates a little too hard to the point where she kinda avoids reading the events for a bit, but comes back to it eventually..
shun LOVES vbs and niigo.. kins tsukasa and ena!! he really wants to say he kins akito and shiho but he just wishes he was cool like them, theyre prob his favorites though.. does try to project himself onto mafuyu in his chuuni way but could not for the life of him get into her character.. he does NOT get her at all..
rifuta loves l/n, close second fav is mmj.. kins minori and rin, also kind of an.. her fav characters are saki and kohane because. pigtails. also loves rin and len. loves shizuku because she reminds her of kokomi.
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ao3-saiki-updates · 1 year
'Movie Night', They Call It
'Movie night', they call it by CardiacCrisis
[ Seems like more of an elaborate excuse to cuddle, good grief... ]
Another bit of snuggle ambiance / cozycore, this time with the queerplatonic Psychickers crew!
Words: 1113, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 斉木楠雄のΨ難 | Saiki Kusuo no Sai-nan | The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, Multi
Characters: Saiki Kusuo, Akechi Touma, Aiura Mikoto, Toritsuka Reita
Relationships: Aiura Mikoto & Akechi Touma & Saiki Kusuo & Toritsuka Reita
Additional Tags: Queerplatonic Relationships, Post-Canon, The P.K. Psychickers, Psychickers Polycule, Snuggle Ambiance, Cozycore
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45692074
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no-psi-nan · 2 years
I think if you ask Akechi about Torisai he just finds it soooooo funny. Their bickering is popcorn-worthy and the way Toritsuka flops all over Saiki while he's like B| is hilarious.
Akechi still has no respect for Toritsuka so he can and will walk in on them fully making out or whatever to talk to Saiki, and Saiki will stop to answer or do the favor etc, and Toritsuka gets SOOOOOO mad about it. But unfortunately for Toritsuka, Saiki thinks he's very cute in a stupid way when he's mad and Saiki has no trouble making him forget whatever he was mad about so it keeps happening hsfjdlshfks
If you ask Aiura about Torisai she's like "well no man's perfect. And poor Kusuo just inherited his terrible taste in men, LOL."
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no-psi-nan · 1 year
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God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...
(very stupid comic idea from a movie I didn't enjoy and a chat with the bestie that I did)
(in the post-canon college AU btw)
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no-psi-nan · 1 year
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I love Torisai! Unfortunately.
Like, there are several objectively better pairings for Saiki and Toritsuka is so stinky but they have SUCH a dynamic in canon.
Saiki really puts up with Toritsuka and allows him to hold him and touch him in public where other students can see. Toritsuka is really so loyal to Saiki despite getting his ass kicked a billion times, and values him and his opinion highly even after Saiki loses his powers. The cat tank episode really cements the fact that there's something special between them, and the fact that Saiki entrusts his friends' safety to Toritsuka in the volcano arc shows how much he trusts Toritsuka in general.
I've actually posted about 14k words of pure Torisai fic lol, and it's a present but background ship in my other series.
I just joke around like "ugh!! yet another person falling victim to the torisai plague" to be silly lol. It's a fairly common ship for good reason!
I'm just really opinionated about what that dynamic should look like (in my fics it's always reciprocal and they'd both refuse to admit to being into each other even while in each other laps and it's funnier that way). Clown shoes Torisai where they both think the other one is so cringe and yet they're so silly and tender together in private is 💯 💯
A Psychickers Polycule dynamic is the sort of best case scenario for Saiki tho. Toritsuka may be loyal to the death but he sure isn't smart, and having additional partners would be good for Saiki, who has more complex needs from a relationship I think 🤔
Thanks for the ask! :D
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no-psi-nan · 3 months
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[Context] Long list so I'll do a lightning round on this one!
Kaido x Saiki: ❌ Doesn't make sense, ❌ doesn't compel me. Guy who lives in his daydreams and has zero emotional intelligence + tsundere mfer who thinks he's not allowed to have wants or needs = recipe for disaster. Saiki does best with partners who can help him admit to and work through his own feelings, and Kaido's just too focused on himself and his fantasies. Kaido should only date people who are well-adjusted enough to help fix him too lmao tbh.
Kuboyasu x Toritsuka: ❌ Doesn't make sense, ❌ doesn't compel me. Kuboyasu has honor too deeply engraved into his spine to put up with Toritsuka's bullshit. Kuboyasu deserves way better also.
Kuboyasu x Aiura: ✔️ Makes sense, but ❌ doesn't compel me. Ex-yankee + gyaru is thematically a really good match! They'd definitely bond over American movies and songs, plus speak English really badly at each other. They'd have a lot of fun together tbh but there are just more compelling options for Aiura out there imo! Polyamory can solve that though... 👀 I still think that the Psychickers all being gay for Kuboyasu and simping him while he's clueless about the whole thing is funny as hell, and there's a lot of fun possibilities if Aiura, Saiki, and Akechi eventually succeed in adding Kuboyasu to the polycule lol.
Kuboyasu x Yumehara: ✔️ Makes sense, but ❌ doesn't compel me. Honestly Yumehara deserves a beefcake ex-gangster boyfriend who is just as swept up in romantic ideals as she is! Kuboyasu would be so impressed by Yumehara's mastery of the occult too, I think! Very much serving Way of the Househusband here tbh. Unfortunately neither of them are my blorbos sowwy 😔
Kuboyasu x Saiki: ✔️ Makes sense, but ❌ doesn't compel me. They're giving retired battle couple except one of them is way stronger than the other. They're both the most reasonable guys in the group and Kuboyasu is straightforward as hell. They're gonna be alright, kind of a normie relationship even, once they settle into it. The initial period could be really fun and interesting with Kuboyasu's U-haul lesbian instincts vs Saiki's tsundere bullshit though! However, I had to put them in a wild au to be inspired to write them, so not that compelling to me personally.
Thanks for the ask! <3
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oceanwithouthermoon · 5 months
What do you think of satori (satou x toritsuka) if you dislike it just the ask and said no
tbh ive never been able to bring myself to think about satori that hard because all i can think about is how pissed, confused, and heartbroken saiki would be LOL.. (toritsuka dating his probably first crush is crazyyyyy)
BUT i am a HUGE enjoyer of psychickers+satou+suzumiya polycule, and i really enjoy the idea of the satori dynamic within it.. so i think its safe to say i could definitely warm up to them.. the thing is, i only really add satou to ships if suzumiya is in them because i feel like he wouldnt even consider the idea that he could be not straight/monogamous unless his girlfriend asked about/suggested it, so i dont really see many possibilities for satori getting together on their own..
i think their dynamic is already really silly and fun in canon, like they both dont really like each other on the surface but they also weirdly have kinda a lot in common despite being regarded as opposites (by saiki specifically) which is cool n cute.. yeah, overall i think i dont really get it as a monogamous ship but im definitely open to it!
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no-psi-nan · 1 year
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Since you included the question, this counts as just a regular ask in my inbox, which is always open lol.
1) Favorite Toritsuka ship is Torisai. Toritsuka can't gaslight gatekeep girlboss Saiki no matter what ghost he gets his stinky hands on. Saiki has to completely consent to any tomfoolery that occurs, and that's important for a character whose primary trait is... uh... not being super concerned about consent. To put it lightly.
I do think they have a bizarre chemistry that would actually work, though I generally think Saiki would do best in a polyship where he has other partners. So I guess I'd specify that I most enjoy Torisai in a Psychickers Polycule scenario lol.
2) Least favorite Toritsuka ship is Toritsuka x Aiura. She doesn't deserve that!!!!!!!!!!!! Why would anyone do this to her??????
If you need to get Aiura out of the way for another Saiki ship, you can easily pair her off with Akechi (my bias), Teruhashi, Kuboyasu, or Yumehara tbh.
Personally I think Toritsuka should never get a girl, it would be karmic retribution for all his bullshit even if he grows into a better person and gets a happy ending after all.
3) Not a quote (tbh I can't remember any Toritsuka lines hsfjdlshfks) but my favorite moment with Toritsuka is when he's staring at the lady magician while pretending to be Nendo and Saiki asks him which he values more, untouchable (yet very viewable) boobs or Saiki having a slightly higher opinion of him. And Toritsuka immediately starts behaving again. There's just no heterosexual explanation for this that makes any sense lmfao.
Thanks for the ask!! 💜💜💜
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no-psi-nan · 1 year
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@disgruntled-twig I've posted about Akechi and Kuboyasu specifically a couple of times (uh. wait a few years lol) and a few more times as a general "all the Psychickers have a huge crush on Kuboyasu" ship haha! It's on my ship chart and everything XD
I just think it would be SO funny if the Psychickers simped for Kuboyasu HARD on main and he's just completely oblivious and thinks they're platonic besties for like. Years.
The Psychickers aren't even mad about it because Kuboyasu's internal limit for what is acceptable to do with homies has been highly skewed by being in gangs from all-boys schools (imo), so they get to cuddle with him whenever he comes over to hang out. They put on their cutest fits, fight over who gets to sit on his lap this time, and flirt like hell and Kuboyasu is just like "hahaha these guys are great!".
It's just a total clown show and it's so so funny to me personally. They'll eventually get him in the polycule but the journey is long and hilarious.
So this is a thing that will canonically happen in my Moving Forward universe (I think it's already been mentioned that the Psychickers have lil crushes on him in Extra Love Stories 2 iirc?) and I've doodled it because it tickles my funny bone so much:
But as for Akechi and Kuboyasu specifically, I totally think they could have chemistry, but they need to spend more time together for that to happen.
It seems like Akechi can definitely dial down his chatter if he wants to– note how he behaves himself with Saiki's mom! So I think once Akechi officially joins the friend group post-canon, he'll try to limit his monologuing at first to give them all a chance to get used to him lol. EXTREMELY difficult for him but worth the effort since these are his Kusuo-kun's beloved friends.
Kuboyasu will be getting more patient over time, plus he'll be able to put up with Akechi a lot more once he learns to trust him and isn't on the defensive. That's the shadow leader's homie after all, if Saiki trusts Akechi then that's enough of an endorsement for him!
Once they're comfortable around each other, I think they'd get along really well! Kuboyasu is curious and kind of a romantic by nature, so I think he'd be fascinated by Akechi's knowledge of the natural world (as seen when he identified the bug in the sweet potato episode).
Akechi's nature knowledge seems to be based mostly on encyclopedias vs personal experience, so it would be SO fun for them to go hiking and find all of these creatures and plants in nature together! I usually include Nendo and Mera in the hiking club, but there's no reason why they can't go on solo adventures together haha.
Also, we know Akechi likes Cyborg Ciderman, which is an advertisement disguised as cheesy action anime (is it an anime in-universe actually?? hsfjdlshfks hard to tell). So I bet he'd have fun watching action flicks with Kuboyasu, and Kuboyasu would definitely like watching anime with Akechi, he clearly likes Dragonball and I can see them talking fan theories and stuff!
Another point of connection, and I've posted about it before but I can't find it, could be self-defense. Akechi would definitely ask Kuboyasu for some fighting tips n tricks, so he doesn't have to resort to ...chemical warfare... any more. And Kuboyasu wants to be a teacher, so this is good practice, and they start practicing and sparring.
Akechi isn't physically strong, and he'll never be as fast as Kuboyasu, but his ability to predict the opponent's moves are uncanny and he's clearly good at strategy, so he might be able to dodge and land hits unexpectedly. Not enough to rival Kuboyasu but enough to keep himself safe and be a fun challenge!
Anyways, I think it's an interesting and fun ship! Plan to write some formally eventually, just have a LOT of WIPs already and I've been more on a comics kick lately than writing so we'll see lol. Thanks for the ask!!
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no-psi-nan · 10 months
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@jkgnggj I definitely ship it!! I am ringing a cowbell in the town square constantly extolling the virtues of Aikechi while the masses pointedly look the other way lmao.
I think what first got me thinking about Aikechi is that one artwork of the Psychickers polycule at the beach in black and white where Aiura kisses Akechi. I reblog it all the time and I always add it back to the queue lmao. Once I started thinking about their potential relationship, I started realizing how good it is and it all spiralled from there lol.
Basically I love everything about this ship lmao. They're both incomprehensible in different directions. They both have a strong drive to help people. They both are extremely perceptive in different ways. They're both extroverts who love gossip. They both reject the shame that society tries to force them to feel – Aiura for her rejection of traditional femininity & her sex-positivity, Akechi for his incontinence/disability and general disregard for taboo. Akechi would be a great partner to Aiura, attentive and romantic in a way she definitely hasn't experienced before (or else why would she have gone through so much effort to seek out her soul mate?). And Aiura would be a great partner to Akechi with her similar attentiveness, her greater people skills, and her powers. They would love to help people out together (especially trying to defeat death marks), they'd both enjoy trying new things together (like axe-throwing or trying out new fashion looks), and they'd both enjoy chilling and cuddling and watching YouTube poops / listening to music from around the world / parallel playing on their phones etc. They would just be such a disgustingly happy couple <3 The kind that is regularly commiting PDA crimes and are so annoying to talk to lmao. You know they're giving each other pet names and being too lovey dovey and referencing a billion inside jokes and it's just so cringe <3 I LOVE THAT FOR THEM!!!!!
All of my opinions for this ship are technically unpopular because the ship is unpopular lmao. I think one problem might be that Aiura is clearly allosexual with a high sex drive while Akechi seems pretty dang ace. I guess my unpopular opinion is that it would not be a problem in this particular case. LISTEN... In my experience, there are broadly 3 types of asexuals. Those that find sex repulsive, those that literally could not care less about sex, and those that find sex fascinating like on a conceptual level. I think that based on his noted interest in dick and general lack of shame about bodily functions, Akechi probably falls into the third category. In fact, I posit that to Akechi, sex is a game you can win, something which is both normal to want and possible to achieve. His powers of observation, natural curiosity/willingness to experiment, and patience make him ridiculously good at showing his partner(s) a great time, even though he himself is rarely interested in getting involved. It fits with his evil nice mastermind characterization to be able to "control" someone in that way, and it keeps the funniness of his character because who in the world would think MISTER PISS is actually a world-class lover?? Anyways, he can definitely satisfy Aiura, though I still generally like her to have other partners so the game remains fun for him and doesn't become tiresome. Power to the polycule, etc lmao.
Thanks for the ask, I'm SO brainrotted about them <333
[ Ask game ] <- still open for these!
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oceanwithouthermoon · 6 months
have you ever considered some abstract-ass pairings? like the "how the fuck did you even come up with that pairings?
im not accusing you of doing it lol, but i personally do and am. curious to see if i am normal
IM NOT TOTALLY SURE, because i tend to have very specific reasonings for why i think two characters would be good together, but i definitely think that from an outside perspective some of my ships can be seen as pretty abstract..
(under the cut again sorry im nonstop yapping for way too long guys..)
BUT almost any pairing you think of in a semi-popular fandom like saiki k, SOMEBODY has probably made content about it.. and its more popular in japan, so you may not be able to FIND ur pairing but theres probably SOMETHING out there about it, just in a language you aren't searching in or something.. like, toritsuka x kuboyasu is one pairing i have NEVER seen an english speaking person post about, but if you go in japanese or korean speaking saiki k spaces, that ship is EXTREMELY popular! theres TONS of fanart!!
so yea, whats popular or even what gets any content at all can be surprising sometimes.. like, a few of my favorite tdlosk ships are arisu x rifuta, arisu x aiura, and rifuta x yumehara (+arisu x yumehara but this is kinda popular i think) (im just a lesbian with a bias towards sapphic ships, i see two pretty girls and i ship..) and i shipped them before i ever started looking online for content and when i finally did, i didnt think i would ever see any content of them but. there is. theres plenty of content of them. theyre rare enough pairs that i dont think they have ship names so it can be hard to actually find that content since theres no ship name ever tagged, but it very much exists!
if youd asked me this like a month ago i wouldve said that saiki x suzumiya is one of these abstract ships for me (if you wanna know why i like it, i just like the idea of instead of satou being so average he balances her out, saiki just like superhero-ing every other minute without her even noticing. i also like this as a polycule which ill talk about in a minute-) but somebody on here posted it around that time LOL.. theres also some other rare pairs i enjoy like mera x saiki or kuboyasu x yumehara, but though these are rare-ish pairs, they still have a notable presence so i wouldnt quite call them abstract.. (also yo damn well kubosai is my NUMBER ONEEEE ship, which you could call a rare pair if you didnt go on tumblr or ao3 cuz its VERY concentrated over here and doesnt really exist anywhere else.. except in the japanese fandom LOL.. but yea its definitely not a rare pair over here, its gotten way more popular recently too..)
the more abstractness comes when you start shipping polycules... then its way less likely for you to be able to find your specific ship.. lol.. like the ones i just talked about, you put rifuta x yumehara x arisu x aiura all together ?? no WAY am i gonna find that, it may exist somewhere but youll never find it, or at least i couldnt lol.. some of my fav rare (more like completely nonexistent except for some IVE posted about) polyam ships are the one i just said, kuboyasu x saiki x hairo x nendo, (also love kuboyasu x saiki x kaido but this one actually gets content hehe.. same with kuboyasu x kaido x yumehara.. LOVE that one..) mera x yumehara x aiura, kuboyasu x saiki x saiko (x kaido maybe), toritsuka x kaido x yumehara, mera x saiki x kuboyasu (x saiko sometimes and/or hairo) and probably more that im forgetting... i also really love the psychickers x satou and suzumiya which im actually not sure if theres ever been content of them, i think the only time ive seen it mentioned is someone being like "theyre dating hehe" on a pic of them lol.. its a funny ship for me because its actually one of my favorites even though some of the individual ships im not a fan of + i also hc that satou is very very straight but idk.. somehow this works.. i feel like maybe if he starts dating suzumiya and shes bi and polyam then it might accidentally give him a sexuality crisis because hes probably never even considered that he could be queer before.. idk.. whatever.. it just works..
idk, someone give me examples of tdlosk rare pairs that could actually work...
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no-psi-nan · 2 years
*thinks about Psychickers polycule* *thinks about Psychickers polycule* *thinks about Psychickers polycule*
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no-psi-nan · 1 year
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Anon this is a dangerous game to play with me because my first thought is "but what about Aiura? Why not Psychicker polycule?" and then the next thought is "okay but have you considered Kuboyasu?" and then basically it all ends up at
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no-psi-nan · 2 years
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Illegal for them so be so gay on main hsfjdlshfks. It's kind of a crackship but then again it really isn't lol. Basically the relationship with the most development on the entire show, which I'm certain Asou did NOT mean to do lmao.
Considering how clingy and touchy-feely Toritsuka was BEFORE the cat tank episode and how Saiki always allowed it without complaint, you really can't tell me they're not going to be even more overtly cuddly after literally risking their lives for each other lol.
Is Toritsuka the BEST possible partner for Saiki? Absolutely not. But he'll be hanging around Saiki no matter who he ends up dating and I genuinely think Saiki would be sad if he didn't get bothered by Toritsuka every once in a while lol.
Toritsuka is allowed to be in the Psychickers polycule only because Saiki accidentally became fond of this cringe and fail loser and now they're weirdly loyal and attached despite constantly getting on each other's nerves hsfjdlshfks
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